non port: databases/Makefile |
Number of commits found: 2069 (showing only 100 on this page) |
Friday, 28 Oct 2011
02:09 pgollucci
lib_mysqludf_preg is a library of mysql UDFs (user-defined-functions) that
provide access to the PCRE (perl compatible-regular-expressions) library
for pattern matching. The PCRE library is a set of functions that
implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and
semantics as Perl 5. This syntax can often handle more complex expressions
and capturing than standard regular expression implementations. For more
information about PCRE, please see:
lib_mysqludf_preg is a useful performance optimization for those
applications that are already performing these regular expression
matches in a high level language (ie. PHP) on the client side.
It is also helpful when there is a need to capture a parenthesized
subexpression from a regular expression, or simply as a slight
performance boost over the builtin RLIKE/REGEXP functions.
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011
08:06 clsung
DBIx::Sunny is a simple DBI wrapper. It provides better usability for you.
This module based on Amon2::DBI. DBIx::Sunny supports only SQLite and MySQL.
Friday, 14 Oct 2011
23:29 dougb
Remove databases/dbmetrix and databases/xmysqladmin which
depended on databases/mysql323-client. My search terms
were insufficiently broad and I missed these 2, mea culpa.
22:30 dougb
As previously advertised, complete removal of vulnerable ports that
no one has stepped up to deal with:
archivers/pecl-phar Vulnerable since 2011-01-13
comms/libsyncml Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
databases/mysql323-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
Depends on databases/mysql40-server, which is FORBIDDEN
deskutils/buoh Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on comms/libsyncml, which is DEPRECATED
devel/libsoup22 Vulnerable since 2011-07-28
dns/bind9-sdb-ldap Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
dns/bind9-sdb-postgresql Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
ftp/wgetpro Vulnerable since 2004-12-14
games/quake2forge Vulnerable since 2005-01-21
graphics/linux-tiff Vulnerable since 2004-10-13
japanese/mutt Vulnerable since 2007-07-29
japanese/asterisk14-sounds Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk14 Vulnerable since 2011-06-25
net/isc-dhcp31-client Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-server Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-relay Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/asterisk-app-ldap Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk-app-notify Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN, does not compile on sparc64
net/asterisk14-addons Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/astfax Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net-mgmt/nagios2 Vulnerable since 2009-06-30
www/gforge Vulnerable since 2005-08-09
www/linux-flashplugin7 Vulnerable since at least 2008-05-30
www/opera-devel Vulnerable since 2010-06-25, does not fetch
www/plone3 Vulnerable and unsupported upstream
www/serendipity-devel Vulnerable since 2008-04-25
www/ziproxy Vulnerable since 2010-06-15
www/asterisk-gui Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
x11-toolkits/linux-pango Vulnerable since 2009-05-13
17:13 lwhsu
Add ocaml-mysql 1.1.0, OCaml bindings to libmysqlclient.
PR: ports/161034
Submitted by: Jyun-Yan You <>
Monday, 10 Oct 2011
04:38 dinoex
- disconnect ruby-pg rubygem-postgres ruby-postgres
Sunday, 9 Oct 2011
02:47 dougb
Remove ports maintainted by ports@ which have passed their EXPIRATION_DATE
astro/gkrellsun Abandonware
astro/xrmap No more distfiles
audio/midimountain Abandonware
audio/gkrellmss Abandonware
audio/gnapster Abandonware
databases/xbase No more public distfiles
databases/xbsql No more public distfiles
games/gtkabale No more public distfiles
games/battleball No more public distfiles, does not compile on ia64 or
games/race No more public distfiles
games/stvef-paks No more public distfiles
games/stvef-server No more public distfiles
games/tome No more public distfiles
games/qkmj No more public distfiles
games/oilwar No more public distfiles
games/xbaby No more public distfiles
games/xword Abandonware
games/kslide No more public distfiles
graphics/xmrm No more public distfiles, does not compile on amd64 or
graphics/giftrans Upstream disappeared and distfile is not available
graphics/wildmagic BROKEN for more than 6 months, does not fetch
irc/ircd-rusnet No more public distfiles
irc/tkirc No more public distfiles
korean/mizifont No more public distfiles
lang/freetxl No more public distfiles
math/nsc2ke No more public distfiles
misc/mgp-mode.el No more public distfiles
multimedia/p5-RIFF-Info No more public distfiles
net/p5-Net-OpenDHT No more public distfiles
net/mudix No more public distfiles
net-im/newsbot No more public distfiles
net-im/libicq2000 Abandonware
net-im/gossip No longer maintain by upstream, use net-im/empathy
net-im/ickle Abandonware
net-mgmt/nipper BROKEN for more than 6 month, does not fetch
net-p2p/mldonkey-serverspy No more public distfiles
news/p5-Gateway No more public distfiles
print/epsmerge No more public distfiles
science/at No more public distfiles
science/pyvox No more public distfiles
security/p5-Email-Obfuscate No more public distfiles
security/libparanoia No more public distfiles
security/execwrap No more public distfiles
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2011
16:04 zi
New port: databases/ldb
ldb is a LDAP-like embedded database.
ldb provides a fast database with an LDAP-like API
designed to be used within an application.
In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution
between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database.
PR: ports/161266
Submitted by: Andrew Elble <>
Sunday, 2 Oct 2011
18:14 swills
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database
engine in a ruby extension. There is no
need to install SQLite separately.
PR: ports/158316
Submitted by: Eric Freeman <>
Friday, 30 Sep 2011
08:58 dougb
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by
Thursday, 22 Sep 2011
06:10 lwhsu
Add py-pyhs 0.2.4, handlerSocket client for Python.
Tuesday, 20 Sep 2011
09:46 bapt
Perl extension for KyotoCabinet.
Submitted by: Geraud CONTINSOUZAS <> (by private mail)
Thursday, 15 Sep 2011
19:40 flo
add percona-toolkit the successor of maatkit
Percona Toolkit is a collection of advanced command-line tools used by Percona
support staff to perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks that are too
difficult or complex to perform manually, including:
Verify master and replica data consistency
Efficiently archive rows
Find duplicate indexes
Summarize MySQL servers
Analyze queries from logs and tcpdump
Collect vital system information when problems occur
Saturday, 3 Sep 2011
23:28 sunpoet
- Add p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB 1.27
AnyEvent::CouchDB is a non-blocking CouchDB client implemented on top of the
AnyEvent framework. Using this library will give you the ability to run many
CouchDB requests asynchronously, and it was intended to be used within a
Coro+AnyEvent environment. However, it can also be used synchronously if you
Its API is based on jquery.couch.js, but we've adapted the API slightly so that
it makes sense in an asynchronous Perl environment.
21:26 sunpoet
- Add p5-CouchDB-View 0.003
CouchDB::View is a Perl module to handle and create CouchDB views.
20:23 sunpoet
- Add p5-Dancer-Plugin-Redis 0.02
Dancer::Plugin::Redis provides an easy way to obtain a connected Redis
database handle by simply calling the 'redis' keyword within a Dancer
PR: ports/160346
Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach <>
15:25 tota
- Add a new port: databases/R-cran-RMySQL
RMySQL is a database interface and MySQL driver for R. This version
complies with the database interface definition as implemented in
the package DBI 0.2-2.
11:06 tota
- Add a new port: databases/R-cran-DBI
A database interface (DBI) definition for communication between R
and relational database management systems. All classes in this
package are virtual and need to be extended by the various R/DBMS
Thursday, 1 Sep 2011
06:47 bapt
2011-09-01 astro/gkrellmoon: Abandonware
2011-09-01 astro/spacechart: Abandonware
2011-09-01 audio/adpcm: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 audio/aube: Abandonware
2011-09-01 audio/festvox-aec: BROKEN for more than 6 month
2011-09-01 audio/gtkgep: Abandonware
2011-09-01 audio/gtkhirad: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 audio/opmixer: No more upstream
2011-09-01 audio/swami: Abandonware
2011-09-01 audio/x11amp: Abandonware
2011-09-01 audio/xmms-sndstretch: No Master Site
2011-09-01 cad/linux-gid: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 chinese/gbscript: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 chinese/mplayer-fonts: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 chinese/oxford: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 chinese/vflib: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 databases/mysql++: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 databases/mysql_last_value: No Master Site
2011-09-01 databases/p5-DBIx-Table: No more public distfiles
Sunday, 28 Aug 2011
14:05 sunpoet
- Add py-kyotocabinet 1.20
Python binding of kyotocabinet.
Thursday, 25 Aug 2011
23:17 mandree
- Update databases/db5 to new upstream release ChangeLog:
- Remove databases/db51 (no hard dependencies), users having set db51
manually for their ports need to set db5 and rebuild dependent ports.
- Add OPTIONS for localization (default off) and crypto (default on).
- Install libdb* symlinks into $PREFIX/lib
- If WITH_DEBUG is set, pass --enable-umrw to pacify valgrind, and
Sunday, 14 Aug 2011
23:05 bapt
2011-04-17 databases/gauche-gdbm: has been broken for more than a year
www/wiliki: Depends on expired gauche-gdbm
mail/scmail: Depends on expired gauche-gdbm
Thursday, 11 Aug 2011
11:53 wen
Redis client for Go. It supports all Redis commands and common features such
as pipelines and pubsub.
PR: ports/159216
Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach<>
Tuesday, 9 Aug 2011
09:46 sunpoet
- Add p5-BSON 0.03
This module implements BSON serialization and deserialization as described at BSON is the primary data representation for MongoDB.
Wednesday, 3 Aug 2011
06:49 bapt
Removing old ruby stuff
2011-08-03 comms/ruby-serialport: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 databases/ruby-search-namazu: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 databases/ruby-sqlite: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 databases/rubygem-kirbybase: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-eet: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-filelock: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-filemagic: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-metaruby: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-poll: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-rrb: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-strongtyping: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 devel/ruby-textbuf: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 graphics/ruby-graph: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 graphics/ruby-libpng: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 japanese/ruby-kakasi: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 lang/ruby-extensions: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 lang/ruby-lua: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 lang/ruby-perl: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 mail/ruby-tmail: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 math/ruby-bitset: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 math/ruby-bitvector: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 math/ruby-gmp: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 net/ruby-mpi: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 net/ruby-nis: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 net/ruby-pcap: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 net/ruby-romp: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 net/ruby-spread: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 print/ruby-pdflib: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 security/ruby-aes: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 security/ruby-blowfish: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 security/ruby-cast_256: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 security/ruby-mcrypt: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 security/ruby-pam: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 sysutils/ruby-log4r: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-csv: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-formvalidator: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-gdome: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-htmltools: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-nqxml: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-quixml: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-raspell: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-tempura: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 textproc/ruby-xtemplate: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-08-03 www/ruby-tmpl: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011
09:01 bapt
Remove ports BROKEN for more than 6 months
Approved by: gahr (maintainer)
Monday, 1 Aug 2011
16:29 zi
New port: databases/rubygem-dm-chunked_query
Allows performing chunked queries on DataMapper Models or Collections.
Approved by: wxs (mentor)
04:29 bapt
Bye bye abandonwares (part 2)
2011-08-01 benchmarks/rawio: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 benchmarks/tmetric: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 biology/L-Breeder: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/crimap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/distribfold: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 biology/kinemage: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/lsysexp: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/chm2html: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/ntuttf: No more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 chinese/reciteword: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 chinese/tocps: No more pulic distfiles
2011-08-01 chinese/xttmgr: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/mserver: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 comms/qicosi: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/sms_client: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/smstools: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 converters/siconv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 converters/utf8conv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 databases/pgcluster: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 databases/py-MySQL: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-08-01 databases/py-SQLDict: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 databases/py-rrdpipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public
2011-08-01 databases/sybase_ase: no more public distfiles available
02:53 sunpoet
- Sort SUBDIRs
- Fix NO_VIET_KDE coverage
Sunday, 31 Jul 2011
13:26 swills
Development of an open-source solution for asynchronous, master-master
replication of relational databases that is
- ridiculously easy to use
- database independent
Currently supports PostgreSQL and MySQL.
PR: ports/158605
Submitted by: Eirik Oeverby <>
Friday, 22 Jul 2011
17:07 lwhsu
Add py-pymysql 0.4, pure Python MySQL Driver.
10:32 osa
Add redis-scripting, version 2.2.111, an experimental version of
Redis 2.2.11 with support for Lua scripting, backported from the
scripting branch. Instructions about how to use it are contained
in following blog post:
Connect to build.
Add CONFLICTS and bump PORTREVISION for databases/redis.
Thursday, 21 Jul 2011
01:11 swills
- Connect rubygem-sqlite3-ruby to the build
Pointyhat to: swills
Sunday, 17 Jul 2011
07:28 sunpoet
- Add p5-AnyEvent-BDB 1.1
AnyEvent::BDB is an AnyEvent user, you need to make sure that you use and run a
supported event loop.
Loading this module will install the necessary magic to seamlessly integrate BDB
into AnyEvent, i.e. you no longer need to concern yourself with calling
BDB::poll_cb or any of that stuff (you still can, but this module will do it in
case you don't).
The AnyEvent watcher can be disabled by executing undef $AnyEvent::BDB::WATCHER.
Please notify the author of when and why you think this was necessary.
07:26 sunpoet
- Add p5-BDB 1.88
BDB is a Perl module to provide asynchronous Berkeley DB access.
Saturday, 16 Jul 2011
23:27 swills
MemcacheQ is a Simple Queue Service over Memcache.
* damn simple
* very fast
* multiple queue
* concurrent well
* memcache protocol compatible
PR: ports/153422
Submitted by: Mikhail T. <m.tsatsenko at>
Wednesday, 13 Jul 2011
00:50 sunpoet
- Add p5-Cache-Memcached-libmemcached 0.02011
This is the Cache::Memcached compatible interface to libmemcached, a C library
to interface with memcached.
PR: ports/157939
Submitted by: Dmitry Liakh <>
Thursday, 7 Jul 2011
21:14 mm
Provides an API into an IMSP server for address books and options.
19:27 mm
Horde database/SQL abstraction layer
19:19 mm
Horde API to access a memcache server.
Sunday, 3 Jul 2011
22:00 ashish
This library is a Haskell binding to the MySQL mysqlclient client library.
It is a fairly faithful, low level library that implements
most of the MySQL client API.
PR: ports/157264
Submitted by: Jyun-Yan You <>
Tuesday, 28 Jun 2011
15:18 sunpoet
- Add p5-Text-xSV 0.21
This module is for reading and writing a common variation of character
separated data.
PR: ports/157937
Submitted by: Dmitry Liakh <>
Monday, 27 Jun 2011
14:45 miwi
Sql3 is an interface to the popular Sqlite3 database. The module provides a
minimal wrapper around Sqlite3's C interface which is designed to give the
developer access to all of Sqlite3's features in a way that is convenient
for Pure programmers.
PR: ports/156103
Submitted by: Zhihao Yuan <lichray at>
Saturday, 25 Jun 2011
09:39 miwi
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser module.
It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
PR: ports/156828
Submitted by: Roland van Laar <roland at>
03:31 pgollucci
Ruby client for memcached supporting advanced
protocol features and pluggable architecture.
PR: ports/153453
Submitted by: Mikhail T. <michael at>
Friday, 24 Jun 2011
18:19 pgollucci
CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API,
as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments.
PR: ports/158129
Submitted by: Mike Carlson (carlson39 at
Thursday, 23 Jun 2011
13:45 nivit
- Connect databases/py-sqlalchemy06 to the ports tree
Wednesday, 22 Jun 2011
21:01 swills
DataMapper backend for delayed_job
PR: ports/157987
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
18:23 skreuzer
Whisper is a fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
(round-robin-database). It provides fast, reliable storage of
numeric data over time.
Sunday, 19 Jun 2011
16:44 swills
dm-devise adds DataMapper support to devise
( for authentication support for Rails
PR: ports/158011
Submitted by: rpsfa at
Saturday, 18 Jun 2011
18:46 swills
This gem provides the railtie that allows datamapper to hook
into rails3 and thus behave like a rails framework component.
Just like activerecord does in rails, dm-rails uses the railtie
API to hook into rails. The two are actually hooked into rails
almost identically.
Creating new datamapper apps on rails3 from scratch is actually
really easy. The following will guide you through the process.
PR: ports/157994
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
18:38 swills
A datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.
PR: ports/157993
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
18:34 swills
File attachments as attributes for DataMapper,
based on the original Paperclip by Jon Yurek at Thoughtbot
PR: ports/157989
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
18:32 swills
Not to be confused with the dm-pagination gem (a similar gem
lacking in functionality) dm-pager is a new, fresh, and feature
rich pagination implementation for DataMapper. Due to Github's gem
builder being destroyed, we were forced to rename our gem to
'dm-pager' which is now available on
PR: ports/157988
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
18:29 swills
DataMapper::Observer allows you to add callback hooks to
many models. This is similar to observers in ActiveRecord.
PR: ports/157985
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa at>
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2011
21:39 brooks
Add nagios-check_postgres_replication, a Nagios plugin to check the lag
between a postgresql streaming replica and master.
Sunday, 12 Jun 2011
16:16 sunpoet
- Add p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached 1.001001
DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached provides cursor class with built-in caching support.
Saturday, 11 Jun 2011
23:14 girgen
Add postgresql 9.1 beta1.
See for more info.
Also, use USERS knob instead of explicitally creating the pgsql user
while still accepting alternative names, using [1] with some added
PR: 157667 [1]
Wednesday, 8 Jun 2011
05:15 dougb
Add a slave port for MYSQL_VER=52, which is actually mariadb
Tuesday, 7 Jun 2011
07:11 dougb
Split databases/mariadb into -client, -scripts, and -server ports
Upgrade to version 5.2.6 [1]
Bring default compilation options into line with standard mariadb releases,
per [1]
Submitted by: maintainer [1]
Approved by: maintainer
Friday, 27 May 2011
23:46 mandree
Remove db45.
This happens before EXPIRATION_DATE as no dependencies are left in ports,
the few that were there use db46+.
Approved by: Gea-Suan Lin (maintainer)
Monday, 23 May 2011
12:09 mandree
Remove databases/db3. All users were using db3+
and have in fact been using 4.0+ since 2011-04-12 (Mk/ r1.57).
Chase upgrade in dependent ports and change USE_BDB to 40+.
Monday, 9 May 2011
10:32 bsam
The easiest possible way to browse the data of your database.
You can customize the way data are presented in a very simple way.
The ideal tool to edit your personal databases or to browse data
of an application you're developing with other languages/tools.
Filtering data has never been so easy, no SQL knowledge required.
Monday, 2 May 2011
12:48 bapt
One more bunch of unmaintained expired ports removal
2011-05-01 audio/dap: Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
2011-05-01 audio/gdrdao: Upstream disapear and no more distfiles available
2011-05-01 databases/gmysql: Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
2011-05-01 deskutils/kuake: Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
2011-05-01 finance/xinvest: Outdated, abandoned
2011-05-01 finance/xquote: Outdated, abandoned
2011-05-01 french/plgrenouille: Upstream disapear and distfile is no more
Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011
17:08 flo
Add new port databases/pecl-rrd:
Procedural and simple OO wrapper for rrdtool - data logging and graphing system
for time series data.
Friday, 22 Apr 2011
00:47 wen
This is a python DBAPI module for FirebirdSQL.
PR: ports/156414
Submitted by: Jose Jachuf <>
Monday, 18 Apr 2011
22:25 rene
Remove most expired ports:
2011-04-17 cad/tclspice: has been broken for more than a year
2011-04-17 comms/hcfmdm: does not compile on 7.X or higher
2011-04-17 databases/mysqlcc: has been broken for almost a year
2011-04-17 devel/ruby-rjudy: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 devel/xfc: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 devel/lamson: has been broken for a half year
2011-04-17 devel/cocktail: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 devel/djgpp-gcc: has been broken for half a year
2011-04-17 devel/gauche-sdl: has been broken for a year
2011-04-17 devel/gdb53-act: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and up
2011-04-17 editors/zed: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 games/aqbubble: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 graphics/libvisual-plugins: has been broken for 3 years
2011-04-17 japanese/roundcube: has been broken for almost a year
2011-04-17 japanese/tkstep80: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 lang/u++: has been broken for over a half year
2011-04-17 lang/pugs: has been broken for over a year
2011-04-17 lang/mozart: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 math/linalg: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 math/R-cran-igraph: has been broken for over a half year
2011-04-17 misc/ftree: has been broken for over a half year
2011-04-17 multimedia/katchtv: has been broken for a half year
2011-04-17 multimedia/libomxil-bellagio: has been broken for almost a year
2011-04-17 multimedia/banshee-mirage: has been broken for over a half year
2011-04-17 net-p2p/trackerbt: has been broken for a half year
2011-04-17 net/cap: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 net/ggsd: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 net/b2bua: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 net/penguintv: has been broken for a half year
2011-04-17 news/openftd: has been broken for almost a year
2011-04-17 palm/romeo: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 science/pcp: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 science/elmer-fem: has been broken for over a year
2011-04-17 security/newpki-lib: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 security/newpki-server: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 security/xmlsec: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 security/f-protd: has been broken for over a year
2011-04-17 sysutils/xwlans: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-17 www/bk_edit: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and newer
2011-04-17 www/bricolage: has been broken for a half year
2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/gauche-gtk: has been broken for a year
2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-qt: has been broken for over a year
2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/php-gtk2: has been broken for over a half year
2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/p5-Tcl-Tk: has been broken for 2 year
2011-04-17 x11/metisse: has been broken for over a half year
Friday, 15 Apr 2011
14:54 ale
Add php5-sqlite3 port, the SQLite3 extension for PHP.
Thursday, 14 Apr 2011
00:56 wen
A Go interface for SQLite3, modelled after the C interface.
Submitted by: Zhihao Yuan <> (via email)
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011
08:54 kuriyama
Provides inflation to a Path::Class::File object allowing file system
storage of BLOBS.
The storage path is specified with fs_column_path. Each file receives
a unique name, so the storage for all FS columns can share the same
Within the path specified by fs_column_path, files are stored in
sub-directories based on the first 2 characters of the unique file
names. Up to 256 sub-directories will be created, as needed. Override
_fs_column_dirs in a derived class to change this behavior.
fs_new_on_update will create a new file name if the file has been
Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011
21:55 mandree
Remove databases/db2. Rest in peace. Only casualty: devel/tcl-neo.
Tuesday, 5 Apr 2011
16:37 bapt
Prophet is a distributed database system designed for small to medium scale
social database applications.
Monday, 4 Apr 2011
20:56 rene
Remove expired slave port databases/postgresql81-contrib (2011-04-02)
18:06 rene
Garbage collect expired slave ports (2011-04-02):
17:43 rene
Prematurely remove broken port which depends on expired
2011-04-17 databases/erserver: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
Approved by: tabthorpe
17:12 rene
Garbage collect expired ports
2011-04-01 accessibility/linux-f8-atk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-ucl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-upx: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-alsa-lib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-arts: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-esound: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-freealut: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libaudiofile: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libogg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libvorbis: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-mikmod: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-nas-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-openal: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-sdl_mixer: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 databases/linux-f8-sqlite3: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql81-server: EOL see
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql73-server: EOL see
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql74-server: EOL see
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql80-server: EOL see
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-sdl12: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-allegro: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libsigc++20: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-nspr: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 dns/linux-f8-libidn: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f8: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f9: End of Life since Jul 10, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-fc6: End of Life since December 7, 2007
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f7: End of Life since June 13, 2008
2011-04-01 ftp/linux-f8-curl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-sdl_image: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-ungif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-imlib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-cairo: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-dri: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-jpeg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libGLU: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libmng: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-tiff: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-libg2c: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-tcl84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 multimedia/linux-f8-libtheora: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 net-p2p/dcd: No fetch sources and looks like project abandoned
2011-03-31 net/straw: abandoned upstream and does not work with python 2.6+
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-libssh2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-nss: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-openssl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-expat: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-aspell: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 www/linux-f8-flashplugin10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki112: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki113: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki114: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki16: abandoned upstream
2011-04-01 x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-01 x11-themes/gnome-icons-cool-gorilla: "no mastersite"
2011-04-01 x11-themes/linux-f8-hicolor-icon-theme: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-openmotif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-qt33: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11/linux-f8-xorg-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
Monday, 21 Mar 2011
20:41 mandree
Kill Oracle Berkeley DB 5.0 port.
There are no ports that depend on this, just implicit via
USE_BDB=yes or USE_BDB=44+ or similar - databases/db51 will do.
Saturday, 19 Mar 2011
19:04 dhn
This package provides a Python fast and full featured interface
to CouchDB.
PR: ports/155692
Submitted by: Andrei Antoukh <>
Friday, 18 Mar 2011
02:53 clsung
This is the Python interface to the Redis key-value store.
01:23 kuriyama
This module provides methods for working with nested set trees. The
nested tree model is a way of representing hierarchical information in
a database. This takes a different approach to the Adjacency List
implementation. (see DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList which uses
parent relationships in a recursive manner).
01:22 kuriyama
This module provides methods for working with adjacency lists. The
adjacency list model is a very common way of representing a tree
structure. In this model each row in a table has a prent ID column
that references the primary key of another row in the same table.
Because of this the primary key must only be one column and is usually
some sort of integer. The row with a parent ID of 0 is the root node
and is usually the parent of all other rows. Although, there is no
limitation in this module that would stop you from having multiple
root nodes.
Sunday, 27 Feb 2011
10:47 kuriyama
Teng is very simple DBI wrapper and simple O/R Mapper. It aims to be
lightweight, with minimal dependencies so it's easier to install.
02:05 kuriyama
SQL::Maker is yet another SQL builder class. It is based on
DBIx::Skinny's SQL generator.
Friday, 25 Feb 2011
12:17 ale
JDBM is a transactional persistence engine for Java. It aims to be for Java
what GDBM is for other languages: a fast, simple persistence engine.
You can use it to store a mix of objects and BLOBs, and all updates are done
in a transactionally safe manner. JDBM also provides scalable data structures,
such as HTree and B+Tree, to support persistence of large object collections.
JDBM2 provides HashMap and TreeMap which are backed by disk storage.
It is very easy and fast way to persist your data.
JDBM2 also have minimal hardware requirements and is highly embeddable.
07:50 osa
Remove legacy redis 2.0.4.
00:45 wen
pecl-tokyo_tyrant is a PHP extension provides object oriented API
for communicating with Tokyo Tyrant key-value store.
Thursday, 24 Feb 2011
19:48 osa
Remove deprecated and unsupported databases/redis1.
Saturday, 19 Feb 2011
12:53 miwi
This plugin provides a SQL::Abstract search method for Class::DBI. It is
similar to Class::DBI::AbstractSearch, but allows you to search and sort
by fields from joined tables.
PR: ports/154796
Submitted by: milki <milki at rescomp.berkeley.edy>
Sunday, 13 Feb 2011
12:26 osa
Connect to build redis2.
03:25 miwi
DBIx::Class interface for Dancer applications
PR: ports/154725
Submitted by: "" <
Friday, 11 Feb 2011
04:58 stas
- Add databases/rubygem-dm-postgres-adapter, a PostgreSQL Adapter for
Friday, 4 Feb 2011
21:03 rene
Remove expired ports:
2011-02-04 databases/qt-ibase-plugin: Port is broken on all supported versions
of FreeBSD
2011-02-04 devel/ace+tao: Outdated and does not compile on any supported version
of FreeBSD
2011-02-04 graphics/ray++: Does not compile on supported versions of FreeBSD
2011-02-04 japanese/oleo: Does not compile on supported versions of FreeBSD
2011-02-04 lang/dylan: does not build
2011-02-04 multimedia/jahshaka: Does not compile on supported versions of
Feature safe: yes
Wednesday, 2 Feb 2011
17:24 skreuzer
Credis is a client library in plain C for communicating with Redis servers
Feature safe: yes
Monday, 31 Jan 2011
11:43 miwi
Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database.
It is minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol,
but at the same time it uses an high level printf-alike API in order to make
it much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and
the lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command.
Apart from supporting sending commands and receiving replies, it comes with
a reply parser that is decoupled from the I/O layer. It is a stream parser
designed for easy reusability, which can for instance be used in higher
level language bindings for efficient reply parsing.
Hiredis only supports the binary-safe Redis protocol, so you can use it with
any Redis version >= 1.2.0.
The library comes with multiple APIs. There is the synchronous API, the
asynchronous API and the reply parsing API.
PR: ports/153535
Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach <magik at>
Feature safe: yes
Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011
20:20 tobez
Add databases/p5-AnyEvent-Redis 0.23, a non-blocking
databases/redis client for Perl.
Feature safe: yes
Monday, 24 Jan 2011
22:48 ohauer
JasperServer is a business intelligence platform based on JasperReports.
It is a Web and Web services based application for reporting, data analysis
(OLAP UI and server) and data integration.
PR: ports/150208
Submitted by: Jason Helfman
Feature safe: yes
Tuesday, 18 Jan 2011
13:10 wen
repmgr allows you to monitor and manage your replicated PostgreSQL
databases as a single cluster.
PR: ports/154074
Submitted by: Alexander Pyhalov <>
Feature safe: yes
Monday, 17 Jan 2011
16:12 sunpoet
- Add p5-Redis-hiredis
Redis::hiredis is a simple wrapper around Salvatore Sanfilippo's hiredis C
client that allows connecting and sending any command just like you would
from a command line Redis client.
PR: ports/153536
Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach <>
Feature safe: yes
Friday, 14 Jan 2011
08:35 wen
MySQLDumper is a PHP and Perl based tool for backing up MySQL databases.
You can easily dump your data into a backup file and - if needed - restore it.
It is especially suited for shared hosting webspaces, where you don't
have shell access. MySQLDumper is an open source project and released
under the GNU-license.
PR: ports/153811
Submitted by: Marek Holienka <>
Feature safe: yes
Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011
03:27 swills
Add p5-Dancer-Session-Memcached 0.1, memcached-based session backend for
PR: ports/153590
Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach <magik at>
Approved by: wxs (mentor)
Number of commits found: 2069 (showing only 100 on this page) |