FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-19 05:30:57 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
289269f1-0def-11e8-99b0-d017c2987f9aLibreOffice -- Remote arbitrary file disclosure vulnerability via WEBSERVICE formula

LibreOffice reports:

LibreOffice Calc supports a WEBSERVICE function to obtain data by URL. Vulnerable versions of LibreOffice allow WEBSERVICE to take a local file URL (e.g file://) which can be used to inject local files into the spreadsheet without warning the user. Subsequent formulas can operate on that inserted data and construct a remote URL whose path leaks the local data to a remote attacker.

In later versions of LibreOffice without this flaw, WEBSERVICE has now been limited to accessing http and https URLs along with bringing WEBSERVICE URLs under LibreOffice Calc's link management infrastructure.

Note: This vulnerability has been identified upstream as CVE-2018-1055, but NVD/Mitre are advising it's a reservation duplicate of CVE-2018-6871 which should be used instead.

Discovery 2018-02-09
Entry 2018-02-23
< 5.4.5

ge 6.0.0 lt 6.0.1
96fb446d-ac7b-11ea-8b5e-b42e99a1b9c3LibreOffice Security Advisory

LibreOffice reports:

Two flaws were found in LibreOffice:

  • CVE-2020-12802: remote graphics contained in docx format retrieved in 'stealth mode'
  • CVE-2020-12803: XForms submissions could overwrite local files

Discovery 2020-06-08
Entry 2020-06-12
< 6.4.4