This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.
The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2025-02-02 08:34:31 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
0dccaa28-7f3c-11dd-8de5-0030843d3802 | python -- multiple vulnerabilities Secunia reports:
Discovery 2008-08-04 Entry 2008-09-10 python24 < 2.4.5_2 python25 < 2.5.2_3 python23 > 0 CVE-2008-2315 CVE-2008-2316 CVE-2008-3142 CVE-2008-3144 |
7fe7df75-6568-11e6-a590-14dae9d210b8 | End of Life Ports These packages have reached End of Life status and/or have been removed from the Ports Tree. They may contain undocumented security issues. Please take caution and find alternative software as soon as possible. Discovery 2016-08-18 Entry 2016-08-18 Modified 2016-10-18 python32 python31 python30 python26 python25 python24 python23 python22 python21 python20 python15 >= 0 php54 php53 php52 php5 php4 >= 0 perl5 < 5.18 perl5.16 perl5.14 perl5.12 perl >= 0 ruby ruby_static < 2.1,1 unifi2 unifi3 >= 0 apache21 apache20 apache13 >= 0 tomcat55 tomcat41 >= 0 mysql51-client mysql51-server mysql50-client mysql50-server mysql41-client mysql41-server mysql40-client mysql40-server >= 0 postgresql90-client postgresql90-server postgresql84-client postgresql84-server postgresql83-client postgresql83-server postgresql82-client postgresql82-server postgresql81-client postgresql81-server postgresql80-client postgresql80-server postgresql74-client postgresql74-server postgresql73-client postgresql73-server postgresql72-client postgresql72-server postgresql71-client postgresql71-server postgresql7-client postgresql7-server >= 0 ports/211975 |