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Port details
tarantool2 NoSQL database running in a Lua application server
2.11.2_1 databases Deleted on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.11.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Broken BROKEN: fails to compile
Expired This port expired on: 2025-02-28
Ignore IGNORE: is marked as broken: fails to compile
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2023-12-29 20:12:05
Last Update: 2025-03-01 16:16:40
Commit Hash: a936130
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py311-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
Tarantool is an in-memory database and application server. Key features of the application server: - 100% compatible drop-in replacement for Lua 5.1, based on LuaJIT 2.1. Simply use #!/usr/bin/tarantool instead of #!/usr/bin/lua in your script. - full support for Lua modules and a rich set of own modules, including cooperative multitasking, non-blocking I/O, access to external databases, etc Key features of the database: - MsgPack data format and MsgPack based client-server protocol - two data engines: 100% in-memory with optional persistence and a 2-level disk-based B-tree, to use with large data sets - multiple index types: HASH, TREE, RTREE, BITSET - asynchronous master-master replication - authentication and access control - the database is just a C extension to the app server and can be turned off
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (118 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/tarantool2-2.11.2_1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/tarantool2-2.11.2_1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/tarantool2-2.11.2_1/BSD2CLAUSE
  5. bin/tarantool
  6. bin/tarantoolctl
  7. etc/tarantool/default/tarantool
  8. etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua
  9. include/tarantool/lauxlib.h
  10. include/tarantool/lmisclib.h
  11. include/tarantool/lua.h
  12. include/tarantool/lua.hpp
  13. include/tarantool/luaconf.h
  14. include/tarantool/luajit.h
  15. include/tarantool/lualib.h
  16. include/tarantool/module.h
  17. share/man/man1/tarantool.1.gz
  18. share/man/man1/tarantoolctl.1.gz
  19. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/cache.lua
  20. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/cmd/add.lua
  21. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/cmd/make_manifest.lua
  22. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/cmd/refresh_cache.lua
  23. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/cmd/remove.lua
  24. share/tarantool/luarocks/admin/index.lua
  25. share/tarantool/luarocks/argparse.lua
  26. share/tarantool/luarocks/build.lua
  27. share/tarantool/luarocks/build/builtin.lua
  28. share/tarantool/luarocks/build/cmake.lua
  29. share/tarantool/luarocks/build/command.lua
  30. share/tarantool/luarocks/build/make.lua
  31. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd.lua
  32. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/build.lua
  33. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/config.lua
  34. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/doc.lua
  35. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/download.lua
  36. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/init.lua
  37. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/install.lua
  38. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/lint.lua
  39. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/list.lua
  40. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/make.lua
  41. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/new_version.lua
  42. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/pack.lua
  43. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/path.lua
  44. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/purge.lua
  45. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/remove.lua
  46. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/search.lua
  47. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/show.lua
  48. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/test.lua
  49. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/unpack.lua
  50. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/upload.lua
  51. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/which.lua
  52. share/tarantool/luarocks/cmd/write_rockspec.lua
  53. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/cfg.lua
  54. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/dir.lua
  55. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/hardcoded.lua
  56. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/manif.lua
  57. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/path.lua
  58. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/persist.lua
  59. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/sysdetect.lua
  60. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/util.lua
  61. share/tarantool/luarocks/core/vers.lua
  62. share/tarantool/luarocks/deplocks.lua
  63. share/tarantool/luarocks/deps.lua
  64. share/tarantool/luarocks/dir.lua
  65. share/tarantool/luarocks/download.lua
  66. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch.lua
  67. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua
  68. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/git.lua
  69. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua
  70. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/git_http.lua
  71. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/git_https.lua
  72. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/git_ssh.lua
  73. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua
  74. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/hg_http.lua
  75. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/hg_https.lua
  76. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/hg_ssh.lua
  77. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua
  78. share/tarantool/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua
  79. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs.lua
  80. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
  81. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/macosx.lua
  82. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/tools.lua
  83. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/unix.lua
  84. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua
  85. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/win32.lua
  86. share/tarantool/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua
  87. share/tarantool/luarocks/fun.lua
  88. share/tarantool/luarocks/loader.lua
  89. share/tarantool/luarocks/manif.lua
  90. share/tarantool/luarocks/manif/writer.lua
  91. share/tarantool/luarocks/pack.lua
  92. share/tarantool/luarocks/path.lua
  93. share/tarantool/luarocks/persist.lua
  94. share/tarantool/luarocks/queries.lua
  95. share/tarantool/luarocks/remove.lua
  96. share/tarantool/luarocks/repos.lua
  97. share/tarantool/luarocks/require.lua
  98. share/tarantool/luarocks/results.lua
  99. share/tarantool/luarocks/rockspecs.lua
  100. share/tarantool/luarocks/search.lua
  101. share/tarantool/luarocks/signing.lua
  102. share/tarantool/luarocks/test.lua
  103. share/tarantool/luarocks/test/busted.lua
  104. share/tarantool/luarocks/test/command.lua
  105. share/tarantool/luarocks/tools/patch.lua
  106. share/tarantool/luarocks/tools/tar.lua
  107. share/tarantool/luarocks/tools/zip.lua
  108. share/tarantool/luarocks/type/manifest.lua
  109. share/tarantool/luarocks/type/rockspec.lua
  110. share/tarantool/luarocks/type_check.lua
  111. share/tarantool/luarocks/upload/api.lua
  112. share/tarantool/luarocks/upload/multipart.lua
  113. share/tarantool/luarocks/util.lua
  114. @dir(tarantool,tarantool,) /var/db/tarantool
  115. @dir(tarantool,tarantool,) /var/log/tarantool
  116. @owner
  117. @group
  118. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • tarantool2>0:databases/tarantool2
  • tarantool
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: tarantool2
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
NOT_FOR_ARCHS: armv6 i386 powerpc64
TIMESTAMP = 1702046696 SHA256 (tarantool-2.11.2.tar.gz) = 2f30215ad41f5148471c38c9148f3f8a6e931ed914af153c58a136e08c829d28 SIZE (tarantool-2.11.2.tar.gz) = 42536437

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gsed : textproc/gsed
  2. msgpuck>=2.0_6 : devel/msgpuck
  3. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  4. gettext-runtime>=0.22_1 : devel/gettext-runtime
  5. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  6. perl5>=5.36<5.37 : lang/perl5.36
Library dependencies:
  1. : ftp/curl
  2. : devel/icu
  3. : devel/msgpuck
  4. : textproc/libyaml
  5. : archivers/zstd
  6. : devel/gettext-runtime
  7. : devel/readline
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake:noninja compiler:c++11-lang cpe gettext-runtime gmake iconv perl5 readline ssl
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Collapse this list.
Port Moves
  • port deleted on 2025-03-01
    REASON: Has expired

Number of commits found: 6

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
01 Mar 2025 16:16:40
commit hash: a9361305b3ddc8a23af79414322a230c67fa0826commit hash: a9361305b3ddc8a23af79414322a230c67fa0826commit hash: a9361305b3ddc8a23af79414322a230c67fa0826commit hash: a9361305b3ddc8a23af79414322a230c67fa0826 files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
databases/tarantool2: Remove expired port

2025-02-28 databases/tarantool2
14 Feb 2025 23:12:32
commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653 files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump consumers of devel/icu avoid library mismatches
12 Dec 2024 23:20:37
commit hash: aa06201c5c17bc0f53377f80585b14f43fd2506fcommit hash: aa06201c5c17bc0f53377f80585b14f43fd2506fcommit hash: aa06201c5c17bc0f53377f80585b14f43fd2506fcommit hash: aa06201c5c17bc0f53377f80585b14f43fd2506f files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
databases/tarantool2: Mark BROKEN and set expiration date to 2025-02-28

Broken for 4+ months in tree and no reported PRs so set
expiration date

Reported by:	pkg-fallout
25 Jan 2024 20:35:21
commit hash: 7be43cda68ed9096bef93fa9531dc8d7d3d31a6bcommit hash: 7be43cda68ed9096bef93fa9531dc8d7d3d31a6bcommit hash: 7be43cda68ed9096bef93fa9531dc8d7d3d31a6bcommit hash: 7be43cda68ed9096bef93fa9531dc8d7d3d31a6b files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: sparc64 cleanup

Even after dropping sparc64 support along with 12 some were present in
the codebase. Remove the remnants.

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
29 Dec 2023 20:10:53
commit hash: 8dbbacc797c9416640300b22cb5694a0338d3c40commit hash: 8dbbacc797c9416640300b22cb5694a0338d3c40commit hash: 8dbbacc797c9416640300b22cb5694a0338d3c40commit hash: 8dbbacc797c9416640300b22cb5694a0338d3c40 files touched by this commit
Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Pavel Balaev
databases/tarantool: Update to 3.0.0

New major release:

Signed-off-by: Pavel Balaev <>
29 Dec 2023 20:10:53
commit hash: 1251766a70bf28970936cf4dcf7c32b5e519339acommit hash: 1251766a70bf28970936cf4dcf7c32b5e519339acommit hash: 1251766a70bf28970936cf4dcf7c32b5e519339acommit hash: 1251766a70bf28970936cf4dcf7c32b5e519339a files touched by this commit
Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Pavel Balaev
databases/tarantool: Renamed to tarantool2

A new major version of the tarantool has been released.
databases/tarantool renamed to databases/tarantool2.
2.11 is an LTS version and it is advisable to leave the
option to install it.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Balaev <>

Number of commits found: 6