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Port details
redis Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
7.4.2 databases on this many watch lists=30 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 7.4.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2009-07-27 16:54:37
Last Update: 2025-02-17 10:43:49
Commit Hash: 9e4e65d
People watching this port, also watch:: apache24, rsync, pkg, nginx, sudo
License: RSALv2 SSPLv1
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string; incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest ranking in a sorted set. In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each command to a log. Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split and so forth.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (18 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/redis-7.4.2/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/redis-7.4.2/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/redis-7.4.2/RSALv2
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/redis-7.4.2/SSPLv1
  5. bin/redis-benchmark
  6. bin/redis-check-aof
  7. bin/redis-check-rdb
  8. bin/redis-cli
  9. bin/redis-sentinel
  10. bin/redis-server
  11. @sample etc/redis.conf.sample
  12. @sample(redis,redis,) etc/sentinel.conf.sample
  13. @dir(redis,redis,) /var/db/redis
  14. @dir(redis,redis,) /var/log/redis
  15. @dir(redis,redis,) /var/run/redis
  16. @owner
  17. @group
  18. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • redis>0:databases/redis
  • redis-devel
  • redis62
  • redis72
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/databases/redis/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install databases/redis
  • pkg install redis
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: redis
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1736214410 SHA256 (redis-7.4.2.tar.gz) = 4ddebbf09061cbb589011786febdb34f29767dd7f89dbe712d2b68e808af6a1f SIZE (redis-7.4.2.tar.gz) = 3533864

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
Test dependencies:
  1. tclsh8.6 : lang/tcl86
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. net-mgmt/resource-agents
  2. www/gitlab

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 2 deleted ports
  1. net/opensips*
  2. www/gitlab-ce*
  3. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. databases/rubygem-hiredis
  2. devel/py-celery-progress
  3. net-im/mastodon
  4. net-im/rubygem-lita
  5. security/openvas
  6. www/gitlab

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 4 deleted ports
  1. security/openvas-scanner*
  2. security/openvas8-scanner*
  3. security/openvas9-scanner*
  4. www/gitlab-ce*
  5. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for redis-7.4.2: JEMALLOC=off: Use jemalloc TLS=on: Use TLS (openssl req.) ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 cpe gmake tcl:test ssl
For install:
To setup "redis" you need to edit the configuration file: /usr/local/etc/redis.conf To run redis from startup, add redis_enable="YES" in your /etc/rc.conf.
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Notes from UPDATING
These upgrade notes are taken from /usr/ports/UPDATING
  • 2024-08-16
    Affects: users of databases/redis
      The databases/redis port has been updated to 7.4. Users wanting to
      stay on 7.2 can replace databases/redis with databases/redis72 with
      one of the following commands.
      If you use pkg with binary packages:
        # pkg set -o databases/redis:databases/redis72
        # pkg upgrade
      If you use portmaster:
        # portmaster -o databases/redis72 databases/redis
      If you use portupgrade:
        # portupgrade -o databases/redis72 databases/redis
      Keep in mind license term has changed with Redis 7.4. Now it is
      distributed under dual license of Redis Source Available License v2
      (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1). If you don't
      want to accept either of them, then Valkey (databases/valkey) may be
      alternative for you. It is fork of Redis 7.2 and distributed under
      3-clause BSD license that is same as Redis 7.2 and before.
Expand this list (3 items)
  • 2023-08-17
    Affects: users of databases/redis
      The databases/redis port has been updated to 7.2. Users wanting to
      stay on 7.0 can replace databases/redis with databases/redis70 with
      one of the following commands.
      If you use pkg with binary packages:
        # pkg set -o databases/redis:databases/redis70
        # pkg upgrade
      If you use portmaster:
        # portmaster -o databases/redis70 databases/redis
      If you use portupgrade:
        # portupgrade -o databases/redis70 databases/redis
  • 2022-04-28
    Affects: users of databases/redis
      The databases/redis port has been updated to 7.0. Users wanting to
      stay on 6.2 can replace databases/redis with databases/redis62 with
      one of the following commands.
      If you use pkg with binary packages:
        # pkg set -o databases/redis:databases/redis62
        # pkg upgrade
      If you use portmaster:
        # portmaster -o databases/redis62 databases/redis
      If you use portupgrade:
        # portupgrade -o databases/redis62 databases/redis
  • 2021-08-18
    Affects: users of databases/redis
      The databases/redis port has been updated to the recent stable release.
      Users wanting to stay on v6.0 can replace databases/redis with
      databases/redis6 with one of the following commands:
      # pkg install databases/redis6
      # portmaster -o databases/redis6 databases/redis
      # portupgrade -o databases/redis6 databases/redis
  • Collapse this list.
Port Moves
  • port moved here from databases/redis4 on 2021-04-06
    REASON: Has expired: End of life, please use modern version

Number of commits found: 193 (showing only 100 on this page)

1 | 2  »  

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
17 Feb 2025 10:43:49
commit hash: 9e4e65dcd8a365824d683363c81ddbb01ff767dccommit hash: 9e4e65dcd8a365824d683363c81ddbb01ff767dccommit hash: 9e4e65dcd8a365824d683363c81ddbb01ff767dccommit hash: 9e4e65dcd8a365824d683363c81ddbb01ff767dc files touched by this commit
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Adjust CONFLICTS_INSTALL after removal of databases/redis70

While here, remove confusing comment.
07 Jan 2025 02:29:14
commit hash: f2658a0e0cd60eb25330b5d6e22dc8e89701cc1acommit hash: f2658a0e0cd60eb25330b5d6e22dc8e89701cc1acommit hash: f2658a0e0cd60eb25330b5d6e22dc8e89701cc1acommit hash: f2658a0e0cd60eb25330b5d6e22dc8e89701cc1a files touched by this commit
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.4.2

MFH:		2025Q1
Security:	CVE-2024-46981
Security:	CVE-2024-51741
02 Oct 2024 23:56:10
commit hash: 7c7dfbbcb3bee3fe0aca437579d14f172b06f4b2commit hash: 7c7dfbbcb3bee3fe0aca437579d14f172b06f4b2commit hash: 7c7dfbbcb3bee3fe0aca437579d14f172b06f4b2commit hash: 7c7dfbbcb3bee3fe0aca437579d14f172b06f4b2 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.4.1

MFH:		2024Q3
Security:	8b20f21a-8113-11ef-b988-08002784c58d
16 Aug 2024 02:48:45
commit hash: 6bcc3e564860111e13797541f857e41a1f2749b3commit hash: 6bcc3e564860111e13797541f857e41a1f2749b3commit hash: 6bcc3e564860111e13797541f857e41a1f2749b3commit hash: 6bcc3e564860111e13797541f857e41a1f2749b3 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.4.0

* Update license information. Since 7.4 upstream distributes source
  files under dual license of Redis Source Available License
  v2 (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1).
* Add entry to UPDATING.

16 Aug 2024 02:48:43
commit hash: e0fe408f52b9c4b2c46c196ceb88ce77379edd23commit hash: e0fe408f52b9c4b2c46c196ceb88ce77379edd23commit hash: e0fe408f52b9c4b2c46c196ceb88ce77379edd23commit hash: e0fe408f52b9c4b2c46c196ceb88ce77379edd23 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Update CONFLICTS_INSTALL

Update CONFLICTS_INSTALL aftter databases/redis72 is added to ports
20 May 2024 00:46:25
commit hash: e0818ad5d3951a48d091688964cceb7a8e863f69commit hash: e0818ad5d3951a48d091688964cceb7a8e863f69commit hash: e0818ad5d3951a48d091688964cceb7a8e863f69commit hash: e0818ad5d3951a48d091688964cceb7a8e863f69 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.2.5

03 Apr 2024 04:35:57
commit hash: 81b6dcb645eeb87f8313fd015f09f08ef6611138commit hash: 81b6dcb645eeb87f8313fd015f09f08ef6611138commit hash: 81b6dcb645eeb87f8313fd015f09f08ef6611138commit hash: 81b6dcb645eeb87f8313fd015f09f08ef6611138 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Refine ports

* Alway build with base system compiler. In 2018 Makefile was changed
  so GCC is used with i386. It seems to be workaround of build error,
  But now build succeeds without GCC on i386 and all supported FreeBSD
* Remove options for external lua library and related patches. On
  April 2022 upstream made incompatible change of bundled lua library
  to fix vulnerability. As a result build got failed when external lua
  library is enabled. Upstream said in commit message of their
  repository that they took codes from lua repository. So I kept the
  options with marking as broken hoping breakage will be solved in the
  future. But it is still broken after two years and doesn't seem to
* Remove TRIB option. When it is enabled ruby script named
  redis-trib.rb is installed. But it just prints warning message that
  it is no longer available and redis-cli should be used instead, and
  exit. So it isn't usefull anymore.
* Fix post-patch-JEMALLOC-on target so proper line is replaced.
* Pet portclippy.
28 Jan 2024 21:04:11
commit hash: 7bb0b75a6693d2dd9c39468bdc2392598632d0dacommit hash: 7bb0b75a6693d2dd9c39468bdc2392598632d0dacommit hash: 7bb0b75a6693d2dd9c39468bdc2392598632d0dacommit hash: 7bb0b75a6693d2dd9c39468bdc2392598632d0da files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Vladimir Druzenko (vvd) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: update to 7.2.4 with fix CVE-2023-41056

Security fixes:
* (CVE-2023-41056) In some cases, Redis may incorrectly handle resizing of
  buffers which can result in incorrect accounting of buffer sizes and lead to
  heap overflow and potential remote code execution.
Bug fixes:
* Fix crashes of cluster commands clusters with mixed versions of 7.0 and 7.2
(#12805, #12832)
* Fix slot ownership not being properly handled when deleting a slot from a node
* Fix atomicity issues with the RedisModuleEvent_Key module API event (#12733)

PR:		276255
Approved by:	yasu (maintainer, timeout > 14 days), arrowd (mentor)
MFH:		2024Q1
02 Nov 2023 05:06:52
commit hash: aa5aa5bca2c4273c8229d0ede2cd980f14d332b5commit hash: aa5aa5bca2c4273c8229d0ede2cd980f14d332b5commit hash: aa5aa5bca2c4273c8229d0ede2cd980f14d332b5commit hash: aa5aa5bca2c4273c8229d0ede2cd980f14d332b5 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.2.3

MFH:		2023Q4
18 Oct 2023 14:08:44
commit hash: c3ffcf1f5e5686bbe978b25f2bf27f189777da52commit hash: c3ffcf1f5e5686bbe978b25f2bf27f189777da52commit hash: c3ffcf1f5e5686bbe978b25f2bf27f189777da52commit hash: c3ffcf1f5e5686bbe978b25f2bf27f189777da52 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.2.2

MFH:		2023Q4
Security:	8706e097-6db7-11ee-8744-080027f5fec9
07 Sep 2023 02:31:55
commit hash: c0d0abdbaf0f5bda7e845b0896e578b8e2b33956commit hash: c0d0abdbaf0f5bda7e845b0896e578b8e2b33956commit hash: c0d0abdbaf0f5bda7e845b0896e578b8e2b33956commit hash: c0d0abdbaf0f5bda7e845b0896e578b8e2b33956 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.2.1

Security:	6c72b13f-4d1d-11ee-a7f1-080027f5fec9
20 Aug 2023 00:53:54
commit hash: 04c3776cf0c1b2c18293fec311bbddc21c84ac41commit hash: 04c3776cf0c1b2c18293fec311bbddc21c84ac41commit hash: 04c3776cf0c1b2c18293fec311bbddc21c84ac41commit hash: 04c3776cf0c1b2c18293fec311bbddc21c84ac41 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Replace TESTS option with 'USES=tcl:test"

This makes it possible to test them with default options setting.
17 Aug 2023 03:30:49
commit hash: 6457315e54301694a06d125c1020a941fc5ea9dccommit hash: 6457315e54301694a06d125c1020a941fc5ea9dccommit hash: 6457315e54301694a06d125c1020a941fc5ea9dccommit hash: 6457315e54301694a06d125c1020a941fc5ea9dc files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.2.0

* Add entry to UPDATING.
* Pet portclippy.

17 Aug 2023 03:29:07
commit hash: 6659086924531271f17a33c584c3a47d68e8642ccommit hash: 6659086924531271f17a33c584c3a47d68e8642ccommit hash: 6659086924531271f17a33c584c3a47d68e8642ccommit hash: 6659086924531271f17a33c584c3a47d68e8642c files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Update CONFLICTS_INSTALL, remove CONFLICTS

* Update CONFLICTS_INSTALL after databases/redis70 is added to ports
* Remove CONFLICTS as build of one redis version succeeds even if
  another version is installed.
10 Jul 2023 16:31:13
commit hash: c3dfe49641b086a82ffef0cf732afb9b7882b9ffcommit hash: c3dfe49641b086a82ffef0cf732afb9b7882b9ffcommit hash: c3dfe49641b086a82ffef0cf732afb9b7882b9ffcommit hash: c3dfe49641b086a82ffef0cf732afb9b7882b9ff files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.12

MFH:		2023Q3
Security:	0e254b4a-1f37-11ee-a475-080027f5fec9
Security:	6fae2d6c-1f38-11ee-a475-080027f5fec9
08 May 2023 06:24:14
commit hash: fce425173efbecd0debf0984d02c74fd801c16c3commit hash: fce425173efbecd0debf0984d02c74fd801c16c3commit hash: fce425173efbecd0debf0984d02c74fd801c16c3commit hash: fce425173efbecd0debf0984d02c74fd801c16c3 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.11

MFH:		2023Q2
Security:	96b2d4db-ddd2-11ed-b6ea-080027f5fec9
21 Mar 2023 08:01:13
commit hash: 8d70a1074afeaa480a555ffbb53ecbf10d7bbe49commit hash: 8d70a1074afeaa480a555ffbb53ecbf10d7bbe49commit hash: 8d70a1074afeaa480a555ffbb53ecbf10d7bbe49commit hash: 8d70a1074afeaa480a555ffbb53ecbf10d7bbe49 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.10

MFH:		2023Q1
Security:	a60cc0e4-c7aa-11ed-8a4b-080027f5fec9
01 Mar 2023 01:55:00
commit hash: 76737dd27c6e0c6f54bbceba616f0b8232952c73commit hash: 76737dd27c6e0c6f54bbceba616f0b8232952c73commit hash: 76737dd27c6e0c6f54bbceba616f0b8232952c73commit hash: 76737dd27c6e0c6f54bbceba616f0b8232952c73 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.9

MFH:		2023Q1
Security:	b17bce48-b7c6-11ed-b304-080027f5fec9
18 Jan 2023 04:45:06
commit hash: 95bbd18366cce8c376fbf73218d495e8a099d53acommit hash: 95bbd18366cce8c376fbf73218d495e8a099d53acommit hash: 95bbd18366cce8c376fbf73218d495e8a099d53acommit hash: 95bbd18366cce8c376fbf73218d495e8a099d53a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Adjust CONFLICTS_INSTALL
17 Jan 2023 00:39:32
commit hash: 69e8638d537894d06426d2f1bf90ce6840e78bc4commit hash: 69e8638d537894d06426d2f1bf90ce6840e78bc4commit hash: 69e8638d537894d06426d2f1bf90ce6840e78bc4commit hash: 69e8638d537894d06426d2f1bf90ce6840e78bc4 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.8

MFH:		2023Q1
Security:	5fa68bd9-95d9-11ed-811a-080027f5fec9
14 Jan 2023 23:08:33
commit hash: 18c6e18276691edf5274406bf82a3b06792ff9aecommit hash: 18c6e18276691edf5274406bf82a3b06792ff9aecommit hash: 18c6e18276691edf5274406bf82a3b06792ff9aecommit hash: 18c6e18276691edf5274406bf82a3b06792ff9ae files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/** Switch from USE_RUBY=yes to USES=ruby

Switch from Mk/ to Mk/Uses/

Notable changes are.

- Mk/ is moved to Mk/Uses/
- USE_RUBY=yes is replaced with USES=ruby.
- USE_RUBY_EXTCONF is replaced with USES=ruby:extconf.
- USE_RUBY_RDOC is replaced with USES=ruby:rdoc.
- USE_RUBY_SETUP is replaces with USES=ruby:setup.
- RUBY_REQUIRE isn't used anywhere, so removed.
- USES=gem now implies USES=ruby.

This is mainly the work of yasu@ at

I have just made some cosmetic changes and ran exp-run to test that the
tree is not in a BROKEN state.

Approved by:	portmgr
Differential Revision:
17 Dec 2022 01:11:33
commit hash: db7da741f8ec931f8fe801dd89846ceb36014858commit hash: db7da741f8ec931f8fe801dd89846ceb36014858commit hash: db7da741f8ec931f8fe801dd89846ceb36014858commit hash: db7da741f8ec931f8fe801dd89846ceb36014858 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.7

13 Dec 2022 06:12:04
commit hash: b80e93be310d07fd21262f13f6155252321a336ccommit hash: b80e93be310d07fd21262f13f6155252321a336ccommit hash: b80e93be310d07fd21262f13f6155252321a336ccommit hash: b80e93be310d07fd21262f13f6155252321a336c files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.6

15 Oct 2022 17:52:15
commit hash: 4f385871cbf90a525fdd38f075f7b3a27155ac3bcommit hash: 4f385871cbf90a525fdd38f075f7b3a27155ac3bcommit hash: 4f385871cbf90a525fdd38f075f7b3a27155ac3bcommit hash: 4f385871cbf90a525fdd38f075f7b3a27155ac3b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Adam Weinberger (adamw) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis{,62,-devel}: Amend previous commit

The openresty patches work for luajit-devel, though redis is still
broken with luajit enabled.
15 Oct 2022 17:40:23
commit hash: 5d5a9994274bdc4fecd88188b9b75bf829e7e3a4commit hash: 5d5a9994274bdc4fecd88188b9b75bf829e7e3a4commit hash: 5d5a9994274bdc4fecd88188b9b75bf829e7e3a4commit hash: 5d5a9994274bdc4fecd88188b9b75bf829e7e3a4 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Adam Weinberger (adamw) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis{,62,-devel}: Use USES=luajit (defaults to lang/luajit-devel)

The LUAJIT option is marked broken in all these ports, so no PORTREVISION bump.
22 Sep 2022 07:33:01
commit hash: 08f2c3c809797702412060b1cbce7b1b475c3790commit hash: 08f2c3c809797702412060b1cbce7b1b475c3790commit hash: 08f2c3c809797702412060b1cbce7b1b475c3790commit hash: 08f2c3c809797702412060b1cbce7b1b475c3790 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.5

MFH:		2022Q3
Security:	f1f637d1-39eb-11ed-ab44-080027f5fec9
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:21:07
commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
databases: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Choe, Cheng-Dae" whitekid
  *  "Mahdi Mokhtari <>"
  *  "Meikel Brandmeyer" <>
  *  <>
  *  <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
  *  Akinori MUSHA aka knu <>
  *  Alan Snelson <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
18 Jul 2022 16:11:57
commit hash: 5682017d76f45fb3747216459a1d3ceef20806e1commit hash: 5682017d76f45fb3747216459a1d3ceef20806e1commit hash: 5682017d76f45fb3747216459a1d3ceef20806e1commit hash: 5682017d76f45fb3747216459a1d3ceef20806e1 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.4

MFH:		2022Q3
Security:	871d93f9-06aa-11ed-8d5f-080027f5fec9
29 Jun 2022 15:57:40
commit hash: da00957fbe1f79c12851e0958ee7e4c8276a5527commit hash: da00957fbe1f79c12851e0958ee7e4c8276a5527commit hash: da00957fbe1f79c12851e0958ee7e4c8276a5527commit hash: da00957fbe1f79c12851e0958ee7e4c8276a5527 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Fix CONFLICTS_INSTALL in the databases category

Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)
14 Jun 2022 00:57:27
commit hash: f0363ef8ac4445d5ef27f482632a9b3c8aa24e0bcommit hash: f0363ef8ac4445d5ef27f482632a9b3c8aa24e0bcommit hash: f0363ef8ac4445d5ef27f482632a9b3c8aa24e0bcommit hash: f0363ef8ac4445d5ef27f482632a9b3c8aa24e0b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.2

18 May 2022 19:52:01
commit hash: 08d405638b51f728c8428263a8a2be0019365803commit hash: 08d405638b51f728c8428263a8a2be0019365803commit hash: 08d405638b51f728c8428263a8a2be0019365803commit hash: 08d405638b51f728c8428263a8a2be0019365803 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Jason Helfman (jgh) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: turn on TLS option by default

PR:		263729
Submitted by:
Approved by:	maintainer-timeout (two weeks)
28 Apr 2022 02:19:08
commit hash: 27e36df36a9d47e844b1fa83d4136b63fee7c905commit hash: 27e36df36a9d47e844b1fa83d4136b63fee7c905commit hash: 27e36df36a9d47e844b1fa83d4136b63fee7c905commit hash: 27e36df36a9d47e844b1fa83d4136b63fee7c905 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Update to 7.0.0

* Mark BROKEN if any of external lua library options are
  enabled. Upstream add new APIs to bundled lua library and use them
  in source code of redis. This makes it impossible to compile and
  link redis with external lua libraries. According to the commit
  message of upstream repository they took the code of new API from
  the repository of lua. It means linking with external lua libraries
  may get possible again if they are updated. So mark BROKEN rather
  than remove these options.
* Update CONFLICTS of databases/redis*.
* Switch to DISTVERSION.
* Pet portlint and portclippy.
* Tidy up Makefile with portfmt.

Security:	cc42db1c-c65f-11ec-ad96-0800270512f4
06 Apr 2022 01:21:08
commit hash: 91ab6ec3dce13d813ee82cc93de993b0e7baa38dcommit hash: 91ab6ec3dce13d813ee82cc93de993b0e7baa38dcommit hash: 91ab6ec3dce13d813ee82cc93de993b0e7baa38dcommit hash: 91ab6ec3dce13d813ee82cc93de993b0e7baa38d files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Yasuhiro Kimura (yasu) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Update CONFLICTS

databases/redis5 is removed from ports tree.
09 Jan 2022 19:52:46
commit hash: bb036ae7c01bfaf21fa50b535faf586527e0c9f8commit hash: bb036ae7c01bfaf21fa50b535faf586527e0c9f8commit hash: bb036ae7c01bfaf21fa50b535faf586527e0c9f8commit hash: bb036ae7c01bfaf21fa50b535faf586527e0c9f8 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: pass maintainership to yasu
05 Oct 2021 20:01:17
commit hash: 44d1520d70ec02f5c6c7324db11cb85364792422commit hash: 44d1520d70ec02f5c6c7324db11cb85364792422commit hash: 44d1520d70ec02f5c6c7324db11cb85364792422commit hash: 44d1520d70ec02f5c6c7324db11cb85364792422 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Bernhard Froehlich (decke) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: Add CPE information

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
05 Oct 2021 13:17:58
commit hash: 2636e7c310b77163e96da1bce324da930e693e6dcommit hash: 2636e7c310b77163e96da1bce324da930e693e6dcommit hash: 2636e7c310b77163e96da1bce324da930e693e6dcommit hash: 2636e7c310b77163e96da1bce324da930e693e6d files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis{,5,6}: security update to latest releases

Multiple security issues have been fixed.

Security: CVE-2021-41099
Security: CVE-2021-32762
Security: CVE-2021-32687
Security: CVE-2021-32675
Security: CVE-2021-32672
Security: CVE-2021-32628
Security: CVE-2021-32627
Security: CVE-2021-32626

PR:	256936
03 Sep 2021 13:01:59
commit hash: 5005d85d5ff056a74750d86e7837ebd0ae0c7719commit hash: 5005d85d5ff056a74750d86e7837ebd0ae0c7719commit hash: 5005d85d5ff056a74750d86e7837ebd0ae0c7719commit hash: 5005d85d5ff056a74750d86e7837ebd0ae0c7719 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Tobias Kortkamp (tobik) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: Properly reference _ADDFLAGS set by some opt_VARS

opt_VARS always upcases its argument, so the defined(_addflags)
check will never be true.

The _ADDFLAGS block overwrites the global CFLAGS and LDFLAGS which
is also suspicous and probably not quite right.

Reported by:	portscan
18 Aug 2021 23:37:45
commit hash: 6f1d9defbd273136c63f4b2da7654ef3135ff3aacommit hash: 6f1d9defbd273136c63f4b2da7654ef3135ff3aacommit hash: 6f1d9defbd273136c63f4b2da7654ef3135ff3aacommit hash: 6f1d9defbd273136c63f4b2da7654ef3135ff3aa files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis*: update databases/redis to 6.2.5.

Update CONFLICTS for databases/redis* ports.
Add a notice to UPDATING.
Connect databases/redis6 to build.
27 Jul 2021 10:27:35
commit hash: d5d4137767e40dd04f6a5b5d8029d51a511c6a77commit hash: d5d4137767e40dd04f6a5b5d8029d51a511c6a77commit hash: d5d4137767e40dd04f6a5b5d8029d51a511c6a77commit hash: d5d4137767e40dd04f6a5b5d8029d51a511c6a77 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Yasuhiro Kimura
databases/redis{,-devel,5}: Update to 6.0.15, 6.2.5, 5.0.13

Release Notes:
Security: CVE-2021-32761

PR:		257326
Approved by:	osa (maintainer)
MFH:		2021Q3
Security:	c561ce49-eabc-11eb-9c3f-0800270512f4
01 Jun 2021 16:01:17
commit hash: d72fc1e8e141f136d8a4fa1fcf14734c0bede28ecommit hash: d72fc1e8e141f136d8a4fa1fcf14734c0bede28ecommit hash: d72fc1e8e141f136d8a4fa1fcf14734c0bede28ecommit hash: d72fc1e8e141f136d8a4fa1fcf14734c0bede28e files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: security update from 6.0.13 to 6.0.14

PR:             256339
Security:       CVE-2021-32625
Security:       8eb69cd0-c2ec-11eb-b6e7-8c164567ca3c
03 May 2021 22:05:57
commit hash: e5e044792d3b6e687a91c98dc14467f01108bba2commit hash: e5e044792d3b6e687a91c98dc14467f01108bba2commit hash: e5e044792d3b6e687a91c98dc14467f01108bba2commit hash: e5e044792d3b6e687a91c98dc14467f01108bba2 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
databases/redis: update to 6.0.13.
PR:	255581
08 Apr 2021 19:31:37
commit hash: e1d32975edd728ef151815790045094bc131bbd0commit hash: e1d32975edd728ef151815790045094bc131bbd0commit hash: e1d32975edd728ef151815790045094bc131bbd0commit hash: e1d32975edd728ef151815790045094bc131bbd0 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
Update CONFLICTS after databases/redis4 removal.
06 Apr 2021 14:31:13
commit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937dcommit hash: 135fdeebb99c3569e42d8162b265e15d29bd937d files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
all: Remove all other $FreeBSD keywords.
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
02 Mar 2021 15:14:00
Revision:566964Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update from 6.0.11 to 6.0.12.
Remove added to the upstream patch.


Redis 6.0.12     Released Mon Mar  1 17:29:52 IST 2021

Upgrade urgency: LOW, fixes a compilation issue.

Bug fixes:
* Fix compilation error on non-glibc systems if jemalloc is not used (#8533)

23 Feb 2021 17:54:47
Revision:566418Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Fix build.

cc -std=c11 -pedantic -DREDIS_STATIC='' -Wall -W -Wno-missing-field-initializers
  -O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector-strong -fno-strict-aliasing   -I../deps/hiredis
-I../deps/linenoise -I../deps/lua/src -MMD -o lzf_c.o -c lzf_c.c
zmalloc.c:59:5: error: function-like macro 'sizeof' is not defined
zmalloc.c:55:22: note: expanded from macro 'PREFIX_SIZE'
#define PREFIX_SIZE (sizeof(size_t))
1 error generated.
gmake[3]: *** [Makefile:339: zmalloc.o] Error 1

Do not bump PORTREVISION because these have no successful

Reported by:	many
23 Feb 2021 14:08:02
Revision:566401Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Security update to the recent version 6.0.11 if you use 32bit build of redis.

Integer overflow on 32-bit systems (CVE-2021-21309):
Redis 4.0 or newer uses a configurable limit for the maximum supported bulk
input size. By default, it is 512MB which is a safe value for all platforms.
If the limit is significantly increased, receiving a large request from a client
may trigger several integer overflow scenarios, which would result with buffer
overflow and heap corruption.

Various bugfixes.
05 Feb 2021 03:49:38
Revision:564082Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
13 Jan 2021 20:25:15
Revision:561505Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade download protocol from http to https.
13 Jan 2021 16:13:24
Revision:561486Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update databases/redis to the recent stable version 6.0.10.
Update CONFLICTS for:
o) databases/redis4
o) databases/redis5
o) databases/redis
o) databases/redis-devel

Connect databases/redis5 to the build.

Bump PORTREVISIONs for dependant ports.
18 Apr 2020 15:39:22
Revision:532035Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update from 5.0.8 to 5.0.9.


Upgrade urgency:CRITICAL if you use Streams with AOF ore replicas.
                Otherwise the upgrade urgency is LOW.

This release has a speed improvement and a critical fix:

* FIX: XREADGROUP when fetching data in a blocking way, would not
       emit the XCLAIM in the AOF file and to replicas. This means
       that the last ID is not updated, and that restarting the server
       will have the effect of reprocessing some entries.
* NEW: Clients blocked on the same key are now unblocked on
       O(1) time. Backported from Redis 6.

18 Mar 2020 23:01:59
Revision:528674Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update from 5.0.7 to 5.0.8.

While I'm here merge r519240, it fixes build on GCC
architectures and also removes base GCC workaround.
25 Dec 2019 09:40:48
Revision:520846Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Update WWW

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
12 Dec 2019 00:57:25
Revision:519852Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Merge the following changes from databases/redis-devel:
o) respect [C|CXX]FLAGS
o) support the openresty's flavor of luajit

22 Nov 2019 00:39:22
Revision:518119Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Fix the build with external lua, forgotten to add the patch.

Reported by:	olgeni
21 Nov 2019 19:36:47
Revision:518108Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update from 5.0.6 to 5.0.7.


Upgrade urgency HIGH: many issues fixed, some may have an impact.

Hi all, Redis 5.0.7 fixes a number of bugs, none is very critical, however
there are a few that may have an impact. It's a good idea to upgrade.
There are fixes in the area of replication from modules commands and
callbacks, AOF fsync (non critical issue), memory leaks (very rare and small),
streams beahvior (non critical), and a potential crash in commands
processing multiple keys at the same time that is there for years, and happens
very rarely, but is not impossible to trigger.

21 Nov 2019 19:27:39
Revision:518107Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Repocopy the databases/redis to the databases/redis4 to update
the databases/redis port to the latest stable version, 5.0.6.

PR:		241526
Reviewed by:	portmgr (adamw)
Approved by:	portmgr (adamw)
Differential Revision:
13 Aug 2019 16:01:59
Revision:508835Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mat search for other commits by this committer
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories d)
26 Jul 2019 20:46:57
Revision:507372Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
as defined in Mk/ which has moved from GCC 8.3
to GCC 9.1 under most circumstances now after revision 507371.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, everything INDEX-11 shows with a dependency on lang/gcc9 now.

PR:		238330
20 Mar 2019 01:40:40
Revision:496302Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 4.0.12 to 4.0.14.


Redis 4.0.14     Released Mon Mar 18 17:22:10 CEST 2019

This release just backports a few fixes from Redis 5:

3c62ad19 HyperLogLog: handle wrong offset in the base case.
cc2b3a68 Fix hyperloglog corruption
e10c79d3 redis-check-aof: fix potential overflow.
6fa16f58 Fix mismatching keyspace notification classes
64311052 Fix zlexrangespec mem-leak in genericZrangebylexCommand
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
12 Jan 2019 19:17:21
Revision:490074Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 4.0.11 to 4.0.12.


Redis 4.0.12     Released Tue Dec 11 18:06:12 CEST 2018

This backports the following Redis 5 fixes back into Redis 4.
Please check the Redis 5 changelog or see the full commit messages
for more information. Note that there are important fixes to the AOF
implementation so Redis 4.0.12 should be considered as a worthwhile
upgrade in production environments where AOF is used and there is the
idea of sticking with Redis 4 for some time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
12 Dec 2018 01:35:36
Revision:487272Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
defined via Mk/ which has moved from GCC 7.4 t
GCC 8.2 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, as a double check, everything INDEX-11 showed depending on lang/gcc7.

PR:		231590
05 Aug 2018 16:13:46
Revision:476416Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 4.0.10 to 4.0.11.


Upgrade urgency HIGH: not critical but very important bugs fixed.

Dear users, this is just a bugfix release of Redis 4. All new work
is now focused on Redis 5, however we backported a number of bug fixes here:

* The disconnection time between the master and slave was reset in an
  incorrect place, sometimes a good slave will not be able to failover
  because it claims it was disconnected for too much time from the master.
* A replication bug, rare to trigger but non impossible, is in Redis for
  years. It was lately discovered at Redis Labs and fixed by Oran Agra.
  It may cause disconnections, desynchronizations and other issues.
* RANDOMKEY may go in infinite loop on rare situations. Now fixed.
* EXISTS now works in a more consistent way on slaves.
* Sentinel: backport of an option to deny a potential security problem
  when the SENTINEL command is used to configure an arbitrary script
  to execute.

Many of these issues are there for a very long time, however upgrading
is a good idea.

29 Jul 2018 22:18:46
Revision:475857Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
in the ports tree (via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which
has now moved from GCC 6 to GCC 7 by default.

This includes ports
 - featuring USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - featuring USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and those
 - with USES=compiler specifying one of openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x,
   c++11-lib, c++11-lang, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		222542
19 Jun 2018 22:55:51
Revision:472828Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 4.0.9 to 4.0.10.


Redis 4.0.10 fixes a number of important issues:

* Important security issues related to the Lua scripting engine.
  Please check
  for more information.

* A bug with SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN and ZSCAN, that may not return all the elements.
  We also add a regression test that can trigger the issue often when present,
  may in theory be able to find unrelated regressions.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
02 Jun 2018 08:34:22
Revision:471350Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Switch to new test framework

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
05 May 2018 14:29:00
Revision:469114Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
danfe search for other commits by this committer
For ports in `databases' category: remove redundant PKGMESSAGE assignment,
which is set appropriately by the b.p.m when `pkg-message' appears on the
17 Apr 2018 23:05:16
Revision:467661Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Add a workaround for solarisfixes.h header file.
16 Apr 2018 23:12:45
Revision:467542Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to recent stable version - 4.0.9.
Update CONFLICTS record.
17 Nov 2017 02:10:55
Revision:454359Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.10 to 3.2.11.


Upgrade urgency HIGH: Potentially critical bugs fixed.

AOF flush on SHUTDOWN did not cared to really write the AOF buffers
(not in the kernel but in the Redis process memory) to disk before exiting.
Calling SHUTDOWN during traffic resulted into not every operation to be
persisted on disk.

22 Sep 2017 10:48:58
Revision:450353Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mat search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup after removal of libexecinfo from ports.

PR:		220271
Submitted by:	mat (review), Yasuhiro KIMURA (PR)
Sponsored by:	Absolight
Differential Revision:
22 Sep 2017 10:48:29
Revision:450351Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove USES=execinfo.

PR:		220271
Submitted by:	mat (review), Yasuhiro KIMURA (PR)
Sponsored by:	Absolight
Differential Revision:
06 Aug 2017 15:02:34
Revision:447467Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to 3.2.10.

05 Jun 2017 00:07:12
Revision:442598Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.8 to 3.2.9.


Upgrade urgency LOW: A few rarely harmful bugs were fixed.

This release just fixes bugs that are unlikely to cause serious problems
so there is no need to update ASAP. Please, see the list of commits
for the details on the bugs fixed and credits:

o) redis-cli --bigkeys: show error when TYPE fails
o) Fix preprocessor if/else chain broken in order to fix #3927
o) Fix zmalloc_get_memory_size() ifdefs to actually use the else branch
o) Set lua-time-limit default value at safe place
o) Fix #3848 by closing the descriptor on error
o) Update block->free after some diff data are written to the child process
o) Test: fix, hopefully, false PSYNC failure like in issue #2715
o) Fix #2883, #2857 pipe fds leak when fork() failed on bg aof rw
o) Don't leak file descriptor on syncWithMaster()


M    Makefile
M    distinfo
14 Feb 2017 02:55:35
Revision:434063Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.7 to 3.2.8.


Upgrade urgency CRITICAL: This release reverts back the Jemalloc upgrade
                          that is believed to potentially cause a server
                          deadlock. A MIGRATE crash is also fixed.

Two important bug fixes, the first of one is critical:

1. Apparently Jemalloc 4.4.0 may contain a deadlock under particular
   conditions. See
   We reverted back to the previously used Jemalloc versions and plan
   to upgrade Jemalloc again after having more info about the
   cause of the bug.

2. MIGRATE could crash the server after a socket error. See for reference:

01 Feb 2017 22:44:10
Revision:433116Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.6 to 3.2.7.

ChangeLog -

PR:	216702
06 Dec 2016 23:42:02
Revision:428018Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6.


Upgrade urgency MODERATE: GEORADIUS, BITFIELD and Redis Cluster minor fixes.

This release mainly fixes three bugs:

1. A bug with BITFIELD that may cause the bitmap corruption when setting offsets
   larger than the current string size.

2. A GEORADIUS bug that may happen when using very large radius lengths, in
   the range of 10000km or alike, due to wrong bounding box calculation.

3. A bug with Redis Cluster which crashes when reading a nodes configuration
   file with zero bytes at the end, which sometimes happens with certain ext4
   configurations after a system crash.

05 Dec 2016 00:46:15
Revision:427826Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5.


Upgrade urgency LOW: This release only fixes a compilation issue due to the
                     missing -ldl at linking time.

zach shipko in commit 4736407:
 BSDs don't have -ldl
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

antirez in commit 9ada818:
 Fix modules compilation when libc malloc is used.
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

27 Sep 2016 23:09:26
Revision:422833Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4.

07 Aug 2016 23:42:38
Revision:419792Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Update the package list, bump PORTREVISION.
07 Aug 2016 23:40:46
Revision:419791Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Remove needless code, no functional change.
07 Aug 2016 23:34:51
Revision:419790Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.7 to the latest stable version 3.2.3.
01 Apr 2016 14:00:57
Revision:412346Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories d, e, f, and g.

With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
03 Feb 2016 00:13:59
Revision:407923Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.5 to 3.0.7.


--[ Redis 3.0.7 ] Release date: 28 jan 2016

Upgrade urgency MODERATE: this release fixes important Redis Cluster bugs.

* [FIX] avg_ttl reporting in INFO improved. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Redis Cluster address update (via gossip section) processing improved
        to avoid initiating inwanted handshakes.
* [FIX] Many fixes to MIGRATE multiple keys implementation. The command
        could handle errors in a faulty way leading to crashes or other
        unexpected behaviors. MIGRATE command refactoring.
        (The analysis of the faulty conditions was conducted by
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Nov 2015 20:08:18
Revision:401020Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Enable profiles support.

PRs:	171372, 179551
29 Oct 2015 01:34:54
Revision:400428Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Add rc script for sentinel.

PR:	204025
25 Oct 2015 23:39:49
Revision:400169Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5.


--[ Redis 3.0.5 ] Release date: 15 Oct 2015

Upgrade urgency: MODERATE, the most important thing is a fix in the replication
                 code that may make the slave hanging forever if the master
                 remains with an open socket even if it is no longer able to

* [FIX] MOVE now moves the TTL as well. A bug lasting forever... finally
        fixed thanks to Andy Grunwald that reported it.
        (reported by Andy Grunwald, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Fix a false positive in HSTRLEN test.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
14 Sep 2015 23:42:00
Revision:396943Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4.


Upgrade urgency: HIGH for Redis and Sentinel. However note that in order to
                 fix certain replication bugs, the replication internals were
                 modified in a very heavy way. So while this release is
                 conceptually saner, it may contain regressions. For this
                 reason, before the release, QA activities were performed by
                 me (antirez) and Redis Labs and no evident bug was found.

* [FIX] A number of bugs related to replication PSYNC and the (yet experimental)
        diskless replication feature were fixed. The bugs could lead to
        inconsistency between masters and slaves. (Salvatore Sanfilippo, Oran
        Agra fixed the issue found by Yuval Inbar)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
18 Jul 2015 00:05:05
Revision:392399Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.


--[ Redis 3.0.3 ] Release date: 17 Jul 2015

Upgrade urgency: LOW for Redis and Sentinel.

* [FIX] Fix blocking operations timeout precision when HZ is at its default
        value (not increased) and there are thousands of clients connected
        at the same time. This bug affected Sidekiq users that experienced
        a very long delay for BLPOP and similar commands to return for
        timeout. Check commit b029ff1 for more info. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] MIGRATE "creating socket: Invalid argument" error fix. Check
        issues #2609 and #2612 for more info. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Jun 2015 00:52:13
Revision:388560Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Security upgrade from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2.


--[ Redis 3.0.2 ] Release date: 4 Jun 2015

Upgrade urgency: HIGH for Redis because of a security issue.
                 LOW for Sentinel.

* [FIX] Critical security issue fix by Ben Murphy:
* [FIX] SMOVE reply fixed when src and dst keys are the same. (Glenn Nethercutt)
* [FIX] Lua cmsgpack lib updated to support str8 type. (Sebastian Waisbrot)

* [NEW] ZADD support for options: NX, XX, CH. See new doc at
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Senitnel: CKQUORUM and FLUSHCONFIG commands back ported.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)

06 May 2015 01:24:14
Revision:385499Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Fix rc.d script for allow to specify the config path in rc.conf.

PR:	199607
06 May 2015 01:12:28
Revision:385498Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.


--[ Redis 3.0.1 ] Release date: 5 May 2015

Upgrade urgency: LOW for Redis, Sentinel, Cluster.

* [FIX] Sentinel memory leak due to hiredis fixed. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Sentinel memory leak on duplicated instance. (Charsyam)
* [FIX] Redis crash on Lua reaching output buffer limits. (Yossi Gottlieb)
* [FIX] Sentinel flushes config on +slave events. (Bill Anderson)

07 Apr 2015 22:28:20
Revision:383546Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 2.8.19 to 3.0.0.
Merge all changes from databases/redis-devel to databases/redis.


Redis 3.0 release notes

--[ Redis 3.0.0 ] Release date: 1 Apr 2015

>> What's new in Redis 3.0 compared to Redis 2.8?

* Redis Cluster: a distributed implementation of a subset of Redis.
* New "embedded string" object encoding resulting in less cache
  misses. Big speed gain under certain work loads.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
25 Mar 2015 09:33:53
Revision:382201Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
marino search for other commits by this committer
databases category: Remove $PTHREAD_LIBS

Note: virtuoso did not pass check-plist from before, so it was fixed.

approved by:	PTHREAD blanket
03 Jan 2015 20:10:56
Revision:376168Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 2.8.18 to 2.8.19.


--[ Redis 2.8.19 ] Release date: 16 Dec 2014

# UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW for both Redis and Sentinel. This release mostly
                   fixes small issues.

02d465c Don't log admin commands in MONITOR. (antirez)
4d8f426 List of commands flagged as admin commands modified. (antirez)
e47e460 Lua cmsgpack lib updated to latest version. (antirez)
5509c14 Add symlink to redis-sentinel during make install (Rhommel Lamas)
7de1ef7 SORT: Don't sort Set elements if not needed. (antirez)
e945a54 Fix zero-ordering SORT when called against lists (Matt Stancliff)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
12 Dec 2014 04:27:34
Revision:374568Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 2.8.17 to 2.8.18.


--[ Redis 2.8.18 ] Release date: 4 Dec 2014

# UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW for both Redis and Sentinel. This release mostly
                   adds new features to Redis, and contains non critical

* [FIX] Linenoise updated to be more VT100 compatible. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] A number of typos fixed inside comments. (Various authors)
* [FIX] redis-cli no longer quits after long timeouts. (Matt Stancliff)
* [FIX] Test framework improved to detect never terminating scripts, cleanup
        instances on crashes. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Oct 2014 10:41:13
Revision:371255Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup plist
21 Sep 2014 23:14:58
Revision:368794Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
osa search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade from 2.8.15 to 2.8.17.


--[ Redis 2.8.17 ] Release date: 19 Sep 2014

# UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH for Redis Sentinel.
                   LOW for Redis Server (unmodified compared to 2.8.16).

* [FIX] Resolved a memory leak in the hiredis library causing a memory leak
        in Redis Sentinel when a monitored instance or another Sentinel is
        unavailable. Every reconnection attempt will leak a small amount of
        memory, but in the long run the process can reach a considerable size.

--[ Redis 2.8.16 ] Release date: 16 Sep 2014
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)

Number of commits found: 193 (showing only 100 on this page)

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