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Port details
beast Powerful music composition and modular synthesis application
0.7.8_9 audio Deleted on this many watch lists=5 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.7.8_9Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: 4.5 years old version, six versions behind, requires old toolchain, and unmaintained.
Expired This port expired on: 2018-01-04
There is no maintainer for this port.
Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2004-06-24 15:43:46
Last Update: 2018-01-05 22:00:57
SVN Revision: 458173
People watching this port, also watch:: sdocbook-xml, flac, mplayer, nas
License: LGPL21
Beast is a powerful music composition and modular synthesis application. It supports a wide range of standards in the field, such as MIDI, WAV/AIFF/MP3/OggVorbis/etc audio files and LADSPA modules. It has excellent technical abilities like multitrack editing, unlimited undo/redo support, real-time synthesis support, 32bit audio rendering, full duplex support, multiprocessor support, precise timing down to sample granularity, on demand loading of partial wave files, on the fly decoding and full scriptability in scheme. The plugins, synthesis core and the user interface are actively being developed and translated into a variety of languages, regularly assimilating user feedback such as from our FeatureRequests page. WWW:
Homepage    cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (288 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @desktop-file-utils
  2. @shared-mime-info share/mime
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/beast-0.7.8_9/
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/beast-0.7.8_9/LICENSE
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/beast-0.7.8_9/LGPL21
  6. bin/beast
  7. bin/beast-0.7.8
  8. bin/bsescm
  9. bin/bsescm-0.7.8
  10. bin/bsewavetool
  11. bin/sfidl
  12. man/man1/beast.1.gz
  13. man/man1/bsescm.1.gz
  14. man/man1/bsewavetool.1.gz
  15. man/man1/sfidl.1.gz
  16. man/man5/bse.5.gz
  17. include/birnet/birnet.hh
  18. include/birnet/birnetcdefs.h
  19. include/birnet/birnetconfig.h
  20. include/birnet/birnetcpu.hh
  21. include/birnet/birnetdebugtools.hh
  22. include/birnet/birnetmath.hh
  23. include/birnet/birnetmsg.hh
  24. include/birnet/birnettests.h
  25. include/birnet/birnetthread.hh
  26. include/birnet/birnetutf8.hh
  27. include/birnet/birnetutils.hh
  28. include/bse/bse.hh
  29. include/bse/bse.idl
  30. include/bse/bsebiquadfilter.hh
  31. include/bse/bseblockutils.hh
  32. include/bse/bsebus.hh
  33. include/bse/bsebusmodule.idl
  34. include/bse/bsecategories.hh
  35. include/bse/bsecompat.hh
  36. include/bse/bseconfig.h
  37. include/bse/bseconstant.hh
  38. include/bse/bseconstvalues.hh
  39. include/bse/bsecontainer.hh
  40. include/bse/bsecontextmerger.hh
  41. include/bse/bsecore.genidl.hh
  42. include/bse/bsecore.idl
  43. include/bse/bsecsynth.hh
  44. include/bse/bsecxxarg.hh
  45. include/bse/bsecxxbase.hh
  46. include/bse/bsecxxbase.idl
  47. include/bse/bsecxxclosure.hh
  48. include/bse/bsecxxmodule.hh
  49. include/bse/bsecxxmodule.idl
  50. include/bse/bsecxxplugin.hh
  51. include/bse/bsecxxutils.hh
  52. include/bse/bsecxxvalue.hh
  53. include/bse/bsedatapocket.hh
  54. include/bse/bsedefs.hh
  55. include/bse/bsedevice.hh
  56. include/bse/bseeditablesample.hh
  57. include/bse/bseengine.hh
  58. include/bse/bseenginemaster.hh
  59. include/bse/bseenginenode.hh
  60. include/bse/bseengineschedule.hh
  61. include/bse/bseengineutils.hh
  62. include/bse/bseenums.hh
  63. include/bse/bseexports.hh
  64. include/bse/bsefilter.hh
  65. include/bse/bsegconfig.hh
  66. include/bse/bsegenclosures.hh
  67. include/bse/bsegentypes.h
  68. include/bse/bseglobals.hh
  69. include/bse/bseglue.hh
  70. include/bse/bsehack.idl
  71. include/bse/bseieee754.hh
  72. include/bse/bseincluder.hh
  73. include/bse/bseinstrumentinput.hh
  74. include/bse/bseinstrumentoutput.hh
  75. include/bse/bseitem.hh
  76. include/bse/bsejanitor.hh
  77. include/bse/bseladspa.hh
  78. include/bse/bseladspamodule.hh
  79. include/bse/bseloader.hh
  80. include/bse/bsemain.hh
  81. include/bse/bsemath.hh
  82. include/bse/bsemathsignal.hh
  83. include/bse/bsemidicontroller.hh
  84. include/bse/bsemididecoder.hh
  85. include/bse/bsemididevice-null.hh
  86. include/bse/bsemididevice-oss.hh
  87. include/bse/bsemididevice.hh
  88. include/bse/bsemidievent.hh
  89. include/bse/bsemidifile.hh
  90. include/bse/bsemidiinput.hh
  91. include/bse/bsemidinotifier.hh
  92. include/bse/bsemidireceiver.hh
  93. include/bse/bsemidisynth.hh
  94. include/bse/bsemidivoice.hh
  95. include/bse/bsenote.hh
  96. include/bse/bseobject.hh
  97. include/bse/bseparam.hh
  98. include/bse/bseparasite.hh
  99. include/bse/bsepart.hh
  100. include/bse/bsepcmdevice-null.hh
  101. include/bse/bsepcmdevice-oss.hh
  102. include/bse/bsepcmdevice.hh
  103. include/bse/bsepcminput.hh
  104. include/bse/bsepcmoutput.hh
  105. include/bse/bsepcmwriter.hh
  106. include/bse/bseplugin.hh
  107. include/bse/bseprobe.idl
  108. include/bse/bseprocedure.hh
  109. include/bse/bseproject.hh
  110. include/bse/bseresampler.hh
  111. include/bse/bseresamplerimpl.hh
  112. include/bse/bsescripthelper.hh
  113. include/bse/bsesequencer.hh
  114. include/bse/bseserver.hh
  115. include/bse/bsesnet.hh
  116. include/bse/bsesnooper.hh
  117. include/bse/bsesong.hh
  118. include/bse/bsesource.hh
  119. include/bse/bsestandardosc.hh
  120. include/bse/bsestandardsynths.hh
  121. include/bse/bsestorage.hh
  122. include/bse/bsesubiport.hh
  123. include/bse/bsesuboport.hh
  124. include/bse/bsesubsynth.hh
  125. include/bse/bsesuper.hh
  126. include/bse/bsetrack.hh
  127. include/bse/bsetype.hh
  128. include/bse/bseundostack.hh
  129. include/bse/bseutils.hh
  130. include/bse/bsewave.hh
  131. include/bse/bsewaveosc.hh
  132. include/bse/bsewaverepo.hh
  133. include/bse/gslcommon.hh
  134. include/bse/gsldatacache.hh
  135. include/bse/gsldatahandle-mad.hh
  136. include/bse/gsldatahandle-vorbis.hh
  137. include/bse/gsldatahandle.hh
  138. include/bse/gsldatautils.hh
  139. include/bse/gsldefs.hh
  140. include/bse/gslfft.hh
  141. include/bse/gslfilehash.hh
  142. include/bse/gslfilter.hh
  143. include/bse/gslmagic.hh
  144. include/bse/gsloscillator.hh
  145. include/bse/gslosctable.hh
  146. include/bse/gslvorbis-cutter.hh
  147. include/bse/gslvorbis-enc.hh
  148. include/bse/gslwavechunk.hh
  149. include/bse/gslwaveosc.hh
  150. include/bse/ladspa.hh
  151. include/sfi/glib-extra.hh
  152. include/sfi/sfi.hh
  153. include/sfi/sficomport.hh
  154. include/sfi/sficomwire.hh
  155. include/sfi/sficxx.hh
  156. include/sfi/sfifilecrawler.hh
  157. include/sfi/sfiglue.hh
  158. include/sfi/sfigluecodec.hh
  159. include/sfi/sfiglueproxy.hh
  160. include/sfi/sfimemory.hh
  161. include/sfi/sfinote.hh
  162. include/sfi/sfiparams.hh
  163. include/sfi/sfiprimitives.hh
  164. include/sfi/sfiring.hh
  165. include/sfi/sfiserial.hh
  166. include/sfi/sfistore.hh
  167. include/sfi/sfitests.hh
  168. include/sfi/sfitime.hh
  169. include/sfi/sfitypes.hh
  170. include/sfi/sfiustore.hh
  171. include/sfi/sfivalues.hh
  172. include/sfi/sfivmarshal.hh
  173. include/sfi/sfiwrapper.hh
  174. lib/bse/v0.7.8/drivers/
  175. lib/bse/v0.7.8/drivers/
  176. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  177. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  178. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  179. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  180. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  181. lib/bse/v0.7.8/plugins/
  182. lib/
  183. lib/
  184. lib/
  185. libdata/pkgconfig/bse.pc
  186. share/application-registry/beast.applications
  187. share/applications/beast.desktop
  188. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/Beast-Quickstart.html
  189. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/Beast_FAQ.html
  190. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/beast-index.html
  191. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/beast.1.html
  192. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/bse.5.html
  193. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/bsescm.1.html
  194. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/bsewavetool.1.html
  195. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/news-file.txt
  196. share/beast/v0.7.8/docs/html/sfidl.1.html
  197. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/beast-components.png
  198. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/beast-mime.png
  199. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/beast-progs.png
  200. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/beast-splash.png
  201. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/bse-mime.png
  202. share/beast/v0.7.8/images/module-voices.png
  203. share/beast/v0.7.8/keys/
  204. share/beast/v0.7.8/keys/
  205. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  206. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  207. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  208. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/images/biogreen.jpg
  209. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/images/blueimpress.jpg
  210. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/images/brownforms.jpg
  211. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/images/moonpaper.png
  212. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/images/silvervein.png
  213. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  214. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  215. share/beast/v0.7.8/skins/
  216. share/bse/v0.7.8/demo/partymonster.bse
  217. share/bse/v0.7.8/demo/stereo-through.bse
  218. share/bse/v0.7.8/demo/x2-midi-test.bse
  219. share/bse/v0.7.8/effects/atan-canyon.bse
  220. share/bse/v0.7.8/effects/bqs-compressor.bse
  221. share/bse/v0.7.8/effects/bqs-reverb.bse
  222. share/bse/v0.7.8/effects/bqs-saturation-and-reverb.bse
  223. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-bass-drum-e8012.bse
  224. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-fretless-bass.bse
  225. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-merp-pad.bse
  226. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-moog-saw-bass.bse
  227. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-organ.bse
  228. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-queek-synth.bse
  229. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-slow-hum.bse
  230. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/bqs-syndrum.bse
  231. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/fsm-fresh-water-bass.bse
  232. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/fsm-growl-bass.bse
  233. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/fsm-synth-string-sweep.bse
  234. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/illus-vtremolo.bse
  235. share/bse/v0.7.8/instruments/stw-iron-string.bse
  236. share/bse/v0.7.8/samples/retrokit.bsewave
  237. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/bse-scm-glue.boot
  238. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/mixer-splitup-by-track.scm
  239. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/modules2grid.scm
  240. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/part-harmonic-transposer.scm
  241. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/progressor-example.scm
  242. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/record-midi.scm
  243. share/bse/v0.7.8/scripts/song-parts-operations.scm
  244. share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/
  245. share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/
  246. share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/
  247. share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
  248. share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
  249. share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/
  250. share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
  251. share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
  252. share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/
  253. share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
  254. share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/
  255. share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
  256. share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/
  257. share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/
  258. share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
  259. share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
  260. share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
  261. share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
  262. share/locale/mn/LC_MESSAGES/
  263. share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
  264. share/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/
  265. share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/
  266. share/locale/oc/LC_MESSAGES/
  267. share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/
  268. share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
  269. share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
  270. share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
  271. share/locale/rw/LC_MESSAGES/
  272. share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/
  273. share/locale/sq/LC_MESSAGES/
  274. share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/
  275. share/locale/sr@Latn/LC_MESSAGES/
  276. share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
  277. share/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/
  278. share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
  279. share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
  280. share/mime-info/bse.keys
  281. share/mime-info/bse.mime
  282. share/mime/audio/x-bse.xml
  283. share/mime/audio/x-bsewave.xml
  284. share/mime/packages/beast.xml
  285. share/pixmaps/beast-audio-x-bse.png
  286. share/pixmaps/beast.png
  287. @postexec /sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
  288. @postunexec /sbin/ldconfig -R
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • beast>0:audio/beast
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: beast
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
SHA256 (beast-0.7.8.tar.bz2) = ffcf8e3b6f8728d0d07b3c4cf314286d9e88dd427d4bd3584372ab90dc14e8eb SIZE (beast-0.7.8.tar.bz2) = 6293313

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  2. msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
  3. gmake : devel/gmake
  4. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  5. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  6. intltool-extract : textproc/intltool
  7. gcc48 : lang/gcc48
  8. as : devel/binutils
Runtime dependencies:
  1. xdg-open : devel/xdg-utils
  2. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  3. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  4. gcc48 : lang/gcc48
Library dependencies:
  1. : audio/alsa-lib
  2. : audio/libmad
  3. : audio/libvorbis
  4. : lang/guile
  5. : devel/gettext-runtime
  6. : accessibility/atk
  7. : devel/glib20
  8. : devel/gettext-runtime
  9. : x11-toolkits/gtk20
  10. : graphics/libart_lgpl
  11. : devel/libglade2
  12. : graphics/libgnomecanvas
  13. : textproc/libxml2
  14. : x11-toolkits/pango
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for beast-0.7.8_9: DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support SSE=on: Use SSE optimized routines ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
desktop-file-utils gettext gmake libtool pathfix pkgconfig shared-mime-info shebangfix tar:bzip2 gnome
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 4 on this page)

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Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
07 Nov 2004 22:37:47
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONS for all ports that depend on atk or pango to ease in the
big upgrade.
09 Jul 2004 17:43:11
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Apply a big libtool patch to allow porters to use the libtool installed by
the libtoolX ports instead of the one included with each port.  Ports that
set USE_LIBTOOL_VER=X will now use the ports version of libtool instead of
the included version.  To restore previous behavior, use the new macro,
USE_INC_LIBTOOL_VER.  Both macros accept the same argument: a libtool version.

For example, to use the ports version of libtool-1.5, add the following to
your Makefile:

USE_LIBTOOL_VER=        15

To use the included version of libtool with extra hacks provided by
libtool-1.5, add the following to your Makefile:


With this change, ports that had to add additional libtool hacks to prevent
.la files from being installed or to fix certain threading issues can now
delete those hacks (after appropriate testing, of course).

PR:             63944
Based on work by:eik and marcus
Approved by:    ade (autotools maintainer)
Tested by:      kris on pointyhat
Bound to be hidden problems:    You bet
27 Jun 2004 17:32:30
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Add more locale directory hacks to, and fix ports that tried
to fix these using their own patches.

PR:             68256
Submitted by:   Jean-Yves Lefort <>
24 Jun 2004 15:41:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
krion search for other commits by this committer
Add beast 0.6.1,

Beast is a powerful music composition and modular synthesis
application. It supports a wide range of standards in the
field, such as MIDI, WAV/AIFF/MP3/OggVorbis/etc audio files and
LADSPA modules. It has excellent technical abilities like
multitrack editing, unlimited undo/redo support, real-time
synthesis support, 32bit audio rendering, full duplex support,
multiprocessor support, precise timing down to sample
granularity, on demand loading of partial wave files, on the
fly decoding and full scriptability in scheme. The plugins,
synthesis core and the user interface are actively being
developed and translated into a variety of languages, regularly
assimilating user feedback such as from our FeatureRequests


PR:             ports/68251
Submitted by:   Jean-Yves Lefort <>

Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 4 on this page)

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