FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-12-20 14:15:46 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
e135f0c9-375f-11e3-80b7-20cf30e32f6dbugzilla -- multiple vulnerabilities

A Bugzilla Security Advisory reports:

Cross-Site Request Forgery

When a user submits changes to a bug right after another user did, a midair collision page is displayed to inform the user about changes recently made. This page contains a token which can be used to validate the changes if the user decides to submit his changes anyway. A regression in Bugzilla 4.4 caused this token to be recreated if a crafted URL was given, even when no midair collision page was going to be displayed, allowing an attacker to bypass the token check and abuse a user to commit changes on his behalf.

Cross-Site Request Forgery

When an attachment is edited, a token is generated to validate changes made by the user. Using a crafted URL, an attacker could force the token to be recreated, allowing him to bypass the token check and abuse a user to commit changes on his behalf.

Cross-Site Scripting

Some parameters passed to editflagtypes.cgi were not correctly filtered in the HTML page, which could lead to XSS.

Cross-Site Scripting

Due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2012-4189, some incorrectly filtered field values in tabular reports could lead to XSS.

Discovery 2013-10-16
Entry 2013-10-17
Modified 2014-04-30
>= 4.0.0 lt 4.0.11

>= 4.0.0 lt 4.0.11

>= 4.2.0 lt 4.2.7

>= 4.4 lt 4.4.1
