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A new feature has been added. FreshPorts already tracks package built by the FreeBSD project. This information is displayed on each port page. You can now get an email when FreshPorts notices a new package is available for something on one of your watch lists. However, you must opt into that. Click on Report Subscriptions on the right, and New Package Notification box, and click on Update.

Finally, under Watch Lists, click on ABI Package Subscriptions to select your ABI (e.g. FreeBSD:14:amd64) & package set (latest/quarterly) combination for a given watch list. This is what FreshPorts will look for.

Port details on branch 2024Q2
py-setuptools-scm Setuptools plugin to manage your versions by scm tags
8.0.4 devel on this many watch lists=4 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 8.0.4Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2024-02-29 07:24:07
Last Update: 2024-02-29 07:18:32
Commit Hash: 5d4139f
People watching this port, also watch:: gnutls, py311-requests, py39-calver, p5-Encode-Locale, py39-pycparser
Also Listed In: python
License: MIT
Handles managing your python package versions in scm metadata instead of declaring them as the version argument or in a scm managed file.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}setuptools-scm>0:devel/py-setuptools-scm@${PY_FLAVOR}
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/py-setuptools-scm/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/py-setuptools-scm
  • pkg install py39-setuptools-scm
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
NOTE: This is a Python port. Instead of py39-setuptools-scm listed in the above command, you can pick from the names under the Packages section.
PKGNAME: py39-setuptools-scm
Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
  • py39: py39-setuptools-scm
TIMESTAMP = 1696540413 SHA256 (setuptools-scm-8.0.4.tar.gz) = b5f43ff6800669595193fd09891564ee9d1d7dcb196cab4b2506d53a2e1c95c7 SIZE (setuptools-scm-8.0.4.tar.gz) = 74280

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):


NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. py39-setuptools>0 : devel/py-setuptools@py39
  2. py39-wheel>0 : devel/py-wheel@py39
  3. python3.9 : lang/python39
  4. py39-tomli>0 : textproc/py-tomli@py39
  5. py39-build>=0 : devel/py-build@py39
  6. py39-installer>=0 : devel/py-installer@py39
Test dependencies:
  1. py39-rich>0 : textproc/py-rich@py39
  2. py39-wheel>0 : devel/py-wheel@py39
  3. git : devel/git
  4. mercurial>=5.9 : devel/mercurial@py39
  5. py39-pip>0 : devel/py-pip@py39
  6. py39-mypy>0 : devel/py-mypy@py39
  7. py39-flake8>0 : devel/py-flake8@py39
  8. gpg2 : security/gnupg
  9. py39-setuptools_scm_git_archive>0 : devel/py-setuptools_scm_git_archive@py39
  10. py39-pytest>=7,1 : devel/py-pytest@py39
  11. python3.9 : lang/python39
Runtime dependencies:
  1. py39-packaging>=20 : devel/py-packaging@py39
  2. py39-typing-extensions>0 : devel/py-typing-extensions@py39
  3. python3.9 : lang/python39
  4. py39-tomli>=1 : textproc/py-tomli@py39
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/py-borgbackup
  2. archivers/py-borgbackup11
  3. archivers/py-lz4
  4. archivers/py-xopen
  5. archivers/py-zopfli
  6. astro/py-astropy
  7. astro/py-metpy
Expand this list (347 items / 340 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/py-pyerfa
  3. astro/py-sunpy
  4. audio/py-samplerate
  5. audio/py-soxr
  6. benchmarks/py-asv
  7. biology/py-cutadapt
  8. biology/py-dnaio
  9. biology/py-orange3-bioinformatics
  10. biology/py-resdk
  11. cad/py-edalize
  12. cad/py-pyvcd
  13. cad/py-vunit-hdl
  14. databases/py-aiomysql
  15. databases/py-apache-arrow
  16. databases/py-fastparquet
  17. databases/py-geoalchemy2
  18. databases/py-pyarrow
  19. databases/py-python-arango
  20. databases/py-sqlglot
  21. databases/py-tarantool
  22. databases/py-tiledb
  23. deskutils/dosage
  24. deskutils/py-khal
  25. deskutils/py-khard
  26. deskutils/py-todoman
  27. deskutils/py-vdirsyncer
  28. devel/py-PyGithub
  29. devel/py-anyio
  30. devel/py-anyio3
  31. devel/py-apipkg
  32. devel/py-apscheduler
  33. devel/py-argcomplete
  34. devel/py-asciimatics
  35. devel/py-asteval
  36. devel/py-asttokens
  37. devel/py-attrs-strict
  38. devel/py-backports.cached-property
  39. devel/py-backports.entry-points-selectable
  40. devel/py-backports.tarfile
  41. devel/py-bytecode
  42. devel/py-cbor2
  43. devel/py-circuits
  44. devel/py-cmd2
  45. devel/py-configupdater
  46. devel/py-cppy
  47. devel/py-ctypesgen
  48. devel/py-ddsketch
  49. devel/py-ddtrace
  50. devel/py-decopatch
  51. devel/py-deepmerge
  52. devel/py-epsilon
  53. devel/py-executing
  54. devel/py-find-libpython
  55. devel/py-flit-scm
  56. devel/py-hunter
  57. devel/py-importlib-metadata
  58. devel/py-importlib-metadata6
  59. devel/py-importlib-resources
  60. devel/py-inflect
  61. devel/py-iniconfig
  62. devel/py-jaraco.classes
  63. devel/py-jaraco.collections
  64. devel/py-jaraco.context
  65. devel/py-jaraco.env
  66. devel/py-jaraco.functools
  67. devel/py-jaraco.itertools
  68. devel/py-jaraco.logging
  69. devel/py-jaraco.packaging
  70. devel/
  71. devel/py-jaraco.text
  72. devel/py-jaraco.timing
  73. devel/py-jaraco.util
  74. devel/py-jira
  75. devel/py-jsonpickle
  76. devel/py-jsonschema3
  77. devel/py-lazy-object-proxy
  78. devel/py-libcst
  79. devel/py-libcst03
  80. devel/py-logfury
  81. devel/py-makefun
  82. devel/py-molecule
  83. devel/py-moreorless
  84. devel/py-multiset
  85. devel/py-nest-asyncio
  86. devel/py-nodeenv
  87. devel/py-opencensus-context
  88. devel/py-path
  89. devel/py-pint
  90. devel/py-pint-pandas
  91. devel/py-pip-requirements-parser
  92. devel/py-pip-run
  93. devel/py-pip-tools
  94. devel/py-pip-tools4
  95. devel/py-pluggy
  96. devel/py-pluggy0
  97. devel/py-pnio-dcp
  98. devel/py-pooch
  99. devel/py-prance
  100. devel/py-pure-eval
  101. devel/py-py
  102. devel/py-pydantic-yaml
  103. devel/py-pyee
  104. devel/py-pyscaffold
  105. devel/py-pytest
  106. devel/py-pytest-aiohttp
  107. devel/py-pytest-black
  108. devel/py-pytest-black-multipy
  109. devel/py-pytest-cases
  110. devel/py-pytest-checkdocs
  111. devel/py-pytest-console-scripts
  112. devel/py-pytest-cpp
  113. devel/py-pytest-datadir
  114. devel/py-pytest-django
  115. devel/py-pytest-doctestplus
  116. devel/py-pytest-drop-dup-tests
  117. devel/py-pytest-enabler
  118. devel/py-pytest-flask
  119. devel/py-pytest-forked
  120. devel/py-pytest-helpers-namespace
  121. devel/py-pytest-html
  122. devel/py-pytest-localserver
  123. devel/py-pytest-mock
  124. devel/py-pytest-mpl
  125. devel/py-pytest-mypy
  126. devel/py-pytest-plus
  127. devel/py-pytest-qt
  128. devel/py-pytest-regressions
  129. devel/py-pytest-remotedata
  130. devel/py-pytest-runner
  131. devel/py-pytest-services
  132. devel/py-pytest-subtests
  133. devel/py-pytest-xdist
  134. devel/py-pytest-xprocess
  135. devel/py-pytest4
  136. devel/py-python-dateutil
  137. devel/py-python-dbusmock
  138. devel/py-pytoolconfig
  139. devel/py-pytweening
  140. devel/py-pyusb
  141. devel/py-pyvisa
  142. devel/py-pyvisa-py
  143. devel/py-pyyaml-include
  144. devel/py-qstylizer
  145. devel/py-rstr
  146. devel/py-saneyaml
  147. devel/py-scikit-build
  148. devel/py-scikit-build-core
  149. devel/py-semver
  150. devel/py-setuptools-declarative-requirements
  151. devel/py-setuptools-rust
  152. devel/py-setuptools_git_ls_files
  153. devel/py-setuptools_scm_git_archive
  154. devel/py-shtab
  155. devel/py-simpy
  156. devel/py-sniffio
  157. devel/py-sparse
  158. devel/py-sqids
  159. devel/py-stack-data
  160. devel/py-subprocess-tee
  161. devel/py-tdworkflow
  162. devel/py-tempora
  163. devel/py-tenacity
  164. devel/py-testinfra
  165. devel/py-twine
  166. devel/py-txi2p-tahoe
  167. devel/py-typeguard
  168. devel/py-ujson
  169. devel/py-urwid
  170. devel/py-usort
  171. devel/py-validate-pyproject
  172. devel/py-xarray
  173. devel/py-xarray-einstats
  174. devel/py-yg.lockfile
  175. devel/py-zarr
  176. devel/py-zipp
  177. devel/pyside2
  178. devel/pyside2-tools
  179. devel/shiboken2
  180. dns/py-tldextract
  181. finance/fava
  182. finance/py-exchange-calendars
  183. finance/py-pytrends
  184. ftp/py-parfive
  185. graphics/py-cartopy
  186. graphics/py-colorcet
  187. graphics/py-giddy
  188. graphics/py-mapclassify
  189. graphics/py-mpl-scatter-density
  190. graphics/py-pointpats
  191. graphics/py-pyocr
  192. graphics/py-python-barcode
  193. graphics/py-sorl-thumbnail
  194. irc/py-irc
  195. mail/py-afew
  196. math/py-Diofant
  197. math/py-amply
  198. math/py-animatplot-ng
  199. math/py-cvxopt
  200. math/py-hepstats
  201. math/py-hmmlearn
  202. math/py-jacobi
  203. math/py-kiwisolver
  204. math/py-linearmodels
  205. math/py-lmfit
  206. math/py-matplotlib
  207. math/py-mip
  208. math/py-mpmath
  209. math/py-numba-stats
  210. math/py-point-annotator
  211. math/py-pyclipper
  212. math/py-qats
  213. math/py-resample
  214. math/py-spglm
  215. math/py-statsmodels
  216. math/py-uncertainties
  217. misc/py-crudini
  218. misc/py-dictdiffer
  219. misc/py-fast-histogram
  220. misc/py-fuzzy
  221. misc/py-histoprint
  222. misc/py-ipyfastscape
  223. misc/py-pkbar
  224. misc/py-progressbar2
  225. misc/py-spdx-tools
  226. misc/py-tqdm
  227. multimedia/py-pymediainfo
  228. net/py-portend
  229. net-mgmt/py-pynetbox
  230. print/py-fontaine
  231. print/py-fontbakery
  232. print/py-fontparts
  233. print/py-freetype-py
  234. print/py-glyphsets
  235. print/py-psautohint
  236. print/py-ttfautohint-py
  237. print/py-ufolib2
  238. print/py-uharfbuzz
  239. science/py-arch
  240. science/py-asdf
  241. science/py-asdf-standard
  242. science/py-asdf-transform-schemas
  243. science/py-boutdata
  244. science/py-boututils
  245. science/py-esda
  246. science/py-inequality
  247. science/py-kpLib
  248. science/py-mp-api
  249. science/py-mpcontribs-client
  250. science/py-mplhep
  251. science/py-mplhep-data
  252. science/py-segregation
  253. science/py-segyio
  254. science/py-spaghetti
  255. science/py-spglib
  256. science/py-trx-python
  257. science/py-xbout
  258. security/py-argon2-cffi-bindings
  259. security/py-badkeys
  260. security/py-httpx-auth
  261. security/py-keyring
  262. security/py-keyrings.alt
  263. security/py-python-pkcs11
  264. security/py-signedjson
  265. security/py-xmlsec
  266. sysutils/py-ansible-compat
  267. sysutils/py-ansible-lint
  268. sysutils/py-docker
  269. sysutils/py-liquidctl
  270. sysutils/py-rdiff-backup
  271. textproc/codespell
  272. textproc/py-ansi2html
  273. textproc/py-enrich
  274. textproc/py-ini2toml
  275. textproc/py-langcodes
  276. textproc/py-language-data
  277. textproc/py-license-expression
  278. textproc/py-markdown-include
  279. textproc/py-normality
  280. textproc/py-ocrmypdf
  281. textproc/py-openstep-plist
  282. textproc/py-pandoc-plantuml-filter
  283. textproc/py-petl
  284. textproc/py-python-lsp-jsonrpc
  285. textproc/py-python-lsp-server
  286. textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-towncrier
  287. textproc/py-sphinxext-opengraph
  288. textproc/py-tablib
  289. textproc/py-unicodeitplus
  290. textproc/py-wavedrom
  291. textproc/translate-toolkit
  292. textproc/yq
  293. www/kanboard
  294. www/py-aiohttp-oauthlib
  295. www/py-branca
  296. www/py-cheroot
  297. www/py-cherrypy
  298. www/py-cssutils
  299. www/py-django-auditlog
  300. www/py-django-auth-ldap
  301. www/py-django-configurations
  302. www/py-django-formtools
  303. www/py-django-haystack
  304. www/py-django-hijack
  305. www/py-django-model-utils
  306. www/py-django-pipeline
  307. www/py-django-simple-history
  308. www/py-django-smart-selects
  309. www/py-django-voting
  310. www/py-django-widget-tweaks
  311. www/py-drf-yasg
  312. www/py-flask-compress
  313. www/py-folium
  314. www/py-gunicorn
  315. www/py-requests-file
  316. www/py-requests-mock
  317. www/py-swapper
  318. x11-fonts/py-afdko
  319. x11-fonts/py-axisregistry
  320. x11-fonts/py-babelfont
  321. x11-fonts/py-booleanOperations
  322. x11-fonts/py-cffsubr
  323. x11-fonts/py-compreffor
  324. x11-fonts/py-cu2qu
  325. x11-fonts/py-defcon
  326. x11-fonts/py-fontMath
  327. x11-fonts/py-fontmake
  328. x11-fonts/py-gflanguages
  329. x11-fonts/py-gfsubsets
  330. x11-fonts/py-glyphsLib
  331. x11-fonts/py-opentype-sanitizer
  332. x11-fonts/py-shaperglot
  333. x11-fonts/py-ufo2ft
  334. x11-fonts/py-ufonormalizer
  335. x11-fonts/py-ufoprocessor
  336. x11-toolkits/py-python-xlib
  337. x11-wm/qtile
  338. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 4 deleted ports
  1. devel/py-dateutil*
  2. science/py-asdf-unit-schemas*
  3. www/py-dj42-django-auditlog*
  4. www/py-dj42-django-auth-ldap*
  5. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. databases/py-python-arango
  2. devel/py-flit-scm
  3. devel/py-hatch-vcs
  4. devel/py-pyscaffold
  5. devel/py-setuptools_git_ls_files
  6. devel/py-setuptools_scm_git_archive
  7. science/py-trx-python

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (2 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q2 for this port