FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-05 11:37:15 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
3da0352f-2397-11ea-966e-000ffec0b3e1drupal -- Drupal Core - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Drupal Security Team reports:

A visit to install.php can cause cached data to become corrupted. This could cause a site to be impaired until caches are rebuilt.

Drupal 8 core's file_save_upload() function does not strip the leading and trailing dot ('.') from filenames, like Drupal 7 did. Users with the ability to upload files with any extension in conjunction with contributed modules may be able to use this to upload system files such as .htaccess in order to bypass protections afforded by Drupal's default .htaccess file. After this fix, file_save_upload() now trims leading and trailing dots from filenames.

The Media Library module has a security vulnerability whereby it doesn't sufficiently restrict access to media items in certain configurations.

The Drupal project uses the third-party library Archive_Tar, which has released a security-related feature that impacts some Drupal configurations. Multiple vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2 or .tlz file uploads and processes them. The latest versions of Drupal update Archive_Tar to 1.4.9 to mitigate the file processing vulnerabilities.

Discovery 2019-12-18
Entry 2019-12-21
< 7.69

< 8.8.1
c5ec57a9-9c2b-11ea-82b8-4c72b94353b5drupal -- Multiple Vulnerabilities

Drupal Security Team reports:

The jQuery project released version 3.5.0, and as part of that, disclosed two security vulnerabilities that affect all prior versions. As mentioned in the jQuery blog, both are: ... Security issues in jQuerys DOM manipulation methods, as in .html(), .append(), and the others. Security advisories for both of these issues have been published on GitHub.

Drupal 7 has an Open Redirect vulnerability. For example, a user could be tricked into visiting a specially crafted link which would redirect them to an arbitrary external URL. The vulnerability is caused by insufficient validation of the destination query parameter in the drupal_goto() function.

Discovery 2020-05-20
Entry 2020-05-22
< 7.70

< 8.8.6
e24fd421-8128-11ea-aa57-000ffec73f06drupal -- Drupal Core - Moderately critical - Third-party library

Drupal Security Team reports:

The Drupal project uses the third-party library CKEditor, which has released a security improvement that is needed to protect some Drupal configurations.

Vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to use the WYSIWYG CKEditor for your site's users. An attacker that can createor edit content may be able to exploit this Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to target users with access to the WYSIWYG CKEditor, and this may include site admins with privileged access.

The latest versions of Drupal update CKEditor to 4.14 to mitigate the vulnerabilities.

Discovery 2020-03-18
Entry 2020-04-17
< 8.8.4