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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
non port: devel/Makefile

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

[First Page]  «  9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19  »  [Last Page]

Wednesday, 13 Jul 2022
00:18 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-devise-rails70: Add rubygem-devise-rails70 4.8.1

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

commit hash: a030cc19001058c7e7d2d55ecf328e3964bc85eb commit hash: a030cc19001058c7e7d2d55ecf328e3964bc85eb commit hash: a030cc19001058c7e7d2d55ecf328e3964bc85eb commit hash: a030cc19001058c7e7d2d55ecf328e3964bc85eb a030cc1
Monday, 11 Jul 2022
13:48 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyproject-metadata: Add py-pyproject-metadata 0.6.1

pyproject-metadata provides dataclass for PEP 621 metadata with support for core
metadata generation.

This project does not implement the parsing of pyproject.toml containing PEP 621

Instead, given a Python data structure representing PEP 621 metadata (already
parsed), it will validate this input and generate a PEP 643-compliant metadata
file (e.g. PKG-INFO).

commit hash: ac363c143722dccc65e4acf955dc6859dfc34cad commit hash: ac363c143722dccc65e4acf955dc6859dfc34cad commit hash: ac363c143722dccc65e4acf955dc6859dfc34cad commit hash: ac363c143722dccc65e4acf955dc6859dfc34cad ac363c1
13:48 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-flake8-black: Add py-flake8-black 0.3.3

flake8-black is an MIT licensed flake8 plugin for validating Python code style
with the command line code formatting tool black.

Black, "The Uncompromising Code Formatter", is normally run to edit your Python
code in place to match their coding style, a strict subset of the PEP 8 style

The point of this plugin is to be able to run black --check ... from within the
flake8 plugin ecosystem. You might use this via a git pre-commit hook, or as
part of your continuous integration testing.

commit hash: 1c59fc3d710827aad358aa6a5830f98788f847d9 commit hash: 1c59fc3d710827aad358aa6a5830f98788f847d9 commit hash: 1c59fc3d710827aad358aa6a5830f98788f847d9 commit hash: 1c59fc3d710827aad358aa6a5830f98788f847d9 1c59fc3
Thursday, 7 Jul 2022
21:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-rolesanywhere: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-rolesanywhere 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for IAM Roles Anywhere.

commit hash: ac6913c2c763f6daf4f9b7566ff528b30140e1f3 commit hash: ac6913c2c763f6daf4f9b7566ff528b30140e1f3 commit hash: ac6913c2c763f6daf4f9b7566ff528b30140e1f3 commit hash: ac6913c2c763f6daf4f9b7566ff528b30140e1f3 ac6913c
21:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Role-Hooks: Add p5-Role-Hooks 0.008

Role::Hooks allows a role to run a callback when it is applied to a class or to
another role.

commit hash: 4beca07dc70c4aab75e57dee70db340678428e69 commit hash: 4beca07dc70c4aab75e57dee70db340678428e69 commit hash: 4beca07dc70c4aab75e57dee70db340678428e69 commit hash: 4beca07dc70c4aab75e57dee70db340678428e69 4beca07d
12:36 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-etils: Add py-etils 0.6.0

Etils (eclectic utils) is an open-source collection of utils for python.

commit hash: 313d74c86b6c762830e58a2c9176983bbb3083af commit hash: 313d74c86b6c762830e58a2c9176983bbb3083af commit hash: 313d74c86b6c762830e58a2c9176983bbb3083af commit hash: 313d74c86b6c762830e58a2c9176983bbb3083af 313d74c
10:24 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/hs-haddock: Remove the port.

The haddock library doesn't need packaging and the executable is installed
by lang/ghc*
commit hash: 941490ba516941855617ee05d813a9953d188346 commit hash: 941490ba516941855617ee05d813a9953d188346 commit hash: 941490ba516941855617ee05d813a9953d188346 commit hash: 941490ba516941855617ee05d813a9953d188346 941490b
10:24 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/hs-hls-install: Remove the port, it has no use anymore.
commit hash: 127218e6d5fd08a39f3ceac33bb39acebec995a5 commit hash: 127218e6d5fd08a39f3ceac33bb39acebec995a5 commit hash: 127218e6d5fd08a39f3ceac33bb39acebec995a5 commit hash: 127218e6d5fd08a39f3ceac33bb39acebec995a5 127218e6
Sunday, 3 Jul 2022
23:04 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libcsptr: New port: Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language
commit hash: a5ee80bea3ebc16aa9875b0718a4ddd917a60a36 commit hash: a5ee80bea3ebc16aa9875b0718a4ddd917a60a36 commit hash: a5ee80bea3ebc16aa9875b0718a4ddd917a60a36 commit hash: a5ee80bea3ebc16aa9875b0718a4ddd917a60a36 a5ee80b
18:47 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/criterion: New port: C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21st century

This KISS-compliant library makes testsuites as simple as possible.
commit hash: c32decee33ce9db095fb2b77e4ece07c5ec50f59 commit hash: c32decee33ce9db095fb2b77e4ece07c5ec50f59 commit hash: c32decee33ce9db095fb2b77e4ece07c5ec50f59 commit hash: c32decee33ce9db095fb2b77e4ece07c5ec50f59 c32dece
16:33 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/boxfort: New port: Convenient and cross-platform sandboxing C library
commit hash: a0f924872af9a3601739a341a5f3614b792c5880 commit hash: a0f924872af9a3601739a341a5f3614b792c5880 commit hash: a0f924872af9a3601739a341a5f3614b792c5880 commit hash: a0f924872af9a3601739a341a5f3614b792c5880 a0f9248
16:33 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/nanopb: New port: Protocol Buffers with small code size
commit hash: 6be6423b6be63cde10be82af1ab5ddf06f99983a commit hash: 6be6423b6be63cde10be82af1ab5ddf06f99983a commit hash: 6be6423b6be63cde10be82af1ab5ddf06f99983a commit hash: 6be6423b6be63cde10be82af1ab5ddf06f99983a 6be6423
Friday, 1 Jul 2022
09:48 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-30 devel/go-glide: use go mod instead of glide
commit hash: 15139a0f1c5712ea775c264cc1e712df85ef2046 commit hash: 15139a0f1c5712ea775c264cc1e712df85ef2046 commit hash: 15139a0f1c5712ea775c264cc1e712df85ef2046 commit hash: 15139a0f1c5712ea775c264cc1e712df85ef2046 15139a0
Thursday, 30 Jun 2022
20:48 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-30 databases/pgpool-II-36: Upstream support ended use
2022-06-30 ftp/multiget: Last release in 2007, doesn't support https, depends on
deprecated wxgtk28 and dead upstream. Please consider using net/uget
2022-06-30 devel/electron13: EOLed upstream, switch to newer version
2022-06-30 ftp/puf: Last release in 2006, doesn't support https and upstream is
dead. Please consider using www/aria2
2022-06-30 security/gss: Abandonware, last release in 2014 and no development
2022-06-30 security/shishi: Abandonware, last release in 2013 and no development
2022-06-30 ftp/urlgfe
2022-06-30 www/nspluginwrapper: Abandonware, last release in 2011 and upstream
is dead. NPAPI plugins are now obsolete and depends on deprecated library GTK 2
2022-06-30 devel/govendor: Use Go modules
2022-06-30 devel/racer: Racer is not actively developped now. Please consider
using newer software such as devel/rust-analyzer.
2022-06-30 net-mgmt/unifi6: No longer maintained by upstream
2022-06-30 devel/dep: Use Go modules
2022-06-30 databases/libgda5-bdb: Depends on deprecated databases/db5
2022-06-30 emulators/qemu5: Use emulators/qemu6 or emulators/qemu
2022-06-30 deskutils/bitcollider: is no longer available, closed down
in 2013
2022-06-30 converters/htx: XHTML is considered obsolete in favor of HTML5
2022-06-30 www/getleft: Abandonware last updated on 2008
2022-06-30 ftp/wxdfast: Last release in 2009, doesn't support https, depends on
deprecated wxgtk28 and dead upstream. Please consider using net/uget
commit hash: 30886720da7c75f76b70811c05c4e68950a7d8a7 commit hash: 30886720da7c75f76b70811c05c4e68950a7d8a7 commit hash: 30886720da7c75f76b70811c05c4e68950a7d8a7 commit hash: 30886720da7c75f76b70811c05c4e68950a7d8a7 3088672
20:33 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-binutils: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-newlib: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-gdb: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-gcc-stage1: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage1: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage2: Security issues for multiple years
2022-06-30 devel/psptoolchain-gcc-stage2: Security issues for multiple years
commit hash: 10b96277e5d911a7461dabfa9719d1a68bd33bf6 commit hash: 10b96277e5d911a7461dabfa9719d1a68bd33bf6 commit hash: 10b96277e5d911a7461dabfa9719d1a68bd33bf6 commit hash: 10b96277e5d911a7461dabfa9719d1a68bd33bf6 10b9627
20:11 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-30 www/py-rackspace-monitoring: Python compatibility upto 3.2 and last
release was 3 years ago
2022-06-30 devel/py-apns2: Use devel/py-aioapns
2022-06-30 www/py-hyper: Project abandoned use www/py-httpx
2022-06-30 irc/py-fishcrypt: Abandoned, unmaintained, requires Python 2 and
depends on deprecated pycrypto
2022-06-30 devel/py-stsci.distutils: Upstream abandoned in 2013
2022-06-30 devel/py-docker-py: Use devel/py-docker
2022-06-30 net-im/py-slackclient: Use net-im/py-slack-sdk
commit hash: fbefc972820360a45c8fb5703e7e5431dd8757e0 commit hash: fbefc972820360a45c8fb5703e7e5431dd8757e0 commit hash: fbefc972820360a45c8fb5703e7e5431dd8757e0 commit hash: fbefc972820360a45c8fb5703e7e5431dd8757e0 fbefc97
20:04 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-filter: Obsolete, please use www/py-django-filter
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-djangorestframework: Obsolete, please use
www/py-djangorestframework instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-drf-yasg: Obsolete, please use www/py-drf-yasg instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-cacheops: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-cacheops instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar instead
2022-06-30 devel/py-dj32-django-rq: Obsolete, please use devel/py-django-rq
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-tables2: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-tables2 instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-prometheus: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-prometheus instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-treebeard: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-treebeard instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-mptt: Obsolete, please use www/py-django-mptt
2022-06-30 devel/py-dj32-graphene-django: Obsolete, please use
devel/py-graphene-django instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-taggit: Obsolete, please use www/py-django-taggit
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-auth-ldap: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-auth-ldap instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-cors-headers: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-cors-headers instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-debug-toolbar: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-debug-toolbar instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-redis: Obsolete, please use www/py-django-redis
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-timezone-field: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-timezone-field instead
2022-06-30 www/py-dj32-django-js-asset: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-js-asset instead
commit hash: 3db72ea19c2f0ad9e9b4b6e4e36ec3923ac92ce2 commit hash: 3db72ea19c2f0ad9e9b4b6e4e36ec3923ac92ce2 commit hash: 3db72ea19c2f0ad9e9b4b6e4e36ec3923ac92ce2 commit hash: 3db72ea19c2f0ad9e9b4b6e4e36ec3923ac92ce2 3db72ea
19:42 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-03-31 devel/itext: Outdated version and deprecated by upstream
2022-06-30 audio/tuxguitar: Depends on expired devel/itext
commit hash: f599046f3b0f4b369c54bf24bde0dda3b2c62cf6 commit hash: f599046f3b0f4b369c54bf24bde0dda3b2c62cf6 commit hash: f599046f3b0f4b369c54bf24bde0dda3b2c62cf6 commit hash: f599046f3b0f4b369c54bf24bde0dda3b2c62cf6 f599046
12:44 Dmitri Goutnik (dmgk) search for other commits by this committer Author: Boris Korzun
devel/go-wire: Add new port

Wire is a code generation tool that automates connecting components
using dependency injection. Dependencies between components are
represented in Wire as function parameters, encouraging explicit
initialization instead of global variables. Because Wire operates
without runtime state or reflection, code written to be used with Wire
is useful even for hand-written initialization.


PR:		264959
commit hash: 20b08e780feadd1faaa43b1de4d4c3e657b4df75 commit hash: 20b08e780feadd1faaa43b1de4d4c3e657b4df75 commit hash: 20b08e780feadd1faaa43b1de4d4c3e657b4df75 commit hash: 20b08e780feadd1faaa43b1de4d4c3e657b4df75 20b08e7
Wednesday, 29 Jun 2022
21:49 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-CPANfile: Add p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-CPANfile

Module::Build::Pluggable::CPANfile is plugin for Module::Build::Pluggable to
include dependencies from cpanfile into meta files. This modules is
Module::Install::CPANfile for Module::Build.

commit hash: e1334a42725e0437b6fcfb798933818184a8e95e commit hash: e1334a42725e0437b6fcfb798933818184a8e95e commit hash: e1334a42725e0437b6fcfb798933818184a8e95e commit hash: e1334a42725e0437b6fcfb798933818184a8e95e e1334a4
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-bytecode: Add py-bytecode 0.13.0

bytecode is a Python module to generate and modify bytecode.

commit hash: 5a9261cbac4414417ae8ec916c1ef54e63d5413d commit hash: 5a9261cbac4414417ae8ec916c1ef54e63d5413d commit hash: 5a9261cbac4414417ae8ec916c1ef54e63d5413d commit hash: 5a9261cbac4414417ae8ec916c1ef54e63d5413d 5a9261c
06:33 Hiroki Tagato (tagattie) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron19: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.


Requested by:	mikael (via email)
commit hash: 9b95c39b5df86aab972d515326347a07a9b4a454 commit hash: 9b95c39b5df86aab972d515326347a07a9b4a454 commit hash: 9b95c39b5df86aab972d515326347a07a9b4a454 commit hash: 9b95c39b5df86aab972d515326347a07a9b4a454 9b95c39
Tuesday, 28 Jun 2022
08:28 Mateusz Piotrowski (0mp) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-python-ptrace: Python binding of ptrace library
commit hash: f173a4d519b3746003ad6c73282ada5ca6fd6e1c commit hash: f173a4d519b3746003ad6c73282ada5ca6fd6e1c commit hash: f173a4d519b3746003ad6c73282ada5ca6fd6e1c commit hash: f173a4d519b3746003ad6c73282ada5ca6fd6e1c f173a4d
06:32 Dave Cottlehuber (dch) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Remove expired erlang and elixir ports

The rebar, rebar3 and mix tools are now more than a decade old, and are
the preferred ways to fetch and install specific erlang and elixir
modules, aside from core compilers, documentation, and custom build

See UPDATING and MOVED for details.


PR:		263694
Reviewed by:
Approved by:	erlang (with hat)
Sponsored by:	SkunkWerks, GmbH
commit hash: ab4964e6d96e9d3ac2c75c414dee85bf625a06fa commit hash: ab4964e6d96e9d3ac2c75c414dee85bf625a06fa commit hash: ab4964e6d96e9d3ac2c75c414dee85bf625a06fa commit hash: ab4964e6d96e9d3ac2c75c414dee85bf625a06fa ab4964e
Monday, 27 Jun 2022
20:13 Adriaan de Groot (adridg) search for other commits by this committer
devel/gitqlient: New port, a fancy Git viewer

The code is a fork of devel/qgit, but unrecognizable in its UI.
I can't tell if I like it, yet: there's a lot more going on, and
the UI doesn't follow the environment's theme / style.
commit hash: 85892d57d57f1707323be4bd40f677e446796641 commit hash: 85892d57d57f1707323be4bd40f677e446796641 commit hash: 85892d57d57f1707323be4bd40f677e446796641 commit hash: 85892d57d57f1707323be4bd40f677e446796641 85892d5
11:36 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-25 lang/cmucl: Not supported upstream since 2017 and broken since
FreeBSD 12.1
2022-06-25 devel/qbs: Abandoned and not working with modern clang
2022-06-25 lang/cmucl-extra: lang/cmucl is not supported upstream since 2017 and
broken since FreeBSD 12.1
2022-06-25 security/protonvpn-cli: This version is deprecated and unsupported
upstream. The port needs an update, which would require a fair amount of effort.
Use OpenVPN or Wireguard with configuration files provided by ProtonVPN instead.
2022-06-27 sysutils/firstboot-growfs: A better version is available on all
FreeBSD version
2022-06-27 security/modsecurity3-apache: The project was not developed further
2022-06-29 net-mgmt/zabbix54-frontend: Unsupported by upstream
2022-06-29 net-mgmt/zabbix54-server: Unsupported by upstream
commit hash: 2fb224a12bba79baeabc41519ab19ab876baec32 commit hash: 2fb224a12bba79baeabc41519ab19ab876baec32 commit hash: 2fb224a12bba79baeabc41519ab19ab876baec32 commit hash: 2fb224a12bba79baeabc41519ab19ab876baec32 2fb224a
Friday, 24 Jun 2022
19:11 Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
goocanvas: remove obsolete libraires not depend on
commit hash: ce89b314009d0c3de56c0e3c7f7cb7e35d77b5fc commit hash: ce89b314009d0c3de56c0e3c7f7cb7e35d77b5fc commit hash: ce89b314009d0c3de56c0e3c7f7cb7e35d77b5fc commit hash: ce89b314009d0c3de56c0e3c7f7cb7e35d77b5fc ce89b31
Wednesday, 22 Jun 2022
06:56 Hiroki Tagato (tagattie) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron18: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.


Requested by:	mikael (via email)
commit hash: 1780f894bd82243f6fe8b0795364f952ae10b9c1 commit hash: 1780f894bd82243f6fe8b0795364f952ae10b9c1 commit hash: 1780f894bd82243f6fe8b0795364f952ae10b9c1 commit hash: 1780f894bd82243f6fe8b0795364f952ae10b9c1 1780f89
03:36 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-scheduler: New port: Python scheduler library
commit hash: 9cb731e74e34231c2f38abd707125cf19e2c46c1 commit hash: 9cb731e74e34231c2f38abd707125cf19e2c46c1 commit hash: 9cb731e74e34231c2f38abd707125cf19e2c46c1 commit hash: 9cb731e74e34231c2f38abd707125cf19e2c46c1 9cb731e
Tuesday, 21 Jun 2022
20:57 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-rash_alt: Add rubygem-rash_alt 0.4.12

Rash is an extension to Hashie. Rash subclasses Hashie::Mash to convert all keys
in the hash to underscore. The purpose of this is when working w/ Java (or any
other apis) that return hashes (including nested) that have camelCased keys. You
will now be able to access those keys through underscored key names (camelCase
still available).

commit hash: efa7cd884a83c6627fe100d20cf8038ef31e9375 commit hash: efa7cd884a83c6627fe100d20cf8038ef31e9375 commit hash: efa7cd884a83c6627fe100d20cf8038ef31e9375 commit hash: efa7cd884a83c6627fe100d20cf8038ef31e9375 efa7cd8
20:57 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-version_gem: Add rubygem-version_gem 1.0.0

VersionGem gives your next library an introspectable Version module.

This library was extracted from the gem oauth2.

commit hash: 5b23066108d91a0d81dbad8a27db03b71da4d42d commit hash: 5b23066108d91a0d81dbad8a27db03b71da4d42d commit hash: 5b23066108d91a0d81dbad8a27db03b71da4d42d commit hash: 5b23066108d91a0d81dbad8a27db03b71da4d42d 5b23066
18:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pathos: Add py-pathos 0.2.8

pathos is a framework for heterogeneous computing. It provides a consistent
high-level interface for configuring and launching parallel computations across
heterogeneous resources. pathos provides configurable launchers for parallel and
distributed computing, where each launcher contains the syntactic logic to
configure and launch jobs in an execution environment. Examples of launchers
that plug into pathos are: a queue-less MPI-based launcher (in pyina), a
ssh-based launcher (in pathos), and a multi-process launcher (in multiprocess).

commit hash: 7113eb694cff4f5885eb5016c3b64910108b6c5a commit hash: 7113eb694cff4f5885eb5016c3b64910108b6c5a commit hash: 7113eb694cff4f5885eb5016c3b64910108b6c5a commit hash: 7113eb694cff4f5885eb5016c3b64910108b6c5a 7113eb6
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-connectcampaignservice: Add
rubygem-aws-sdk-connectcampaignservice 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Campaign Service.

commit hash: 269cdcc9b93d7aa956e2808c6d52b34f5ea054e7 commit hash: 269cdcc9b93d7aa956e2808c6d52b34f5ea054e7 commit hash: 269cdcc9b93d7aa956e2808c6d52b34f5ea054e7 commit hash: 269cdcc9b93d7aa956e2808c6d52b34f5ea054e7 269cdcc
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-redshiftserverless: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-redshiftserverless

Official AWS Ruby gem for Redshift Serverless.

commit hash: 402337c94bcec84ada5e1a4977dca58740f0cbee commit hash: 402337c94bcec84ada5e1a4977dca58740f0cbee commit hash: 402337c94bcec84ada5e1a4977dca58740f0cbee commit hash: 402337c94bcec84ada5e1a4977dca58740f0cbee 402337c
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyproject-fmt: Add py-pyproject-fmt 0.3.3

pyproject-fmt applies a consistent format to your pyproject.toml file with
comment support. It can be used as a CLI tool or a pre-commit hook.

commit hash: b0546a57c6d7c08f1268148d5529d8f6c3bcb428 commit hash: b0546a57c6d7c08f1268148d5529d8f6c3bcb428 commit hash: b0546a57c6d7c08f1268148d5529d8f6c3bcb428 commit hash: b0546a57c6d7c08f1268148d5529d8f6c3bcb428 b0546a5
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-ppft: Add py-ppft

ppft is a friendly fork of Parallel Python (pp). ppft extends Parallel Python to
provide packaging and distribution with pip and setuptools, support for python
3, and enhanced serialization using dill.source. ppft uses Parallel Python to
provide mechanisms for the parallel execution of python code on SMP (systems
with multiple processors or cores) and clusters (computers connected via

commit hash: b5f7c56ddd006fc000ba726eee75eb2518b4b5be commit hash: b5f7c56ddd006fc000ba726eee75eb2518b4b5be commit hash: b5f7c56ddd006fc000ba726eee75eb2518b4b5be commit hash: b5f7c56ddd006fc000ba726eee75eb2518b4b5be b5f7c56
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyina: Add py-pyina 0.2.5

The pyina package provides several basic tools to make MPI-based parallel
computing more accessable to the end user. The goal of pyina is to allow the
user to extend their own code to MPI-based parallel computing with minimal

commit hash: 064d0418c84e738b03505130a442bc75c0a8bcc4 commit hash: 064d0418c84e738b03505130a442bc75c0a8bcc4 commit hash: 064d0418c84e738b03505130a442bc75c0a8bcc4 commit hash: 064d0418c84e738b03505130a442bc75c0a8bcc4 064d041
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pox: Add py-pox 0.3.1

pox provides a collection of utilities for navigating and manipulating
filesystems. This module is designed to facilitate some of the low level
operating system interactions that are useful when exploring a filesystem on a
remote host, where queries such as "what is the root of the filesystem?", "what
is the user's name?", and "what login shell is preferred?" become essential in
allowing a remote user to function as if they were logged in locally. While pox
is in the same vein of both the os and shutil builtin modules, the majority of
its functionality is unique and compliments these two modules.

commit hash: 5cdf3a37a38ceb2cf781ea8f4f05ef5c09a19711 commit hash: 5cdf3a37a38ceb2cf781ea8f4f05ef5c09a19711 commit hash: 5cdf3a37a38ceb2cf781ea8f4f05ef5c09a19711 commit hash: 5cdf3a37a38ceb2cf781ea8f4f05ef5c09a19711 5cdf3a37
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-attrs-strict: Add py-attrs-strict 1.0.0

attrs-strict is a Python package which contains runtime validation for attrs
data classes based on the types existing in the typing module.

commit hash: 8e710879be3fba8a6666fd3912a7bf847b8c3285 commit hash: 8e710879be3fba8a6666fd3912a7bf847b8c3285 commit hash: 8e710879be3fba8a6666fd3912a7bf847b8c3285 commit hash: 8e710879be3fba8a6666fd3912a7bf847b8c3285 8e71087
16:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-covdefaults: Add py-covdefaults 2.2.0

covdefaults is a coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings.

commit hash: c3e763f6c90f928a6d5abc274193d19fb84d7d47 commit hash: c3e763f6c90f928a6d5abc274193d19fb84d7d47 commit hash: c3e763f6c90f928a6d5abc274193d19fb84d7d47 commit hash: c3e763f6c90f928a6d5abc274193d19fb84d7d47 c3e763f
10:51 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-06-20 devel/liblas12: Previously only required by math/saga (now
superseeded by math/pdal)
commit hash: 894f1384625af540d0b8b56cf7495f30d35c2606 commit hash: 894f1384625af540d0b8b56cf7495f30d35c2606 commit hash: 894f1384625af540d0b8b56cf7495f30d35c2606 commit hash: 894f1384625af540d0b8b56cf7495f30d35c2606 894f138
Monday, 20 Jun 2022
16:55 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer Author: Faraz Vahedi
devel/vipack: New Port

vipack is a language- and dependency-agnostic package manager
that only needs a json tree describing package information,
dependencies, and build steps.

The default tree describes packages for Vishap Oberon Compiler,
but there's no restriction on the stack and any custom tree can
be used.


PR:           264785
Reviewed by:  bofh
Sponsored by: illuria Security, Inc.
commit hash: 222d74a808b45b34716e47806ca7e4815d9cc371 commit hash: 222d74a808b45b34716e47806ca7e4815d9cc371 commit hash: 222d74a808b45b34716e47806ca7e4815d9cc371 commit hash: 222d74a808b45b34716e47806ca7e4815d9cc371 222d74a
05:57 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/easy-profiler: New port: Library and tool for converting vertex formats
commit hash: 0be255af9271989f53058b48e444fe2e8baf41aa commit hash: 0be255af9271989f53058b48e444fe2e8baf41aa commit hash: 0be255af9271989f53058b48e444fe2e8baf41aa commit hash: 0be255af9271989f53058b48e444fe2e8baf41aa 0be255a
Thursday, 16 Jun 2022
19:33 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-verspec: Add py-verspec 0.1.0

verspec is a Python library for handling software versions and specifiers,
adapted from the packaging package.

commit hash: 416276e380140faf2304f672b839c9dfdc0b0439 commit hash: 416276e380140faf2304f672b839c9dfdc0b0439 commit hash: 416276e380140faf2304f672b839c9dfdc0b0439 commit hash: 416276e380140faf2304f672b839c9dfdc0b0439 416276e
19:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-flit-scm: Add py-flit-scm 1.6.2

flit_scm is a PEP 518 build backend that uses setuptools_scm to generate a
version file from your version control system, then flit_core to build the

commit hash: 4563905fd0a449d16da1b8d175d816737a6996c9 commit hash: 4563905fd0a449d16da1b8d175d816737a6996c9 commit hash: 4563905fd0a449d16da1b8d175d816737a6996c9 commit hash: 4563905fd0a449d16da1b8d175d816737a6996c9 4563905
19:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-exceptiongroup: Add py-exceptiongroup 1.0.0rc8

This is a backport of the BaseExceptionGroup and ExceptionGroup classes from
Python 3.11.

It contains the following:
- The exceptiongroup.BaseExceptionGroup and exceptiongroup.ExceptionGroup
- A utility function (exceptiongroup.catch()) for catching exceptions possibly
  nested in an exception group
- Patches to the TracebackException class that properly formats exception groups
  (installed on import)
- An exception hook that handles formatting of exception groups through
  TracebackException (installed on import)

If this package is imported on Python 3.11 or later, the built-in
implementations of the exception group classes are used instead,
TracebackException is not monkey patched and the exception hook won't be

commit hash: 989a4b1096890f1759c8032b1e43fe6bac94ec61 commit hash: 989a4b1096890f1759c8032b1e43fe6bac94ec61 commit hash: 989a4b1096890f1759c8032b1e43fe6bac94ec61 commit hash: 989a4b1096890f1759c8032b1e43fe6bac94ec61 989a4b1
16:28 Kai Knoblich (kai) search for other commits by this committer
net-mgmt/netbox: Create Django 4.0 consumers

* Django 3.2 is currently the "default" version in the ports tree due
  its long term support until April 2024.  Thus ports that are assigned
  to that version will exist until then.

  The following ports are required to make the upgrade of
  net-mgmt/netbox to the 3.2 release possible because it requires Django

  All of the ports listed below were created on the basis of their
  respective original ports:

  - devel/py-dj40-django-rq
  - devel/py-dj40-graphene-django
  - www/py-dj40-django-auth-ldap
  - www/py-dj40-django-cors-headers
  - www/py-dj40-django-debug-toolbar
  - www/py-dj40-django-filter
  - www/py-dj40-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar
  - www/py-dj40-django-js-asset
  - www/py-dj40-django-mptt
  - www/py-dj40-django-prometheus
  - www/py-dj40-django-redis
  - www/py-dj40-django-tables2
  - www/py-dj40-django-taggit
  - www/py-dj40-django-timezone-field
  - www/py-dj40-djangorestframework
  - www/py-dj40-drf-yasg

* Simplify the related CONFLICTS_INSTALL entries as well.  This also
  reduces editing of the Makefiles if another ports need to be
  "repo-copied" (e.g. for Django 4.1) based on the original ports in the
  future. [1]

Reviewed by:	se [1], sunpoet
Differential Revision:
commit hash: 89acacbfee22729e7d1bfcce383d455bb88adfc3 commit hash: 89acacbfee22729e7d1bfcce383d455bb88adfc3 commit hash: 89acacbfee22729e7d1bfcce383d455bb88adfc3 commit hash: 89acacbfee22729e7d1bfcce383d455bb88adfc3 89acacb
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-libddwaf: Add rubygem-libddwaf

libddwaf is Datadog's implementation of a WAF engine, with a goal of low
performance and memory overhead, and embeddability in a wide variety of language
runtimes through a C API.

commit hash: 474f132166e8ff0f335f8ef60fd622c9d4e301d0 commit hash: 474f132166e8ff0f335f8ef60fd622c9d4e301d0 commit hash: 474f132166e8ff0f335f8ef60fd622c9d4e301d0 commit hash: 474f132166e8ff0f335f8ef60fd622c9d4e301d0 474f132
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-jira-ruby21: Add rubygem-jira-ruby21 2.1.5 (copied from

commit hash: a2ed811feed19eb49ce4d5b644ed1a26fb132890 commit hash: a2ed811feed19eb49ce4d5b644ed1a26fb132890 commit hash: a2ed811feed19eb49ce4d5b644ed1a26fb132890 commit hash: a2ed811feed19eb49ce4d5b644ed1a26fb132890 a2ed811
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-libddprof: Add rubygem-libddprof

libdatadog provides a shared library containing common code used in the
implementation of Datadog's libraries, including Continuous Profilers.

(In a past life, libdatadog was known as libddprof but it was renamed when we
decided to increase its scope).

commit hash: d8139531bed3d0f7e2cabbe4ec748243192ea924 commit hash: d8139531bed3d0f7e2cabbe4ec748243192ea924 commit hash: d8139531bed3d0f7e2cabbe4ec748243192ea924 commit hash: d8139531bed3d0f7e2cabbe4ec748243192ea924 d813953
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions15: Add
rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions15 15.2.0 (copied from

commit hash: 5165a246f4f00e43dfa852ca59a4a0a833bb420e commit hash: 5165a246f4f00e43dfa852ca59a4a0a833bb420e commit hash: 5165a246f4f00e43dfa852ca59a4a0a833bb420e commit hash: 5165a246f4f00e43dfa852ca59a4a0a833bb420e 5165a24
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mainframemodernization: Add
rubygem-aws-sdk-mainframemodernization 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Mainframe Modernization.

commit hash: c259d5652ebcb466db291928a26062afc7b124ba commit hash: c259d5652ebcb466db291928a26062afc7b124ba commit hash: c259d5652ebcb466db291928a26062afc7b124ba commit hash: c259d5652ebcb466db291928a26062afc7b124ba c259d56
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-nunit: Add py-pytest-nunit 1.0.0

pytest-nunit is a pytest plugin for generating NUnit3 test result XML output.

commit hash: 58a791d95ee7046bc23e1741cef4e8498ba3ac2c commit hash: 58a791d95ee7046bc23e1741cef4e8498ba3ac2c commit hash: 58a791d95ee7046bc23e1741cef4e8498ba3ac2c commit hash: 58a791d95ee7046bc23e1741cef4e8498ba3ac2c 58a791d
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-watchfiles: Add py-watchfiles 0.14.1

Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.

commit hash: ba8cf8a9f1e249e34b8f03ed7d5ad5cf8c1ecdff commit hash: ba8cf8a9f1e249e34b8f03ed7d5ad5cf8c1ecdff commit hash: ba8cf8a9f1e249e34b8f03ed7d5ad5cf8c1ecdff commit hash: ba8cf8a9f1e249e34b8f03ed7d5ad5cf8c1ecdff ba8cf8a
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-graphene2: Add py-graphene2 2.1.9 (copied from py-graphene)

commit hash: 9004702831f4f77158831fa63c9ce450ae919722 commit hash: 9004702831f4f77158831fa63c9ce450ae919722 commit hash: 9004702831f4f77158831fa63c9ce450ae919722 commit hash: 9004702831f4f77158831fa63c9ce450ae919722 9004702
13:58 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
*/Makefile: Sort SUBDIRs
commit hash: ab046265760cf8ead01ebc158ada6d9f7c986269 commit hash: ab046265760cf8ead01ebc158ada6d9f7c986269 commit hash: ab046265760cf8ead01ebc158ada6d9f7c986269 commit hash: ab046265760cf8ead01ebc158ada6d9f7c986269 ab04626
Monday, 13 Jun 2022
10:05 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: fix problem with sidekiq

Gitlab does not work with sidekiq 6.5, use version 6.4
Fixes a regression introduced by:
commit hash: ed5dcd73200bc2f28ab8178c36180bee182bf724 commit hash: ed5dcd73200bc2f28ab8178c36180bee182bf724 commit hash: ed5dcd73200bc2f28ab8178c36180bee182bf724 commit hash: ed5dcd73200bc2f28ab8178c36180bee182bf724 ed5dcd7
Saturday, 11 Jun 2022
21:02 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php82*: Welcome php 8.2.0 Alpha 1

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

port-committers@ please DO NOT mark your ports IGNORE_WITH_PHP=82. A
build is running to check all php ports with php82 and will be
committed in batch tomorrow.

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39 commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39 commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39 commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39 665b149
Thursday, 9 Jun 2022
23:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-lark-parser: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/py-lark instead.
commit hash: 750787e28d71cb870c3aa89b61cabf930ea83dd1 commit hash: 750787e28d71cb870c3aa89b61cabf930ea83dd1 commit hash: 750787e28d71cb870c3aa89b61cabf930ea83dd1 commit hash: 750787e28d71cb870c3aa89b61cabf930ea83dd1 750787e
23:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-lark: Add py-lark 1.1.2

ark is a parsing toolkit for Python, built with a focus on ergonomics,
performance and modularity.

Lark can parse all context-free languages. To put it simply, it means that it is
capable of parsing almost any programming language out there, and to some degree
most natural languages too.

What can it do?
- Parse all context-free grammars, and handle any ambiguity gracefully
- Build an annotated parse-tree automagically, no construction code required.
- Provide first-rate performance in terms of both Big-O complexity and measured
  run-time (considering that this is Python ;)
- Run on every Python interpreter (it's pure-python)
- Generate a stand-alone parser (for LALR(1) grammars)
- And many more features. Read ahead and find out!

Most importantly, Lark will save you time and prevent you from getting parsing

commit hash: 9f10edecc0273931d628fe778df04d80d1a94279 commit hash: 9f10edecc0273931d628fe778df04d80d1a94279 commit hash: 9f10edecc0273931d628fe778df04d80d1a94279 commit hash: 9f10edecc0273931d628fe778df04d80d1a94279 9f10ede
23:16 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-types-toml: Add py-types-toml 0.10.7

This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the toml package. It can be used by
type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm, pytype etc. to check code that uses

commit hash: aa26d554d94d7cc13fe4660c918a18119d92d1f1 commit hash: aa26d554d94d7cc13fe4660c918a18119d92d1f1 commit hash: aa26d554d94d7cc13fe4660c918a18119d92d1f1 commit hash: aa26d554d94d7cc13fe4660c918a18119d92d1f1 aa26d55
23:15 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-parsley: Add py-parsley 1.3

Parsley is a parsing library for people who find parsers scary or annoying. I
wrote it because I wanted to parse a programming language, and tools like PLY or
ANTLR or Bison were very hard to understand and integrate into my Python code.
Most parser generators are based on LL or LR parsing algorithms that compile to
big state machine tables. It was like I had to wake up a different section of my
brain to understand or work on grammar rules.

Parsley, like pyparsing and ZestyParser, uses the PEG algorithm, so each
expression in the grammar rules works like a Python expression. In particular,
alternatives are evaluated in order, unlike table-driven parsers such as yacc,
bison or PLY.

Parsley is an implementation of OMeta, an object-oriented pattern-matching
language developed by Alessandro Warth.

commit hash: d326e599801e46d5ec7351747348fc1942cd132f commit hash: d326e599801e46d5ec7351747348fc1942cd132f commit hash: d326e599801e46d5ec7351747348fc1942cd132f commit hash: d326e599801e46d5ec7351747348fc1942cd132f d326e59
23:15 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-txi2p-tahoe: Add py-txi2p-tahoe 0.3.5

This is a fork of txi2p, to help Tahoe-LAFS project to get unstuck in Python 3
porting efforts.

txi2p is a set of I2P bindings for Twisted.

txi2p supports both the SAM and BOB APIs for I2P. The default API is SAM.

commit hash: 69b29490d7c970e67a033847d5385109e0330fc6 commit hash: 69b29490d7c970e67a033847d5385109e0330fc6 commit hash: 69b29490d7c970e67a033847d5385109e0330fc6 commit hash: 69b29490d7c970e67a033847d5385109e0330fc6 69b2949
22:51 Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer Author: Norikatsu Shigemura
devel/py-sarif-om: New Port: Python classes for the SARIF 2.1.0 object model

Add a new port, py-sarif-om is python classes for the SARIF 2.1.0
object model.

 - Author becomes maintainer

PR:		264373
commit hash: 69648f91bfa37d99c458174fcf9b63245cdac9f9 commit hash: 69648f91bfa37d99c458174fcf9b63245cdac9f9 commit hash: 69648f91bfa37d99c458174fcf9b63245cdac9f9 commit hash: 69648f91bfa37d99c458174fcf9b63245cdac9f9 69648f9
22:45 Neel Chauhan (nc) search for other commits by this committer
devel/android-tools: New port: Android debugging tools

While I'm here, remove the old devel/android-tools-adb and
devel/android-tools-fastboot ports. These ports are long out-of-date
and the adb port especially had issues with certain devices.

This port was tested from a FreeBSD 14.0 system to flash both
LineageOS and GrapheneOS on a Google Pixel 3 using both `adb` and
commit hash: 70cd49992b459b8d4bb69da5b22929205e1bfb9d commit hash: 70cd49992b459b8d4bb69da5b22929205e1bfb9d commit hash: 70cd49992b459b8d4bb69da5b22929205e1bfb9d commit hash: 70cd49992b459b8d4bb69da5b22929205e1bfb9d 70cd499
22:13 Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer Author: Norikatsu Shigemura
devel/py-jschema-to-python: New Port: Generate Python classes from a JSON schema

Add a new port, py-jschema-to-python is to generate Python classes from
a JSON schema.

 - Author becomes maintainer

PR:		264362
commit hash: cdc4f394015b90c1aa11d7a9dc725e4ce0414616 commit hash: cdc4f394015b90c1aa11d7a9dc725e4ce0414616 commit hash: cdc4f394015b90c1aa11d7a9dc725e4ce0414616 commit hash: cdc4f394015b90c1aa11d7a9dc725e4ce0414616 cdc4f39
10:57 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyright: Add py-pyright 1.1.253

Pyright for Python is a Python command-line wrapper over pyright [1], a static
type checker for Python.


commit hash: b9aedfe5b6720b50a00ff039899534df29549ae3 commit hash: b9aedfe5b6720b50a00ff039899534df29549ae3 commit hash: b9aedfe5b6720b50a00ff039899534df29549ae3 commit hash: b9aedfe5b6720b50a00ff039899534df29549ae3 b9aedfe
Wednesday, 8 Jun 2022
16:24 Tijl Coosemans (tijl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/autoconf: update to 2.71

- Copy devel/autoconf to devel/autoconf2.69.
- Update devel/autoconf to 2.71.
- Allow ports to use 2.69 with USES=autoreconf:2.69.

PR:		258046
Exp-run by:	antoine
commit hash: bd70827c22827422583d9bd6963636ef4f2d5623 commit hash: bd70827c22827422583d9bd6963636ef4f2d5623 commit hash: bd70827c22827422583d9bd6963636ef4f2d5623 commit hash: bd70827c22827422583d9bd6963636ef4f2d5623 bd70827
14:39 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-qutip-qip: New port: QuTiP quantum information processing package
commit hash: eb9d9d12a3022ad9ed5f963c1c3df825633cee7f commit hash: eb9d9d12a3022ad9ed5f963c1c3df825633cee7f commit hash: eb9d9d12a3022ad9ed5f963c1c3df825633cee7f commit hash: eb9d9d12a3022ad9ed5f963c1c3df825633cee7f eb9d9d1
13:17 Dave Cottlehuber (dch) search for other commits by this committer
devel/gdps: new port

General Purpose Data Serializer implemented as a very small C++ library,
providing (de)serialization of C++ classes, via backends, such as XML.

PR:		264530
Sponsored by:	SkunkWerks, GmbH
commit hash: 0d7fa327fe1f4a6282efb372a28c80e188b5f5f9 commit hash: 0d7fa327fe1f4a6282efb372a28c80e188b5f5f9 commit hash: 0d7fa327fe1f4a6282efb372a28c80e188b5f5f9 commit hash: 0d7fa327fe1f4a6282efb372a28c80e188b5f5f9 0d7fa32
Sunday, 5 Jun 2022
15:11 Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu) search for other commits by this committer Author: Robert Clausecker
Add devel/fungw: C Function gateway for different programming languages

PR:		263819
commit hash: 5b1f2cff0ed195b4a215b78c2f58b6ff21c5f4ac commit hash: 5b1f2cff0ed195b4a215b78c2f58b6ff21c5f4ac commit hash: 5b1f2cff0ed195b4a215b78c2f58b6ff21c5f4ac commit hash: 5b1f2cff0ed195b4a215b78c2f58b6ff21c5f4ac 5b1f2cf
Friday, 3 Jun 2022
23:36 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages18: Add rubygem-cucumber-messages18 18.0.0
(copied from rubygem-cucumber-messages)

commit hash: aff64a734ab20946f50032c9c872392c9a477415 commit hash: aff64a734ab20946f50032c9c872392c9a477415 commit hash: aff64a734ab20946f50032c9c872392c9a477415 commit hash: aff64a734ab20946f50032c9c872392c9a477415 aff64a7
23:36 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-faraday-excon1: Add rubygem-faraday-excon1 1.1.0 (copied from

commit hash: 08d60f020311780a26a3966023350eb508f7cd70 commit hash: 08d60f020311780a26a3966023350eb508f7cd70 commit hash: 08d60f020311780a26a3966023350eb508f7cd70 commit hash: 08d60f020311780a26a3966023350eb508f7cd70 08d60f0
09:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-emrserverless: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-emrserverless 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for EMR Serverless.

commit hash: 573d39d1023b260a99af124cb849ff989e9235bb commit hash: 573d39d1023b260a99af124cb849ff989e9235bb commit hash: 573d39d1023b260a99af124cb849ff989e9235bb commit hash: 573d39d1023b260a99af124cb849ff989e9235bb 573d39d
09:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-bootsnap111: Add rubygem-bootsnap111 1.11.1 (copied from

commit hash: 45e79f2f15a27d9d9c42d4ee1bad9d96d096a9e3 commit hash: 45e79f2f15a27d9d9c42d4ee1bad9d96d096a9e3 commit hash: 45e79f2f15a27d9d9c42d4ee1bad9d96d096a9e3 commit hash: 45e79f2f15a27d9d9c42d4ee1bad9d96d096a9e3 45e79f2
Wednesday, 1 Jun 2022
02:09 Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tup: new port had been added (file-based build system)

It inputs a list of file changes and a directed acyclic graph (DAG),
then processes the DAG to execute the appropriate commands required
to update dependent files.

commit hash: e6b4d197733c3b72fd0efdf67e957dabd40f4383 commit hash: e6b4d197733c3b72fd0efdf67e957dabd40f4383 commit hash: e6b4d197733c3b72fd0efdf67e957dabd40f4383 commit hash: e6b4d197733c3b72fd0efdf67e957dabd40f4383 e6b4d19
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
03:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyquil: New port: PyQuil: Quantum programming in Python
commit hash: 796fa3c92810d6d58b2471432b675f4902d9134b commit hash: 796fa3c92810d6d58b2471432b675f4902d9134b commit hash: 796fa3c92810d6d58b2471432b675f4902d9134b commit hash: 796fa3c92810d6d58b2471432b675f4902d9134b 796fa3c
03:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-python-rapidjson: New port: Python wrapper around rapidjson
commit hash: ee993dc344b0eca45509efbf6597657c7fe5fe58 commit hash: ee993dc344b0eca45509efbf6597657c7fe5fe58 commit hash: ee993dc344b0eca45509efbf6597657c7fe5fe58 commit hash: ee993dc344b0eca45509efbf6597657c7fe5fe58 ee993dc
03:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-rpcq: New port: RPC framework and message specification for Rigetti QCS
commit hash: 6343eafff60a1b0ed77e385e9b4a6381f4dccef0 commit hash: 6343eafff60a1b0ed77e385e9b4a6381f4dccef0 commit hash: 6343eafff60a1b0ed77e385e9b4a6381f4dccef0 commit hash: 6343eafff60a1b0ed77e385e9b4a6381f4dccef0 6343eaf
03:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-retry2: New port: Easy to use retry decorator in python
commit hash: c08853f49ac748908004d2cfa81022fd59b76b9d commit hash: c08853f49ac748908004d2cfa81022fd59b76b9d commit hash: c08853f49ac748908004d2cfa81022fd59b76b9d commit hash: c08853f49ac748908004d2cfa81022fd59b76b9d c08853f
Monday, 30 May 2022
19:09 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libffi33: Add new port.

This is a compat port needed mainly for binaries downloaded by devel/stack.
See the commit message for devel/libffi321 and the linked PR for detailed
commit hash: 957f31fc718f2147718e24fb1103718edbab5a3e commit hash: 957f31fc718f2147718e24fb1103718edbab5a3e commit hash: 957f31fc718f2147718e24fb1103718edbab5a3e commit hash: 957f31fc718f2147718e24fb1103718edbab5a3e 957f31f
08:49 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-scooby: New port: Python environment detective
commit hash: 9673aa6789360e64a309dd6cafbf2d002001dc2f commit hash: 9673aa6789360e64a309dd6cafbf2d002001dc2f commit hash: 9673aa6789360e64a309dd6cafbf2d002001dc2f commit hash: 9673aa6789360e64a309dd6cafbf2d002001dc2f 9673aa6
Friday, 27 May 2022
19:33 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-05-27 math/py-cdecimal: upstream does not support it after Python-3.2
2022-05-27 devel/py-meliae: does not build against Python-3.9
commit hash: 6ed29ee229b67a33e0e6fd92549a195e9db46451 commit hash: 6ed29ee229b67a33e0e6fd92549a195e9db46451 commit hash: 6ed29ee229b67a33e0e6fd92549a195e9db46451 commit hash: 6ed29ee229b67a33e0e6fd92549a195e9db46451 6ed29ee
17:18 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for version 15.0
commit hash: 3b81f98a9d796ec87e909c330d9623b0dee6b8e0 commit hash: 3b81f98a9d796ec87e909c330d9623b0dee6b8e0 commit hash: 3b81f98a9d796ec87e909c330d9623b0dee6b8e0 commit hash: 3b81f98a9d796ec87e909c330d9623b0dee6b8e0 3b81f98
09:51 Tijl Coosemans (tijl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/autoconf*: restructure to prepare for 2.71

- Rename autoconf 2.13 port directory, package, and command all to
  autoconf2.13 just like ports like perl and python.
- Let USES=autoreconf run gtkdocize if necessary.
- Rewrite autoconf-wrapper and rename it autoconf-switch to reflect
  better what it does.
- Delete patch-bison.  It has been reverted upstream.
- Add a patch to let autoreconf set the AUTOCONF environment variable
  so subprocesses like automake use the correct version.
- Make building of info files optional.
- Address portlint, portclippy, portfmt issues in devel/autoconf*.

PR:		259556, 263970
commit hash: ec2102597a4ed2e4c9075d3c4b6399e13c0956c2 commit hash: ec2102597a4ed2e4c9075d3c4b6399e13c0956c2 commit hash: ec2102597a4ed2e4c9075d3c4b6399e13c0956c2 commit hash: ec2102597a4ed2e4c9075d3c4b6399e13c0956c2 ec21025
07:10 Jason Helfman (jgh) search for other commits by this committer Author: Mostly BSD
devel/gfold: Add new port

PR:		264104

CLI tool to help keep track of your Git repositories, written in Rust

This app displays relevant information for multiple Git repositories
in one to many directories. While this tool might seem limited in scope
and purpose, that is by design.

By default, gfold looks at every Git repository via traversal from
the current working directory. If you would like to target another directory,
you can pass its path (relative or absolute) as the first argument
or change the default path in the config file.

After traversal, gfold leverages rayon to perform concurrent,
read-only analysis of all Git repositories detected.
Analysis is performed by leveraging the git2-rs library.

commit hash: 33c76b3f94f7236c32d7532fef22e0c5e33474bd commit hash: 33c76b3f94f7236c32d7532fef22e0c5e33474bd commit hash: 33c76b3f94f7236c32d7532fef22e0c5e33474bd commit hash: 33c76b3f94f7236c32d7532fef22e0c5e33474bd 33c76b3
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
20:01 Dmitri Goutnik (dmgk) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Hook up to the tree

Hook devel/ruby-install and sysutils/yadf to the build.

PR:		264168
PR:		263069
commit hash: cbcd2c7b4d6d1ceb6fd0c09337aa97bd9c887257 commit hash: cbcd2c7b4d6d1ceb6fd0c09337aa97bd9c887257 commit hash: cbcd2c7b4d6d1ceb6fd0c09337aa97bd9c887257 commit hash: cbcd2c7b4d6d1ceb6fd0c09337aa97bd9c887257 cbcd2c7
Sunday, 22 May 2022
13:07 Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
devel/lua-mode: add new port of LUA mode for emacs
commit hash: 28b107d8779f1c7a8c46f8f6fe0974f8245ee1ea commit hash: 28b107d8779f1c7a8c46f8f6fe0974f8245ee1ea commit hash: 28b107d8779f1c7a8c46f8f6fe0974f8245ee1ea commit hash: 28b107d8779f1c7a8c46f8f6fe0974f8245ee1ea 28b107d
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages17: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages instead
commit hash: 081d0b5577242feb20f95c70f99b528ea336bc3f commit hash: 081d0b5577242feb20f95c70f99b528ea336bc3f commit hash: 081d0b5577242feb20f95c70f99b528ea336bc3f commit hash: 081d0b5577242feb20f95c70f99b528ea336bc3f 081d0b5
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages4: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages instead
commit hash: 37041d295ab0c43fd0b9cddb82b44aea2cc9f0e0 commit hash: 37041d295ab0c43fd0b9cddb82b44aea2cc9f0e0 commit hash: 37041d295ab0c43fd0b9cddb82b44aea2cc9f0e0 commit hash: 37041d295ab0c43fd0b9cddb82b44aea2cc9f0e0 37041d2
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-formatter-dots: Remove obsoleted port

Use textproc/rubygem-cucumber-html-formatter instead
commit hash: ae48f72d9f517fe2274d00acc159a6cc8fd8a4ae commit hash: ae48f72d9f517fe2274d00acc159a6cc8fd8a4ae commit hash: ae48f72d9f517fe2274d00acc159a6cc8fd8a4ae commit hash: ae48f72d9f517fe2274d00acc159a6cc8fd8a4ae ae48f72
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions14: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions instead
commit hash: 71b16ef2890d7d2dc8387271fe88338a86ff5995 commit hash: 71b16ef2890d7d2dc8387271fe88338a86ff5995 commit hash: 71b16ef2890d7d2dc8387271fe88338a86ff5995 commit hash: 71b16ef2890d7d2dc8387271fe88338a86ff5995 71b16ef
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-create-meta: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-ci-environment instead.
commit hash: 8efb39322e2045a03af62b224a30dc7c842f30a7 commit hash: 8efb39322e2045a03af62b224a30dc7c842f30a7 commit hash: 8efb39322e2045a03af62b224a30dc7c842f30a7 commit hash: 8efb39322e2045a03af62b224a30dc7c842f30a7 8efb393
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-smmap2: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/py-smmap instead.
commit hash: 6ff52480d3338eead75d86e64c776e44fe464728 commit hash: 6ff52480d3338eead75d86e64c776e44fe464728 commit hash: 6ff52480d3338eead75d86e64c776e44fe464728 commit hash: 6ff52480d3338eead75d86e64c776e44fe464728 6ff5248
04:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-gitdb2: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/py-gitdb instead.
commit hash: 4906a2aa9954a6a68a520cef517f8ecf498fb2d5 commit hash: 4906a2aa9954a6a68a520cef517f8ecf498fb2d5 commit hash: 4906a2aa9954a6a68a520cef517f8ecf498fb2d5 commit hash: 4906a2aa9954a6a68a520cef517f8ecf498fb2d5 4906a2a
04:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-ci-environment: Add rubygem-cucumber-ci-environment 9.0.4

This library detects the CI environment based on environment variables defined
by CI servers.

commit hash: b547e8a3b23d560d3c3d4bb974dcd9ab3dd5ce84 commit hash: b547e8a3b23d560d3c3d4bb974dcd9ab3dd5ce84 commit hash: b547e8a3b23d560d3c3d4bb974dcd9ab3dd5ce84 commit hash: b547e8a3b23d560d3c3d4bb974dcd9ab3dd5ce84 b547e8a
04:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-timeout-decorator: Add py-timeout-decorator 0.5.0

timeout-decorator provides a timeout decorator to limit the execution time of
the given function.

commit hash: 11b9f41c2924ea198668acb34a614ff4a171bf56 commit hash: 11b9f41c2924ea198668acb34a614ff4a171bf56 commit hash: 11b9f41c2924ea198668acb34a614ff4a171bf56 commit hash: 11b9f41c2924ea198668acb34a614ff4a171bf56 11b9f41
04:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-questionary: Add py-questionary 1.10.0

Questionary is a Python library for effortlessly building pretty command line

commit hash: d4ad0e981803499594af3d1ae68fdd8150f43769 commit hash: d4ad0e981803499594af3d1ae68fdd8150f43769 commit hash: d4ad0e981803499594af3d1ae68fdd8150f43769 commit hash: d4ad0e981803499594af3d1ae68fdd8150f43769 d4ad0e9
04:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-poetry-dynamic-versioning: Add py-poetry-dynamic-versioning 0.17.1

This is a plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on tags in your
version control system, powered by Dunamai. Many different version control
systems are supported, including Git and Mercurial; please refer to the Dunamai
page for the full list (and minimum supported version where applicable).

commit hash: 09b063db917cb44c8ecee9930532679d4017f914 commit hash: 09b063db917cb44c8ecee9930532679d4017f914 commit hash: 09b063db917cb44c8ecee9930532679d4017f914 commit hash: 09b063db917cb44c8ecee9930532679d4017f914 09b063d
04:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-jinja2-ansible-filters: Add py-jinja2-ansible-filters 1.3.1

Jinja2 Ansible Filters is a port of the ansible filters provided by Ansible's
templating engine.

This repository is not inteded to supplant ansible functionality however there
are a lot of filters ansible provides that are not present in upstream Jinja2 so
you may find these helpful.

commit hash: 4c9166afc4e3c9aa6abd6e53a6decf7e792bf25b commit hash: 4c9166afc4e3c9aa6abd6e53a6decf7e792bf25b commit hash: 4c9166afc4e3c9aa6abd6e53a6decf7e792bf25b commit hash: 4c9166afc4e3c9aa6abd6e53a6decf7e792bf25b 4c9166a

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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