FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-15 17:58:29 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
e917caba-e291-11e9-89f1-152fed202bb7Exim -- heap-based buffer overflow in string_vformat leading to RCE

Exim developers team report:

There is a heap overflow in string_vformat().Using a EHLO message, remote code execution seems to be possible.

Discovery 2019-09-28
Entry 2019-09-29
ge 4.92 lt 4.92.3
3e0da406-aece-11e9-8d41-97657151f8c2Exim -- RCE in ${sort} expansion

Exim team report:

A local or remote attacker can execute programs with root privileges - if you've an unusual configuration.

If your configuration uses the ${sort } expansion for items that can be controlled by an attacker (e.g. $local_part, $domain). The default config, as shipped by the Exim developers, does not contain ${sort }.

The vulnerability is exploitable either remotely or locally and could be used to execute other programs with root privilege. The ${sort } expansion re-evaluates its items.

Exim 4.92.1 is not vulnerable.

Discovery 2019-07-18
Entry 2019-07-25
Modified 2019-07-26
ge 4.85 lt 4.92.1

61db9b88-d091-11e9-8d41-97657151f8c2Exim -- RCE with root privileges in TLS SNI handler

Exim developers report:

If your Exim server accepts TLS connections, it is vulnerable. This does not depend on the TLS libray, so both, GnuTLS and OpenSSL are affected.

The vulnerability is exploitable by sending a SNI ending in a backslash-null sequence during the initial TLS handshake. The exploit exists as a POC. For more details see the document qualys.mbx

Discovery 2019-09-02
Entry 2019-09-06
< 4.92.2