non port: devel/Makefile |
Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page) |
Monday, 8 Jan 2007
23:01 miwi
RSpec is a framework for practicing Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) in Ruby.
The aim of BDD is to address the shortcomings of Test Driven Development and,
by using terminology focused on the behavioural aspects of the system rather
than testing, attempt to help direct developers towards a focus on the real
value to be found in TDD at its most successful, or BDD as we call it.
PR: ports/107625
Submitted by: Roman Shterenzon <romanbsd at>
23:00 miwi
Wirble is a set of enhancements to Irb all included together in one easy-to-use
package. Specifically, Wirble adds a saved history, a couple of useful
shortcuts, and color to Irb. Wirble also enables a Irb's built-in
tab-completion and a simpler prompt.
Author: Paul Duncan <>
PR: ports/107679
Submitted by: Christopher Boumenot <boumenot at>
Sunday, 7 Jan 2007
14:38 clsung
This is a library for converting Unicode strings to numbers.
Standard functions like strtoul and strtod do this for numbers
written in the usual Western number system using the Indo-Arabic
numerals, but they do not handle other number systems.
The main functions take as input a UTF-32 Unicode string and
compute the corresponding unsigned integer.
10:19 nivit
- Added new port
Approved by: alexbl (mentor)
10:13 nivit
Approved by: alexbl (mentor)
08:38 clsung
Add p5-Data-RoundRobin 0.03, serve data in a round robin manner.
PR: ports/107570
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
08:03 ijliao
add rubygem-rapt 0.2.1
Rails Plugin Tool
03:51 ijliao
add rubygem-builder 2.0.0
Facilitate programatic generation of XML markup
Friday, 5 Jan 2007
23:24 miwi
RLog provides a flexible message logging facility for C++ programs
and libraries. It is subscription based, meaning you can subscribe
to messages of your choice in an number of ways: by hierarchical
channel name (e.g. "debug", "debug/ special", "error", etc.), or
filename, component name, etc. Log messages are individually enabled.
It is meant to be fast enough to leave in production code - even
where it may be called many times, as both the GCC and Intel compilers
reduce the logging overhead a few clock cycles if they are dormant
(with no subscribers). Other add-on components can extend subscriptions
to external programs, allowing you to enable and collect debugging
messages remotely.
PR: ports/107596
Submitted by: trasz <trasz at>
22:35 miwi
Argparse takes the best of the optparse command-line parsing module and brings
it new life. Argparse adds positional as well as optional arguments, the
ability to create parsers for sub-commands, more informative help and usage
messages, and much more. At the same time, it retains the ease and flexibility
of use that made optparse so popular.
PR: ports/107556
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
21:21 miwi
Perl interface to strptime(3).
PR: ports/107503
Submitted by: Douglas Thrift <douglas at>
20:06 miwi
2006-12-27 devel/libformat: distfile and homepage disappeared
2006-12-01 editors/ooodict-all: Size mismatch
2006-12-01 mail/distribute: Does not install
2006-12-01 net-im/gaim-rss-reader: Requires update to work with Gaim 0.82.1
2006-12-31 sysutils/slay: Author doesn't see it as needed anymore
19:35 miwi
By using the class Instant a Python extension module can be created at runtime.
For the user, it behaves somewhat like an inline module, except you have to
import the module manually.
The code can be either C or C++, but like when programming C or C++, it has to
be inside a function or a similar C/C++ construct.
PR: ports/107517
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
18:13 miwi
2007-01-01 devel/kasm: Buggy and unmaintained, use devel/hptools instead
2007-01-04 devel/py-getargs: distfile and homepage disappeared
2007-01-04 devel/pyumlgraph: distfile and homepage disappeared
2007-01-04 editors/beaver: distfile disappeared from homepage
2007-01-04 editors/dte: distfile and homepage disappeared
08:44 miwi
FLORIST is an implementation of the IEEE Standards 1003.5: 1992, IEEE
STD 1003.5b: 1996, and parts of IEEE STD 1003.5c: 1998, also known as
the POSIX Ada Bindings.
PR: ports/107411
Submitted by: John Merryweather Cooper
Thursday, 4 Jan 2007
17:58 erwin
Add entry for devel/py-protocols-devel to unbreak INDEX.
14:15 nivit
Rule-based Dispatching and Generic Functions
Author: Phillip J. Eby <>
PR: ports/106767
Submitted by: Dryice Liu <dryice at>
Approved by: alexbl (mentor)
09:17 vanilla
Add mq4cpp, it's Message queue for c++.
Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007
18:20 alepulver
While Eiffel is widely regarded as the best language for creating fast,
robust, scalable applications, EiffelStudioTM is the only tool for realizing
the full power of the Eiffel Development FrameworkTM. It is available under a
Dual Licensing model. Users can use either commercial or Open Source
EiffelStudio is more than just an IDE.
Imagine being able to model your system as you think - capturing your
requirements and your thought processes in Eiffel. Then, when you are ready to
Design, you build upon the model you just created, still in Eiffel. And then
you implement, in Eiffel. You never need to throw anything out and start over.
You don't need extra tools to be able to go back and make changes in
architecture safely. Roundtrip engineering? It's built in by design. Testing,
metrics and productivity tools? They're built in.
And debugging? Eiffel's native Design by ContractTM prevents 90% of the bugs
from ever occurring in the first place - and what bugs remain are easily
traced and repaired, typically within ten minutes.
03:18 ijliao
add p5-VCS-Lite 0.08
Minimal version control system
Monday, 1 Jan 2007
18:59 aaron
Adding port devel/p5-Lexical-Persistence, Persistent lexical variable values for
arbitrary calls.
16:09 aaron
Adding port devel/p5-Tie-Hash-Regex, allows regex matching on hash keys.
14:44 rafan
- Remove devel/pear-Console_Getopt (again). This is obsolated by devel/pear.
- Update removal date in MOVED
Requested by: ale@
Approved by: chinsan (maintainer)
00:01 miwi
pyNotifier is a notifier/event scheduler abstraction written in python.
It implements notification mechanisms for socket events (read or write)
and timers. Additionally external event dispatchers may be called during
an idle period.
PR: ports/107377
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
Sunday, 31 Dec 2006
15:30 miwi
Urlimport enables the user to import modules/packages over the network, from a
remote repository. Currently supported protocols are http, ftp and https
(+client certificates).
PR: ports/107374
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
Saturday, 30 Dec 2006
22:19 miwi
Config::Properties is a near implementation of the java.util.Properties API.
It is designed to allow easy reading, writing and manipulation of Java-style
property files.
PR: ports/107289
Submitted by: Craig Manley <>
22:09 miwi
This module provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other forms of
resource management at the end of a scope. It is particularly useful when
dealing with exceptions: the Scope::Guard constructor takes a reference to a
subroutine that is guaranteed to be called even if the thread of execution is
aborted prematurely. This effectively allows lexically-scoped "promises" to be
made that are automatically honoured by perl's garbage collector.
For more info, see:
PR: ports/107321
Submitted by: Craig Manley <>
11:31 clsung
CommitBit is a tool for managing commit access to software
projects. It also provides for a ""
site with links to your wiki, mailing lists, bug tracking
and so on.
Friday, 29 Dec 2006
10:18 rafan
Add p5-RunApp 0.13, a generic module to run web-applications.
07:26 rafan
Add p5-App-Control 1.02, an apachectl style control of another script
or executable
Tuesday, 26 Dec 2006
20:49 miwi
The HTML_Common2 package provides methods for HTML code display and
attributes handling.
* Provides methods to set, remove, merge HTML attributes.
* Handles global document options (charset, linebreak and more).
* Provides methods to handle indentation and HTML comments.
20:47 miwi
Console_Color::convert to transform colorcodes like %r into ANSI
control codes. print Console_Color::convert("%rHello World!%n"); would print
"Hello World" in red, for example.
Submitted by: Martin Wilke <miwi at>
07:59 clsung
Add p5-Tie-Array-Pack 0.02, array implemented as a packed string.
PR: ports/107062
Submitted by: TAKAHASHI Kaoru <kaoru at>
02:41 clsung
- Inline-C2XS is deprecated. Author rename to InlineX-C2XS
- see
PR: ports/107127
Submitted by: clsung
Sunday, 24 Dec 2006
12:40 rafan
Add p5-Event-ExecFlow 0.62, API for complex flow controls with
asynchronous execution of external programs.
PR: ports/107082
Submitted by: chinsan
Saturday, 23 Dec 2006
10:28 dinoex
EtoileFoundation framework
10:26 dinoex
CollectionKit provides a common storage facility for records with properties,
such as contact information, playlist, bookmark, etc.
These records have defined structure (property-value relationship)
which can be handled better than general property list.
But values of these properties are too flexible to be stored in database,
for example, a contact information may have multipe home phone numbers.
Records can be grouped and groups can have groups inside.
AddressBook framework from Apple provides a good machenism of handling
these kind of records and Addresses for GNUstep implements the same interface.
CollectionKit aims to provide a general storage facility based on
Addresses for GNUstep so that other applications and frameworks
can easily handle their information in the same manner.
CollectionKit provide very little pre-defined properties.
Therefore, a framework on top of CollectionKit is needed
if the information is intended to be shared by many applications.
05:39 clsung
- JavaSVN has been renamed to SVNKit
PR: ports/106476
Submitted by: Gerrit Beine <gerrit dot beine_AT_gmx dot de>
05:28 clsung
- JavaSVN has been renamed to SVNKit.
PR: ports/106475
Submitted by: Gerrit Beine<gerrit dot beine_AT_gmx dot de>
Friday, 22 Dec 2006
22:26 rafan
Add p5-POE-Component-Pluggable 0.04, a base class for creating plugin
enabled POE Components.
PR: ports/107092
Submitted by: chinsan
12:49 dinoex
- connect oniguruma4 after repocopy
Wednesday, 20 Dec 2006
13:51 vd
Remove expired leaf port:
2006-12-01 devel/stlport-icc: does not work with stlport 4.6.2
06:26 ijliao
add p5-Sort-Maker 0.05
A simple way to make efficient sort subs
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2006
07:28 leeym
- add google-gflags-0.1
Commandline flags module for C++
The gflags package contains a library that implements commandline flags
processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased
flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the
ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used.
Sunday, 17 Dec 2006
09:53 alexbl
- add event-loop 0.3
event-loop is a simple signal system and an event loop that uses
said simple signal system.
Thursday, 14 Dec 2006
11:38 miwi
nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process for
unittest, one that is intended to mimic the behavior of py.test as
much as is reasonably possible without resorting to magic. By default,
nose will run tests in files or directories under the current working
directory whose names include "test". nose also supports doctest tests
and may optionally provide a test coverage report.
Author: Jason Pellerin <>
PR: ports/106704
Submitted by: Dryice Liu <dryice at>
07:46 vd
Remove expired leaf port:
2006-12-01 devel/ruby-pcsc-lite: Does not compile with new pcsc-lite. Port is
broken since 2005/04/20.
Tuesday, 12 Dec 2006
19:38 mezz
A python bindings for libnotify.
09:38 ale
CHARVA is a Java framework for presenting a "graphical" user interface,
composed of elements such as windows, dialogs, menus, textfields and
buttons, on a traditional character-cell ASCII terminal.
It has an API based on that of "Swing" (a.k.a. the Java Foundation Classes).
Monday, 11 Dec 2006
03:10 clsung
Add p5-Sub-WrapPackages 1.2, add pre- and post-execution wrappers.
PR: ports/103393
Submitted by: George Hartzell <hartzell at>
Saturday, 9 Dec 2006
15:48 miwi
This module implements asynchronous I/O using whatever means your
operating system supports.
Asynchronous means that operations that can normally block your
program (e.g. reading from disk) will be done asynchronously: the
operation will still block, but you can do something else in the
meantime. This is extremely useful for programs that need to stay
interactive even when doing heavy I/O (GUI programs, high performance
network servers etc.), but can also be used to easily do operations in
parallel that are normally done sequentially, e.g. stat'ing many files,
which is much faster on a RAID volume or over NFS when you do a number
of stat operations concurrently.
While most of this works on all types of file descriptors (for example
sockets), using these functions on file descriptors that support
nonblocking operation (again, sockets, pipes etc.) is very inefficient
or might not work (aio_read fails on sockets/pipes/fifos). Use an
event loop for that (such as the Event module): IO::AIO will naturally
fit into such an event loop itself.
Notes: For index unbreak.
PR: ports/106526
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
15:46 miwi
AnyEvent provides an identical interface to multiple event loops.
This allows module authors to utilise an event loop without forcing
module users to use the same event loop (as only a single event loop
can coexist peacefully at any one time).
The interface itself is vaguely similar but not identical to the Event
On the first call of any method, the module tries to detect the
currently loaded event loop by probing wether any of the following
modules is loaded: Coro::Event, Event, Glib, Tk. The first one found
is used. If none is found, the module tries to load these modules in
the order given. The first one that could be successfully loaded will
be used. If still none could be found, AnyEvent will fall back to a
pure-perl event loop, which is also not very efficient.
Noted: For index unbreak :(
PR: ports/106527
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
12:48 miwi
IPC::Signal - Utility functions dealing with signals
This module contains utility functions for dealing with signals.
PR: ports/103882
Submitted by: Rouslan Iskhakov <rouslan at>
Thursday, 7 Dec 2006
10:57 ade
Say hello to automake 1.10 after repocopy
10:52 ade
Put autoconf-2.61 into its correct location after repocopy
06:50 rafan
Add PAR-Packer 0.970, a part of the PAR Toolkit that can generate
stand-alone executables and ".par" archives.
Wednesday, 6 Dec 2006
14:37 clsung
- update to 1.02
- change category from devel/ to net/
PR: ports/104210
Submitted by: maintainer (Roman Streltsov)
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2006
22:51 philip
Add devel/lua-pty to work with Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 and turn devel/lua50-pty
into a slave port of it.
PR: ports/106347
Submitted by: Andrew Turner <> (maintainer)
Repocopy by: marcus
20:03 miwi
ANTLRWorks is a simple but efficient IDE for ANTLR 3 grammars.
It allows users to edit, visualize, interpret and debug
any ANTLR 3 grammar through an easy-to-use GUI.
PR: ports/106388
Submitted by: Matthias Sund <m.sund at>
03:23 laszlof
New port: devel/rubygem-hoe
Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It
generates all the usual tasks for projects including rdoc generation,
testing, packaging, and deployment.
PR: ports/106313
Submitted by: Jonathan Weiss<>
Monday, 4 Dec 2006
13:10 vd
Remove expired ports:
2006-12-01 audio/xmms-rateplug: Project disappeared from the internet
2006-12-01 chinese/iiimf-le-chewing: fails to install (dependency problem)
2006-12-01 deskutils/mhc-xemacs21-mule: hangs during build
2006-12-01 devel/alleyoop: Does not compile
2006-12-01 devel/hs-crypto: is incompatible with current GHC, needs updating
2006-12-01 editors/gedit-autocomplete-plugin: Not compatible with gedit versions
>= 2.14
2006-12-01 emulators/basiliskII: Does not compile
2006-12-01 emulators/vmware-tools2: Unfetchable
2006-12-01 emulators/vmware2: Unfetchable
2006-12-03 finance/ccard: Project disappeared from the internet
01:03 ade
Say hello to autoconf-2.6.1 after repository copy from autoconf259
00:09 pav
A simplistic script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations
PR: ports/106280
Submitted by: Jonathan Weiss <>
Sunday, 3 Dec 2006
14:32 pav
- Re-add, update to 3.5.0
- Guarantee permissions safety
- Make the port PREFIX-clean
PR: ports/102664
Submitted by: stas
Approved by: maintainer timeout (seanc; 3 months)
13:30 pav
- Update to 3.5.0
- Switch to rubygem distribution
PR: ports/102856
Submitted by: Ying-Chieh Liao <>
Approved by: maintainer timeout (seanc; 3 months)
Repocopy by: marcus
Friday, 1 Dec 2006
20:31 dinoex
ObjectiveLib provides two primary services: containers and algorithms.
An important part of the library that keeps everything moving is
iterators. ObjectiveLib is designed to offer the same functionality
to Objective-C programmers that the Standard Template Library offers
to C++ programmers. Therefore, anyone familiar with the STL will have
no trouble using and understanding the machinery of ObjectiveLib.
Thursday, 30 Nov 2006
21:51 philip
Add Lua 5.1 ports to so they can be used in LUA_COMPS. Revert
miwi's stopgap to devel/Makefile. This should make everything happy again.
Submitted by: droso, Andrew Turner <>
Pointy hat to: philip
20:33 miwi
Fix index for 4.X
Submitted by: droso, pav
Pointyhat to: philip
17:14 dinoex
Encore is a set of utility classes written in Objective-C for GNUstep and
Mac OS X. The motivation of writting these classes was driven by
implementing the projects BDB and FT. The classes may be useful for other
projects as well.
The classes include
- logging: A flexible logging mechanism similiar to log4j. Supports
logging levels, logging contexts, different output channels per context,
configuration per xml, ...
- XML-based reflection: a configuration mechanism which is based on XML and
uses inversion of control (see tests for an example)
- a simple testing framework
- StringUtils class
- an iterator interface
10:53 philip
Hook up devel/lua-filename.
Wednesday, 29 Nov 2006
23:25 wes
The C++ Portable Components consists of four libraries providing a
platform abstraction layer for system interfaces, an XML parser
with SAX2 and DOM interfaces and an XML writer, classes for working
with configuration files and command line arguments, and a number
of network protocols.
14:49 stas
- Add port for devel/fga
FGA is a simple yet powerful implementation of a general genetic algorithm, and
provides many types of crossover and selection procedures.
It is suitable to solve mathematical problems such as combinatorical
optimization ones, as well as to build artificial life simulations.
Sunday, 26 Nov 2006
03:11 vanilla
Disconnect devel/sge, connect devel/sdl_sge.
Thursday, 23 Nov 2006
16:44 shaun
Add a port of the modern make from FreeBSD 5.x and above.
Tuesday, 21 Nov 2006
09:43 vd
Remove expired leaf port:
2006-11-16 devel/p5-IO-Stty: project no longer exists
Monday, 20 Nov 2006
07:42 alexbl
- add py-magic 4.18:
Python bindings for libmagic used to get a description of a
file type, or a mime type for that file.
Sunday, 19 Nov 2006
13:34 dinoex
This is a port of the UnitKit test framework on GNUstep.
This framework is released under Apache License 2.0
Saturday, 18 Nov 2006
23:50 miwi
ConfigObj is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an ini file
round tripper. Its main feature is that it is very easy to use, with a
straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax for config file
PR: ports/104597
Submitted by: Choe, Cheng-Dae
19:25 miwi
This module provides a convenient interface to timing functions
through tied scalars.
PR: ports/105643
Submitted by: Sulev-Madis Silber <madis555 at>
Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006
16:53 laszlof
- py-lucene has been repomove'd from devel -> textproc.
- Add entry to MOVED.
- Fix a few small dependencies issues.
- Pet portlint.
- Fix plist.
PR: ports/105502
Submitted By: Cheng-Lung Sung <>
Reviewed By: self
Approved By: flz (mentor)
14:18 miwi
Durus is a persistent object system for applications written in
the Python programming language.
Durus offers an easy way to use and maintain a consistent collection
of object instances used by one or more processes. Access and change
of a persistent instances is managed through a cached Connection
instance which includes commit() and abort() methods so that changes
are transactional. Durus is best suited to collections of less than a
million instances with relatively stable state.
PR: ports/105470
Submitted by: Dryice Liu <dryice at>
Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006
10:25 miwi
Add pear-Validate_Finance_CreditCard 0.5.2, PEAR CreditCard Validation
PR: ports/105304
Submitted by: Anish Mistry (amistry at
10:22 miwi
Package to validate various data. It includes:
PR: ports/105303
Submitted by: Anish Mistry (<amistry at>)
10:16 miwi
A modified version of Aflex/Ayacc for Ada95 parent/child feature support. A new
directive "%unit A.B.C" is added, enabling the Ada unit A.B.C to be the parent
of the generated lexer/parser.
Aflex/Ayacc are copyrighted by the The University of California.
PR: ports/105356
Submitted by: John Merryweather Cooper <>
Sunday, 12 Nov 2006
06:43 rafan
- devel/ply is renamed to devel/py-ply to consistency with other Python ports
Thursday, 9 Nov 2006
13:56 laszlof
New Port: devel/cbind
This tool is designed to aid in the creation of Ada bindings to C.
PR: ports/105182
Submitted By: "John Merryweather Cooper" <>
Approved By: flz (mentor)
08:55 vd
Remove expired ports:
2006-11-05 deskutils/offix-trash: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-04 devel/mingw: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-binutils: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-bin-msvcrt: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-gcc: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-opengl-headers: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-05 editors/offix-editor: developement ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 print/offix-printer: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 sysutils/wmmon: no longer available from mastersite
2006-11-04 sysutils/xsysinfo: no longer available from mastersite
2006-11-04 textproc/xmlada: no longer available from mastersite; 2.0 is
2006-11-05 www/p5-CGI-Application-ValidateRM: no longer available from
2006-11-05 x11/offix-clipboard: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11/offix-execute: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11-fm/offix-files: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11-wm/icepref: is for IceWM version 1.04 (6 years old)
Wednesday, 8 Nov 2006
23:12 miwi
A tool to indent the C preprocessor directives to reflect their
nesting and ensure that there is exactly one space character between
each #if, #elif, #define directive and the following token.
PR: ports/105184
Submitted by: trasz <>
Tuesday, 7 Nov 2006
17:48 miwi
bcompiler enables you to encode your scripts in phpbytecode,
enabling you to protect the source code.
bcompiler could be used in the following situations
- to create a exe file of a PHP-GTK application (in conjunction with other
- to create closed source libraries
- to provide clients with time expired software (prior to payment)
- to deliver close source applications
- for use on embedded systems, where disk space is a priority.
PR: ports/104760
Submitted by: chinsan@
03:01 clsung
Add p5-forks 0.20, drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork().
PR: ports/104325
Submitted by: Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung at>
Monday, 6 Nov 2006
14:30 clsung
Add p5-reaper 0.03, perl module for reaping child processes via
PR: ports/104321
Submitted by: Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung at>
Sunday, 5 Nov 2006
22:45 miwi
Testoob is an advanced unit testing framework for Python. It integrates
effortlessly with existing PyUnit (module 'unittest') test suites.
PR: ports/104912
Submitted by: Tobias Roth <>
Sponsored by: FreeBSD Bug-a-thon #2
22:12 miwi
This module provides a formatter which turns byte counts to usual
readable format.
PR: ports/104574
Submitted by: Sulev-Madis Silber <>
Sponsored by: FreeBSD Bug-a-thon #2
12:21 dinoex
ObjcUnit frammework
patched to build on GNUstep.
Saturday, 4 Nov 2006
07:04 marcus
Add libvolume_id, a port of the Linux libvolume_id from the udev project.
Libvolume_id is an API for obtaining many file system related attributes
(such as type, label, uuid, etc.) given an open file handle to a block
special device. HAL is the primary FreeBSD consumer of this port
Bits needed for this port to work on FreeBSD were provided by jylefort.
00:03 edwin
Welcome devel/py-lucence
PyLucene is a GCJ-compiled version of Java Lucene integrated
with Python. Its goal is to allow you to use Lucene's text
indexing and searching capabilities from Python. It is
designed to be API compatible with the latest version of
Java Lucene.
Kuddos to drnez@#bsdports for making this for me!
Thursday, 2 Nov 2006
20:32 skv
Add p5-ExtUtils-Command 1.12, utilities to replace common UNIX commands.
06:22 clsung
Add p5-Class-Measure 0.02, create, compare, and convert units of
PR: ports/104694
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
00:38 philip
Add devel/lua-posix to work with Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 and turn devel/lua-posix
into a slave port of it.
PR: ports/104990
Submitted by: Andrew Turner <> (maintainer)
Repocopy by: marcus
Wednesday, 1 Nov 2006
21:07 philip
Add devel/lua-gettext to work with Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 and turn
devel/lua50-gettext into a slave port of it.
PR: ports/104988
Submitted by: Andrew Turner <> (maintainer)
Repocopy by: marcus
Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page) |