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Port details
indi Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol
2.1.1 devel on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.1.1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2021-05-19 23:27:18
Last Update: 2024-12-29 09:00:40
Commit Hash: fb3d115
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py39-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
License: LGPL21
INDI is a standard for astronomical instrumentation control. INDI Library is an Open Source POSIX implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (319 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/indi-2.1.1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/indi-2.1.1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/indi-2.1.1/LGPL21
  5. bin/indi_Excalibur
  6. bin/indi_aaf2_focus
  7. bin/indi_activefocuser_focus
  8. bin/indi_alluna_tcs2
  9. bin/indi_alto
  10. bin/indi_arduinost4
  11. bin/indi_astrolink4
  12. bin/indi_astrolink4mini2
  13. bin/indi_astromech_lpm
  14. bin/indi_astromechfoc
  15. bin/indi_astrometry
  16. bin/indi_astrotrac_telescope
  17. bin/indi_baader_dome
  18. bin/indi_celestron_gps
  19. bin/indi_celestron_sct_focus
  20. bin/indi_cheapodc
  21. bin/indi_crux_mount
  22. bin/indi_ddw_dome
  23. bin/indi_deepskydad_af1_focus
  24. bin/indi_deepskydad_af2_focus
  25. bin/indi_deepskydad_af3_focus
  26. bin/indi_deepskydad_fp
  27. bin/indi_deepskydad_fr1
  28. bin/indi_dmfc_focus
  29. bin/indi_domepro2_dome
  30. bin/indi_dragon_light
  31. bin/indi_dragonlair_dome
  32. bin/indi_dreamfocuser_focus
  33. bin/indi_dsc_telescope
  34. bin/indi_efa_focus
  35. bin/indi_eq500x_telescope
  36. bin/indi_esatto_focus
  37. bin/indi_esattoarco_focus
  38. bin/indi_eval
  39. bin/indi_falcon_rotator
  40. bin/indi_falconv2_rotator
  41. bin/indi_fcusb_focus
  42. bin/indi_flipflat
  43. bin/indi_gemini_focus
  44. bin/indi_getprop
  45. bin/indi_giotto
  46. bin/indi_gpusb
  47. bin/indi_hid_test
  48. bin/indi_hitecastrodc_focus
  49. bin/indi_ieaf_focus
  50. bin/indi_ieq_telescope
  51. bin/indi_ieqlegacy_telescope
  52. bin/indi_imager_agent
  53. bin/indi_integra_focus
  54. bin/indi_ioptronHC8406
  55. bin/indi_ioptron_wheel
  56. bin/indi_ioptronv3_telescope
  57. bin/indi_lacerta_mfoc_fmc_focus
  58. bin/indi_lacerta_mfoc_focus
  59. bin/indi_lakeside_focus
  60. bin/indi_lx200_10micron
  61. bin/indi_lx200_16
  62. bin/indi_lx200_OnStep
  63. bin/indi_lx200_OpenAstroTech
  64. bin/indi_lx200_TeenAstro
  65. bin/indi_lx200_pegasus_nyx101
  66. bin/indi_lx200am5
  67. bin/indi_lx200ap_v2
  68. bin/indi_lx200autostar
  69. bin/indi_lx200basic
  70. bin/indi_lx200classic
  71. bin/indi_lx200fs2
  72. bin/indi_lx200gemini
  73. bin/indi_lx200generic
  74. bin/indi_lx200gotonova
  75. bin/indi_lx200gps
  76. bin/indi_lx200pulsar2
  77. bin/indi_lx200ss2000pc
  78. bin/indi_lx200zeq25
  79. bin/indi_lynx_focus
  80. bin/indi_manual_wheel
  81. bin/indi_mbox_weather
  82. bin/indi_meta_weather
  83. bin/indi_microtouch_focus
  84. bin/indi_moonlite_focus
  85. bin/indi_moonlitedro_focus
  86. bin/indi_myDewControllerPro
  87. bin/indi_mydcp4esp32
  88. bin/indi_myfocuserpro2_focus
  89. bin/indi_nexdome_beaver
  90. bin/indi_nfocus
  91. bin/indi_nframe_rotator
  92. bin/indi_nightcrawler_focus
  93. bin/indi_nstep_focus
  94. bin/indi_onfocus_focus
  95. bin/indi_openweathermap_weather
  96. bin/indi_optec_wheel
  97. bin/indi_paramount_telescope
  98. bin/indi_pegasus_flatmaster
  99. bin/indi_pegasus_focuscube
  100. bin/indi_pegasus_focuscube3
  101. bin/indi_pegasus_ppb
  102. bin/indi_pegasus_ppba
  103. bin/indi_pegasus_prodigyMF
  104. bin/indi_pegasus_scopsoag
  105. bin/indi_pegasus_spb
  106. bin/indi_pegasus_uch
  107. bin/indi_pegasus_upb
  108. bin/indi_pegasusindigo_wheel
  109. bin/indi_perfectstar_focus
  110. bin/indi_planewave_deltat
  111. bin/indi_planewave_telescope
  112. bin/indi_pmc8_telescope
  113. bin/indi_pyxis_rotator
  114. bin/indi_qhycfw1_wheel
  115. bin/indi_qhycfw2_wheel
  116. bin/indi_qhycfw3_wheel
  117. bin/indi_quantum_wheel
  118. bin/indi_rainbow_telescope
  119. bin/indi_rainbowrsf_focus
  120. bin/indi_rbfocus_focus
  121. bin/indi_rigel_dome
  122. bin/indi_robo_focus
  123. bin/indi_rolloff_dome
  124. bin/indi_scopedome_dome
  125. bin/indi_script_dome
  126. bin/indi_script_telescope
  127. bin/indi_sestosenso2_focus
  128. bin/indi_sestosenso_focus
  129. bin/indi_setprop
  130. bin/indi_siefs_focus
  131. bin/indi_simulator_ccd
  132. bin/indi_simulator_dome
  133. bin/indi_simulator_focus
  134. bin/indi_simulator_gps
  135. bin/indi_simulator_guide
  136. bin/indi_simulator_lightpanel
  137. bin/indi_simulator_receiver
  138. bin/indi_simulator_rotator
  139. bin/indi_simulator_sqm
  140. bin/indi_simulator_telescope
  141. bin/indi_simulator_weather
  142. bin/indi_simulator_wheel
  143. bin/indi_skycommander_telescope
  144. bin/indi_skysafari
  145. bin/indi_skywatcherAltAzMount
  146. bin/indi_smartfocus_focus
  147. bin/indi_snapcap
  148. bin/indi_spectracyber
  149. bin/indi_sqm_weather
  150. bin/indi_star2000
  151. bin/indi_steeldrive2_focus
  152. bin/indi_steeldrive_focus
  153. bin/indi_synscan_telescope
  154. bin/indi_synscanlegacy_telescope
  155. bin/indi_tcfs3_focus
  156. bin/indi_tcfs_focus
  157. bin/indi_teenastro_focus
  158. bin/indi_temma_telescope
  159. bin/indi_terrans_powerboxgo_v2
  160. bin/indi_terrans_powerboxpro_v2
  161. bin/indi_trutech_wheel
  162. bin/indi_universalror_dome
  163. bin/indi_uranus_weather
  164. bin/indi_usbdewpoint
  165. bin/indi_usbfocusv3_focus
  166. bin/indi_v4l2_ccd
  167. bin/indi_vantage_weather
  168. bin/indi_wanderer_cover
  169. bin/indi_wanderer_lite_rotator
  170. bin/indi_wanderer_rotator_lite_v2
  171. bin/indi_wanderer_rotator_mini
  172. bin/indi_wandererbox_plus_v3
  173. bin/indi_wandererbox_pro_v3
  174. bin/indi_wanderercover_v4_ec
  175. bin/indi_watchdog
  176. bin/indi_watcher_weather
  177. bin/indi_wavesharemodbus_relay
  178. bin/indi_weather_safety_proxy
  179. bin/indi_xagyl_wheel
  180. bin/indiserver
  181. bin/shelyak_usis
  182. include/libindi/abstractbaseclient.h
  183. include/libindi/alignment/AlignmentSubsystemForDrivers.h
  184. include/libindi/alignment/AlignmentSubsystemForMathPlugins.h
  185. include/libindi/alignment/BasicMathPlugin.h
  186. include/libindi/alignment/BuiltInMathPlugin.h
  187. include/libindi/alignment/ClientAPIForAlignmentDatabase.h
  188. include/libindi/alignment/ClientAPIForMathPluginManagement.h
  189. include/libindi/alignment/Common.h
  190. include/libindi/alignment/ConvexHull.h
  191. include/libindi/alignment/DriverCommon.h
  192. include/libindi/alignment/InMemoryDatabase.h
  193. include/libindi/alignment/MapPropertiesToInMemoryDatabase.h
  194. include/libindi/alignment/MathPlugin.h
  195. include/libindi/alignment/MathPluginManagement.h
  196. include/libindi/alignment/NearestMathPlugin.h
  197. include/libindi/alignment/SVDMathPlugin.h
  198. include/libindi/alignment/TelescopeDirectionVectorSupportFunctions.h
  199. include/libindi/base64.h
  200. include/libindi/baseclient.h
  201. include/libindi/basedevice.h
  202. include/libindi/connectionplugins/connectioninterface.h
  203. include/libindi/connectionplugins/connectionserial.h
  204. include/libindi/connectionplugins/connectiontcp.h
  205. include/libindi/defaultdevice.h
  206. include/libindi/dsp.h
  207. include/libindi/dsp/convolution.h
  208. include/libindi/dsp/dspinterface.h
  209. include/libindi/dsp/manager.h
  210. include/libindi/dsp/transforms.h
  211. include/libindi/eventloop.h
  212. include/libindi/fits.h
  213. include/libindi/fits_extensions.h
  214. include/libindi/fitsidi.h
  215. include/libindi/fitskeyword.h
  216. include/libindi/hidapi.h
  217. include/libindi/httplib.h
  218. include/libindi/indiapi.h
  219. include/libindi/indibase.h
  220. include/libindi/indibasetypes.h
  221. include/libindi/indiccd.h
  222. include/libindi/indiccdchip.h
  223. include/libindi/indicom.h
  224. include/libindi/indicontroller.h
  225. include/libindi/indicorrelator.h
  226. include/libindi/indidetector.h
  227. include/libindi/indidevapi.h
  228. include/libindi/indidome.h
  229. include/libindi/indidriver.h
  230. include/libindi/indidustcapinterface.h
  231. include/libindi/indielapsedtimer.h
  232. include/libindi/indifilterinterface.h
  233. include/libindi/indifilterwheel.h
  234. include/libindi/indifocuser.h
  235. include/libindi/indifocuserinterface.h
  236. include/libindi/indigps.h
  237. include/libindi/indigpsinterface.h
  238. include/libindi/indiguiderinterface.h
  239. include/libindi/indiinputinterface.h
  240. include/libindi/indijson.hpp
  241. include/libindi/indilightboxinterface.h
  242. include/libindi/indilogger.h
  243. include/libindi/indimacros.h
  244. include/libindi/indioutputinterface.h
  245. include/libindi/indiproperties.h
  246. include/libindi/indiproperty.h
  247. include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h
  248. include/libindi/indipropertyblob.h
  249. include/libindi/indipropertylight.h
  250. include/libindi/indipropertynumber.h
  251. include/libindi/indipropertyswitch.h
  252. include/libindi/indipropertytext.h
  253. include/libindi/indipropertyview.h
  254. include/libindi/indireceiver.h
  255. include/libindi/indirotator.h
  256. include/libindi/indirotatorinterface.h
  257. include/libindi/indisensorinterface.h
  258. include/libindi/indisinglethreadpool.h
  259. include/libindi/indispectrograph.h
  260. include/libindi/indistandardproperty.h
  261. include/libindi/inditelescope.h
  262. include/libindi/inditimer.h
  263. include/libindi/indiusbdevice.h
  264. include/libindi/indiutility.h
  265. include/libindi/indiversion.h
  266. include/libindi/indiweather.h
  267. include/libindi/indiweatherinterface.h
  268. include/libindi/indiwidgettraits.h
  269. include/libindi/indiwidgetview.h
  270. include/libindi/inicpp.h
  271. include/libindi/libastro.h
  272. include/libindi/lilxml.h
  273. include/libindi/mounts/lx200driver.h
  274. include/libindi/mounts/lx200telescope.h
  275. include/libindi/parentdevice.h
  276. include/libindi/pid.h
  277. include/libindi/sdfits.h
  278. include/libindi/sharedblob.h
  279. include/libindi/stream/ccvt.h
  280. include/libindi/stream/ccvt_types.h
  281. include/libindi/stream/encoder/encoderinterface.h
  282. include/libindi/stream/encoder/encodermanager.h
  283. include/libindi/stream/encoder/mjpegencoder.h
  284. include/libindi/stream/encoder/rawencoder.h
  285. include/libindi/stream/fpsmeter.h
  286. include/libindi/stream/gammalut16.h
  287. include/libindi/stream/jpegutils.h
  288. include/libindi/stream/recorder/recorderinterface.h
  289. include/libindi/stream/recorder/recordermanager.h
  290. include/libindi/stream/recorder/serrecorder.h
  291. include/libindi/stream/streammanager.h
  292. include/libindi/stream/uniquequeue.h
  293. include/libindi/v4l2_builtin_decoder.h
  294. include/libindi/v4l2_colorspace.h
  295. include/libindi/v4l2_decode.h
  296. lib/indi/MathPlugins/
  297. lib/indi/MathPlugins/
  298. lib/libindiAlignmentClient.a
  299. lib/
  300. lib/
  301. lib/
  302. lib/libindiclient.a
  303. lib/
  304. lib/
  305. lib/
  306. lib/libindidriver.a
  307. lib/
  308. lib/
  309. lib/
  310. lib/
  311. lib/
  312. lib/
  313. libdata/pkgconfig/libindi.pc
  314. share/indi/drivers.xml
  315. share/indi/indi_tcfs_sk.xml
  316. share/indi/shelyak_boards.json
  317. @owner
  318. @group
  319. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • indi>0:devel/indi
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/indi/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/indi
  • pkg install indi
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1735436768 SHA256 (indilib-indi-v2.1.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 919862d5ccb4ea91ecb0e94f8f89a88c76bd1716e0098be07870c4408b233a20 SIZE (indilib-indi-v2.1.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 2929685

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. videodev2.h : multimedia/v4l_compat
  2. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  3. ninja : devel/ninja
  4. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
Library dependencies:
  1. : astro/cfitsio
  2. : astro/libnova
  3. : ftp/curl
  4. : math/gsl
  5. : math/fftw3
  6. : multimedia/libtheora
  7. : audio/libogg
  8. : devel/libev
  9. : graphics/libxisf
  10. : graphics/jpeg-turbo
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. astro/phd2
  2. astro/stellarium
for Run
  1. astro/indiwebmanagerapp
  2. astro/phd2

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake jpeg iconv ninja pkgconfig
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 16

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
29 Dec 2024 09:00:40
commit hash: fb3d115081d6d8a617114ca3af7596f01e5df0d2commit hash: fb3d115081d6d8a617114ca3af7596f01e5df0d2commit hash: fb3d115081d6d8a617114ca3af7596f01e5df0d2commit hash: fb3d115081d6d8a617114ca3af7596f01e5df0d2 files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: Fix dependency /

Reported by:	danfe
29 Dec 2024 03:08:51
commit hash: 68ce9e0fa62b07bdc6b035f152888f68330af3c4commit hash: 68ce9e0fa62b07bdc6b035f152888f68330af3c4commit hash: 68ce9e0fa62b07bdc6b035f152888f68330af3c4commit hash: 68ce9e0fa62b07bdc6b035f152888f68330af3c4 files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: Update to 2.1.1

- Delete obsolete patch files

28 Jul 2023 17:13:17
commit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3f files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump jpeg-turbo users treewide

New major version 3.0.0
31 Dec 2022 09:13:30
commit hash: 3296a983f093e8ea98305e4d60e3b0e94fd49b23commit hash: 3296a983f093e8ea98305e4d60e3b0e94fd49b23commit hash: 3296a983f093e8ea98305e4d60e3b0e94fd49b23commit hash: 3296a983f093e8ea98305e4d60e3b0e94fd49b23 files touched by this commit
Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: unbreak the port's build on 32-bit architectures

Use of overloaded operator [] is ambiguous (with operand types INDI::
PropertyNumber and int) because candidate function ``WidgetView<T>
&operator[](size_t index) const'' conflicts with built-in candidate
operator.  Use signed type with an assertion to avoid the clash.

On 64-bit machines `size_t' is 64-bit but `int' is still 32-bit so
there's no clash.

Obtained from:	upstream (partially)
30 Dec 2022 09:04:05
commit hash: e73ed31d9f444ad5a59d89f6651a35a0bc18629acommit hash: e73ed31d9f444ad5a59d89f6651a35a0bc18629acommit hash: e73ed31d9f444ad5a59d89f6651a35a0bc18629acommit hash: e73ed31d9f444ad5a59d89f6651a35a0bc18629a files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
astro/cfitsio: Update to 4.2.0

- Convert REINPLACE_CMD to patch file
- Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change

07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
22 May 2022 16:36:49
commit hash: ddd5869a23810cfc525b4f3aa9b6878b8565040bcommit hash: ddd5869a23810cfc525b4f3aa9b6878b8565040bcommit hash: ddd5869a23810cfc525b4f3aa9b6878b8565040bcommit hash: ddd5869a23810cfc525b4f3aa9b6878b8565040b files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: Remove obsolete patch file

- Changes were commit upstream
PR:		264152
Reported by:	tjlegg __at__
22 May 2022 06:57:34
commit hash: 22554c0021ba22fb8c8fae6bce2d934ab1374f84commit hash: 22554c0021ba22fb8c8fae6bce2d934ab1374f84commit hash: 22554c0021ba22fb8c8fae6bce2d934ab1374f84commit hash: 22554c0021ba22fb8c8fae6bce2d934ab1374f84 files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: update to 1.9.6

ChangeLog at:
28 Feb 2022 15:06:56
commit hash: d1d14ca3e59f48ada778c1a9dbc754c4186ed76acommit hash: d1d14ca3e59f48ada778c1a9dbc754c4186ed76acommit hash: d1d14ca3e59f48ada778c1a9dbc754c4186ed76acommit hash: d1d14ca3e59f48ada778c1a9dbc754c4186ed76a files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
astro/cfitsio: Update to 4.0.0

- Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change

12 Jan 2022 19:41:22
commit hash: 654acd81409d31495f8b1b11db61e1afbf640981commit hash: 654acd81409d31495f8b1b11db61e1afbf640981commit hash: 654acd81409d31495f8b1b11db61e1afbf640981commit hash: 654acd81409d31495f8b1b11db61e1afbf640981 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
math/gsl: bump portrevision of consumers after update to 2.7.1

PR:		260201
30 Sep 2021 21:23:30
commit hash: 620968a43a5f9bb3fa98ab20f257a4c0d864caa7commit hash: 620968a43a5f9bb3fa98ab20f257a4c0d864caa7commit hash: 620968a43a5f9bb3fa98ab20f257a4c0d864caa7commit hash: 620968a43a5f9bb3fa98ab20f257a4c0d864caa7 files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: drop support for EOL FreeBSD 11.X

Search criteria used:
- 11.4
- *_FreeBSD_11

Input from:
- adridg: devel/qca-legacy
- jbeich: _WITH_DPRINTF, _WITH_GETLINE, GNU bfd workarounds
- sunpoet: security/p5-*OpenSSL*

Reviewed by:	doceng, kde, multimedia, perl, python, ruby, rust
Differential Revision:
Test Plan: make index
04 Aug 2021 00:44:10
commit hash: ef8f58197aaa874dc087fe0d9f7942a2f12922fdcommit hash: ef8f58197aaa874dc087fe0d9f7942a2f12922fdcommit hash: ef8f58197aaa874dc087fe0d9f7942a2f12922fdcommit hash: ef8f58197aaa874dc087fe0d9f7942a2f12922fd files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: update to 1.9.1

* Bump PORTREVISION of some ports depends of indi
24 Jul 2021 23:57:57
commit hash: 5845e405aa943d5550fce3fdd05d20d0df338e84commit hash: 5845e405aa943d5550fce3fdd05d20d0df338e84commit hash: 5845e405aa943d5550fce3fdd05d20d0df338e84commit hash: 5845e405aa943d5550fce3fdd05d20d0df338e84 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/indi: Mark BROKEN on FreeBSD 11

FAILED: CMakeFiles/indi_getprop.dir/libs/indicom.c.o
/usr/local/libexec/ccache/cc -DGIT_TAG_STRING=\"1.9.0-tgz\" -DWITH_ENCLEN -I.
-I/usr/local/include -I/wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/indi/work/indi-1.9.0/libs/dsp
-I/wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/indi/work/indi-1.9.0/libs/webcam -O2 -pipe 
-DLIBICONV_PLUG -fstack-protector-strong -fno-strict-aliasing -std=gnu99
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-all -fPIE  -Wall -Wextra
-gline-tables-only -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -O2 -pipe  -DLIBICONV_PLUG
-fstack-protector-strong -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIE -MD -MT
CMakeFiles/indi_getprop.dir/libs/indicom.c.o -MF
CMakeFiles/indi_getprop.dir/libs/indicom.c.o.d -o
CMakeFiles/indi_getprop.dir/libs/indicom.c.o -c
/wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/indi/work/indi-1.9.0/libs/indicom.c:331:5: warning:
implicit declaration of function 'timespec_get' is invalid in C99
    timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);
/wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/indi/work/indi-1.9.0/libs/indicom.c:331:23: error: use
of undeclared identifier 'TIME_UTC'
    timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);
1 warning and 1 error generated.

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
16 Jun 2021 19:31:27
commit hash: 63e653adaa7493aa98f17f9fbc834c0aed7e096ecommit hash: 63e653adaa7493aa98f17f9fbc834c0aed7e096ecommit hash: 63e653adaa7493aa98f17f9fbc834c0aed7e096ecommit hash: 63e653adaa7493aa98f17f9fbc834c0aed7e096e files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
math/gsl: update to 2.7

From [1]

* What is new in gsl-2.7:
	* fixed doc bug for gsl_histogram_min_bin (lhcsky at
	* fixed bug #60335 (spmatrix test failure, J. Lamb)
	* fixed bug #36577
	* clarified documentation on interpolation accelerators (V. Krishnan)
	* fixed bug #45521 (erroneous GSL_ERROR_NULL in ode-initval2, thanks to M.
	* fixed doc bug #59758
	* fixed bug #58202 (rstat median for n=5)
	* added support for native C complex number types in gsl_complex
	   when using a C11 compiler
	* upgraded to autoconf 2.71, automake 1.16.3, libtool 2.4.6
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
19 May 2021 23:26:29
commit hash: d7a2fade869286852dd34fa217bf3212a210d88dcommit hash: d7a2fade869286852dd34fa217bf3212a210d88dcommit hash: d7a2fade869286852dd34fa217bf3212a210d88dcommit hash: d7a2fade869286852dd34fa217bf3212a210d88d files touched by this commit
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
New port: devel/indi: Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface

INDI is a standard for astronomical instrumentation control. INDI Library is
an Open Source POSIX implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface


Number of commits found: 16