FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-01 20:12:40 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
1f5b711b-3d0e-11dc-b3d3-0016179b2dd5drupal -- Multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities

The Drupal Project reports:

Some server variables are not escaped consistently. When a malicious user is able to entice a victim to visit a specially crafted link or webpage, arbitrary HTML and script code can be injected and executed in the context of the victim's session on the targeted website.

Custom content type names are not escaped consistently. A malicious user with the 'administer content types' permission would be able to inject and execute arbitrary HTML and script code on the website. Revoking the 'administer content types' permission provides an immediate workaround.

Discovery 2007-07-26
Entry 2007-07-28
< 4.7.7

< 5.2
fa708908-a8c7-11dc-b41d-000fb5066b20drupal -- SQL injection vulnerability

The Drupal Project reports:

The function taxonomy_select_nodes() directly injects variables into SQL queries instead of using placeholders. While taxonomy module itself validates the input passed to taxonomy_select_nodes(), this is a weakness in Drupal core. Several contributed modules, such as taxonomy_menu, ajaxLoader, and ubrowser, directly pass user input to taxonomy_select_nodes(), enabling SQL injection attacks by anonymous users.

Discovery 2007-12-05
Entry 2007-12-12
< 5.4

< 4.7.9

6f736456-c060-11dc-982e-001372fd0af2drupal -- cross site scripting (utf8)

The Drupal Project reports:

When outputting plaintext Drupal strips potentially dangerous HTML tags and attributes from HTML, and escapes characters which have a special meaning in HTML. This output filtering secures the site against cross site scripting attacks via user input.

Certain byte sequences that are invalid in the UTF8 specification are not handled properly by Internet Explorer 6 and may lead it to see a multibyte start character where none is present. Internet Explorer 6 then consumes a number of subsequent UTF-8 characters. This may lead to unsafe attributes that were outside a tag for the filter to appear inside a tag for Internet Explorer 6. This behaviour can then be used to insert and execute javascript in the context of the website.

Discovery 2008-01-10
Entry 2008-01-11
Modified 2010-05-12
< 5.6

< 4.7.11

4451a4c9-c05e-11dc-982e-001372fd0af2drupal -- cross site request forgery

The Drupal Project reports:

The aggregator module fetches items from RSS feeds and makes them available on the site. The module provides an option to remove items from a particular feed. This has been implemented as a simple GET request and is therefore vulnerable to cross site request forgeries. For example: Should a privileged user view a page containing an tag with a specially constructed src pointing to a remove items URL, the items would be removed.

Discovery 2008-01-10
Entry 2008-01-11
Modified 2010-05-12
< 5.6

< 4.7.11

9c00d446-8208-11dc-9283-0016179b2dd5drupal --- multiple vulnerabilities

The Drupal Project reports:

In some circumstances Drupal allows user-supplied data to become part of response headers. As this user-supplied data is not always properly escaped, this can be exploited by malicious users to execute HTTP response splitting attacks which may lead to a variety of issues, among them cache poisoning, cross-user defacement and injection of arbitrary code.

The Drupal installer allows any visitor to provide credentials for a database when the site's own database is not reachable. This allows attackers to run arbitrary code on the site's server. An immediate workaround is the removal of the file install.php in the Drupal root directory.

The allowed extension list of the core Upload module contains the extension HTML by default. Such files can be used to execute arbitrary script code in the context of the affected site when a user views the file. Revoking upload permissions or removing the .html extension from the allowed extension list will stop uploads of malicious files. but will do nothing to protect your site againstfiles that are already present. Carefully inspect the file system path for any HTML files. We recommend you remove any HTML file you did not update yourself. You should look for , CSS includes, Javascript includes, and onerror="" attributes if you need to review files individually.

The Drupal Forms API protects against cross site request forgeries (CSRF), where a malicious site can cause a user to unintentionally submit a form to a site where he is authenticated. The user deletion form does not follow the standard Forms API submission model and is therefore not protected against this type of attack. A CSRF attack may result in the deletion of users.

The publication status of comments is not passed during the hook_comments API operation, causing various modules that rely on the publication status (such as Organic groups, or Subscriptions) to mail out unpublished comments.

Discovery 2007-10-17
Entry 2007-10-24
< 4.7.8

< 5.3

f0fa19dd-c060-11dc-982e-001372fd0af2drupal -- cross site scripting (register_globals)

The Drupal Project reports:

When theme .tpl.php files are accessible via the web and the PHP setting register_globals is set to enabled, anonymous users are able to execute cross site scripting attacks via specially crafted links.

Drupal's .htaccess attempts to set register_globals to disabled and also prevents access to .tpl.php files. Only when both these measures are not effective and your PHP interpreter is configured with register_globals set to enabled, will this issue affect you.

Discovery 2008-01-10
Entry 2008-01-11
Modified 2010-05-12
< 5.6

< 4.7.11
