This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.
The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2025-03-28 12:03:43 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
ae132c6c-d716-11ed-956f-7054d21a9e2a | py-tensorflow -- denial of service vulnerability Kang Hong Jin, Neophytos Christou, Ã¥ÂÂÃ¥ÂÂ溠and Pattarakrit Rattankul report:
Pattarakrit Rattankul reports:
Discovery 2022-11-21 Entry 2023-04-09 py37-tensorflow py38-tensorflow py39-tensorflow py310-tensorflow py311-tensorflow < 2.8.4 >= 2.9.0 lt 2.9.3 >= 2.10.0 lt 2.10.1 CVE-2022-35935 CVE-2022-35991 |
52311651-f100-4720-8c62-0887dad6d321 | py-tensorflow -- unchecked argument causing crash Jingyi Shi reports:
Discovery 2022-09-16 Entry 2023-04-09 py37-tensorflow py38-tensorflow py39-tensorflow py310-tensorflow py311-tensorflow < 2.7.2 >= 2.8.0 lt 2.8.1 >= 2.9.0 lt 2.9.2 CVE-2022-35941 |