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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-11-04 19:06:46 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
c62dc69f-05c8-11d9-b45d-000c41e2cdad | openoffice -- document disclosure OpenOffice creates a working directory in /tmp on startup, and uses this directory to temporarily store document content. However, the permissions of the created directory may allow other user on the system to read these files, potentially exposing information the user likely assumed was inaccessible. Discovery 2004-08-24 Entry 2004-09-14 openoffice ar-openoffice ca-openoffice cs-openoffice de-openoffice dk-openoffice el-openoffice es-openoffice et-openoffice fi-openoffice fr-openoffice gr-openoffice hu-openoffice it-openoffice ja-openoffice ko-openoffice nl-openoffice pl-openoffice pt-openoffice pt_BR-openoffice ru-openoffice se-openoffice sk-openoffice sl-openoffice-SI tr-openoffice zh-openoffice-CN zh-openoffice-TW < 1.1.2_1 >= 2.0 CVE-2004-0752 |
b206dd82-ac67-11d9-a788-0001020eed82 | openoffice -- DOC document heap overflow vulnerability AD-LAB reports that a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in OpenOffice's handling of DOC documents. When reading a DOC document 16 bit from a 32 bit integer is used for memory allocation, but the full 32 bit is used for further processing of the document. This can allow an attacker to crash OpenOffice, or potentially execute arbitrary code as the user running OpenOffice, by tricking an user into opening a specially crafted DOC document. Discovery 2005-04-11 Entry 2005-04-13 Modified 2005-04-20 openoffice ar-openoffice ca-openoffice cs-openoffice de-openoffice dk-openoffice el-openoffice es-openoffice et-openoffice fi-openoffice fr-openoffice gr-openoffice hu-openoffice it-openoffice ja-openoffice ko-openoffice nl-openoffice pl-openoffice pt-openoffice pt_BR-openoffice ru-openoffice se-openoffice sk-openoffice sl-openoffice-SI tr-openoffice zh-openoffice-CN zh-openoffice-TW jp-openoffice kr-openoffice sl-openoffice-SL zh-openoffice zh_TW-openoffice < 1.1.4_2 > 2.* le 2.0.20050406 openoffice ja-openoffice >= 6.0.a609 le 6.0.a638 >= 641c le 645 = 1.1RC4 = 1.1rc5 13092 CVE-2005-0941 |