This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.
The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2025-03-31 16:45:40 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
35431f79-fe3e-11e4-ba63-000c292ee6b8 | ipsec-tools -- Memory leak leading to denial of service Javantea reports:
Discovery 2015-05-18 Entry 2015-05-19 ipsec-tools < 0.8.2_1 |
974a6d32-3fda-11e8-aea4-001b216d295b | ipsec-tools -- remotely exploitable computational-complexity attack Robert Foggia via NetBSD GNATS reports:
Discovery 2016-12-02 Entry 2018-04-14 ipsec-tools < 0.8.2_3 CVE-2016-10396 |