This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.
The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2025-01-21 22:24:55 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
bec38383-e6cb-11de-bdd4-000c2930e89b | pligg -- Cross-Site Scripting and Cross-Site Request Forgery secunia reports:
Discovery 2009-12-02 Entry 2009-12-12 Modified 2010-05-02 pligg < 1.0.3b CVE-2009-4786 CVE-2009-4787 CVE-2009-4788 |
c290f093-c89e-11e6-821e-68f7288bdf41 | Pligg CMS -- XSS Vulnerability Netsparker reports:
Discovery 2015-05-13 Entry 2016-12-22 pligg <= 2.0.2,1 |