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Port details
foundationdb73-server FoundationDB is a large-scale distributed database
7.3.41_2 databases on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 7.3.41_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Broken BROKEN: fails to build with Boost>=1.87
Ignore IGNORE: is marked as broken: fails to build with Boost>=1.87
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2024-05-23 22:18:05
Last Update: 2025-02-14 03:17:13
Commit Hash: 6b8eff0
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py39-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
License: APACHE20
FoundationDB is a distributed database designed to handle large volumes of structured data across clusters of commodity servers. It organizes data as an ordered key-value store and employs ACID transactions for all operations. It is especially well-suited for read/write workloads but also has excellent performance for write-intensive workloads. Users interact with the database using API language binding. To learn more about FoundationDB, visit
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (13 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/foundationdb73-server-7.3.41_2/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/foundationdb73-server-7.3.41_2/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/foundationdb73-server-7.3.41_2/APACHE20
  5. sbin/fdbmonitor
  6. sbin/fdbserver
  7. @sample etc/foundationdb/foundationdb.conf.sample
  8. @dir(foundationdb,foundationdb,755) etc/foundationdb
  9. @dir(foundationdb,foundationdb,755) /var/db/foundationdb
  10. @dir(foundationdb,foundationdb,755) /var/log/foundationdb
  11. @owner
  12. @group
  13. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • foundationdb73-server>0:databases/foundationdb73-server
  • foundationdb*-server*
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/databases/foundationdb73-server/ && make install clean
We doubt a package is available for this port because we see it marked as as:
  • Broken
  • Ignore
Packages are normally not provided for ports that are marked as above.
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install databases/foundationdb73-server
  • pkg install foundationdb73-server
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: foundationdb73-server
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: aarch64 amd64
TIMESTAMP = 1715420283 SHA256 (apple-foundationdb-7.3.41_GH0.tar.gz) = 208d917c6701b229b3bb141a57b97f466facd8996f9f51bd2c5204d868b96d24 SIZE (apple-foundationdb-7.3.41_GH0.tar.gz) = 13095814

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Slave ports:
  1. databases/foundationdb73-client
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. bash : shells/bash
  2. msgpack-cxx>0 : devel/msgpack-cxx
  3. toml11>0 : devel/toml11
  4. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  5. ninja : devel/ninja
  6. llvm-config15 : devel/llvm15
  7. mono : lang/mono5.20
  8. python3.11 : lang/python311
Runtime dependencies:
  1. fdbcli : databases/foundationdb73-client
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/boost-libs
  2. : devel/libeio
  3. : devel/libfmt
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake compiler:c++20-lang llvm:max=16 mono:build python:build shebangfix ssl
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 4

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
14 Feb 2025 03:17:13
commit hash: 6b8eff0e10f8bd162778f97f6da3edbfa50c601bcommit hash: 6b8eff0e10f8bd162778f97f6da3edbfa50c601bcommit hash: 6b8eff0e10f8bd162778f97f6da3edbfa50c601bcommit hash: 6b8eff0e10f8bd162778f97f6da3edbfa50c601b files touched by this commit
Dima Panov (fluffy) search for other commits by this committer
databases/foundationdb73-server: mark as BROKEN with Boost>=1.87 (+)

Since 1.87 release some long-time-ago deprecated Boost.asio facilities was
dropped off

Sponsored by:	Future Crew, LLC
20 Nov 2024 10:05:25
commit hash: 312ee18b022b4abcb14973bb10894ba152b8f60bcommit hash: 312ee18b022b4abcb14973bb10894ba152b8f60bcommit hash: 312ee18b022b4abcb14973bb10894ba152b8f60bcommit hash: 312ee18b022b4abcb14973bb10894ba152b8f60b files touched by this commit
Dima Panov (fluffy) search for other commits by this committer
devel/boost: bump consu,ers after update Boost to 1.86 release

Sponsored by:	Future Crew, LLC
03 Oct 2024 10:25:14
commit hash: 55cfbcf56c31f949cd93e4012c1d705c1094a5c6commit hash: 55cfbcf56c31f949cd93e4012c1d705c1094a5c6commit hash: 55cfbcf56c31f949cd93e4012c1d705c1094a5c6commit hash: 55cfbcf56c31f949cd93e4012c1d705c1094a5c6 files touched by this commit
Dima Panov (fluffy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump consumers after devel/boost* update

With hat:	office
Sponsored by:	Future Crew, LLC
23 May 2024 22:14:48
commit hash: 3dc4928b6c995e22f199f7b9a1bdb5247d8d7a10commit hash: 3dc4928b6c995e22f199f7b9a1bdb5247d8d7a10commit hash: 3dc4928b6c995e22f199f7b9a1bdb5247d8d7a10commit hash: 3dc4928b6c995e22f199f7b9a1bdb5247d8d7a10 files touched by this commit
Dave Cottlehuber (dch) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Dmitry Wagin
databases/foundationdb*: split, update to 7.1.59 & 7.3.41

Update FoundationDB to both main supported versions, and also split
between server and client builds for convenience.

PR:		277262
Reviewed by:	dch
Sponsored by:	SkunkWerks, GmbH

Number of commits found: 4