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Port details
desktop-file-utils Couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries
0.27 devel on this many watch lists=142 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.26_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2004-07-18 12:05:13
Last Update: 2024-04-27 13:28:52
Commit Hash: ad7075d
People watching this port, also watch:: expat, freetype2, libxml2, tiff, fontconfig
License: GPLv2+
desktop-file-utils contains a couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries, as well as a menu module for GnomeVFS.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (17 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/pkg/triggers/desktop-file-utils.ucl
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/desktop-file-utils-0.27/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/desktop-file-utils-0.27/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/desktop-file-utils-0.27/GPLv2+
  5. bin/desktop-file-edit
  6. bin/desktop-file-install
  7. bin/desktop-file-validate
  8. bin/update-desktop-database
  9. share/emacs/site-lisp/desktop-entry-mode.el
  10. share/man/man1/desktop-file-edit.1.gz
  11. share/man/man1/desktop-file-install.1.gz
  12. share/man/man1/desktop-file-validate.1.gz
  13. share/man/man1/update-desktop-database.1.gz
  14. @dir share/applications
  15. @owner
  16. @group
  17. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • desktop-file-utils>0:devel/desktop-file-utils
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/desktop-file-utils/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/desktop-file-utils
  • pkg install desktop-file-utils
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: desktop-file-utils
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1714223287 SHA256 (desktop-file-utils-0.27.tar.xz) = a0817df39ce385b6621880407c56f1f298168c040c2032cedf88d5b76affe836 SIZE (desktop-file-utils-0.27.tar.xz) = 80808

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gettext-runtime>=0.22_1 : devel/gettext-runtime
  2. msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
  3. meson : devel/meson
  4. ninja : devel/ninja
  5. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/gettext-runtime
  2. : devel/glib20
  3. : devel/gettext-runtime
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/ark
  2. archivers/ark-devel
  3. archivers/engrampa
  4. archivers/file-roller
  5. archivers/lxqt-archiver
  6. archivers/peazip
  7. archivers/xarchiver
Expand this list (1101 items / 1094 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/kstars
  3. astro/marble
  4. astro/qmapshack
  5. astro/siril
  6. astro/stellarium
  7. astro/stellarsolver
  8. astro/viking
  9. audio/amberol
  10. audio/ardour
  11. audio/asunder
  12. audio/audacity
  13. audio/bambootracker
  14. audio/bespokesynth
  15. audio/cadence
  16. audio/calf-lv2
  17. audio/carla
  18. audio/cheesecutter
  19. audio/csoundqt
  20. audio/deadbeef
  21. audio/denemo
  22. audio/dmidiplayer
  23. audio/drumkv1-lv2
  24. audio/drumstick
  25. audio/easytag
  26. audio/elisa
  27. audio/exaile
  28. audio/faustlive
  29. audio/flacon
  30. audio/freac
  31. audio/furnace
  32. audio/gbsplay
  33. audio/geonkick-lv2
  34. audio/gnaural
  35. audio/gnome-music
  36. audio/gogglesmm
  37. audio/goobox
  38. audio/gsequencer
  39. audio/gtick
  40. audio/hydrogen
  41. audio/jalv
  42. audio/jamulus
  43. audio/kid3
  44. audio/klystrack
  45. audio/kwave
  46. audio/lmms
  47. audio/lollypop
  48. audio/mamba
  49. audio/midipp
  50. audio/mpz
  51. audio/mumble
  52. audio/muse-sequencer
  53. audio/musescore
  54. audio/musescore3
  55. audio/ocp
  56. audio/osd-lyrics
  57. audio/padthv1-lv2
  58. audio/pianobooster
  59. audio/picard
  60. audio/pipewire-module-xrdp
  61. audio/pithos
  62. audio/polyphone
  63. audio/pragha
  64. audio/pt2-clone
  65. audio/qjackcapture
  66. audio/qjackctl
  67. audio/qmidiarp
  68. audio/qsampler
  69. audio/qtractor
  70. audio/qxgedit
  71. audio/rhythmbox
  72. audio/rosegarden
  73. audio/samplv1-lv2
  74. audio/sayonara
  75. audio/schismtracker
  76. audio/sonic-visualiser
  77. audio/sonivox-eas
  78. audio/sound-juicer
  79. audio/soundtracker
  80. audio/spectmorph
  81. audio/spek
  82. audio/strawberry
  83. audio/synthv1-lv2
  84. audio/tkeca
  85. audio/traverso
  86. audio/tuner
  87. audio/wavbreaker
  88. audio/zrythm
  89. benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite
  90. biology/pooler
  91. biology/ugene
  92. cad/PrusaSlicer
  93. cad/camotics
  94. cad/caneda
  95. cad/cura
  96. cad/digital
  97. cad/freecad
  98. cad/geda
  99. cad/gerbv
  100. cad/gtkwave
  101. cad/horizon-eda
  102. cad/kicad
  103. cad/kicad-devel
  104. cad/ktechlab
  105. cad/ldview
  106. cad/leocad
  107. cad/lepton-eda
  108. cad/librecad
  109. cad/librepcb
  110. cad/openscad
  111. cad/openscad-devel
  112. cad/oregano
  113. cad/pcb
  114. cad/qelectrotech
  115. cad/qspeakers
  116. chinese/chinese-calendar
  117. chinese/fcitx
  118. chinese/linux-wps-office-zh_CN
  119. comms/chirp
  120. comms/deforaos-phone
  121. comms/fldigi
  122. comms/fllog
  123. comms/flrig
  124. comms/gnuradio
  125. comms/sigdigger
  126. comms/tilp2
  127. comms/xnec2c
  128. databases/kbibtex
  129. databases/kexi
  130. databases/postgis34
  131. databases/sequeler
  132. databases/sqlitebrowser
  133. deskutils/akregator
  134. deskutils/baobab
  135. deskutils/basket
  136. deskutils/bijiben
  137. deskutils/bookworm
  138. deskutils/calibre
  139. deskutils/calindori
  140. deskutils/cherrytree
  141. deskutils/coolreader
  142. deskutils/deforaos-todo
  143. deskutils/docear
  144. deskutils/elementary-calendar
  145. deskutils/feathernotes
  146. deskutils/flameshot
  147. deskutils/foliate
  148. deskutils/freeplane
  149. deskutils/ganttproject
  150. deskutils/genius
  151. deskutils/glabels
  152. deskutils/gnome-calendar
  153. deskutils/gnome-font-viewer
  154. deskutils/gnome-maps
  155. deskutils/gnome-planner
  156. deskutils/gnote
  157. deskutils/gnotime
  158. deskutils/growl-for-linux
  159. deskutils/gucharmap
  160. deskutils/itinerary
  161. deskutils/kaddressbook
  162. deskutils/kchmviewer
  163. deskutils/kdeconnect-kde
  164. deskutils/kmail
  165. deskutils/kmail-account-wizard
  166. deskutils/korganizer
  167. deskutils/lumina-archiver
  168. deskutils/lumina-fm
  169. deskutils/lumina-mediaplayer
  170. deskutils/lumina-pdf
  171. deskutils/lumina-photo
  172. deskutils/lumina-textedit
  173. deskutils/mbox-importer
  174. deskutils/merkuro
  175. deskutils/nanonote
  176. deskutils/nextcloudclient
  177. deskutils/orage
  178. deskutils/owncloudclient
  179. deskutils/pinot
  180. deskutils/semantik
  181. deskutils/showdown
  182. deskutils/spacefm
  183. deskutils/subsurface
  184. deskutils/treesheets
  185. deskutils/vym
  186. deskutils/xchm
  187. deskutils/zim
  188. devel/RStudio
  189. devel/alire
  190. devel/arduino18
  191. devel/cervisia
  192. devel/cmake-gui
  193. devel/codeblocks
  194. devel/dolphin-plugins
  195. devel/dolphin-plugins-devel
  196. devel/edi
  197. devel/elf-dissector
  198. devel/eric6
  199. devel/geany
  200. devel/git-cola
  201. devel/gitg
  202. devel/glade
  203. devel/gnome-builder
  204. devel/gtranslator
  205. devel/heaptrack
  206. devel/hotspot
  207. devel/kcachegrind
  208. devel/kde-dev-utils
  209. devel/kdevelop
  210. devel/kf5-kio
  211. devel/kf6-kio
  212. devel/linux-sublime-merge
  213. devel/lokalize
  214. devel/love
  215. devel/love10
  216. devel/massif-visualizer
  217. devel/pycharm-ce
  218. devel/qtcreator
  219. devel/root
  220. devel/spyder
  221. devel/thonny
  222. devel/umbrello
  223. devel/xpeviewer
  224. devel/zeal
  225. editors/abiword
  226. editors/calligra
  227. editors/calligraplan
  228. editors/cpeditor
  229. editors/cream
  230. editors/cudatext
  231. editors/deforaos-editor
  232. editors/ecrire
  233. editors/elementary-code
  234. editors/emacs
  235. editors/emacs-devel
  236. editors/encryptpad
  237. editors/featherpad
  238. editors/focuswriter
  239. editors/fxite
  240. editors/gedit
  241. editors/ghostwriter
  242. editors/gnome-latex
  243. editors/gnome-text-editor
  244. editors/gummi
  245. editors/imhex
  246. editors/imhex-current
  247. editors/jucipp
  248. editors/kate
  249. editors/kate-devel
  250. editors/kile
  251. editors/lazarus
  252. editors/lazarus-devel
  253. editors/lazarus-qt5
  254. editors/lazarus-qt5-devel
  255. editors/lazarus-qt6
  256. editors/lazarus-qt6-devel
  257. editors/leafpad
  258. editors/libreoffice
  259. editors/linux-bcompare
  260. editors/linux-r7-office
  261. editors/linux-sublime-text4
  262. editors/linux-sublime3
  263. editors/linux-wps-office
  264. editors/lite-xl
  265. editors/marker
  266. editors/micro
  267. editors/mined
  268. editors/mousepad
  269. editors/neovim-gtk
  270. editors/neovim-qt
  271. editors/notepadnext
  272. editors/notepadnext-devel
  273. editors/omegaT
  274. editors/openoffice-4
  275. editors/openoffice-devel
  276. editors/pluma
  277. editors/poedit
  278. editors/pragtical
  279. editors/quilter
  280. editors/retext
  281. editors/scite
  282. editors/setzer
  283. editors/texmacs
  284. editors/texmaker
  285. editors/texstudio
  286. editors/textadept
  287. editors/texworks
  288. editors/vscode
  289. editors/xed
  290. editors/xmlcopyeditor
  291. emulators/cemu
  292. emulators/citra-qt5
  293. emulators/dolphin-emu
  294. emulators/emu64
  295. emulators/fceux
  296. emulators/flexemu
  297. emulators/fs-uae
  298. emulators/fuse
  299. emulators/hatari
  300. emulators/mgba
  301. emulators/open-vm-tools
  302. emulators/pcsx2
  303. emulators/py-m64py
  304. emulators/sameboy
  305. emulators/snes9x-gtk
  306. emulators/tic-80
  307. emulators/tilem
  308. emulators/vice
  309. emulators/wine
  310. emulators/wine-devel
  311. emulators/wine-proton
  312. emulators/wine8
  313. emulators/yuzu
  314. finance/electrum
  315. finance/gnucash
  316. finance/grisbi
  317. finance/homebank
  318. finance/kmymoney
  319. finance/qtbitcointrader
  320. finance/skrooge
  321. ftp/gftp
  322. games/0ad
  323. games/DDNet
  324. games/aisleriot
  325. games/alienarena
  326. games/anki
  327. games/armagetronad
  328. games/assaultcube
  329. games/bass
  330. games/briquolo
  331. games/bzflag
  332. games/candycrisis
  333. games/cdogs-sdl
  334. games/chessx
  335. games/corsix-th
  336. games/cosmosmash
  337. games/crispy-doom
  338. games/el
  339. games/etlegacy
  340. games/eureka
  341. games/fotaq
  342. games/freeciv
  343. games/freeciv-nox11
  344. games/freeciv21
  345. games/freedink-dfarc
  346. games/garden-of-coloured-lights
  347. games/gnome-chess
  348. games/hedgewars
  349. games/kigo
  350. games/knavalbattle
  351. games/kolf
  352. games/kpat
  353. games/ktuberling
  354. games/melonds
  355. games/moonlight-qt
  356. games/naev
  357. games/numptyphysics
  358. games/openclonk
  359. games/openmw
  360. games/openra
  361. games/openrct2
  362. games/openspades
  363. games/palapeli
  364. games/pentobi
  365. games/phlipple
  366. games/powder-toy
  367. games/powder-toy-devel
  368. games/py-pychess
  369. games/taisei
  370. games/tanglet
  371. games/tetzle
  372. games/trackballs
  373. games/vkquake
  374. games/wesnoth
  375. games/xboard
  376. games/xboard-devel
  377. games/zaz
  378. graphics/aeskulap
  379. graphics/akira
  380. graphics/alizams
  381. graphics/art
  382. graphics/atril
  383. graphics/atril-lite
  384. graphics/azpainter
  385. graphics/azpainterb
  386. graphics/blender
  387. graphics/colmap
  388. graphics/curtail
  389. graphics/darktable
  390. graphics/dia
  391. graphics/digikam
  392. graphics/djview4
  393. graphics/drawing
  394. graphics/drawio
  395. graphics/drawpile
  396. graphics/elementary-photos
  397. graphics/engauge-digitizer
  398. graphics/entice
  399. graphics/eog
  400. graphics/eom
  401. graphics/epdfview
  402. graphics/ephoto
  403. graphics/evince
  404. graphics/f3d
  405. graphics/feh
  406. graphics/fotocx
  407. graphics/fractgen
  408. graphics/fyre
  409. graphics/geeqie
  410. graphics/geomorph
  411. graphics/gimp-app
  412. graphics/glaxnimate
  413. graphics/gliv
  414. graphics/gnash
  415. graphics/gnome-color-manager
  416. graphics/gpicview
  417. graphics/gpxsee
  418. graphics/grafx2
  419. graphics/gscan2pdf
  420. graphics/gthumb
  421. graphics/gwenview
  422. graphics/gwenview-devel
  423. graphics/halftone
  424. graphics/hugin
  425. graphics/ida
  426. graphics/imv
  427. graphics/inkscape
  428. graphics/kgraphviewer
  429. graphics/kimagemapeditor
  430. graphics/klatexformula
  431. graphics/knotter
  432. graphics/kolourpaint
  433. graphics/kphotoalbum
  434. graphics/krita
  435. graphics/ksnip
  436. graphics/kxstitch
  437. graphics/lazpaint
  438. graphics/lightzone
  439. graphics/luminance-qt5
  440. graphics/lux
  441. graphics/lximage-qt
  442. graphics/minder
  443. graphics/mtpaint
  444. graphics/mypaint
  445. graphics/nip2
  446. graphics/nomacs
  447. graphics/nsxiv
  448. graphics/okular
  449. graphics/okular-devel
  450. graphics/openorienteering-mapper
  451. graphics/oyranos
  452. graphics/pencil2d
  453. graphics/photivo
  454. graphics/photoflare
  455. graphics/photoqt
  456. graphics/phototonic
  457. graphics/pinta
  458. graphics/py-mcomix
  459. graphics/qgis
  460. graphics/qgis-ltr
  461. graphics/qtqr
  462. graphics/qvge
  463. graphics/qview
  464. graphics/rapid-photo-downloader
  465. graphics/rawstudio
  466. graphics/rawtherapee
  467. graphics/ristretto
  468. graphics/satty
  469. graphics/scantailor
  470. graphics/shotwell
  471. graphics/showimage
  472. graphics/swappy
  473. graphics/synfigstudio
  474. graphics/tiled
  475. graphics/ufraw
  476. graphics/upscaler
  477. graphics/variety
  478. graphics/viewnior
  479. graphics/xfig
  480. graphics/xournal
  481. graphics/xournalpp
  482. graphics/xpaint
  483. graphics/xpdf
  484. graphics/xpdf3
  485. graphics/xpdf4
  486. graphics/xviewer
  487. graphics/yacreader
  488. graphics/zathura
  489. graphics/zathura-cb
  490. graphics/zathura-djvu
  491. graphics/zathura-pdf-mupdf
  492. graphics/zathura-pdf-poppler
  493. graphics/zathura-ps
  494. irc/hexchat
  495. irc/konversation
  496. irc/kvirc
  497. irc/polari
  498. irc/smuxi
  499. irc/srain
  500. java/icedtea-web
  501. java/jd-gui
  502. java/visualvm
  503. lang/rizin-cutter
  504. mail/aerc
  505. mail/astroid
  506. mail/balsa
  507. mail/claws-mail
  508. mail/clawsker
  509. mail/datovka
  510. mail/evolution
  511. mail/geary
  512. mail/py-mailnag
  513. mail/sylpheed
  514. mail/thunderbird
  515. math/cadabra2
  516. math/cantor
  517. math/geogebra
  518. math/ggobi
  519. math/giacxcas
  520. math/gnumeric
  521. math/gretl
  522. math/kalgebra
  523. math/kalk
  524. math/kig
  525. math/kmplot
  526. math/labplot
  527. math/mathgl
  528. math/mpsolve
  529. math/octave
  530. math/pspp
  531. math/rkward
  532. math/rocs
  533. math/saga
  534. math/scilab
  535. math/wxmaxima
  536. math/zegrapher
  537. misc/actiona
  538. misc/clifm
  539. misc/crosti
  540. misc/edfbrowser
  541. misc/gedkeeper
  542. misc/kwordquiz
  543. misc/parley
  544. misc/qlcplus
  545. misc/tellico
  546. misc/valentina
  547. misc/vifm
  548. misc/xiphos
  549. misc/xplr
  550. multimedia/audacious
  551. multimedia/bino
  552. multimedia/celluloid
  553. multimedia/clapper
  554. multimedia/deforaos-player
  555. multimedia/dragon
  556. multimedia/droidcam
  557. multimedia/dvbcut
  558. multimedia/elementary-videos
  559. multimedia/ffaudioconverter
  560. multimedia/gaupol
  561. multimedia/gnome-mplayer
  562. multimedia/handbrake
  563. multimedia/haruna
  564. multimedia/kaffeine
  565. multimedia/kasts
  566. multimedia/kdenlive
  567. multimedia/kmplayer
  568. multimedia/kodi
  569. multimedia/mkvtoolnix
  570. multimedia/mpc-qt
  571. multimedia/mpv
  572. multimedia/musique
  573. multimedia/obs-studio
  574. multimedia/ogmrip
  575. multimedia/olive
  576. multimedia/openshot
  577. multimedia/pitivi
  578. multimedia/plasma5-plank-player
  579. multimedia/py-metadata-cleaner
  580. multimedia/py-periscope
  581. multimedia/qmmp-qt5
  582. multimedia/qmmp-qt6
  583. multimedia/quodlibet
  584. multimedia/rage
  585. multimedia/shotcut
  586. multimedia/simplescreenrecorder
  587. multimedia/smplayer
  588. multimedia/subtitlecomposer
  589. multimedia/syncplay
  590. multimedia/totem
  591. multimedia/video-trimmer
  592. multimedia/vlc
  593. multimedia/webcamoid
  594. multimedia/xfce4-parole
  595. multimedia/xine
  596. net/alligator
  597. net/ecal
  598. net/gnome-connections
  599. net/grsync
  600. net/kget
  601. net/krdc
  602. net/liferea
  603. net/remmina
  604. net/vinagre
  605. net/wireshark
  606. net/xrdesktop2
  607. net-im/chatterino2
  608. net-im/cutegram
  609. net-im/dino
  610. net-im/fractal
  611. net-im/kaidan
  612. net-im/kopete
  613. net-im/neochat
  614. net-im/nheko
  615. net-im/psi
  616. net-im/qTox
  617. net-im/quaternion
  618. net-im/signal-desktop
  619. net-im/telegram-desktop
  620. net-im/tokodon
  621. net-im/toxic
  622. net-im/uTox
  623. net-im/zoom
  624. net-mgmt/virt-viewer
  625. net-mgmt/wifimgr
  626. net-p2p/amule
  627. net-p2p/bitcoin
  628. net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-gtk
  629. net-p2p/ktorrent
  630. net-p2p/litecoin
  631. net-p2p/namecoin
  632. net-p2p/qbittorrent
  633. net-p2p/retroshare
  634. net-p2p/torrent-file-editor
  635. net-p2p/transmission-remote-gui
  636. net-p2p/tremotesf
  637. news/pan
  638. ports-mgmt/octopkg
  639. print/deforaos-pdfviewer
  640. print/flpsed
  641. print/fontforge
  642. print/linux-jabref
  643. print/lyx
  644. print/miktex
  645. print/pdfchain
  646. print/pdfmixtool
  647. print/photoprint
  648. print/py-frescobaldi
  649. print/qpdfview
  650. print/scribus
  651. print/scribus-devel
  652. print/simple-fb2-reader
  653. print/sioyek
  654. print/system-config-printer
  655. print/xreader
  656. print/xtexsh
  657. science/avogadro2
  658. science/drawxtl
  659. science/gchemutils
  660. science/gramps
  661. science/kalzium
  662. science/kst2
  663. science/linux-zotero
  664. science/molsketch
  665. science/optench
  666. science/paraview
  667. science/pulseview
  668. science/scidavis
  669. science/sigrok-cli
  670. science/step
  671. science/wwplot
  672. science/zotero
  673. security/authenticator
  674. security/fprint_demo
  675. security/gcr
  676. security/globalprotect-openconnect
  677. security/gpa
  678. security/gtkpasman
  679. security/keepassxc
  680. security/keysmith
  681. security/kgpg
  682. security/kleopatra
  683. security/kwalletmanager
  684. security/nitrokey-app
  685. security/veracrypt
  686. security/xca
  687. security/yubioath-desktop
  688. sysutils/bareos-traymonitor
  689. sysutils/bareos20-traymonitor
  690. sysutils/bareos21-traymonitor
  691. sysutils/bareos22-traymonitor
  692. sysutils/brasero
  693. sysutils/catfish
  694. sysutils/ddrescueview
  695. sysutils/desktop-installer
  696. sysutils/dsbmc
  697. sysutils/evisum
  698. sysutils/filelight
  699. sysutils/glogg
  700. sysutils/isomaster
  701. sysutils/k3b
  702. sysutils/kbackup
  703. sysutils/khelpcenter
  704. sysutils/mate-control-center
  705. sysutils/plasma5-discover
  706. sysutils/plasma5-kde-cli-tools
  707. sysutils/plasma5-ksysguard
  708. sysutils/plasma5-plasma-systemmonitor
  709. sysutils/plasma6-discover
  710. sysutils/plasma6-kde-cli-tools
  711. sysutils/py-ranger
  712. sysutils/qdirstat
  713. sysutils/qflipper
  714. sysutils/touchegg
  715. sysutils/xfburn
  716. sysutils/xfce4-settings
  717. sysutils/yazi
  718. textproc/arianna
  719. textproc/crow-translate
  720. textproc/docbook2odf
  721. textproc/ibus-typing-booster
  722. textproc/kompare
  723. textproc/logseq
  724. textproc/meld
  725. textproc/pageedit
  726. textproc/py-dialect
  727. textproc/sigil
  728. www/badwolf
  729. www/bluefish
  730. www/castor
  731. www/chromium
  732. www/deforaos-surfer
  733. www/dooble
  734. www/eolie
  735. www/epiphany
  736. www/falkon
  737. www/firefox
  738. www/firefox-esr
  739. www/iridium
  740. www/lagrange
  741. www/librewolf
  742. www/linux-chrome
  743. www/luakit
  744. www/luakit-devel
  745. www/midori
  746. www/netsurf
  747. www/otter-browser
  748. www/py-notebook
  749. www/qutebrowser
  750. www/tor-browser
  751. www/ungoogled-chromium
  752. www/vieb
  753. www/vimb
  754. x11/antimicrox
  755. x11/coreterminal
  756. x11/damask
  757. x11/deforaos-integration
  758. x11/deforaos-keyboard
  759. x11/deforaos-locker
  760. x11/elementary-terminal
  761. x11/gbsddialog
  762. x11/gmrun
  763. x11/gnome-console
  764. x11/gnome-pie
  765. x11/guake
  766. x11/hamclock
  767. x11/kitty
  768. x11/libfm
  769. x11/lumina-core
  770. x11/lxrandr
  771. x11/mlterm
  772. x11/oscar
  773. x11/plasma5-plasma-bigscreen
  774. x11/plasma5-plasma-desktop
  775. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace
  776. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  777. x11/tilix
  778. x11/tint
  779. x11/workrave
  780. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
  781. x11/xpra
  782. x11/yelp
  783. x11-clocks/xdaliclock
  784. x11-fm/caja
  785. x11-fm/deforaos-browser
  786. x11-fm/dolphin
  787. x11-fm/dolphin-devel
  788. x11-fm/doublecmd
  789. x11-fm/konqueror
  790. x11-fm/krusader2
  791. x11-fm/nautilus
  792. x11-fm/nemo
  793. x11-fm/pcmanfm
  794. x11-fm/polo
  795. x11-fm/qtfm
  796. x11-fm/rodent
  797. x11-fm/thunar
  798. x11-fm/xfe
  799. x11-fonts/font-manager
  800. x11-toolkits/kf5-kguiaddons
  801. x11-toolkits/kf6-kguiaddons
  802. x11-wm/deforaos-panel
  803. x11-wm/e16
  804. x11-wm/emerald
  805. x11-wm/enlightenment
  806. x11-wm/leftwm
  807. x11-wm/nscde
  808. x11-wm/obconf
  809. x11-wm/windowmaker
  810. x11-wm/xfce4-panel
  811. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 285 deleted ports
  1. archivers/mate-file-archiver*
  2. archivers/squeeze*
  3. astro/google-earth*
  4. astro/qlandkartegt*
  5. audio/acoustid-fingerprinter*
  6. audio/amarok*
  7. audio/ardour5*
  8. audio/ardour6*
  9. audio/beast*
  10. audio/clementine-player*
  11. audio/decibel-audio-player*
  12. audio/deforaos-mixer*
  13. audio/easytag-devel*
  14. audio/exaile-devel*
  15. audio/gimmix*
  16. audio/hydrogen-devel*
  17. audio/idjc*
  18. audio/jamin*
  19. audio/jokosher*
  20. audio/kid3-kf5*
  21. audio/kid3-qt4*
  22. audio/kid3-qt5*
  23. audio/lxmusic*
  24. audio/mp3splt-gtk*
  25. audio/pulseeffects*
  26. audio/py-karaoke*
  27. audio/smasher*
  28. audio/soundconverter*
  29. audio/sweep*
  30. audio/tomahawk*
  31. audio/tuxguitar*
  32. audio/vagalume*
  33. cad/geda-gattrib*
  34. cad/geda-gschem*
  35. cad/gtkwave3*
  36. cad/qfsm*
  37. chinese/xmms*
  38. comms/congruity*
  39. databases/glom*
  40. databases/mysql-workbench52*
  41. databases/sqlitebrowser-qt5*
  42. deskutils/california*
  43. deskutils/drivel*
  44. deskutils/gdesklets*
  45. deskutils/gnochm*
  46. deskutils/gnome-documents*
  47. deskutils/gtg*
  48. deskutils/kalendar*
  49. deskutils/kupfer*
  50. deskutils/notecase*
  51. deskutils/planner*
  52. deskutils/q4wine*
  53. deskutils/rubrica*
  54. deskutils/sciplore-mindmapping*
  55. deskutils/shutter*
  56. devel/anjuta*
  57. devel/arduino16*
  58. devel/bzr-gtk*
  59. devel/codeblocks-devel*
  60. devel/datovka*
  61. devel/diffuse*
  62. devel/eric4*
  63. devel/gazpacho*
  64. devel/giggle*
  65. devel/glade2*
  66. devel/glade3*
  67. devel/guikachu*
  68. devel/jucipp*
  69. devel/mono-tools*
  70. devel/monodevelop*
  71. devel/py-spyder*
  72. devel/sublime-merge*
  73. editors/atom*
  74. editors/conglomerate*
  75. editors/focuswriter-qt4*
  76. editors/gwrite*
  77. editors/latexila*
  78. editors/libreoffice-legacy*
  79. editors/libreoffice4*
  80. editors/libreoffice6*
  81. editors/linux-sublime*
  82. editors/madedit*
  83. editors/mate-text-editor*
  84. editors/openoffice-3*
  85. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  86. editors/*
  87. editors/*
  88. editors/*
  89. editors/*
  90. editors/plume-creator-devel*
  91. editors/r7-office*
  92. editors/scribes*
  93. editors/sublime-test4*
  94. editors/sublime-text4*
  95. editors/sublime3*
  96. editors/textroom*
  97. editors/vanubi*
  98. editors/winefish*
  99. editors/zim*
  100. emulators/desmume*
  101. emulators/i386-wine*
  102. emulators/i386-wine-devel*
  103. emulators/i386-wine-staging*
  104. emulators/pcsxr*
  105. emulators/q4wine*
  106. emulators/qemu6*
  107. emulators/wine-compholio*
  108. emulators/wine-staging*
  109. emulators/wine7*
  110. emulators/yuzu-qt5*
  111. finance/electrum2*
  112. finance/tryton*
  113. finance/tryton28*
  114. games/glchess*
  115. games/gnomechess*
  116. games/qgo*
  117. games/spring*
  118. graphics/aqsis*
  119. graphics/blender-lts28*
  120. graphics/blender-lts29*
  121. graphics/cinepaint*
  122. graphics/comix*
  123. graphics/darktable38*
  124. graphics/darktable40*
  125. graphics/darktable42*
  126. graphics/djview4-qt4*
  127. graphics/djvusmooth*
  128. graphics/electrix*
  129. graphics/evince-lite*
  130. graphics/f-spot*
  131. graphics/fotoxx*
  132. graphics/geeqie-devel*
  133. graphics/gimmage*
  134. graphics/gnofract4d*
  135. graphics/gx*
  136. graphics/hugin-2016*
  137. graphics/iccexamin*
  138. graphics/ikona*
  139. graphics/llpp*
  140. graphics/lprof-devel*
  141. graphics/magnum-extras*
  142. graphics/mate-document-viewer*
  143. graphics/mate-image-viewer*
  144. graphics/mirage*
  145. graphics/natron*
  146. graphics/ocrfeeder*
  147. graphics/photoflow*
  148. graphics/py-sk1*
  149. graphics/qiviewer*
  150. graphics/rawtherapee-devel*
  151. graphics/sk1*
  152. graphics/skencil*
  153. graphics/sodipodi*
  154. graphics/sxiv*
  155. graphics/truevision*
  156. graphics/uniconvw*
  157. graphics/yagf*
  158. irc/xchat-gnome*
  159. java/eclipse-devel*
  160. java/jdk15*
  161. java/jdk16*
  162. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  163. mail/thunderbird3*
  164. mail/trojita*
  165. mail/trojita-qt4*
  166. math/fityk*
  167. math/geogebra-i18n*
  168. math/rkward-kde*
  169. math/wxMaxima*
  170. misc/gcstar*
  171. misc/survex*
  172. multimedia/2mandvd*
  173. multimedia/aegisub*
  174. multimedia/arista*
  175. multimedia/audacious-gtk3*
  176. multimedia/banshee*
  177. multimedia/beep-media-player*
  178. multimedia/bombono*
  179. multimedia/celluloid-devel*
  180. multimedia/gnome-mpv*
  181. multimedia/gnome-subtitles*
  182. multimedia/gtk-recordmydesktop*
  183. multimedia/gxine*
  184. multimedia/miro*
  185. multimedia/moonlight*
  186. multimedia/mpv034*
  187. multimedia/py-openlp*
  188. multimedia/qmmp*
  189. multimedia/snappy*
  190. multimedia/subtitleeditor*
  191. multimedia/swfdec-gnome*
  192. multimedia/umplayer*
  193. multimedia/vlc-qt4*
  194. multimedia/vlc3*
  195. multimedia/xmms*
  196. net/flent*
  197. net/gq*
  198. net/heybuddy*
  199. net/quiterss*
  200. net/remmina-plugin-i18n*
  201. net/spideroak*
  202. net/wireshark-lite*
  203. net-im/emesene*
  204. net-im/openfetion*
  205. net-im/skype4*
  206. net-im/venom*
  207. net-im/webinar*
  208. net-p2p/amule-devel*
  209. net-p2p/digitalcoin*
  210. net-p2p/dogecoin*
  211. net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-qt*
  212. net-p2p/gtorrentviewer*
  213. net-p2p/tooth*
  214. net-p2p/tootle*
  215. net-p2p/transmission-gtk*
  216. net-p2p/transmission-gtk2*
  217. net-p2p/transmission-qt4*
  218. net-p2p/transmission-qt5*
  219. net-p2p/transmission25-gtk2*
  220. net-p2p/transmission25-qt4*
  221. net-p2p/tribler*
  222. net-p2p/zetacoin*
  223. news/lottanzb*
  224. palm/synce-trayicon*
  225. ports-mgmt/gnome-packagekit*
  226. print/frescobaldi*
  227. print/ggv*
  228. print/jabref*
  229. russian/xmms*
  230. science/avogadro*
  231. science/coot*
  232. science/gwyddion*
  233. science/siril*
  234. security/gpass*
  235. security/keepassx*
  236. security/keepassx-devel*
  237. security/keepassx2*
  238. security/parano*
  239. security/revelation*
  240. security/seahorse-plugins*
  241. sysutils/bareos-bat*
  242. sysutils/bareos16-bat*
  243. sysutils/bareos16-traymonitor*
  244. sysutils/bareos18-traymonitor*
  245. sysutils/bareos19-traymonitor*
  246. sysutils/downtime*
  247. sysutils/gnomebaker*
  248. sysutils/kdirstat*
  249. sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner*
  250. sysutils/pcbsd-utils-qt5*
  251. sysutils/xfce4-utils*
  252. textproc/retext*
  253. www/arora*
  254. www/bluefish-devel*
  255. www/cliqz*
  256. www/firefox36*
  257. www/kompozer*
  258. www/kristall*
  259. www/libxul*
  260. www/libxul19*
  261. www/linux-opera*
  262. www/linux-opera-devel*
  263. www/opera*
  264. www/opera-devel*
  265. www/palemoon*
  266. www/qupzilla*
  267. www/qupzilla-qt4*
  268. www/qupzilla-qt5*
  269. www/screem*
  270. www/seamonkey*
  271. www/tickr*
  272. www/uzbl*
  273. www/waterfox*
  274. www/xombrero*
  275. www/xpi-conkeror*
  276. x11/Terminal*
  277. x11/antimicro*
  278. x11/enventor*
  279. x11/leechcraft*
  280. x11/pantheon-terminal*
  281. x11/simdock*
  282. x11/wbarconf*
  283. x11-fm/mate-file-manager*
  284. x11-fm/sunflower*
  285. x11-wm/obkey*
  286. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. archivers/ark
  2. archivers/ark-devel
  3. archivers/engrampa
  4. archivers/file-roller
  5. archivers/lxqt-archiver
  6. archivers/peazip
  7. archivers/xarchiver
Expand this list (1097 items / 1090 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/kstars
  3. astro/marble
  4. astro/qmapshack
  5. astro/siril
  6. astro/stellarium
  7. astro/stellarsolver
  8. astro/viking
  9. audio/amberol
  10. audio/ardour
  11. audio/asunder
  12. audio/audacity
  13. audio/bambootracker
  14. audio/bespokesynth
  15. audio/cadence
  16. audio/calf-lv2
  17. audio/carla
  18. audio/cheesecutter
  19. audio/csoundqt
  20. audio/deadbeef
  21. audio/denemo
  22. audio/dmidiplayer
  23. audio/drumkv1-lv2
  24. audio/drumstick
  25. audio/easytag
  26. audio/elisa
  27. audio/exaile
  28. audio/faustlive
  29. audio/flacon
  30. audio/freac
  31. audio/furnace
  32. audio/gbsplay
  33. audio/geonkick-lv2
  34. audio/gnaural
  35. audio/gnome-music
  36. audio/gogglesmm
  37. audio/goobox
  38. audio/gsequencer
  39. audio/gtick
  40. audio/hydrogen
  41. audio/jalv
  42. audio/jamulus
  43. audio/kid3
  44. audio/klystrack
  45. audio/kwave
  46. audio/lmms
  47. audio/lollypop
  48. audio/mamba
  49. audio/midipp
  50. audio/mpz
  51. audio/mumble
  52. audio/muse-sequencer
  53. audio/musescore
  54. audio/musescore3
  55. audio/ocp
  56. audio/osd-lyrics
  57. audio/padthv1-lv2
  58. audio/pianobooster
  59. audio/picard
  60. audio/pipewire-module-xrdp
  61. audio/polyphone
  62. audio/pragha
  63. audio/pt2-clone
  64. audio/qjackcapture
  65. audio/qjackctl
  66. audio/qmidiarp
  67. audio/qsampler
  68. audio/qtractor
  69. audio/qxgedit
  70. audio/rhythmbox
  71. audio/rosegarden
  72. audio/samplv1-lv2
  73. audio/sayonara
  74. audio/schismtracker
  75. audio/sonic-visualiser
  76. audio/sonivox-eas
  77. audio/sound-juicer
  78. audio/soundtracker
  79. audio/spectmorph
  80. audio/spek
  81. audio/strawberry
  82. audio/synthv1-lv2
  83. audio/tkeca
  84. audio/traverso
  85. audio/tuner
  86. audio/wavbreaker
  87. audio/zrythm
  88. benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite
  89. biology/pooler
  90. biology/ugene
  91. cad/PrusaSlicer
  92. cad/camotics
  93. cad/caneda
  94. cad/cura
  95. cad/digital
  96. cad/freecad
  97. cad/geda
  98. cad/gerbv
  99. cad/gtkwave
  100. cad/horizon-eda
  101. cad/kicad
  102. cad/kicad-devel
  103. cad/ktechlab
  104. cad/ldview
  105. cad/leocad
  106. cad/lepton-eda
  107. cad/librecad
  108. cad/librepcb
  109. cad/openscad
  110. cad/openscad-devel
  111. cad/oregano
  112. cad/pcb
  113. cad/qelectrotech
  114. cad/qspeakers
  115. chinese/chinese-calendar
  116. chinese/fcitx
  117. chinese/linux-wps-office-zh_CN
  118. comms/chirp
  119. comms/deforaos-phone
  120. comms/fldigi
  121. comms/fllog
  122. comms/flrig
  123. comms/gnuradio
  124. comms/sigdigger
  125. comms/tilp2
  126. comms/xnec2c
  127. databases/kbibtex
  128. databases/kexi
  129. databases/postgis34
  130. databases/sequeler
  131. databases/sqlitebrowser
  132. deskutils/akregator
  133. deskutils/baobab
  134. deskutils/basket
  135. deskutils/bijiben
  136. deskutils/bookworm
  137. deskutils/calibre
  138. deskutils/calindori
  139. deskutils/cherrytree
  140. deskutils/coolreader
  141. deskutils/deforaos-todo
  142. deskutils/docear
  143. deskutils/elementary-calendar
  144. deskutils/feathernotes
  145. deskutils/flameshot
  146. deskutils/foliate
  147. deskutils/freeplane
  148. deskutils/ganttproject
  149. deskutils/genius
  150. deskutils/glabels
  151. deskutils/gnome-calendar
  152. deskutils/gnome-font-viewer
  153. deskutils/gnome-maps
  154. deskutils/gnome-planner
  155. deskutils/gnote
  156. deskutils/gnotime
  157. deskutils/gucharmap
  158. deskutils/itinerary
  159. deskutils/kaddressbook
  160. deskutils/kchmviewer
  161. deskutils/kdeconnect-kde
  162. deskutils/kmail
  163. deskutils/kmail-account-wizard
  164. deskutils/korganizer
  165. deskutils/lumina-archiver
  166. deskutils/lumina-fm
  167. deskutils/lumina-mediaplayer
  168. deskutils/lumina-pdf
  169. deskutils/lumina-photo
  170. deskutils/lumina-textedit
  171. deskutils/mbox-importer
  172. deskutils/merkuro
  173. deskutils/nanonote
  174. deskutils/nextcloudclient
  175. deskutils/orage
  176. deskutils/owncloudclient
  177. deskutils/semantik
  178. deskutils/showdown
  179. deskutils/spacefm
  180. deskutils/subsurface
  181. deskutils/treesheets
  182. deskutils/vym
  183. deskutils/xchm
  184. deskutils/zim
  185. devel/RStudio
  186. devel/alire
  187. devel/arduino18
  188. devel/cervisia
  189. devel/cmake-gui
  190. devel/codeblocks
  191. devel/dolphin-plugins
  192. devel/dolphin-plugins-devel
  193. devel/edi
  194. devel/elf-dissector
  195. devel/eric6
  196. devel/geany
  197. devel/git-cola
  198. devel/gitg
  199. devel/glade
  200. devel/gnome-builder
  201. devel/gtranslator
  202. devel/heaptrack
  203. devel/hotspot
  204. devel/kcachegrind
  205. devel/kde-dev-utils
  206. devel/kdevelop
  207. devel/kf5-kio
  208. devel/kf6-kio
  209. devel/linux-sublime-merge
  210. devel/lokalize
  211. devel/love
  212. devel/love10
  213. devel/massif-visualizer
  214. devel/pycharm-ce
  215. devel/qtcreator
  216. devel/root
  217. devel/spyder
  218. devel/thonny
  219. devel/umbrello
  220. devel/xpeviewer
  221. devel/zeal
  222. editors/abiword
  223. editors/calligra
  224. editors/calligraplan
  225. editors/cpeditor
  226. editors/cream
  227. editors/cudatext
  228. editors/deforaos-editor
  229. editors/ecrire
  230. editors/elementary-code
  231. editors/emacs
  232. editors/emacs-devel
  233. editors/encryptpad
  234. editors/featherpad
  235. editors/focuswriter
  236. editors/fxite
  237. editors/gedit
  238. editors/ghostwriter
  239. editors/gnome-latex
  240. editors/gnome-text-editor
  241. editors/gummi
  242. editors/imhex
  243. editors/imhex-current
  244. editors/jucipp
  245. editors/kate
  246. editors/kate-devel
  247. editors/kile
  248. editors/lazarus
  249. editors/lazarus-devel
  250. editors/lazarus-qt5
  251. editors/lazarus-qt5-devel
  252. editors/lazarus-qt6
  253. editors/lazarus-qt6-devel
  254. editors/leafpad
  255. editors/libreoffice
  256. editors/linux-bcompare
  257. editors/linux-r7-office
  258. editors/linux-sublime-text4
  259. editors/linux-sublime3
  260. editors/linux-wps-office
  261. editors/lite-xl
  262. editors/marker
  263. editors/micro
  264. editors/mined
  265. editors/mousepad
  266. editors/neovim-gtk
  267. editors/neovim-qt
  268. editors/notepadnext
  269. editors/notepadnext-devel
  270. editors/omegaT
  271. editors/openoffice-4
  272. editors/openoffice-devel
  273. editors/pluma
  274. editors/poedit
  275. editors/pragtical
  276. editors/quilter
  277. editors/retext
  278. editors/scite
  279. editors/setzer
  280. editors/texmacs
  281. editors/texmaker
  282. editors/texstudio
  283. editors/textadept
  284. editors/texworks
  285. editors/vscode
  286. editors/xed
  287. editors/xmlcopyeditor
  288. emulators/cemu
  289. emulators/citra-qt5
  290. emulators/dolphin-emu
  291. emulators/emu64
  292. emulators/fceux
  293. emulators/flexemu
  294. emulators/fs-uae
  295. emulators/fuse
  296. emulators/hatari
  297. emulators/mgba
  298. emulators/open-vm-tools
  299. emulators/pcsx2
  300. emulators/py-m64py
  301. emulators/sameboy
  302. emulators/snes9x-gtk
  303. emulators/tic-80
  304. emulators/tilem
  305. emulators/vice
  306. emulators/wine
  307. emulators/wine-devel
  308. emulators/wine-proton
  309. emulators/wine8
  310. emulators/yuzu
  311. finance/electrum
  312. finance/gnucash
  313. finance/grisbi
  314. finance/homebank
  315. finance/kmymoney
  316. finance/qtbitcointrader
  317. finance/skrooge
  318. ftp/gftp
  319. games/0ad
  320. games/DDNet
  321. games/aisleriot
  322. games/alienarena
  323. games/anki
  324. games/armagetronad
  325. games/assaultcube
  326. games/bass
  327. games/briquolo
  328. games/bzflag
  329. games/candycrisis
  330. games/cdogs-sdl
  331. games/chessx
  332. games/corsix-th
  333. games/cosmosmash
  334. games/crispy-doom
  335. games/el
  336. games/etlegacy
  337. games/eureka
  338. games/fotaq
  339. games/freeciv
  340. games/freeciv-nox11
  341. games/freeciv21
  342. games/freedink-dfarc
  343. games/garden-of-coloured-lights
  344. games/gnome-chess
  345. games/hedgewars
  346. games/kigo
  347. games/knavalbattle
  348. games/kolf
  349. games/kpat
  350. games/ktuberling
  351. games/melonds
  352. games/moonlight-qt
  353. games/naev
  354. games/numptyphysics
  355. games/openclonk
  356. games/openmw
  357. games/openra
  358. games/openrct2
  359. games/openspades
  360. games/palapeli
  361. games/pentobi
  362. games/phlipple
  363. games/powder-toy
  364. games/powder-toy-devel
  365. games/py-pychess
  366. games/taisei
  367. games/tanglet
  368. games/tetzle
  369. games/trackballs
  370. games/vkquake
  371. games/wesnoth
  372. games/xboard
  373. games/xboard-devel
  374. games/zaz
  375. graphics/aeskulap
  376. graphics/akira
  377. graphics/alizams
  378. graphics/art
  379. graphics/atril
  380. graphics/atril-lite
  381. graphics/azpainter
  382. graphics/azpainterb
  383. graphics/blender
  384. graphics/colmap
  385. graphics/curtail
  386. graphics/darktable
  387. graphics/dia
  388. graphics/digikam
  389. graphics/djview4
  390. graphics/drawing
  391. graphics/drawio
  392. graphics/drawpile
  393. graphics/elementary-photos
  394. graphics/engauge-digitizer
  395. graphics/entice
  396. graphics/eog
  397. graphics/eom
  398. graphics/epdfview
  399. graphics/ephoto
  400. graphics/evince
  401. graphics/f3d
  402. graphics/feh
  403. graphics/fotocx
  404. graphics/fractgen
  405. graphics/fyre
  406. graphics/geeqie
  407. graphics/geomorph
  408. graphics/gimp-app
  409. graphics/glaxnimate
  410. graphics/gliv
  411. graphics/gnash
  412. graphics/gnome-color-manager
  413. graphics/gpicview
  414. graphics/gpxsee
  415. graphics/grafx2
  416. graphics/gscan2pdf
  417. graphics/gthumb
  418. graphics/gwenview
  419. graphics/gwenview-devel
  420. graphics/halftone
  421. graphics/hugin
  422. graphics/ida
  423. graphics/imv
  424. graphics/inkscape
  425. graphics/kgraphviewer
  426. graphics/kimagemapeditor
  427. graphics/klatexformula
  428. graphics/knotter
  429. graphics/kolourpaint
  430. graphics/kphotoalbum
  431. graphics/krita
  432. graphics/ksnip
  433. graphics/kxstitch
  434. graphics/lazpaint
  435. graphics/lightzone
  436. graphics/luminance-qt5
  437. graphics/lux
  438. graphics/lximage-qt
  439. graphics/minder
  440. graphics/mtpaint
  441. graphics/mypaint
  442. graphics/nip2
  443. graphics/nomacs
  444. graphics/nsxiv
  445. graphics/okular
  446. graphics/okular-devel
  447. graphics/openorienteering-mapper
  448. graphics/oyranos
  449. graphics/pencil2d
  450. graphics/photivo
  451. graphics/photoflare
  452. graphics/photoqt
  453. graphics/phototonic
  454. graphics/pinta
  455. graphics/py-mcomix
  456. graphics/qgis
  457. graphics/qgis-ltr
  458. graphics/qtqr
  459. graphics/qvge
  460. graphics/qview
  461. graphics/rapid-photo-downloader
  462. graphics/rawstudio
  463. graphics/rawtherapee
  464. graphics/ristretto
  465. graphics/satty
  466. graphics/scantailor
  467. graphics/shotwell
  468. graphics/showimage
  469. graphics/swappy
  470. graphics/synfigstudio
  471. graphics/tiled
  472. graphics/ufraw
  473. graphics/upscaler
  474. graphics/variety
  475. graphics/viewnior
  476. graphics/xfig
  477. graphics/xournal
  478. graphics/xournalpp
  479. graphics/xpaint
  480. graphics/xpdf
  481. graphics/xpdf3
  482. graphics/xpdf4
  483. graphics/xviewer
  484. graphics/yacreader
  485. graphics/zathura
  486. graphics/zathura-cb
  487. graphics/zathura-djvu
  488. graphics/zathura-pdf-mupdf
  489. graphics/zathura-pdf-poppler
  490. graphics/zathura-ps
  491. irc/hexchat
  492. irc/konversation
  493. irc/kvirc
  494. irc/polari
  495. irc/smuxi
  496. irc/srain
  497. java/icedtea-web
  498. java/jd-gui
  499. java/visualvm
  500. lang/rizin-cutter
  501. mail/aerc
  502. mail/astroid
  503. mail/balsa
  504. mail/claws-mail
  505. mail/clawsker
  506. mail/datovka
  507. mail/evolution
  508. mail/geary
  509. mail/py-mailnag
  510. mail/sylpheed
  511. mail/thunderbird
  512. math/cadabra2
  513. math/cantor
  514. math/geogebra
  515. math/ggobi
  516. math/giacxcas
  517. math/gnumeric
  518. math/gretl
  519. math/kalgebra
  520. math/kalk
  521. math/kig
  522. math/kmplot
  523. math/labplot
  524. math/mathgl
  525. math/mpsolve
  526. math/octave
  527. math/pspp
  528. math/rkward
  529. math/rocs
  530. math/saga
  531. math/scilab
  532. math/wxmaxima
  533. math/zegrapher
  534. misc/actiona
  535. misc/clifm
  536. misc/crosti
  537. misc/edfbrowser
  538. misc/gedkeeper
  539. misc/kwordquiz
  540. misc/parley
  541. misc/qlcplus
  542. misc/tellico
  543. misc/valentina
  544. misc/vifm
  545. misc/xplr
  546. multimedia/audacious
  547. multimedia/bino
  548. multimedia/celluloid
  549. multimedia/clapper
  550. multimedia/deforaos-player
  551. multimedia/dragon
  552. multimedia/droidcam
  553. multimedia/dvbcut
  554. multimedia/elementary-videos
  555. multimedia/ffaudioconverter
  556. multimedia/gaupol
  557. multimedia/gnome-mplayer
  558. multimedia/handbrake
  559. multimedia/haruna
  560. multimedia/kaffeine
  561. multimedia/kasts
  562. multimedia/kdenlive
  563. multimedia/kmplayer
  564. multimedia/kodi
  565. multimedia/mkvtoolnix
  566. multimedia/mpc-qt
  567. multimedia/mpv
  568. multimedia/musique
  569. multimedia/obs-studio
  570. multimedia/ogmrip
  571. multimedia/olive
  572. multimedia/openshot
  573. multimedia/pitivi
  574. multimedia/plasma5-plank-player
  575. multimedia/py-metadata-cleaner
  576. multimedia/py-periscope
  577. multimedia/qmmp-qt5
  578. multimedia/qmmp-qt6
  579. multimedia/quodlibet
  580. multimedia/rage
  581. multimedia/shotcut
  582. multimedia/simplescreenrecorder
  583. multimedia/smplayer
  584. multimedia/subtitlecomposer
  585. multimedia/syncplay
  586. multimedia/totem
  587. multimedia/video-trimmer
  588. multimedia/vlc
  589. multimedia/webcamoid
  590. multimedia/xfce4-parole
  591. multimedia/xine
  592. net/alligator
  593. net/ecal
  594. net/gnome-connections
  595. net/grsync
  596. net/kget
  597. net/krdc
  598. net/liferea
  599. net/remmina
  600. net/vinagre
  601. net/wireshark
  602. net/xrdesktop2
  603. net-im/chatterino2
  604. net-im/cutegram
  605. net-im/dino
  606. net-im/fractal
  607. net-im/kaidan
  608. net-im/kopete
  609. net-im/neochat
  610. net-im/nheko
  611. net-im/psi
  612. net-im/qTox
  613. net-im/quaternion
  614. net-im/signal-desktop
  615. net-im/telegram-desktop
  616. net-im/tokodon
  617. net-im/toxic
  618. net-im/uTox
  619. net-im/zoom
  620. net-mgmt/virt-viewer
  621. net-mgmt/wifimgr
  622. net-p2p/amule
  623. net-p2p/bitcoin
  624. net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-gtk
  625. net-p2p/ktorrent
  626. net-p2p/litecoin
  627. net-p2p/namecoin
  628. net-p2p/qbittorrent
  629. net-p2p/retroshare
  630. net-p2p/torrent-file-editor
  631. net-p2p/transmission-remote-gui
  632. net-p2p/tremotesf
  633. news/pan
  634. ports-mgmt/octopkg
  635. print/deforaos-pdfviewer
  636. print/flpsed
  637. print/fontforge
  638. print/linux-jabref
  639. print/lyx
  640. print/miktex
  641. print/pdfchain
  642. print/pdfmixtool
  643. print/photoprint
  644. print/py-frescobaldi
  645. print/qpdfview
  646. print/scribus
  647. print/scribus-devel
  648. print/simple-fb2-reader
  649. print/sioyek
  650. print/system-config-printer
  651. print/xreader
  652. print/xtexsh
  653. science/avogadro2
  654. science/drawxtl
  655. science/gchemutils
  656. science/gramps
  657. science/kalzium
  658. science/kst2
  659. science/linux-zotero
  660. science/molsketch
  661. science/optench
  662. science/paraview
  663. science/pulseview
  664. science/scidavis
  665. science/sigrok-cli
  666. science/step
  667. science/wwplot
  668. science/zotero
  669. security/authenticator
  670. security/fprint_demo
  671. security/gcr
  672. security/globalprotect-openconnect
  673. security/gpa
  674. security/gtkpasman
  675. security/keepassxc
  676. security/keysmith
  677. security/kgpg
  678. security/kleopatra
  679. security/kwalletmanager
  680. security/nitrokey-app
  681. security/veracrypt
  682. security/xca
  683. security/yubioath-desktop
  684. sysutils/bareos-traymonitor
  685. sysutils/bareos20-traymonitor
  686. sysutils/bareos21-traymonitor
  687. sysutils/bareos22-traymonitor
  688. sysutils/brasero
  689. sysutils/catfish
  690. sysutils/ddrescueview
  691. sysutils/desktop-installer
  692. sysutils/dsbmc
  693. sysutils/evisum
  694. sysutils/filelight
  695. sysutils/glogg
  696. sysutils/isomaster
  697. sysutils/k3b
  698. sysutils/kbackup
  699. sysutils/khelpcenter
  700. sysutils/mate-control-center
  701. sysutils/plasma5-discover
  702. sysutils/plasma5-kde-cli-tools
  703. sysutils/plasma5-ksysguard
  704. sysutils/plasma5-plasma-systemmonitor
  705. sysutils/plasma6-discover
  706. sysutils/plasma6-kde-cli-tools
  707. sysutils/py-ranger
  708. sysutils/qdirstat
  709. sysutils/qflipper
  710. sysutils/touchegg
  711. sysutils/xfburn
  712. sysutils/xfce4-settings
  713. sysutils/yazi
  714. textproc/arianna
  715. textproc/crow-translate
  716. textproc/docbook2odf
  717. textproc/ibus-typing-booster
  718. textproc/kompare
  719. textproc/logseq
  720. textproc/meld
  721. textproc/pageedit
  722. textproc/py-dialect
  723. textproc/sigil
  724. www/badwolf
  725. www/bluefish
  726. www/castor
  727. www/chromium
  728. www/deforaos-surfer
  729. www/dooble
  730. www/eolie
  731. www/epiphany
  732. www/falkon
  733. www/firefox
  734. www/firefox-esr
  735. www/iridium
  736. www/lagrange
  737. www/librewolf
  738. www/linux-chrome
  739. www/luakit
  740. www/luakit-devel
  741. www/midori
  742. www/netsurf
  743. www/otter-browser
  744. www/py-notebook
  745. www/qutebrowser
  746. www/tor-browser
  747. www/ungoogled-chromium
  748. www/vieb
  749. www/vimb
  750. x11/antimicrox
  751. x11/coreterminal
  752. x11/damask
  753. x11/deforaos-integration
  754. x11/deforaos-keyboard
  755. x11/deforaos-locker
  756. x11/elementary-terminal
  757. x11/gbsddialog
  758. x11/gmrun
  759. x11/gnome-console
  760. x11/gnome-pie
  761. x11/guake
  762. x11/hamclock
  763. x11/kitty
  764. x11/libfm
  765. x11/lumina-core
  766. x11/lxrandr
  767. x11/mlterm
  768. x11/oscar
  769. x11/plasma5-plasma-bigscreen
  770. x11/plasma5-plasma-desktop
  771. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace
  772. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  773. x11/tilix
  774. x11/tint
  775. x11/workrave
  776. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
  777. x11/xpra
  778. x11/yelp
  779. x11-clocks/xdaliclock
  780. x11-fm/caja
  781. x11-fm/deforaos-browser
  782. x11-fm/dolphin
  783. x11-fm/dolphin-devel
  784. x11-fm/doublecmd
  785. x11-fm/konqueror
  786. x11-fm/krusader2
  787. x11-fm/nautilus
  788. x11-fm/nemo
  789. x11-fm/pcmanfm
  790. x11-fm/polo
  791. x11-fm/qtfm
  792. x11-fm/rodent
  793. x11-fm/thunar
  794. x11-fm/xfe
  795. x11-fonts/font-manager
  796. x11-toolkits/kf5-kguiaddons
  797. x11-toolkits/kf6-kguiaddons
  798. x11-wm/deforaos-panel
  799. x11-wm/e16
  800. x11-wm/emerald
  801. x11-wm/enlightenment
  802. x11-wm/leftwm
  803. x11-wm/nscde
  804. x11-wm/obconf
  805. x11-wm/windowmaker
  806. x11-wm/xfce4-panel
  807. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 285 deleted ports
  1. archivers/mate-file-archiver*
  2. archivers/squeeze*
  3. astro/google-earth*
  4. astro/qlandkartegt*
  5. audio/acoustid-fingerprinter*
  6. audio/amarok*
  7. audio/ardour5*
  8. audio/ardour6*
  9. audio/beast*
  10. audio/clementine-player*
  11. audio/decibel-audio-player*
  12. audio/deforaos-mixer*
  13. audio/easytag-devel*
  14. audio/exaile-devel*
  15. audio/gimmix*
  16. audio/hydrogen-devel*
  17. audio/idjc*
  18. audio/jamin*
  19. audio/jokosher*
  20. audio/kid3-kf5*
  21. audio/kid3-qt4*
  22. audio/kid3-qt5*
  23. audio/lxmusic*
  24. audio/mp3splt-gtk*
  25. audio/pulseeffects*
  26. audio/py-karaoke*
  27. audio/smasher*
  28. audio/soundconverter*
  29. audio/sweep*
  30. audio/tomahawk*
  31. audio/tuxguitar*
  32. audio/vagalume*
  33. cad/geda-gattrib*
  34. cad/geda-gschem*
  35. cad/gtkwave3*
  36. cad/qfsm*
  37. chinese/xmms*
  38. comms/congruity*
  39. databases/glom*
  40. databases/mysql-workbench52*
  41. databases/sqlitebrowser-qt5*
  42. deskutils/california*
  43. deskutils/drivel*
  44. deskutils/gdesklets*
  45. deskutils/gnochm*
  46. deskutils/gnome-documents*
  47. deskutils/gtg*
  48. deskutils/kalendar*
  49. deskutils/kupfer*
  50. deskutils/notecase*
  51. deskutils/planner*
  52. deskutils/q4wine*
  53. deskutils/rubrica*
  54. deskutils/sciplore-mindmapping*
  55. deskutils/shutter*
  56. devel/anjuta*
  57. devel/arduino16*
  58. devel/bzr-gtk*
  59. devel/codeblocks-devel*
  60. devel/datovka*
  61. devel/diffuse*
  62. devel/eric4*
  63. devel/gazpacho*
  64. devel/giggle*
  65. devel/glade2*
  66. devel/glade3*
  67. devel/guikachu*
  68. devel/jucipp*
  69. devel/mono-tools*
  70. devel/monodevelop*
  71. devel/py-spyder*
  72. devel/sublime-merge*
  73. editors/atom*
  74. editors/conglomerate*
  75. editors/focuswriter-qt4*
  76. editors/gwrite*
  77. editors/latexila*
  78. editors/libreoffice-legacy*
  79. editors/libreoffice4*
  80. editors/libreoffice6*
  81. editors/linux-sublime*
  82. editors/madedit*
  83. editors/mate-text-editor*
  84. editors/openoffice-3*
  85. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  86. editors/*
  87. editors/*
  88. editors/*
  89. editors/*
  90. editors/plume-creator-devel*
  91. editors/r7-office*
  92. editors/scribes*
  93. editors/sublime-test4*
  94. editors/sublime-text4*
  95. editors/sublime3*
  96. editors/textroom*
  97. editors/vanubi*
  98. editors/winefish*
  99. editors/zim*
  100. emulators/desmume*
  101. emulators/i386-wine*
  102. emulators/i386-wine-devel*
  103. emulators/i386-wine-staging*
  104. emulators/pcsxr*
  105. emulators/q4wine*
  106. emulators/qemu6*
  107. emulators/wine-compholio*
  108. emulators/wine-staging*
  109. emulators/wine7*
  110. emulators/yuzu-qt5*
  111. finance/electrum2*
  112. finance/tryton*
  113. finance/tryton28*
  114. games/glchess*
  115. games/gnomechess*
  116. games/qgo*
  117. games/spring*
  118. graphics/aqsis*
  119. graphics/blender-lts28*
  120. graphics/blender-lts29*
  121. graphics/cinepaint*
  122. graphics/comix*
  123. graphics/darktable38*
  124. graphics/darktable40*
  125. graphics/darktable42*
  126. graphics/djview4-qt4*
  127. graphics/djvusmooth*
  128. graphics/electrix*
  129. graphics/evince-lite*
  130. graphics/f-spot*
  131. graphics/fotoxx*
  132. graphics/geeqie-devel*
  133. graphics/gimmage*
  134. graphics/gnofract4d*
  135. graphics/gx*
  136. graphics/hugin-2016*
  137. graphics/iccexamin*
  138. graphics/ikona*
  139. graphics/llpp*
  140. graphics/lprof-devel*
  141. graphics/magnum-extras*
  142. graphics/mate-document-viewer*
  143. graphics/mate-image-viewer*
  144. graphics/mirage*
  145. graphics/natron*
  146. graphics/ocrfeeder*
  147. graphics/photoflow*
  148. graphics/py-sk1*
  149. graphics/qiviewer*
  150. graphics/rawtherapee-devel*
  151. graphics/sk1*
  152. graphics/skencil*
  153. graphics/sodipodi*
  154. graphics/sxiv*
  155. graphics/truevision*
  156. graphics/uniconvw*
  157. graphics/yagf*
  158. irc/xchat-gnome*
  159. java/eclipse-devel*
  160. java/jdk15*
  161. java/jdk16*
  162. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  163. mail/thunderbird3*
  164. mail/trojita*
  165. mail/trojita-qt4*
  166. math/fityk*
  167. math/geogebra-i18n*
  168. math/rkward-kde*
  169. math/wxMaxima*
  170. misc/gcstar*
  171. misc/survex*
  172. multimedia/2mandvd*
  173. multimedia/aegisub*
  174. multimedia/arista*
  175. multimedia/audacious-gtk3*
  176. multimedia/banshee*
  177. multimedia/beep-media-player*
  178. multimedia/bombono*
  179. multimedia/celluloid-devel*
  180. multimedia/gnome-mpv*
  181. multimedia/gnome-subtitles*
  182. multimedia/gtk-recordmydesktop*
  183. multimedia/gxine*
  184. multimedia/miro*
  185. multimedia/moonlight*
  186. multimedia/mpv034*
  187. multimedia/py-openlp*
  188. multimedia/qmmp*
  189. multimedia/snappy*
  190. multimedia/subtitleeditor*
  191. multimedia/swfdec-gnome*
  192. multimedia/umplayer*
  193. multimedia/vlc-qt4*
  194. multimedia/vlc3*
  195. multimedia/xmms*
  196. net/flent*
  197. net/gq*
  198. net/heybuddy*
  199. net/quiterss*
  200. net/remmina-plugin-i18n*
  201. net/spideroak*
  202. net/wireshark-lite*
  203. net-im/emesene*
  204. net-im/openfetion*
  205. net-im/skype4*
  206. net-im/venom*
  207. net-im/webinar*
  208. net-p2p/amule-devel*
  209. net-p2p/digitalcoin*
  210. net-p2p/dogecoin*
  211. net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-qt*
  212. net-p2p/gtorrentviewer*
  213. net-p2p/tooth*
  214. net-p2p/tootle*
  215. net-p2p/transmission-gtk*
  216. net-p2p/transmission-gtk2*
  217. net-p2p/transmission-qt4*
  218. net-p2p/transmission-qt5*
  219. net-p2p/transmission25-gtk2*
  220. net-p2p/transmission25-qt4*
  221. net-p2p/tribler*
  222. net-p2p/zetacoin*
  223. news/lottanzb*
  224. palm/synce-trayicon*
  225. ports-mgmt/gnome-packagekit*
  226. print/frescobaldi*
  227. print/ggv*
  228. print/jabref*
  229. russian/xmms*
  230. science/avogadro*
  231. science/coot*
  232. science/gwyddion*
  233. science/siril*
  234. security/gpass*
  235. security/keepassx*
  236. security/keepassx-devel*
  237. security/keepassx2*
  238. security/parano*
  239. security/revelation*
  240. security/seahorse-plugins*
  241. sysutils/bareos-bat*
  242. sysutils/bareos16-bat*
  243. sysutils/bareos16-traymonitor*
  244. sysutils/bareos18-traymonitor*
  245. sysutils/bareos19-traymonitor*
  246. sysutils/downtime*
  247. sysutils/gnomebaker*
  248. sysutils/kdirstat*
  249. sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner*
  250. sysutils/pcbsd-utils-qt5*
  251. sysutils/xfce4-utils*
  252. textproc/retext*
  253. www/arora*
  254. www/bluefish-devel*
  255. www/cliqz*
  256. www/firefox36*
  257. www/kompozer*
  258. www/kristall*
  259. www/libxul*
  260. www/libxul19*
  261. www/linux-opera*
  262. www/linux-opera-devel*
  263. www/opera*
  264. www/opera-devel*
  265. www/palemoon*
  266. www/qupzilla*
  267. www/qupzilla-qt4*
  268. www/qupzilla-qt5*
  269. www/screem*
  270. www/seamonkey*
  271. www/tickr*
  272. www/uzbl*
  273. www/waterfox*
  274. www/xombrero*
  275. www/xpi-conkeror*
  276. x11/Terminal*
  277. x11/antimicro*
  278. x11/enventor*
  279. x11/leechcraft*
  280. x11/pantheon-terminal*
  281. x11/simdock*
  282. x11/wbarconf*
  283. x11-fm/mate-file-manager*
  284. x11-fm/sunflower*
  285. x11-wm/obkey*
  286. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
compiler:c11 gettext meson gnome pkgconfig trigger tar:xz
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 58

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
27 Apr 2024 13:28:52
commit hash: ad7075d584de91ccca2a8754edcae4635d424c89commit hash: ad7075d584de91ccca2a8754edcae4635d424c89commit hash: ad7075d584de91ccca2a8754edcae4635d424c89commit hash: ad7075d584de91ccca2a8754edcae4635d424c89 files touched by this commit
Tijl Coosemans (tijl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/desktop-file-utils: Update to 0.27
12 Jan 2024 22:40:48
commit hash: 9f8f710b3ec3945ede5cf5d996c3391081d32df1commit hash: 9f8f710b3ec3945ede5cf5d996c3391081d32df1commit hash: 9f8f710b3ec3945ede5cf5d996c3391081d32df1commit hash: 9f8f710b3ec3945ede5cf5d996c3391081d32df1 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Sanitize MANPREFIX for meson ports

Approved by:	portmgr
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:21:35
commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Waitman Gobble" <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron H. K. Diep <>
  *  Aaron Hurt <>
  *  Abel Chow <>
  *  Adam McLaurin
  *  Adam Saponara <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
17 Nov 2021 10:33:41
commit hash: e188d9a6f515100655a01b4753cbb6f58fae484acommit hash: e188d9a6f515100655a01b4753cbb6f58fae484acommit hash: e188d9a6f515100655a01b4753cbb6f58fae484acommit hash: e188d9a6f515100655a01b4753cbb6f58fae484a files touched by this commit
Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
devel/desktop-file-utils: fix typo

Reported by:	tijl
17 Nov 2021 09:47:29
commit hash: 37c1a83366f02cdf76b850c630f79c275a418beacommit hash: 37c1a83366f02cdf76b850c630f79c275a418beacommit hash: 37c1a83366f02cdf76b850c630f79c275a418beacommit hash: 37c1a83366f02cdf76b850c630f79c275a418bea files touched by this commit
Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
devel/desktop-file-utils: use trigger

Instead of polluting all files with a script to be executed post install
convert the handling of mime database into a trigger

This trigger will regenerate the db each time someone install a files
into the concern directory

On removal of the desktop-file-utils port, it will cleanup its cache.

While here convert the post installation script into a lua script.
Note the db is always run at post installation of the port, just to make
sure the cache is up to date, in case the format changes in the futur
06 Apr 2021 14:31:13
commit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937d files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
all: Remove all other $FreeBSD keywords.
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
17 Sep 2020 14:06:33
Revision:548843Original commit files touched by this commit
linimon search for other commits by this committer
Add compiler:c11 to USES to fix build on GCC-based systems:

  cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=gnu11"

Approved by:	portmgr (tier-2 blanket)
16 Sep 2020 07:35:18
Revision:548768Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.26
10 Sep 2020 18:55:41
Revision:548219Original commit files touched by this commit
tcberner search for other commits by this committer
Move some gnome@ ports to desktop@

As gnome@ is lacking active committers at the moment, transfer some of its
ports [1] up the stack to the desktop@ group, in hope that this way we get some
updates in as the set of people that "should feel responsible" grows.

As soon as gnome@ grows some committers again, this can (and should) of course
be reverted again.

[1] The list of ports chosen in this move consits of all the ports that are
required to build x11/kde5.

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
Differential Revision:
16 Dec 2019 09:38:49
Revision:520236Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.24

While here replace home made substitution by SUB_* macros
08 Nov 2019 11:39:00
Revision:517048Original commit files touched by this commit
tobik search for other commits by this committer
devel: Add missing USES={gl,gnome,php,sdl}
02 Jul 2018 09:07:36
Revision:473716Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Switch to USES=localbase
- Update WWW

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
02 Apr 2017 17:20:03
Revision:437571Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.23
08 Dec 2016 19:52:20
Revision:428152Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
Remove compatibility link that was added in r374303 to
prevent massive PORTREVISION bumps.  Bump dependent ports that have not
been bumped since.
28 Oct 2014 06:23:09
Revision:371623Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Revert part of r371544
27 Oct 2014 10:10:59
Revision:371544Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup plist
30 Sep 2014 20:13:57
Revision:369660Original commit files touched by this commit
bdrewery search for other commits by this committer
Bump revision missed in r368803
22 Sep 2014 05:47:33
Revision:368803Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.3.8 Changes:
- Plist parser do not accept modes like o+w g+s u+r
- @owner/@group with no argument reset the default ownership to root/wheel
- Plug regression tests into the release mechanism as mandatory
- Allow url in repository configuration to be overriden by another configuration
- If one of -P, -I or -R is not explicitly given on the command line do not emit
  error messages while searching for a mechanism to find data about the latest
  available ports.
- External keywords can now take arguments
- Directories under PREFIX are automatically handled and removed if needed
- MTREE are not packaged anymore neither extracted on final installation
- OS major checking (to determine if pkg is running on an upgraded base system)
  uses the same mechanism as ABI detection instead of relying on UNAME_r which
  can have false positivie on jails
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
29 Jul 2014 21:07:40
Revision:363392Original commit files touched by this commit
adamw search for other commits by this committer
Convert a bunch of USE_XZ to USES=tar:xz.

Approved by:	portmgr (not really, but touches unstaged ports)
25 Oct 2013 08:46:56
Revision:331563Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
remove custom code for deleting share/applications now that it is in
BSD.local.dist, and stageify [1].

Bump portrevision so redports/QAT picks up the change.

Submitted by:	Dmitry Marakasov <> (based on) [1]
20 Sep 2013 17:03:27
Revision:327722Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure Refresh
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
devel part 1)
01 Sep 2013 15:50:18
Revision:325869Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.22.

    add DBusActivatable key to allowed keys
    warn about OnlyShowIn in Action groups
    allow validating multiple desktop files
    improve help output
    update man page

    list only once a desktop file per mime type
06 May 2013 06:28:57
Revision:317467Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Fix the build with newer gcc from ports.

PR:		ports/178358
Submitted by:	Jakub Lach <>
05 May 2013 19:46:31
Revision:317427Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.21.

Apart from the usual mime updates this add support for GNOME3/GSettings for
Autostartcondition in .desktop files.
MATE and Razor are now added to the list of registered environments.

Obtained from:	gnome staging repo
24 Apr 2013 07:35:41
Revision:316407Original commit files touched by this commit
ak search for other commits by this committer
- Convert USE_GETTEXT to USES (part 1)

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
23 Apr 2013 10:13:20
Revision:316333Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Convert devel to USES=pkgconfig
08 Mar 2013 10:51:36
Revision:313633Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
* Update the glib to 2.34.3 and gtk20 to 2.24.17 and gtk30 to 3.6.4 which
  are the latest stable releases.
* Update vala to the newest stable release 0.18.1, also update a few ports
  in the gtk/gnome stack.
* The c++ bindings ports for glib, atk, gconf, etc, have now USE_GNOME toggles.
* Remove pkg-config run depends from glib20 and freetype2. This doesn't
  eliminate pkg-config run dependency completely, a second phase is needed
  and is planned.
* Support for .:run. and .:build. for USE_GNOME components was added.
  Currently only libxml2 and libxslt support this mechanism.
* Updates of the telepathy stack and empathy.
* Trim makefile headers, convert ports to new options, trim off library
  versions for some ports.
* Fix other ports so they build with the new glib version.

Thanks to miwi and crees for helping out with some exp-runs.
Approved by:	portmgr (miwi & bapt)
Obtained from:	gnome team repo
24 Oct 2011 04:17:38
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Remove more tags from pkg-descr files fo the form:

- Name

or variations thereof. While I'm here also fix some whitespace and other
formatting errors, including moving WWW: to the last line in the file.
23 Sep 2011 22:26:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Add LDFLAGS to CONFIGURE_ENV and MAKE_ENV (as it was done with LDFLAGS)
- Fix all ports that add {CPP,LD}FLAGS to *_ENV to modify flags instead

PR:             157936
Submitted by:   myself
Exp-runs by:    pav
Approved by:    pav
23 Jun 2011 16:58:43
Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.18.
31 May 2010 22:52:40
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION and add USE_GETTEXT where missing.

PR:             147257
06 Jun 2008 13:21:59
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Bump portrevision due to upgrade of devel/gettext.

The affected ports are the ones with gettext as a run-dependency
according to ports/INDEX-7 (5007 of them) and the ones with USE_GETTEXT
in Makefile (29 of them).

PR:             ports/124340
Submitted by:   edwin@
Approved by:    portmgr (pav)
01 Jun 2008 09:42:37
Original commit files touched by this commit
olgeni search for other commits by this committer
Large round of typo fixes in ports/devel (pkg-descr).
15 Feb 2008 00:24:07
Original commit files touched by this commit
mezz search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.15.
24 Oct 2007 23:37:25
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Presenting GNOME 2.20.1 and all related works for FreeBSD.  The official
GNOME 2.20 release notes can be found at .  Beyond that, this update
includes the new GIMP 2.4 (courtesy of ahze).

The GNOME 2.20 update also includes a huge change in the FreeBSD GNOME
hierarchy.  We are now using the more standard DATADIR of ${PREFIX}/share
rather than ${PREFIX}/share/gnome. The result is that fewer patches and
hacks are needed to port GNOME components to FreeBSD.  This will mean some
user changes may be required, so be sure to read /usr/ports/UPDATING for
more details.

This release and the things we accomplished in it would not have been
possible without mezz's crazy idea to collapse DATADIR, and his persistence
to make it happen successfully.  Ahze and pav also deserve thanks for
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 May 2007 22:08:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Remove support for a separate X11BASE.

Approved by:    portmgr (implicit)
26 Feb 2007 05:40:08
Original commit files touched by this commit
mezz search for other commits by this committer
Complete disable emac to avoid the configure failure if emac exists in the

PR:             ports/108218
Reported by:    Kyryll A Mirnenko <>
Discussed with: pav
13 Nov 2006 00:21:20
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.12.
04 May 2006 21:41:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Remove USE_REINPLACE from all categories starting with D
30 Apr 2006 18:15:19
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.11.
26 Feb 2006 01:03:37
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Be sure to remove ${X11BASE}/share/gnome and ${LOCALBASE}/share/gnome and
not just ${X11BASE}/share/gnome/applications and

Reported by:    pointyhat via kris
Approved by:    portmgr (implicit)
23 Feb 2006 10:40:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Conversion to a single libtool environment.

Approved by:    portmgr (kris)
23 Nov 2005 22:41:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Add SHA256 checksums
15 Nov 2005 06:52:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Mass-conversion to the USE_AUTOTOOLS New World Order.  The code present
in essentially makes this a no-op given that all the
old variables set a USE_AUTOTOOLS_COMPAT variable, which is parsed in
exactly the same way as USE_AUTOTOOLS itself.

Moreover, USE_AUTOTOOLS has already been extensively tested by the GNOME
team -- all GNOME 2.12.x ports use it.

Preliminary documentation can be found at:

which is in the process of being SGMLized before introduction into the
Porters Handbook.

Light blue touch-paper.  Run.
05 Nov 2005 05:22:06
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION to chase the glib20 shared library update.
12 Mar 2005 10:54:27
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION to chase the glib20 shared lib version change.
18 Jan 2005 22:19:13
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Drop port maintainership: devel/desktop-file-utils

        I'm dropping the maintainership of devel/desktop-file-utils,
        which should probably go to

PR:             ports/76439
Submitted by:   Jean-Yves Lefort <>
13 Jan 2005 07:09:24
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Try again to eliminate leftover file warnings during dependent package builds.
This approach creates all ${LOCALBASE} and ${X11BASE} desktop directories
before updating the desktop database to ensure the mimeinfo.cache files
are created when this package is installed.

Upon package deinstallation, each desktop directory will be rmdir'd.
28 Dec 2004 19:14:13
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
* Update to 0.10
* Move to a LOCALBASE PREFIX since gnome-vfs support was removed
* Cleanup leftover mimeinfo.cache files
* Make more portlint-friendly

Approved by:    maintainer (blanket)
21 Nov 2004 21:49:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Promote my mirror until fd.o gets their act together.
18 Nov 2004 16:41:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Mirror desktop-file-utils until can be rebuilt.
07 Nov 2004 22:24:32
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Presenting GNOME 2.8 for FreeBSD (2.8.1 to be exact).

This release notes detailing all of the new goodies in GNOME 2.8 can
be found at, and the list of what
was fixed in GNOME 2.8.1 can be found at

This release, as well as all of our others, would not have been possible
without the great efforts of our FreeBSD GNOME Team.  The list of
current members can be found at
(including our newest member, Michael Johnson <>).

Special thanks also goes out to all of the loyal FreeBSD GNOME users that
put up with crashes and hangs to test and debug GNOME on FreeBSD.  We would
especially like to thank those users that provided patches for GNOME 2.7 and
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
06 Aug 2004 21:38:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Fix a bus error with malloc debugging enabled.

Reported by:    adamw
Approved by:    maintainer (implicit)
25 Jul 2004 06:30:40
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 0.7.

Approved by:    maintainer
18 Jul 2004 12:04:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
New port: desktop-file-utils, a couple of command line utilities
for working with desktop entries

        desktop-file-utils contains a couple of command line utilities
        for working with desktop entries, aswell as a menu module
        for GnomeVFS.


PR:             ports/67814
Submitted by:   Jean-Yves Lefort <>

Number of commits found: 58