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Port details on branch 2016Q4
linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs Libraries for PulseAudio clients (Linux CentOS 6.10)
0.9.21_7 audio Deleted on this many watch lists=1 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.9.21_7Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2014-09-22 10:40:16
Last Update: 2019-12-31 17:00:29
SVN Revision: 521645
People watching this port, also watch:: libmad, imlib2, p5-MIME-Tools, spamass-iXhash
Also Listed In: linux
License: not specified in port
PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems. A sound server is basically a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware. Things like transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one are easily achieved using a sound server. WWW:
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Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (56 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. etc/pulse/client.conf
  2. usr/lib/
  3. usr/lib/
  4. usr/lib/
  5. usr/lib/
  6. usr/lib/
  7. usr/lib/
  8. usr/lib/
  9. usr/lib64/
  10. usr/lib64/
  11. usr/lib64/
  12. usr/lib64/
  13. usr/lib64/
  14. usr/lib64/
  15. usr/lib64/
  16. usr/share/doc/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21/GPL
  17. usr/share/doc/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21/LGPL
  18. usr/share/doc/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21/LICENSE
  19. usr/share/doc/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21/README
  20. usr/share/locale/as/LC_MESSAGES/
  21. usr/share/locale/bn_IN/LC_MESSAGES/
  22. usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
  23. usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
  24. usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
  25. usr/share/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/
  26. usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
  27. usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
  28. usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/
  29. usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
  30. usr/share/locale/gu/LC_MESSAGES/
  31. usr/share/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/
  32. usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
  33. usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
  34. usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
  35. usr/share/locale/kn/LC_MESSAGES/
  36. usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
  37. usr/share/locale/ml/LC_MESSAGES/
  38. usr/share/locale/mr/LC_MESSAGES/
  39. usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/
  40. usr/share/locale/or/LC_MESSAGES/
  41. usr/share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/
  42. usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
  43. usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
  44. usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
  45. usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
  46. usr/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/
  47. usr/share/locale/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/
  48. usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
  49. usr/share/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/
  50. usr/share/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/
  51. usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
  52. usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
  53. usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
  54. @preexec [ -n "`/sbin/sysctl -q compat.linux.osrelease`" ] || ( echo "Cannot install package: kernel missing Linux support"; exit 1 )
  55. @postexec /compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig
  56. @postunexec /compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs>0:audio/linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1516524270 SHA256 (centos/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21-26.el6.i686.rpm) = 80b1e517768381fda3478dfe119f0242d5c040f8a7283433cde7fad1ee8ff988 SIZE (centos/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21-26.el6.i686.rpm) = 465388

Expand this list (8 items)

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SHA256 (centos/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21-26.el6.x86_64.rpm) = 58babf5f33d1dd7aee534001199245b96ba9ca71382fc75fa49d015be584efa6 SIZE (centos/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21-26.el6.x86_64.rpm) = 474076 SHA256 (centos/pulseaudio-libs-glib2-0.9.21-26.el6.i686.rpm) = ad662c33f2f3c0a50998a1048a206d58e4f79429b38ea293ac46c2298b416366 SIZE (centos/pulseaudio-libs-glib2-0.9.21-26.el6.i686.rpm) = 24496 SHA256 (centos/pulseaudio-libs-glib2-0.9.21-26.el6.x86_64.rpm) = e092ec227770e57af71d7db429c1b85a1a115a312dc027c54277ad05c8ad3ee0 SIZE (centos/pulseaudio-libs-glib2-0.9.21-26.el6.x86_64.rpm) = 24640 SHA256 (centos/pulseaudio-0.9.21-26.el6.src.rpm) = ac4d16e856c4e02ddbb908985f7e70591790760b70f0309bc2dd1f3b54e54f9e SIZE (centos/pulseaudio-0.9.21-26.el6.src.rpm) = 2390471

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No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Runtime dependencies:
  1. linux-c6-dbus-libs>0 : devel/linux-c6-dbus-libs
  2. linux-c6-libasyncns>0 : dns/linux-c6-libasyncns
  3. linux-c6-libsndfile>0 : audio/linux-c6-libsndfile
  4. linux-c6-tcp_wrappers-libs>0 : net/linux-c6-tcp_wrappers-libs
  5. linux-c6-xorg-libs>0 : x11/linux-c6-xorg-libs
NOTE: dependencies for deleted ports are notoriously suspect
This port is required by:
for Run

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 5 deleted ports
  1. audio/linux-c6-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio*
  2. audio/linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs-glib2*
  3. audio/linux-c6-pulseaudio-utils*
  4. emulators/linux-c6*
  5. net-im/skype4*
  6. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21_7: DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation NLS=on: Native Language Support ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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There are no commits on branch 2016Q4 for this port