FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-19 05:30:57 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
e4133d8b-ab33-451a-bc68-3719de73d54aroutinator -- potential DOS attack

Due to a mistake in error handling, data in RRDP snapshot and delta files that isn’t correctly base 64 encoded is treated as a fatal error and causes Routinator to exit. Worst case impact of this vulnerability is denial of service for the RPKI data that Routinator provides to routers. This may stop your network from validating route origins based on RPKI data. This vulnerability does not allow an attacker to manipulate RPKI data. We are not aware of exploitation of this vulnerability at this point in time. Starting with release 0.11.3, Routinator handles encoding errors by rejecting the snapshot or delta file and continuing with validation. In case of an invalid delta file, it will try using the snapshot instead. If a snapshot file is invalid, the update of the repository will fail and an update through rsync is attempted.


Discovery 2022-10-06
Entry 2022-10-07
ge 0.9.0 lt 0.11.3

ea9d1fd2-5d24-11ee-8507-b42e991fc52eroutinator -- Possible path traversal when storing RRDP responses reports:

NLnet Labs Routinator 0.9.0 up to and including 0.12.1 contains a possible path traversal vulnerability in the optional, off-by-default keep-rrdp-responses feature that allows users to store the content of responses received for RRDP requests. The location of these stored responses is constructed from the URL of the request. Due to insufficient sanitation of the URL, it is possible for an attacker to craft a URL that results in the response being stored outside of the directory specified for it.

Discovery 2023-09-13
Entry 2023-09-27
ge 0.9.0 lt 0.12.2

11982747-544c-11ee-ac3e-a04a5edf46d9routinator -- multiple vulnerabilities

NLnet Labs report:

This release fixes two issues in Routinator that can be exploited remotely by rogue RPKI CAs and repositories. We therefore advise all users of Routinator to upgrade to this release at their earliest convenience.

The first issue, CVE-2022-39915, can lead to Routinator crashing when trying to decode certain illegal RPKI objects.

The second issue, CVE-2022-39916, only affects users that have the rrdp-keep-responses option enabled which allows storing all received RRDP responses on disk. Because the file name for these responses is derived from the URI and the path wasn't checked properly, a RRDP URI could be constructed that results in the response stored outside the directory, possibly overwriting existing files.

Discovery 2022-12-08
Entry 2023-09-16
< 0.12.2
