This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.
The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-12-18 19:03:49 UTC
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k68These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:
VuXML ID | Description |
c9b3324f-8e03-4ae3-89ce-8098cdc5bfa9 | py-markdown2 -- regular expression denial of service vulnerability Ben Caller reports:
Discovery 2021-03-03 Entry 2023-08-31 py37-markdown2 py38-markdown2 py39-markdown2 py310-markdown2 py311-markdown2 < 2.4.0 CVE-2021-26813 |
cf6f3465-e996-4672-9458-ce803f29fdb7 | py-markdown2 -- XSS vulnerability TheGrandPew reports:
Discovery 2020-04-20 Entry 2023-08-31 py37-markdown2 py38-markdown2 py39-markdown2 py310-markdown2 py311-markdown2 < 2.3.9 CVE-2020-11888 |