FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-05 11:37:15 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
b092bd4f-1b16-11ec-9d9d-0022489ad614Node.js -- August 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

cares upgrade - Improper handling of untypical characters in domain names (High) (CVE-2021-22931)

Node.js was vulnerable to Remote Code Execution, XSS, application crashes due to missing input validation of host names returned by Domain Name Servers in the Node.js DNS library which can lead to output of wrong hostnames (leading to Domain Hijacking) and injection vulnerabilities in applications using the library.

Use after free on close http2 on stream canceling (High) (CVE-2021-22940)

Node.js was vulnerable to a use after free attack where an attacker might be able to exploit memory corruption to change process behavior. The issue is a follow on to CVE-2021-22930 as the issue was not completely resolved in the fix for CVE-2021-22930.

Incomplete validation of rejectUnauthorized parameter (Low) (CVE-2021-22939)

If the Node.js https API was used incorrectly and "undefined" was in passed for the "rejectUnauthorized" parameter, no error was returned and connections to servers with an expired certificate would have been accepted.

Discovery 2021-08-11
Entry 2021-09-21
< 14.17.4

< 16.6.2

2f3cd69e-7dee-11eb-b92e-0022489ad614Node.js -- February 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

HTTP2 'unknownProtocol' cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion (Critical) (CVE-2021-22883)

Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to denial of service attacks when too many connection attempts with an 'unknownProtocol' are established. This leads to a leak of file descriptors. If a file descriptor limit is configured on the system, then the server is unable to accept new connections and prevent the process also from opening, e.g. a file. If no file descriptor limit is configured, then this lead to an excessive memory usage and cause the system to run out of memory.

DNS rebinding in --inspect (CVE-2021-22884)

Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to a DNS rebinding attack when the whitelist includes "localhost6". When "localhost6" is not present in /etc/hosts, it is just an ordinary domain that is resolved via DNS, i.e., over network. If the attacker controls the victim's DNS server or can spoof its responses, the DNS rebinding protection can be bypassed by using the "localhost6" domain. As long as the attacker uses the "localhost6" domain, they can still apply the attack described in CVE-2018-7160.

OpenSSL - Integer overflow in CipherUpdate (CVE-2021-23840)

This is a vulnerability in OpenSSL which may be exploited through Node.js. You can read more about it in

Discovery 2021-02-23
Entry 2021-03-09
< 10.24.0

< 12.21.0

< 14.16.0

< 15.10.0
c174118e-1b11-11ec-9d9d-0022489ad614Node.js -- July 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

libuv upgrade - Out of bounds read (Medium) (CVE-2021-22918)

Node.js is vulnerable to out-of-bounds read in libuv's uv__idna_toascii() function which is used to convert strings to ASCII. This is called by Node's dns module's lookup() function and can lead to information disclosures or crashes.

Windows installer - Node Installer Local Privilege Escalation (Medium) (CVE-2021-22921)

Node.js is vulnerable to local privilege escalation attacks under certain conditions on Windows platforms. More specifically, improper configuration of permissions in the installation directory allows an attacker to perform two different escalation attacks: PATH and DLL hijacking.

npm upgrade - ssri Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) (High) (CVE-2021-27290)

This is a vulnerability in the ssri npm module which may be vulnerable to denial of service attacks.

npm upgrade - hosted-git-info Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) (Medium) (CVE-2021-23362)

This is a vulnerability in the hosted-git-info npm module which may be vulnerable to denial of service attacks.

Discovery 2021-07-01
Entry 2021-09-21
< 14.17.2

< 16.4.1

c0c1834c-9761-11eb-acfd-0022489ad614Node.js -- April 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

OpenSSL - CA certificate check bypass with X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT (High) (CVE-2021-3450)

This is a vulnerability in OpenSSL which may be exploited through Node.js. You can read more about it in

OpenSSL - NULL pointer deref in signature_algorithms processing (High) (CVE-2021-3449)

This is a vulnerability in OpenSSL which may be exploited through Node.js. You can read more about it in

npm upgrade - Update y18n to fix Prototype-Pollution (High) (CVE-2020-7774)

This is a vulnerability in the y18n npm module which may be exploited by prototype pollution. You can read more about it in

Discovery 2021-04-06
Entry 2021-04-07
< 10.24.1

< 12.22.1

< 14.16.1

< 15.14.0
f53dab71-1b15-11ec-9d9d-0022489ad614Node.js -- July 2021 Security Releases (2)

Node.js reports:

Use after free on close http2 on stream canceling (High) (CVE-2021-22930)

Node.js is vulnerable to a use after free attack where an attacker might be able to exploit the memory corruption, to change process behavior.

Discovery 2021-07-29
Entry 2021-09-21
< 14.17.4

< 16.6.0

972ba0e8-8b8a-11ec-b369-6c3be5272acdNode.js -- January 2022 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

Improper handling of URI Subject Alternative Names (Medium)(CVE-2021-44531)

Accepting arbitrary Subject Alternative Name (SAN) types, unless a PKI is specifically defined to use a particular SAN type, can result in bypassing name-constrained intermediates. Node.js was accepting URI SAN types, which PKIs are often not defined to use. Additionally, when a protocol allows URI SANs, Node.js did not match the URI correctly.

Certificate Verification Bypass via String Injection (Medium)(CVE-2021-44532)

Node.js converts SANs (Subject Alternative Names) to a string format. It uses this string to check peer certificates against hostnames when validating connections. The string format was subject to an injection vulnerability when name constraints were used within a certificate chain, allowing the bypass of these name constraints.

Incorrect handling of certificate subject and issuer fields (Medium)(CVE-2021-44533)

Node.js did not handle multi-value Relative Distinguished Names correctly. Attackers could craft certificate subjects containing a single-value Relative Distinguished Name that would be interpreted as a multi-value Relative Distinguished Name, for example, in order to inject a Common Name that would allow bypassing the certificate subject verification.

Prototype pollution via console.table properties (Low)(CVE-2022-21824)

Due to the formatting logic of the console.table() function it was not safe to allow user controlled input to be passed to the properties parameter while simultaneously passing a plain object with at least one property as the first parameter, which could be __proto__. The prototype pollution has very limited control, in that it only allows an empty string to be assigned to numerical keys of the object prototype.

Discovery 2022-01-10
Entry 2022-02-12
ge 12.0.0 lt 12.22.9

ge 14.0.0 lt 14.18.3

ge 16.0.0 lt 16.13.2

ge 17.0.0 lt 17.3.1

< 16.13.2

< 14.18.3

4ca5894c-f7f1-11ea-8ff8-0022489ad614Node.js -- September 2020 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

Updates are now available for v10,x, v12.x and v14.x Node.js release lines for the following issues.

HTTP Request Smuggling due to CR-to-Hyphen conversion (High) (CVE-2020-8201)

Affected Node.js versions converted carriage returns in HTTP request headers to a hyphen before parsing. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling as it is a non-standard interpretation of the header.


  • All versions of the 14.x and 12.x releases line

Denial of Service by resource exhaustion CWE-400 due to unfinished HTTP/1.1 requests (Critical) (CVE-2020-8251)

Node.js is vulnerable to HTTP denial of service (DOS) attacks based on delayed requests submission which can make the server unable to accept new connections. The fix a new http.Server option called requestTimeout with a default value of 0 which means it is disabled by default. This should be set when Node.js is used as an edge server, for more details refer to the documentation.


  • All versions of the 14.x release line

fs.realpath.native on may cause buffer overflow (Medium) (CVE-2020-8252)

libuv's realpath implementation incorrectly determined the buffer size which can result in a buffer overflow if the resolved path is longer than 256 bytes.


  • All versions of the 10.x release line
  • All versions of the 12.x release line
  • All versions of the 14.x release line before 14.9.0

Discovery 2020-09-08
Entry 2020-09-16
< 14.11.0

< 12.18.4

< 10.22.1
08b553ed-537a-11eb-be6e-0022489ad614Node.js -- January 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

use-after-free in TLSWrap (High) (CVE-2020-8265)

Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to a use-after-free bug in its TLS implementation. When writing to a TLS enabled socket, node::StreamBase::Write calls node::TLSWrap::DoWrite with a freshly allocated WriteWrap object as first argument. If the DoWrite method does not return an error, this object is passed back to the caller as part of a StreamWriteResult structure. This may be exploited to corrupt memory leading to a Denial of Service or potentially other exploits.

HTTP Request Smuggling in nodejs (Low) (CVE-2020-8287)

Affected versions of Node.js allow two copies of a header field in a http request. For example, two Transfer-Encoding header fields. In this case Node.js identifies the first header field and ignores the second. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling.

OpenSSL - EDIPARTYNAME NULL pointer de-reference (CVE-2020-1971)

iThis is a vulnerability in OpenSSL which may be exploited through Node.js. You can read more about it in

Discovery 2021-01-04
Entry 2021-01-14
< 10.23.1

< 12.20.1

< 14.15.4

< 15.5.1
a9c5e89d-2d15-11ec-8363-0022489ad614Node.js -- October 2021 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers (Medium)(CVE-2021-22959)

The http parser accepts requests with a space (SP) right after the header name before the colon. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS).

HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body (Medium)(CVE-2021-22960)

The parse ignores chunk extensions when parsing the body of chunked requests. This leads to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) under certain conditions.

Discovery 2021-10-12
Entry 2021-10-14
< 16.11.1

< 14.18.1

b9210706-feb0-11ec-81fa-1c697a616631Node.js -- July 7th 2022 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

HTTP Request Smuggling - Flawed Parsing of Transfer-Encoding (Medium)(CVE-2022-32213)

The llhttp parser in the http module does not correctly parse and validate Transfer-Encoding headers. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS).

HTTP Request Smuggling - Improper Delimiting of Header Fields (Medium)(CVE-2022-32214)

The llhttp parser in the http module does not strictly use the CRLF sequence to delimit HTTP requests. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS).

HTTP Request Smuggling - Incorrect Parsing of Multi-line Transfer-Encoding (Medium)(CVE-2022-32215)

The llhttp parser in the http module does not correctly handle multi-line Transfer-Encoding headers. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS).

DNS rebinding in --inspect via invalid IP addresses (High)(CVE-2022-32212)

The IsAllowedHost check can easily be bypassed because IsIPAddress does not properly check if an IP address is invalid or not. When an invalid IPv4 address is provided (for instance is provided), browsers (such as Firefox) will make DNS requests to the DNS server, providing a vector for an attacker-controlled DNS server or a MITM who can spoof DNS responses to perform a rebinding attack and hence connect to the WebSocket debugger, allowing for arbitrary code execution. This is a bypass of CVE-2021-22884.

Attempt to read openssl.cnf from /home/iojs/build/ upon startup (Medium)(CVE-2022-32222)

When Node.js starts on linux based systems, it attempts to read /home/iojs/build/ws/out/Release/, which ordinarily doesn't exist. On some shared systems an attacker may be able create this file and therefore affect the default OpenSSL configuration for other users.

OpenSSL - AES OCB fails to encrypt some bytes (Medium)(CVE-2022-2097)

AES OCB mode for 32-bit x86 platforms using the AES-NI assembly optimised implementation will not encrypt the entirety of the data under some circumstances. This could reveal sixteen bytes of data that was preexisting in the memory that wasn't written. In the special case of "in place" encryption, sixteen bytes of the plaintext would be revealed. Since OpenSSL does not support OCB based cipher suites for TLS and DTLS, they are both unaffected.

Discovery 2022-07-05
Entry 2022-07-08
Modified 2022-07-08
ge 14.0.0 lt 14.20.0

ge 16.0.0 lt 16.16.0

ge 18.0.0 lt 18.5.0

< 16.16.0

< 14.20.0

ad792169-2aa4-11eb-ab71-0022489ad614Node.js -- November 2020 Security Releases

Node.js reports:

Updates are now available for v12.x, v14.x and v15.x Node.js release lines for the following issues.

Denial of Service through DNS request (CVE-2020-8277)

A Node.js application that allows an attacker to trigger a DNS request for a host of their choice could trigger a Denial of service by getting the application to resolve a DNS record with a larger number of responses.

Discovery 2020-11-16
Entry 2020-11-21
< 15.2.1

< 14.15.1

< 12.19.1