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How big is it

It was a few days ago that I was thinking about search engines crawling through this website. I began to wonder just how many web pages there are here. To calculate this total, it's not just a simple matter of counting files on disk. Most of the web pages are created from entries in the database. One recent evening, I started to design a formula to find out how many web pages there are. Roughly. This will not be 100% accurate, but it will be close.

Pages on disk

First, let's count the number of pages on disk:

$ ls *.php | wc -l
Number of categories

There is a page for each category:

# select count(*) from categories;
(1 row)
Number of ports

There are ports, and there are deleted ports. I'll show both:

# select count(*) from ports_all where status = 'A';

# select count(*) from ports_all where status = 'D';
(1 row)
Number of files in the ports tree

There is a page for each file in the ports tree:

[dan@ngaio:/usr/ports] $ find . | wc -l
[dan@ngaio:/usr/ports] $
Count last performed at Wed, 05 Mar 2025 03:01:16 GMT
Number of commits

There is a page for each commit:

# select count(*) from commit_log;
(1 row)
Number of ports for each commit

For each commit, you can view the files modified by that commit for a particular port:

# select count(*) from commit_log_ports;
(1 row)
How many days?

For each day, there is a page showing the commits for that day. How many days do we have?

# select count(distinct commit_date) from commit_log;
(1 row)
How many users?

Each user has a page:

# select count(*) from users;
(1 row)
How many watch lists?

For each watch list, there is a page:

# select count(*) from watch_list;
(1 row)
Estimated total

That gives a grand total of 2,489,555 pages. On my last count, that's about 0.030895% of the web pages on Google1


  • These statistics are updated daily.
  • 1The number of Google pages used in this calculation is 8,058,044,651.
How much diskspace?

The total space used by the FreshPorts database is:

# select pg_database_size('');
(1 row)

That's bytes...

This value might be easier to parse: 54 GB