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Port details
cdecl Explains complicated C/C++ declarations in plain English
18.4.1 devel on this many watch lists=4 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 17.0.1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: unknown
Last Update: 2024-09-09 02:06:04
Commit Hash: 5f9846d
People watching this port, also watch:: transfig, xkbctrl, autoconf, sash, libwmf
License: GPLv3
Cdecl composes compilable C declarations and typecasts from descriptive English phrases, and can also explain a complicated typecast or declaration. It handles ANSI C, C++, pre-ANSI C, and K&R C, and has TAB completion of keywords and line editing and history (provided by the GNU readline library).
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (12 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/cdecl-18.4.1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/cdecl-18.4.1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/cdecl-18.4.1/GPLv3
  4. bin/c++decl
  5. bin/cdecl
  6. share/bash-completions/completions/_cdecl
  7. share/man/man1/c++decl.1.gz
  8. share/man/man1/cdecl.1.gz
  9. share/zsh/site-functions/_cdecl
  10. @owner
  11. @group
  12. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • cdecl>0:devel/cdecl
  • cutils
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/cdecl/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/cdecl
  • pkg install cdecl
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: cdecl
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1725847458 SHA256 (paul-j-lucas-cdecl-cdecl-18.4.1_GH0.tar.gz) = e162c0cf7a272b1595a1aa0089e47073b04057f9ae505eaeb13580c125aa5fce SIZE (paul-j-lucas-cdecl-cdecl-18.4.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 1037164

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. flex : textproc/flex
  2. bison : devel/bison
  3. autoconf>=2.72 : devel/autoconf
  4. automake>=1.17 : devel/automake
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/readline
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
autoreconf bison ncurses readline
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 132 (showing only 100 on this page)

1 | 2  »  

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
09 Sep 2024 02:06:04
commit hash: 5f9846d47656f39652e1b7310b054fa5026a96dacommit hash: 5f9846d47656f39652e1b7310b054fa5026a96dacommit hash: 5f9846d47656f39652e1b7310b054fa5026a96dacommit hash: 5f9846d47656f39652e1b7310b054fa5026a96da files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 18.4.1

readline.h & stdio.h fix
Compensating for the apparent fact that genuine GNU readline.h (wrongly)
requires a manual #include <stdio.h>.
07 Sep 2024 23:00:28
commit hash: 8328ce9a1271f2a8def2dfdd2f81747bbe978a92commit hash: 8328ce9a1271f2a8def2dfdd2f81747bbe978a92commit hash: 8328ce9a1271f2a8def2dfdd2f81747bbe978a92commit hash: 8328ce9a1271f2a8def2dfdd2f81747bbe978a92 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 18.4

Initial support for C++26 has been added, specifically = delete("reason") is now

However, since C++26 is (at least) 2 years away, the default language for C++ is
still C++23.

Placemarker for empty macro argument
Macros that can take a single argument can also accept no arguments since it's
interpreted as an argument of a placemarker, e.g.:

cdecl> #define M1(A)    [A]
cdecl> expand M1()
M1() => [A]
| A =>
M1() => []
is correct.
17 Aug 2024 23:40:34
commit hash: 03c2483508da72716f48534b3240e3c72155dae6commit hash: 03c2483508da72716f48534b3240e3c72155dae6commit hash: 03c2483508da72716f48534b3240e3c72155dae6commit hash: 03c2483508da72716f48534b3240e3c72155dae6 files touched by this commit
Vladimir Druzenko (vvd) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Älven
devel/cdecl: update 18.2 → 18.3


 - move PLIST_FILES to pkg-plist
 - pet portclippy

PR:		280878
Approved by:	ler (maintainer)
04 Aug 2024 04:07:01
commit hash: 335734129fcbf8c361b505985e01508c1aa7ab1dcommit hash: 335734129fcbf8c361b505985e01508c1aa7ab1dcommit hash: 335734129fcbf8c361b505985e01508c1aa7ab1dcommit hash: 335734129fcbf8c361b505985e01508c1aa7ab1d files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 18.2

More permissive types
Unknown names are now always permitted as types in pseudo-English. Hence, the
--permissive-types option now only additionally allows keywords in language
versions other than the current language as types.
21 Jul 2024 04:38:56
commit hash: 2cadeb7ce1fbebeb9c0cfffd38dbb777e30cf3efcommit hash: 2cadeb7ce1fbebeb9c0cfffd38dbb777e30cf3efcommit hash: 2cadeb7ce1fbebeb9c0cfffd38dbb777e30cf3efcommit hash: 2cadeb7ce1fbebeb9c0cfffd38dbb777e30cf3ef files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 18.1

alignas scoped names*
Alignments can now have names to denote the number of bytes, e.g.:

c++decl> explain alignas(N) char c
declare c as character aligned as N bytes
where N is presumed to be an integer constant.

_BitInt multi-declarations
Declarations like:

declare x, y as bit precise integer 4
are now correct.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
06 Jul 2024 11:09:24
commit hash: 8ab14584b03fa48928ee6b91dee826bfcfa78de1commit hash: 8ab14584b03fa48928ee6b91dee826bfcfa78de1commit hash: 8ab14584b03fa48928ee6b91dee826bfcfa78de1commit hash: 8ab14584b03fa48928ee6b91dee826bfcfa78de1 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 18.0

Allowing blocks & user-defined literals in multi-declarations
Apple blocks and C++ user-defined literals are now correctly allowed in
multi-declarations, e.g.:

int i, a[2], (^b)(char), f(double), operator~(S&), operator""_x(char)
cast & declare command executable name support
Support for the cast & declare command as the executable name has been dropped;
only the explain command is still supported. (I didn't realize until now that
declare conflicts with the shell built-in.)`

Cast to typedef
Casting to a typedefd type is fixed:

cdecl> typedef int T
cdecl> cast x into T
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
19 Jun 2024 15:42:26
commit hash: f0b32d410a3087de33a81b19ea76d6aa5c97e073commit hash: f0b32d410a3087de33a81b19ea76d6aa5c97e073commit hash: f0b32d410a3087de33a81b19ea76d6aa5c97e073commit hash: f0b32d410a3087de33a81b19ea76d6aa5c97e073 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 17.0.1

16.4.1 -> 17.0

Abbreviated function template parameter packs
Functions with auto parameters (abbreviated function templates) like:

int f( auto x )
have been supported since cdecl 9.6; this release adds additional support for
parameter packs like:

int f( auto ...x )
Added help option suggestions
Added suggestions to error messages for the help options commands, english, and
options, for example:
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Jun 2024 14:41:53
commit hash: b3179d564f825bd844abb46968f5356d38be2830commit hash: b3179d564f825bd844abb46968f5356d38be2830commit hash: b3179d564f825bd844abb46968f5356d38be2830commit hash: b3179d564f825bd844abb46968f5356d38be2830 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 16.4.1

Echoing commands short option
The short option for --echo-commands has been changed from -O to -E.

Number help
Help now includes what a "number" is.

Shell completion options
There are two new options: --commands/-K that prints cdecl's commands for the
current language and --options/-O that prints cdecl's options. Both are intended
to aid in writing shell completion functions for cdecl.

Shell completion functions
Bash and Zsh shell completion functions for cdecl are included under share and
are installed as part of make install.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
18 Apr 2024 03:59:51
commit hash: 6925b78750b2813d131f3a7129391baf1a4d5b8ecommit hash: 6925b78750b2813d131f3a7129391baf1a4d5b8ecommit hash: 6925b78750b2813d131f3a7129391baf1a4d5b8ecommit hash: 6925b78750b2813d131f3a7129391baf1a4d5b8e files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 16.3

Better destructor parameter error message
Attempting either to explain or declare a destructor having a parameter list now
prints "destructors may not have parameters" explicitly.

Defining a type more than once
If a type is defined again where the current language is older than the language
in which it was previously defined, the type's set of languages is now updated
to be the current language and newer. For example, previously:

cdecl> set c23
cdecl> typedef int Int
cdecl> show
typedef int Int;
cdecl> set c17
cdecl> typedef int Int        // Already exists so did nothing.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Mar 2024 14:51:14
commit hash: 84c07b26e4e62278bdd2af7a7f471a11bb809ddacommit hash: 84c07b26e4e62278bdd2af7a7f471a11bb809ddacommit hash: 84c07b26e4e62278bdd2af7a7f471a11bb809ddacommit hash: 84c07b26e4e62278bdd2af7a7f471a11bb809dda files touched by this commit
Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Move man pages to share/man

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
21 Feb 2024 04:20:41
commit hash: 79a63d136c6362b695028a0682bf05414d4dad1ccommit hash: 79a63d136c6362b695028a0682bf05414d4dad1ccommit hash: 79a63d136c6362b695028a0682bf05414d4dad1ccommit hash: 79a63d136c6362b695028a0682bf05414d4dad1c files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 16.2.1

Fixed macro argument list memory leak
Fixed said leak.
31 Jan 2024 04:15:20
commit hash: 6d9b0c86d9b6a426ab28079cdee29dde7dfa70c3commit hash: 6d9b0c86d9b6a426ab28079cdee29dde7dfa70c3commit hash: 6d9b0c86d9b6a426ab28079cdee29dde7dfa70c3commit hash: 6d9b0c86d9b6a426ab28079cdee29dde7dfa70c3 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 16.2

Partial typeof support
Both typeof and typeof_unqual in C23 are partially supported in that types are
accepted (but expressions are not):

typeof(int*) x                // supported
typeof(x) y                   // not supported
Additionally, GNU's __typeof__ is a synonym for typeof.
15 Jan 2024 04:16:52
commit hash: f075b80fc20e0e8bb7cd47c5cab4a2094093ee16commit hash: f075b80fc20e0e8bb7cd47c5cab4a2094093ee16commit hash: f075b80fc20e0e8bb7cd47c5cab4a2094093ee16commit hash: f075b80fc20e0e8bb7cd47c5cab4a2094093ee16 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 16.1

explicit-ecsu in English
The value of the explicit-ecsu option now also applies in pseudo-English.

c++decl> class C
c++decl> explain C *p
declare p as pointer to C
Now (with explicit-ecsu containing c):

c++decl> class C
c++decl> set explicit-ecsu = csu
c++decl> explain C *p
declare p as pointer to class C
Leading/trailing whitespace stringification

expand Q2(, a b ,)
incorrectly returned " a b " whereas now it correctly returns "a b".
06 Jan 2024 00:43:35
commit hash: 893fe310b2865c9fd67dc0bbbf54aca444241eabcommit hash: 893fe310b2865c9fd67dc0bbbf54aca444241eabcommit hash: 893fe310b2865c9fd67dc0bbbf54aca444241eabcommit hash: 893fe310b2865c9fd67dc0bbbf54aca444241eab files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 16.0

Release Notes:
Macro expansion
Cdecl now allows you to #define macros and expand them step-by-step.

C99 with extension error messages
Improved C99 with extension error messages.

--disable-cdecl-debug removed
The --disable-cdecl-debug configure option has been removed (which means cdecl
debug output is always compiled in).

Support for GCC_COLORS has been removed. It was more of a hindrance than a help.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
17 Dec 2023 21:41:29
commit hash: e7539b7a8add610fb762fac2e6f25b5f230a1dd1commit hash: e7539b7a8add610fb762fac2e6f25b5f230a1dd1commit hash: e7539b7a8add610fb762fac2e6f25b5f230a1dd1commit hash: e7539b7a8add610fb762fac2e6f25b5f230a1dd1 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl:  upgrade to 15.0

Check the GitHub release notes for more info.
09 Jan 2023 20:21:49
commit hash: 6e09787d318f41ddbfe8e4e9c80237e0c8e2485fcommit hash: 6e09787d318f41ddbfe8e4e9c80237e0c8e2485fcommit hash: 6e09787d318f41ddbfe8e4e9c80237e0c8e2485fcommit hash: 6e09787d318f41ddbfe8e4e9c80237e0c8e2485f files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl:  update to 13.1

auto type definitions and casts
Defining or casting a type containing auto is now correctly reported as an

C23 auto
Added support for auto as a deduced type in C23.

C23 trigraphs
Trigraphs are no longer supported in C23.

_BitInt(<int>) help
_BitInt(<int>) was added to the help text.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
01 Nov 2022 14:16:24
commit hash: ecc6a02944950992709cb8d5988014e85e48d8c0commit hash: ecc6a02944950992709cb8d5988014e85e48d8c0commit hash: ecc6a02944950992709cb8d5988014e85e48d8c0commit hash: ecc6a02944950992709cb8d5988014e85e48d8c0 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Update to 13.0

Better copy constructor support
Declarations like:

c++decl> explain C(C const&)
declare C as constructor (reference to constant C)
are now supported better.

C23 alignas
In C23, alignas is now used instead of _Alignas.

C23 _BitInt(N)
The _BitInt(N) type in C23 in now supported.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Aug 2022 01:30:11
commit hash: f34ecf5bc789911d879c7e29233808672b5083e5commit hash: f34ecf5bc789911d879c7e29233808672b5083e5commit hash: f34ecf5bc789911d879c7e29233808672b5083e5commit hash: f34ecf5bc789911d879c7e29233808672b5083e5 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: distfile re-rolled

due to a minor  bug.
06 Aug 2022 15:24:58
commit hash: 75ff759a3b189c6ae84690dc788c10d312b535b2commit hash: 75ff759a3b189c6ae84690dc788c10d312b535b2commit hash: 75ff759a3b189c6ae84690dc788c10d312b535b2commit hash: 75ff759a3b189c6ae84690dc788c10d312b535b2 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 12.0

Added suggestions
Added suggestions to error messages in certain cases when a keyword is
expected, for example:

cdecl> declare x as type poiner to int
			 19: syntax error: "poiner": "as" expected; did
			     you mean "pointer"?
			     Better executable name checking
			     Previously, if cdecl was invoked as cast,
			     declare, or explain, or with a name that
			     isn't a command (through renaming or a hard
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:21:35
commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Waitman Gobble" <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron H. K. Diep <>
  *  Aaron Hurt <>
  *  Abel Chow <>
  *  Adam McLaurin
  *  Adam Saponara <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
15 May 2022 01:46:37
commit hash: cf19ea635a5b7f72715b1c2d25f81d4d605ad738commit hash: cf19ea635a5b7f72715b1c2d25f81d4d605ad738commit hash: cf19ea635a5b7f72715b1c2d25f81d4d605ad738commit hash: cf19ea635a5b7f72715b1c2d25f81d4d605ad738 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Upgrade to 11.15

Atomic arrays
_Atomic arrays are now correctly forbidden:

typedef int A[2]
explain _Atomic A x  // error: _Atomic array of T is illegal
Note that:

_Atomic int x[2];    // OK: array of _Atomic T is legal
is legal.

CDECLRC environment variable
If none of the --config, -c, --no-config, nor -C command line options
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
11 Mar 2022 16:01:30
commit hash: 06dd8b8e8ed5ac54f8bb20db18730942c934d95acommit hash: 06dd8b8e8ed5ac54f8bb20db18730942c934d95acommit hash: 06dd8b8e8ed5ac54f8bb20db18730942c934d95acommit hash: 06dd8b8e8ed5ac54f8bb20db18730942c934d95a files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 11.14

Alternative tokens & digraphs
Now prints a warning that neither alternative tokens nor digraphs are
supported until C95. Also now printing a warning if alternative tokens
are set and the current language changes to one that doesn't support

east-const in K&R C
Now prints a warning that east-const isn't supported until C89.

Now prints a warning that using isn't supported until C++11.

Fixed void f(int())
The long-standing issue #10 has finally been fixed.

Fixed help message
The old mention of files... in the help messages was removed.
27 Feb 2022 21:03:27
commit hash: 2f70772413f3c2078787cce52e21c6220df2d7dbcommit hash: 2f70772413f3c2078787cce52e21c6220df2d7dbcommit hash: 2f70772413f3c2078787cce52e21c6220df2d7dbcommit hash: 2f70772413f3c2078787cce52e21c6220df2d7db files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.13

Aligned enum, struct, and union in C
Alignment of enum, struct, and union is now correctly forbidden in C.

alignas & _Alignas
These keywords are now additionally allowed instead of aligned [as|to]
in pseudo-English.

Auto-completion of cdecl keywords
Cdecl keywords are now not auto-completable when explaining gibberish.

Auto-completion tweaks
new is now auto-completable; variadic is now autocompletable only in C89
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
11 Feb 2022 15:47:05
commit hash: 1d3251a7cf7e01ed6f1de8c812d4c5f67c6bc531commit hash: 1d3251a7cf7e01ed6f1de8c812d4c5f67c6bc531commit hash: 1d3251a7cf7e01ed6f1de8c812d4c5f67c6bc531commit hash: 1d3251a7cf7e01ed6f1de8c812d4c5f67c6bc531 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Upgrade to 11.12.

noexcept for function parameters
noexcept is now correctly allowed for pointers to function parameter

c++decl> explain void g( void (*f)() noexcept )
declare g as function (f as pointer to no-exception function returning
void) returning void
Dynamic exception specifications
These are now parsed, but either not supported by cdecl through C++14 or
no longer supported in C++17.

Ignore leading whitespace for command completion
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
23 Jan 2022 02:33:57
commit hash: 1c27917347bc381764bea75faa91f1f86362bf51commit hash: 1c27917347bc381764bea75faa91f1f86362bf51commit hash: 1c27917347bc381764bea75faa91f1f86362bf51commit hash: 1c27917347bc381764bea75faa91f1f86362bf51 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.11

using with attributes
Now supporting using with attributes:

c++decl> explain using Int [[maybe_unused]] = int
declare Int as maybe unused type int
Declare types with using
In C++11 and later, types are now declared with using instead of typedef
by default.

using declarations
New --no-using/-u command-line option and using set option that control
whether types are declared with using instead of typedef in C++11 and

c++decl> declare pint as type pointer to int
using pint = int*;
c++decl> set nousing
c++decl> declare pint as type pointer to int
typedef int *pint;
More K&R C types
The types caaddr_t and daddr_t were added; jmp_buf was moved from C89.
03 Jan 2022 16:03:06
commit hash: d281b7895b7edda53d5648b14e3653718b694133commit hash: d281b7895b7edda53d5648b14e3653718b694133commit hash: d281b7895b7edda53d5648b14e3653718b694133commit hash: d281b7895b7edda53d5648b14e3653718b694133 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 11.10

Pre-C99 implicit int
Added more support for pre-C99 implicit int:

explain *p                          // pointer to int
explain *p, i                       // pointer to int, int
explain *a[4]                       // array 4 of pointer to int
explain *f()                        // function returning pointer to int
explain (*p)                        // pointer to int -- unnecessary ()
const void function parameters
const (and volatile) qualifiers for void as a function "parameter" (even via a
typedef) are now correctly flagged as an error:

void f1(void);                      // OK
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
22 Dec 2021 18:32:37
commit hash: 60c384addef0ae59cf599daf65aaf8986d5c176dcommit hash: 60c384addef0ae59cf599daf65aaf8986d5c176dcommit hash: 60c384addef0ae59cf599daf65aaf8986d5c176dcommit hash: 60c384addef0ae59cf599daf65aaf8986d5c176d files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.9

Fixed reading from stdin
Fixed reading from stdin when it's not a TTY.

Redefinition check
Names being redefined with a different type in the same declaration are now
correctly forbidden:

int i, i;                           // OK (tentative definition)
int j, *j;                          // error: different type
Function-like parameter redefinition check
Function-like parameters are now checked for redefinition (more than one
parameter having the same name).

More C++ standard types
Added the standard C++ types std::ispanstream, std::stacktrace_entry, and
14 Dec 2021 18:14:52
commit hash: b311b6c2d28f42970a291eec3dda5b1d2815c736commit hash: b311b6c2d28f42970a291eec3dda5b1d2815c736commit hash: b311b6c2d28f42970a291eec3dda5b1d2815c736commit hash: b311b6c2d28f42970a291eec3dda5b1d2815c736 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update 11.8

New cdecl keywords
There are now the new pseudo-English keywords of evaluation (plus eval as a
shorthand), expression (plus expr), and initialization (plus init) that can
optionally be used after constant (or const) instead of consteval, constexpr, or
constinit, respectively:

c++decl> declare f as constant expression function returning int
constexpr int f();
There are now the new pseudo-English keywords of maybe, unused, thread, local,
as well as discard, except, and return that can be used after no that can be
used instead of maybe_unused, thread_local, nodiscard, noexcept, and noreturn.

Fixed reading of stdin
The "no files as arguments" change broke reading of stdin; fixed.
11 Dec 2021 02:04:25
commit hash: fca70e75bb04954ece4cf91489ee69a16befd5bfcommit hash: fca70e75bb04954ece4cf91489ee69a16befd5bfcommit hash: fca70e75bb04954ece4cf91489ee69a16befd5bfcommit hash: fca70e75bb04954ece4cf91489ee69a16befd5bf files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.7

Cdecl keywords
When an unexpected name token is encountered, if said token is a cdecl keyword,
it's now mentioned in the error message:

cdecl> declare ptr as pointer to void
16: syntax error: "ptr": name expected ("ptr" is a cdecl keyword)
Additionally, cdecl keywords are now also offered in suggestions.

register arrays
register arrays are now correctly allowed.

Zero-sized arrays
Zero-sized arrays are now correctly forbidden.

No files as arguments
Command-line arguments were treated as files if they weren't commands.
This dubious use-case was a hold-over from the original cdecl and has
been removed. (If you want to read a file use -f.)
03 Dec 2021 18:37:15
commit hash: b63b0b78852ff7dbe64c89dcded75dce7b3ecb25commit hash: b63b0b78852ff7dbe64c89dcded75dce7b3ecb25commit hash: b63b0b78852ff7dbe64c89dcded75dce7b3ecb25commit hash: b63b0b78852ff7dbe64c89dcded75dce7b3ecb25 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.6

C++23 integer literal suffixes
The case-insensitive integer literal suffixes of uz and zu for size_t and z for
ssize_t are now supported.

C++23 operator[]
Now allowing operator[] to have zero or more arguments starting in C++23.

Fixed bug with array of function

cdecl> explain int f[5](double)
declare f as function (double) returning int
cdecl (1) incorrectly elided the array and therefore (2) didn't report the array
of function as an error.

typedef of function
typedefs of function are now correctly allowed:

typedef int F(void)
11 Nov 2021 15:03:19
commit hash: fee842928fc917b84ddbadefffe429849d1dd42ecommit hash: fee842928fc917b84ddbadefffe429849d1dd42ecommit hash: fee842928fc917b84ddbadefffe429849d1dd42ecommit hash: fee842928fc917b84ddbadefffe429849d1dd42e files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 11.5.

Better error/warning locations
Locations for error and warning messages have been improved.

show error improvement
The show command now correctly prints all possible commands to define a type
when requested to show a type that doesn't exist.

register warnings
A deprecated warning is now printed for a register array, enum, class, struct,
union, pointer, pointer to member, reference, and rvalue reference between C++11
and C++14. (Previously, a warning was printed only for built-in types and

K&R function parameter printed as int
For functions having K&R C typeless parameters, int is now printed in C89 and
later since such parameters are implicitly int.

show using before C++11
A show using before C++11 now prints an error.

Help output
Tweaked help output.
29 Oct 2021 09:50:18
commit hash: 819f25b36d45b8ac5593ec8e6f470d9ad454b08acommit hash: 819f25b36d45b8ac5593ec8e6f470d9ad454b08acommit hash: 819f25b36d45b8ac5593ec8e6f470d9ad454b08acommit hash: 819f25b36d45b8ac5593ec8e6f470d9ad454b08a files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Remove redundant '-[0-9]*' from CONFLICTS

The conflict checks compare the patterns first against the package
names without version (as reported by "pkg query "%n"), then - if
there was no match - agsinst the full package names including the
version (as reported by "pkg query "%n-%v").

Many CONFLICTS definitions used patterns like "bash-[0-9]*" to filter
for the bash package in any version. But that pattern is functionally
identical with just "bash".

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
19 Oct 2021 14:52:39
commit hash: 156e0517c0f2ead88a55c5a90a63f3d1cbfbcdc6commit hash: 156e0517c0f2ead88a55c5a90a63f3d1cbfbcdc6commit hash: 156e0517c0f2ead88a55c5a90a63f3d1cbfbcdc6commit hash: 156e0517c0f2ead88a55c5a90a63f3d1cbfbcdc6 files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade 11.2->11.4

Added explicit-ecsu option
Both an --explicit-csu/-S command-line and explicit-ecsu set option have been
added that set which type keywords enum, class, struct, or union, are included
explicitly in C++ declarations. The default is struct and
union only, so:

c++decl> declare ps as pointer to struct S
struct S *ps;
c++decl> declare pt as pointer to class T
T *pt;
Fixed nested array declaration
Explaining a declaration like:
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
03 Oct 2021 23:15:08
commit hash: 6fcfe5546ec5199acf57597f3e1dcfb85ea766dccommit hash: 6fcfe5546ec5199acf57597f3e1dcfb85ea766dccommit hash: 6fcfe5546ec5199acf57597f3e1dcfb85ea766dccommit hash: 6fcfe5546ec5199acf57597f3e1dcfb85ea766dc files touched by this commit
Larry Rosenman (ler) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade from 8.0->11.2

See the github repo for all the changes
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
30 Jul 2020 20:18:44
Revision:543832Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 8.0.

C2X support
Added support for C2X:

Added type char8_t.
Added [[...]] syntax for attributes.
Added [[deprecated]], [[maybe_unused]], and [[nodiscard]] attributes.
Removed support for typeless function arguments in K&R C.
More C++20 support
Added support for constinit and export in C++20.

Embedded C support
Added support for Embedded C:
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
13 Jul 2020 15:26:28
Revision:542144Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 7.4.1.

Allowing signed main()
The legal signed main() signature is now accepted.

Ignoring east-const in English
East const is now ignored when explaining gibberish.

Disallowing reference to reference
References to references are now errors.
02 Jul 2020 01:57:23
Revision:541005Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 7.4.

Bison debugging change
Changed --enable--yydebug configure option to --enable-bison-debug, --yydebug/-y
cdecl options to --bison-debug/-B, and yydebug to bison-debug set option.

Added Flex debugging
Added --enable-flex-debug configure option, --flex-debug/-F cdecl options, and
flex-debug set option.

Fixed set options
Finally fixed parsing of set options.
29 Jun 2020 16:35:33
Revision:540813Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 7.3.

Checking main()s signature
The signature of main() is now checked.

More C standard types
Added the standard C types atomic_flag, double_t, fenv_t, fexcept_t, float_t,
jmp_buf, memory_order, va_list, wctrans_t, and wctype_t.

Fixed explaining pointer-to-array function arguments
Explaining a declaration like:

cdecl> explain void f(double (*a)[5])
crashed; fixed.
15 Jun 2020 19:21:20
Revision:539270Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 7.2.

- changelog:
new & delete operator overloading
Added support for composing and deciphering C++ overloaded new, new[], delete,
and delete[] operators.

extern &static functions
extern or static functions can not be const.

English scoped types

struct S { typedef int Int; }
explain S::Int x
the explanation is:
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
26 May 2020 17:25:20
Revision:536642Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 7.1.

dded more GNU extensions
Added GNU C's __complex, __complex__, __const, __inline, __restrict, __signed,
__signed__, __volatile, and __volatile__.

_Bool in C
In C, _Bool is now emitted rather than bool.

register removed
register is now removed (but still reserved) in C++17 and later.
15 May 2020 19:22:18
Revision:535320Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 7.0.

East const
New -E/--east-const command-line and east-const set options to use "east const"
in gibberish:

cdecl> declare x as const int
int const x;
Correct scope names for nested types
Previously, scope names for nested types were always printed as "of scope"; now
they print the type of scope (class, struct, union, or namespace):

c++decl> struct S { typedef int Int; };
c++decl> explain S::Int x
declare x as Int of structure S
Declare const/volatile user-defined conversion operators
Can now declare const/volatile user-defined conversion operators.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
27 Apr 2020 16:05:07
Revision:533148Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.11.

Added __inline__, __restrict__, and __thread
Added GNU C's __inline__, __restrict__, and __thread.

Added GNU C types
The GNU C types _Decimal32, _Decimal64, _Decimal128, _Float128, __float128,
_Float16, __fp16, __ibm128, _Float64x, __float80, and __int128 were added to the
set of predefined types.

Added WIN32 types
All of the Windows types, e.g., DWORD, HANDLE, INT, etc., given here were added
to the set of predefined types.

Fixed retypedef
Fixed a crash caused by a case like:

typedef int I
typedef I J
typedef I J
13 Apr 2020 17:09:12
Revision:531619Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.10

Added __auto_type
Added GNU C's __auto_type.

Fixed long long C version
The long long type was incorrectly allowed in C89; it wasn't added until C99.

Added pthread.h, threads.h, and C++ thread types
The types pthread_t, pthread_barrier_t, pthread_barrierattr_t, pthread_cond_t,
pthread_condattr_t, pthread_mutex_t, pthread_mutexattr_t, pthread_once_t,
pthread_rwlock_t, pthread_rwlockattr_t, and pthread_spinlock_t from <pthread.h>
(POSIX); the types thrd_t, cnd_t, mtx_t, once_flag, thrd_start_t, tss_dtor_t,
and tss_t from <thread.h> (C11); and std::thread (C++11) and std::jthread
(C++20) from <thread> to the set of predefined types.
27 Feb 2020 23:08:43
Revision:527312Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.9.

Cast accepts as and to
The cast command now accepts as and to in addition to into.

Autocomplete of explain-by-default
Autocomplete was missing explain-by-default; fixed.
21 Jan 2020 21:39:30
Revision:523746Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.8.1.

- Reset lexer start-state
In 6.8, start states were added to the lexer. Resetting the lexer now includes
also resetting the start state.
13 Jan 2020 17:04:20
Revision:522897Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.8.

Added set lang=lang
Since the set explicit-int option was added (an option that takes a value), a
set lang=lang option was added.
07 Jan 2020 15:40:45
Revision:522340Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.7.

Explicit int in English
Previously when explaining integer declarations, int was implicit:

cdecl> explain unsigned x
declare x as unsigned
Now int is explicit:

cdecl> explain unsigned x
declare x as unsigned int
Added explicit-int option
Both a command-line --explicit-int/-I and explicit-int set option have been
added that set which integer types have int explicitly included in declarations.
12 Dec 2019 15:57:06
Revision:519940Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.6.2.

Added atomic_char8_t
Added atomic_char8_t typedef for C++20.

Fixed flex & bison dependency
Now insists on flex & bison only when lexer.c & parser.c don't exist (i.e., when
building from a git clone that doesn't include those files rather than an
official release that does).

Explicit structure definition error
Structure declarations (that were never supported) now produce a specific error

cdecl> explain struct S { int x; };
18: error: structure definitions are not supported
Fixed libreadline & libcurses dependency
Moved check for libcurses before libreadline since some implementations of the
latter depend on the former (e.g., Solaris 11).

More gcc warnings
Enabled more gcc warnings and fixed them.

Added this (with a -) as an English synonym for thread_local (with an _).
31 Oct 2019 17:17:54
Revision:516180Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.6.1.

Fixed upgrade install
When installing an upgrade, no longer fails when a c++decl symbolic link already
23 Oct 2019 20:38:43
Revision:515309Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.6.

Release Notes:
Defaulted & deleted support
Defaulted & deleted special member functions are now supported.

Explain-by-default option
Both a command-line --explain/-e and explain-by-default set option have been
added that assume a command that doesn't start with any command means explain.

Set option abbreviations
Unambiguous set option name abbreviations may now be used.

Virtual constexpr
Virtual constexpr declarations are now only correctly allowed in C++20.
24 Jul 2019 17:43:40
Revision:507291Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.5.1.

Complete storage-class-like constructors
Previously, only explicit was supported for constructors. Now all of constexpr,
explicit, friend, inline, and
   noexcept (or throw()) are supported.
15 Jul 2019 20:34:42
Revision:506711Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.5.

Much better alternative tokens support
Alternative tokens (and, and_eq, etc.) are now parsed correctly in all cases.
Additionally, alternative tokens can be emitted via the new set alt-tokens

Changed -q to -p
The --quiet and -q options (that were in the original cdecl) were changed to
--no-prompt and -p so they're more explicit about what they do.

Trigraphs warning
If the trigraphs option is set and the language is C++17 or later, a warning
will be printed (since trigraphs were removed from C++17).

Set command output changed
The set command now only prints the current options. Its help has beed added to
the help command.

Better K&R C prototypes error
The error message given when attempting to use function prototypes in K&R C has
been improved.

26 Jun 2019 04:00:10
Revision:505139Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.4.2.

Fixed 32-bit CPU support
Now (again) supports running on 32-bit platforms.

More help
The --help option now prints long options and project URLs.
21 Jun 2019 02:15:00
Revision:504754Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.4.1.

Fixed use of GNU Readline
Several things relating to the use of GNU Readline were fixed.

(I (ler) reported the warnings, and bison warnings that were
also fixed).
19 Jun 2019 15:23:44
Revision:504555Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: shut up warnings about POSIX Yacc.
19 Jun 2019 13:22:03
Revision:504546Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.4.

Added support for user-defined conversion operators
Now supports C++ user-defined conversion operators.

cdecl> explain operator int const*() const
declare constant user-defined conversion operator returning pointer to constant
Added support for alignment specifiers
Now supports C11 _Alignas and C++11 alignas specifiers.

cdecl> explain _Alignas(64) int x
declare x as int aligned as 16 bytes
Added more predefined typedefs
More predefined typedefs were added: fd_set, nfds_t, and sigset_t.

Reported by:	portscout
23 May 2019 17:34:53
Revision:502345Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Upgrade to 6.3.2.

Added missing virtual for destructor
Added virtual that was missing from the help and man page for destructor.
23 May 2019 05:15:41
Revision:502308Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.3.1.

Added support for noexcept constructors
Constructors can now be noexcept.

Added support for noexcept and virtual destructors
Destructors can now be noexcept and/or virtual.
22 May 2019 13:49:42
Revision:502270Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.3.

Added support for constructors & destructors
Now supports C++ constructors & destructors.

Split up help command output
The output of the "help" command has been split into "command" and "english"
because the output has gotten too big for an 80x24 screen.
11 May 2019 22:37:01
Revision:501311Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 6.2.

Added C++11 user-defined literal support
Added support for user-defined literals. For example:

cdecl> explain int operator"" _a(unsigned long long x)
declare _a as user-defined literal (x as unsigned long long) returning int
More commands as first argument
More commands (define, namespace, set, static, typedef, and using) are now
recognized as such when they are the first argument.

Added support for char8_t
Now supports C++20's char8_t.

Added support for more standard types
Added typedef declarations for div_t, imaxdiv_t, ldiv_t, lldiv_t, sig_atomic_t,
streambuf, streamoff, streamsize, and wstreambuf.
17 Apr 2019 09:55:32
Revision:499166Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.1.

Final or override now implies virtual
Either final or override in a function's signature now implies it's virtual:

cdecl> explain void f() override
declare f as overridden virtual member function returning void

Reported by:	portscout
09 Apr 2019 14:04:50
Revision:498476Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update devel/readline to 8.0

- Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change

PR:		236156
Exp-run by:	antoine
31 Mar 2019 02:58:45
Revision:497377Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.0.2

Added strndup()
Added Gnulib's strndup() for systems that don't have it.

Fixed cast warning
Fixed "cast to pointer from integer of different size" on some compilers.
26 Mar 2019 17:37:58
Revision:496902Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 6.0.1.

6.0 release notes:
Added C++ scoped name support
Added support for scoped names in C++. For example:

cdecl> explain int S::x
declare x of scope S as int
cdecl> define S::T as struct T; explain S::T x
declare x as T of scope S
Added partial namespace support
Specifically, you can now perform typedef and using declarations within
namespaces or inline namespaces:

c++decl> namespace S { inline namespace T { typedef int Int; } }
c++decl> show user typedef
namespace S::T { typedef int Int; }

6.0.1 release note:
Fixed undefined uint64_t
Fixed a compile-time error on some platforms.

Reported by:	portscout
13 Dec 2018 19:50:31
Revision:487379Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Update to 5.2.

Added digraph and trigraph support
Added support for digraphs and trigraphs.
08 Dec 2018 19:51:14
Revision:486984Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: Update to 5.1

Added C++20 support
Specifically, consteval functions, operator<=>(), and predefined typedefs were
added: partial_ordering, strong_equality, strong_ordering, weak_equality, and

Added C18 support
Since C18 is only a bugfix version, "C18" is merely recognized as a valid
version of C.
01 Dec 2018 15:30:16
Revision:486374Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 5.0.

pet portlint.

Added all C/C++ keywords
All C/C++ keywords have been added to the lexer/parser to prevent declaring
variables or functions having names that are keywords. For example:

declare break as int
is now correctly reported as an error.

Additionally, names that are keywords is later versions of C/C++, while legal,
now issue warnings, e.g.:

cdecl> declare class as int
18: warning: "class" is a keyword in C++98
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
08 Oct 2018 16:45:44
Revision:481550Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.8.

Show command improvement
The show command can now show the definition of a type in English
(same as before, but now the default) or in gibberish as a typedef
(new, optional).

Note also that the trailing types keyword has been removed from
the command: it wasn't needed.
11 Sep 2018 16:41:02
Revision:479535Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.7.

Added more predefined typedefs
More predefined typedefs were added: blkcnt_t, blksize_t, clockid_t, clock_t,
dev_t, errno_t, FILE, fpos_t, gid_t, in_addr_t, ino_t, in_port_t, mbstate_t,
mode_t, nlink_t, off_t, pid_t, rlim_t, rsize_t, sa_family_t, socklen_t,
suseconds_t, time_t, uid_t, useconds_t, and wint_t.
01 Jul 2018 21:22:36
Revision:473683Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.6.1:
Fixed explaining of unnamed array function arguments
Explaining unnamed array function arguments like:

void f(char[])
now works.
01 Jul 2018 19:50:59
Revision:473679Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update from 4.4.3 to 4.6

4.5 Release Notes:
Using declarations
Added support for C++11's using declarations as a synonym for typedef.

4.6 Release Notes:
Explain using declarations
Added support for explaining C++11's using declarations.

Notified by: portscout
19 Mar 2018 01:08:32
Revision:464974Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.4.3.
Minor fix to red-black tree code.
Now initializing node->parent to NIL.
05 Nov 2017 19:50:47
Revision:453559Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 4.4.2.

Fixed declare of function with an invalid argument
A declaration like:

declare f as function (x as unknown_type)
now correctly reports the unknown type.
29 Oct 2017 19:56:08
Revision:453132Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.4.1

Fixed typedef of pointer-to-function
A typedef like:

typedef void (*f)(int)
now works correctly.

The cdecl(1) man page now contains a CONFIGURATION FILE section.
26 Oct 2017 19:53:12
Revision:452949Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 4.4.

Added C++ attribute specifier support
The C++ attrribute specifiers carries_dependency, deprecated, noreturn,
maybe_unused, and nodiscard are now supported.
14 Oct 2017 23:50:17
Revision:452095Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.3:
Added C99 _Imaginary number support
C99 _Imaginary number declarations are now supported.

The keyword external is now a synonym for extern.

More English for explain
More English synonyms are used in explanations, e.g.:

declare x as automatic
declare x as constant int
declare x as enumeration E
declare x as structure S
14 Oct 2017 09:11:14
Revision:452049Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 4.2.

Added noexcept and throw() support
Function declarations may now include exception specifications.

Fixed handling of leading whitespace in command-line argument
The unusual case of:

cdecl ' declare x as int'
i.e., a quoted argument having leading whitespace, is now handled correctly.
09 Oct 2017 19:53:57
Revision:451635Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 4.1.

New C11 standard atomic types
The following C11 atomic types are now supported via the new typedef command:
atomic_bool, atomic_char, atomic_schar, atomic_char16_t, atomic_char32_t,
atomic_wchar_t, atomic_short, atomic_int, atomic_long, atomic_llong,
atomic_uchar, atomic_ushort, atomic_uint, atomic_ulong, atomic_ullong,
atomic_ptrdiff_t, atomic_size_t, atomic_intmax_t, atomic_intptr_t,
atomic_uintptr_t, atomic_uintmax_t, atomic_int_fast8_t, atomic_int_fast16_t,
atomic_int_fast32_t, atomic_int_fast64_t, atomic_uint_fast8_t,
atomic_uint_fast16_t, atomic_uint_fast32_t, atomic_uint_fast64_t,
atomic_int_least8_t, atomic_int_least16_t, atomic_int_least32_t,
atomic_int_least64_t, atomic_uint_least8_t, atomic_uint_least16_t,
atomic_uint_least32_t, and atomic_uint_least64_t.

Fixed typedef and define commands with storage classes
Typedef and define now prohibit storage classes, e.g.:

typedef static int sint;
is now correctly reported as an error.
22 Sep 2017 13:19:43
Revision:450371Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 4.0.
Added C++17 support
Specifically, inline variable declarations are now supported.

New typedef and define commands
New typedef gibberish and define english commands have been added to allow new
types to be defined that can then be used in subsequent declarations and

New C99 standard types
The following C99 types are now supported via the new typedef command:
int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, int_fast8_t, int_fast16_t, int_fast32_t,
int_fast64_t, int_least16_t, int_least32_t, int_least64_t, int_least8_t,
intmax_t, intptr_t, ptrdiff_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t,
uint_fast8_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast32_t, uint_fast64_t, uint_least8_t,
uint_least16_t, uint_least32_t, uint_least64_t, uintmax_t, and uintptr_t.

New --no-typedefs/-t command-line options
Either of these options suppresses the definition of the standard C99 types.

Reads configuration file
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
30 Aug 2017 18:06:15
Revision:448994Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.6.
First word of first argument
The first word of the first non-option command-line argument is now also checked
to see
if it's a command thus allowing fully quoted strings:

$ cdecl 'explain int *const p'
27 Aug 2017 03:26:48
Revision:448798Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.5

Added ssize_t
Similar to size_t, support for ssize_t has been added.
17 Jul 2017 17:45:19
Revision:446085Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 3.4.1
Fixed new-style casts C++ version
New-style casts are now permitted as far back as C++98.
14 Jul 2017 17:52:22
Revision:445800Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: update to 3.4.

Static & type-qualified arrays
Added support for C99 static and type-qualified array function arguments, e.g.:

    void f( int a[static const 10] );
Variable length arrays
Added support for C99 variable length array function arguments, e.g.:

    void f( int a[*] );
    void g( int a[const *] );
Help command-line argument
Now prints the help message and exits if the first command-line argument is

Fixed reference to array
The generated gibberish for "reference to array" has been fixed.
27 Jun 2017 13:46:53
Revision:444463Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update devel/readline to 7.0 patch 3

- Bump PORTREVISION for shlib change

Differential Revision:
PR:		219947
Exp-run by:	antoine
07 Jun 2017 17:22:59
Revision:442855Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
Update devel/cdecl to 3.3.

Help command-line option
Added the command-line options of -h or --help that prints the usage message.

Fixed const pointers to members
Explaining const/volatile pointers to members now works.
30 May 2017 01:48:00
Revision:442043Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.1

**C++ new-style casts**
Added support for C++ new-style casts.

**Language-sensitive autocompletion**
Autocompletion is now language-sensitive in that it will not offer completions
that are not valid in the current language.

**Context-sensitive autocompletion**
Autocompletion is now slightly more context-sensitive in that it will offer only
command keywords for the first word in the input.

**Fixed command-line error printing**
Command-line input is now printed when there's an error.
29 May 2017 11:58:36
Revision:441981Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
Update devel/cdecl to 3.1.5

**Fixed color prompt caret position**
The position of the caret in error messages when using color prompts has been
24 May 2017 19:51:16
Revision:441611Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl upgrade to 3.1.4:

Fixed cv-qualifier in help
The <cv-qualifier> in the help text was missing .
06 May 2017 15:32:34
Revision:440278Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.1.3
Fixed synonyms in explain
Explanations no longer wrongly allow English synonyms.

Approved by:	adamw (mentor, implicit)
05 May 2017 23:17:52
Revision:440207Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.1.2

Fixed declarations with storage-class
Declarations like:

declare x as static pointer to function returning int
declare x as type pointer to function returning int
are fixed.

Approved by:	adamw (mentor, implicit)
03 May 2017 12:16:49
Revision:440009Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Simplify USE_GITHUB usage.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
01 May 2017 01:54:13
Revision:439858Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to 3.1.1

Parallel builds
Parallel builds were fixed.

Manual page caveats
Added additional caveats: qualified C++ data members or member functions
    are not supported.

Approved by:	adamw (mentor, implicit)
01 May 2017 00:39:19
Revision:439855Original commit files touched by this commit
ler search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: upgrade to new major version 3.1

	This version fixes virtually all the deficiencies in earlier versions as well
as adds many new features, most notably:

Using GNU Autotools for building.
Command-line long-options.
Distinguishes among K&R C, C89, C95, C99, C11, C++98, C++03, C++11, and C++14.
Support for C11 and C++11 types bool, char16_t, char32_t, complex, restrict,
size_t, thread_local, and wchar_t.
Support for inline function declarations.
Support for typedef declarations.
Support for variadic function arguments.
Support for C++11 constexpr, enum class, mutable, rvalue references, and the
function trailing return-type syntax.
Support for const, final, friend, override, volatile, virtual, pure virtual, and
ref-qualified C++ member function declarations.
Better warning and error messages complete with location information and color.

Take Maintainer'ship.

Submitted by:
Approved by:	adamw (mentor, implicit)
07 Aug 2016 17:21:26
Revision:419783Original commit files touched by this commit
marino search for other commits by this committer
devel/cdecl: document ncurses, fix for DragonFly

While here, incorporate getline fix into the regenerated patches.
20 Jul 2016 15:33:20
Revision:418840Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup $() variables in ports Makefiles.

Mostly replace with ${}, but sometime, replace with $$() because it is
what was intended in the first place. (I think.)

Sponsored by:	Absolight
13 May 2016 18:51:43
Revision:415132Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Prevent collision with getline(3)
25 Dec 2015 14:42:15
Revision:404424Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Switch to options helpers

Number of commits found: 132 (showing only 100 on this page)

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