FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-09-07 14:16:01 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
955eb3cc-ce0b-11ed-825f-6c3be5272acdGrafana -- Stored XSS in Graphite FunctionDescription tooltip

Grafana Labs reports:

When a user adds a Graphite data source, they can then use the data source in a dashboard. This capability contains a feature to use Functions. Once a function is selected, a small tooltip appears when hovering over the name of the function. This tooltip allows you to delete the selected Function from your query or show the Function Description. However, no sanitization is done when adding this description to the DOM.

Since it is not uncommon to connect to public data sources, an attacker could host a Graphite instance with modified Function Descriptions containing XSS payloads. When the victim uses it in a query and accidentally hovers over the Function Description, an attacker-controlled XSS payload will be executed.

The severity of this vulnerability is of CVSSv3.1 5.7 Medium (CVSS: AV:N/AC:H/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N (5.7)).

Discovery 2023-03-14
Entry 2023-03-29
< 8.5.22

ge 9.0.0 lt 9.2.15

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.11

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.7

< 8.5.22

< 9.2.15

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.11

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.7

6c1de144-056f-11ee-8e16-6c3be5272acdGrafana -- Broken access control: viewer can send test alerts

Grafana Labs reports:

Grafana can allow an attacker in the Viewer role to send alerts by API Alert - Test. This option, however, is not available in the user panel UI for the Viewer role.

The CVSS score for this vulnerability is 4.1 Medium (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N).

Discovery 2023-06-06
Entry 2023-06-07
ge 8.0.0 lt 8.5.26

ge 9.0.0 lt 9.2.19

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.15

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.12

ge 9.5.0 lt 9.5.3

ge 8.0.0 lt 8.5.26

< 9.2.19

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.15

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.12

ge 9.5.0 lt 9.5.3

fdbe9aec-118b-11ee-908a-6c3be5272acdGrafana -- Account takeover / authentication bypass

Grafana Labs reports:

Grafana validates Azure Active Directory accounts based on the email claim. On Azure AD, the profile email field is not unique across Azure AD tenants. This can enable a Grafana account takeover and authentication bypass when Azure AD OAuth is configured with a multi-tenant Azure AD OAuth application.

The CVSS score for this vulnerability is 9.4 Critical.

Discovery 2023-06-22
Entry 2023-06-23
ge 6.7.0 lt 8.5.27

ge 9.0.0 lt 9.2.20

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.16

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.13

ge 9.5.0 lt 9.5.5

ge 10.0.0 lt 10.0.1

< 8.5.27

< 9.2.20

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.16

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.13

ge 9.5.0 lt 9.5.5

< 10.0.1

0b85b1cd-e468-11ed-834b-6c3be5272acdGrafana -- Critical vulnerability in golang

Grafana Labs reports:

An issue in how go handles backticks (`) with Javascript can lead to an injection of arbitrary code into go templates. While Grafana Labs software contains potentially vulnerable versions of go, we have not identified any exploitable use cases at this time.

The CVSS score for this vulnerability is 0.0 (adjusted), 9.8 (base).

Discovery 2023-04-19
Entry 2023-04-26
< 8.5.24

ge 9.0.0 lt 9.2.17

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.13

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.9

< 8.5.24

< 9.2.17

ge 9.3.0 lt 9.3.13

ge 9.4.0 lt 9.4.9
