Port details |
- mat Metadata Anonymization Toolkit
- deskutils
=0 of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. DEPRECATED: Uses deprecated version of python
This port expired on: 2020-09-15
- Maintainer: greg@unrelenting.technology
 - Port Added: 2018-06-21 20:23:55
- Last Update: 2020-09-19 13:01:00
- SVN Revision: 548980
- License: GPLv2
- WWW:
- https://mat.boum.org
- Description:
- MAT (Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit) is a toolbox composed of a GUI
application, a CLI application and a library, to anonymize/remove
WWW: https://mat.boum.org
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: mat
- Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1521393594
SHA256 (mat-mat-4b9a65758da4bb27724ac1f94162810a29cb3877_GL0.tar.gz) = 4f4cab3ab353cc295ebff87fe69ab41a84ba0f1a24c688e128044731dc2c0a48
SIZE (mat-mat-4b9a65758da4bb27724ac1f94162810a29cb3877_GL0.tar.gz) = 2729762
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- py27-python-distutils-extra>0 : devel/py-python-distutils-extra@py27
- intltool-update : textproc/intltool
- msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
- gtk-update-icon-cache : graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
- py27-gobject3>=0 : devel/py-gobject3@py27
- py27-setuptools>0 : devel/py-setuptools@py27
- python2.7 : lang/python27
- Runtime dependencies:
- py27-mutagen>=0 : audio/py-mutagen@py27
- py27-pdfrw>=0 : textproc/py-pdfrw@py27
- srm : security/srm
- exiftool : graphics/p5-Image-ExifTool
- gtk-update-icon-cache : graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
- py27-gobject3>=0 : devel/py-gobject3@py27
- py27-setuptools>0 : devel/py-setuptools@py27
- python2.7 : lang/python27
- Library dependencies:
- libintl.so : devel/gettext-runtime
- libatk-1.0.so : accessibility/atk
- libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so : graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
- libglib-2.0.so : devel/glib20
- libintl.so : devel/gettext-runtime
- libgtk-3.so : x11-toolkits/gtk30
- libpango-1.0.so : x11-toolkits/pango
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for mat-
IMAGE=on: Image file support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- N/A
- gettext gnome python:2.7
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 5
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message | 19 Sep 2020 13:01:00
rene  |
Remove expired ports:
2020-09-15 audio/abraca: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 audio/ardour5: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 audio/cplay: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 audio/cpp-xmms2: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 audio/p5-xmms2: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 biology/haplohseq: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 biology/tophat: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 chinese/ibus-array: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 comms/congruity: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 comms/libbtbb: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 comms/quisk: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 databases/mtools-mongodb: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-09-15 databases/mydbf2mysql: Uses deprecated version of python (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) | 08 Mar 2020 17:01:47
antoine  |
Deprecate some ports using deprecated version of python
With hat: portmgr | 08 Nov 2019 09:41:45
tobik  |
deskutils: Add missing USES={gnome,mate,php} | 25 Jun 2018 22:00:36
mat  |
Sponsored by: Absolight | 21 Jun 2018 20:23:41
pi  |
New port: deskutils/mat
MAT (Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit) is a toolbox composed of a GUI
application, a CLI application and a library, to anonymize/remove
WWW: https://mat.boum.org
PR: 226702
Submitted by: greg@unrelenting.technology |
Number of commits found: 5