FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-07 10:36:35 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
f241641e-f5ea-11d9-a6db-000d608ed240drupal -- PHP code execution vulnerabilities

Kuba Zygmunt discovered a flaw in the input validation routines of Drupal's filter mechanism. An attacker could execute arbitrary PHP code on a target site when public comments or postings are allowed.

Discovery 2005-06-29
Entry 2005-07-16
< 4.6.2

19207592-5f17-11db-ae08-0008743bf21adrupal -- HTML attribute injection

The Drupal Team reports:

A malicious user may entice users to visit a specially crafted URL that may result in the redirection of Drupal form submission to a third-party site. A user visiting the user registration page via such a url, for example, will submit all data, such as his/her e-mail address, but also possible private profile data, to a third-party site.

Discovery 2006-10-18
Entry 2006-10-18
< 4.6.10
b2383758-5f15-11db-ae08-0008743bf21adrupal -- multiple XSS vulnerabilities

The Drupal Team reports:

A bug in input validation and lack of output validation allows HTML and script insertion on several pages.

Drupal's XML parser passes unescaped data to watchdog under certain circumstances. A malicious user may execute an XSS attack via a specially crafted RSS feed. This vulnerability exists on systems that do not use PHP's mb_string extension (to check if mb_string is being used, navigate to admin/settings and look under "String handling"). Disabling the aggregator module provides an immediate workaround.

The aggregator module, profile module, and forum module do not properly escape output of certain fields.

Note: XSS attacks may lead to administrator access if certain conditions are met.

Discovery 2006-10-18
Entry 2006-10-18
< 4.6.10
3d8d3548-9d02-11db-a541-000ae42e9b93drupal -- multiple vulnerabilities

The Drupal security team reports:

A few arguments passed via URLs are not properly sanitized before display. When an attacker is able to entice an administrator to follow a specially crafted link, arbitrary HTML and script code can be injected and executed in the victim's session. Such an attack may lead to administrator access if certain conditions are met.

The way page caching was implemented allows a denial of service attack. An attacker has to have the ability to post content on the site. He or she would then be able to poison the page cache, so that it returns cached 404 page not found errors for existing pages.

If the page cache is not enabled, your site is not vulnerable. The vulnerability only affects sites running on top of MySQL.

Discovery 2007-01-05
Entry 2007-01-05
Modified 2010-05-12
gt 4.7 lt 4.7.5

< 4.6.11

40a0185f-ec32-11da-be02-000c6ec775d9drupal -- multiple vulnerabilities

The Drupal team reports:

Vulnerability: SQL injection

A security vulnerability in the database layer allowed certain queries to be submitted to the database without going through Drupal's query sanitizer.

Vulnerability: Execution of arbitrary files

Certain -- alas, typical -- configurations of Apache allows execution of carefully named arbitrary scripts in the files directory. Drupal now will attempt to automatically create a .htaccess file in your "files" directory to protect you.

Discovery 2006-05-18
Entry 2006-06-05
< 4.6.7

937d5911-5f16-11db-ae08-0008743bf21adrupal -- cross site request forgeries

The Drupal Team reports:

Visiting a specially crafted page, anywhere on the web, may allow that page to post forms to a Drupal site in the context of the visitor's session. To illustrate; suppose one has an active user 1 session, the most powerful administrator account for a site, to a Drupal site while visiting a website created by an attacker. This website will now be able to submit any form to the Drupal site with the privileges of user 1, either by enticing the user to submit a form or by automated means.

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by changing passwords, posting PHP code or creating new users, for example. The attack is only limited by the privileges of the session it executes in.

Discovery 2006-10-18
Entry 2006-10-18
< 4.6.10
faca0843-6281-11da-8630-00123ffe8333drupal -- multiple vulnerabilities

Secunia reports:

Some vulnerabilities have been reported in Drupal, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions, and conduct script insertion and HTTP response splitting attacks.

1) An input validation error in the filtering of HTML code can be exploited to inject arbitrary JavaScript code in submitted content, which will be executed in a user's browser session in context of an affected site when the malicious user data is viewed. Successful exploitation requires that the user has access to the full HTML input format. Ref: sa-2005-007

2) An input validation error in the attachment handling can be exploited to upload a malicious image with embedded HTML and script content, which will be executed in a user's browser session in context of an affected site when viewed directly with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. This can also be exploited to inject arbitrary HTTP headers, which will be included in the response sent to the user. Ref: sa-2005-008

3) The problem is that it is possible to bypass the "access user profile" permission. However, this cannot be exploited to modify data. Successful exploitation requires that the server runs PHP 5. Ref: sa-2005-009

Discovery 2005-12-01
Entry 2005-12-01
< 4.6.4
e65ad1bf-0d8b-11da-90d0-00304823c0d3pear-XML_RPC -- remote PHP code injection vulnerability

A Hardened-PHP Project Security Advisory reports:

When the library parses XMLRPC requests/responses, it constructs a string of PHP code, that is later evaluated. This means any failure to properly handle the construction of this string can result in arbitrary execution of PHP code.

This new injection vulnerability is cause by not properly handling the situation, when certain XML tags are nested in the parsed document, that were never meant to be nested at all. This can be easily exploited in a way, that user-input is placed outside of string delimiters within the evaluation string, which obviously results in arbitrary code execution.

Note that several applications contains an embedded version on XML_RPC, therefor making them the vulnerable to the same code injection vulnerability.

Discovery 2005-08-15
Entry 2005-08-15
Modified 2005-09-04
< 1.4.0

< 1.4.11

< 4.6.3


< 2.0.5



6da7344b-128a-11db-b25f-00e00c69a70ddrupal -- multiple vulnerabilities

The Drupal team reports:

Vulnerability: XSS Vulnerability in taxonomy module

It is possible for a malicious user to insert and execute XSS into terms, due to lack of validation on output of the page title. The fix wraps the display of terms in check_plain().

Discovery 2006-05-18
Entry 2006-07-13
Modified 2006-07-14
< 4.6.8

c905298c-2274-11db-896e-000ae42e9b93drupal -- XSS vulnerability

The Drupal project reports:

A malicious user can execute a cross site scripting attack by enticing someone to visit a Drupal site via a specially crafted link.

Discovery 2006-08-02
Entry 2006-08-02
Modified 2006-08-08
< 4.6.9