FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-28 16:36:49 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
5a021595-fba9-11dd-86f3-0030843d3802pycrypto -- ARC2 module buffer overflow

Dwayne C. Litzenberger reports:

pycrypto is exposed to a buffer overflow issue because it fails to adequately verify user-supplied input. This issue resides in the ARC2 module. This issue can be triggered with specially crafted ARC2 keys in excess of 128 bytes.

Discovery 2009-02-06
Entry 2009-02-15
< 2.0.1_2
f45c0049-be72-11e1-a284-0023ae8e59f0pycrypto -- vulnerable ElGamal key generation

Dwayne C. Litzenberger of PyCrypto reports:

In the ElGamal schemes (for both encryption and signatures), g is supposed to be the generator of the entire Z^*_p group. However, in PyCrypto 2.5 and earlier, g is more simply the generator of a random sub-group of Z^*_p.

The result is that the signature space (when the key is used for signing) or the public key space (when the key is used for encryption) may be greatly reduced from its expected size of log(p) bits, possibly down to 1 bit (the worst case if the order of g is 2).

While it has not been confirmed, it has also been suggested that an attacker might be able to use this fact to determine the private key.

Anyone using ElGamal keys should generate new keys as soon as practical.

Any additional information about this bug will be tracked at

Discovery 2012-05-24
Entry 2012-06-24
ge 2.5 lt 2.6
