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Port details
qt6-positioning Qt 6 API to provide positioning information via QML and C++
6.8.2_1 devel on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 6.8.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2022-08-29 18:21:10
Last Update: 2025-03-04 18:09:07
Commit Hash: 90f6363
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py311-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
License: LGPL21
The Qt Positioning API lets you to determine a position by using a variety of possible sources, including satellite, wifi, or text files. That information can then be used to, for example, determine a position on a map. In addition, you can use to the API to retrieve satellite information and perform area based monitoring.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (160 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/qt6-positioning-6.8.2_1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/qt6-positioning-6.8.2_1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/qt6-positioning-6.8.2_1/LGPL21
  5. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qclipperutils_p.h
  6. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qdoublematrix4x4_p.h
  7. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h
  8. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector3d_p.h
  9. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeoaddress_p.h
  10. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeocircle_p.h
  11. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeocoordinate_p.h
  12. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeocoordinateobject_p.h
  13. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeolocation_p.h
  14. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeopath_p.h
  15. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeopolygon_p.h
  16. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeopositioninfo_p.h
  17. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeopositioninfosource_p.h
  18. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeorectangle_p.h
  19. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeosatelliteinfo_p.h
  20. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeosatelliteinfosource_p.h
  21. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qgeoshape_p.h
  22. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h
  23. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qnmeapositioninfosource_p.h
  24. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qnmeasatelliteinfosource_p.h
  25. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qpositioningglobal_p.h
  26. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qtpositioning-config_p.h
  27. include/qt6/QtPositioning/6.8.2/QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h
  28. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoAddress
  29. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoAreaMonitorInfo
  30. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoAreaMonitorSource
  31. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoCircle
  32. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoCoordinate
  33. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoLocation
  34. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoPath
  35. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoPolygon
  36. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoPositionInfo
  37. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoPositionInfoSource
  38. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory
  39. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoRectangle
  40. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoSatelliteInfo
  41. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
  42. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QGeoShape
  43. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QNmeaPositionInfoSource
  44. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QNmeaSatelliteInfoSource
  45. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QtPositioning
  46. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QtPositioningDepends
  47. include/qt6/QtPositioning/QtPositioningVersion
  48. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeoaddress.h
  49. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeoareamonitorinfo.h
  50. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeoareamonitorsource.h
  51. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeocircle.h
  52. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeocoordinate.h
  53. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeolocation.h
  54. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeopath.h
  55. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeopolygon.h
  56. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeopositioninfo.h
  57. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeopositioninfosource.h
  58. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeopositioninfosourcefactory.h
  59. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeorectangle.h
  60. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeosatelliteinfo.h
  61. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeosatelliteinfosource.h
  62. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qgeoshape.h
  63. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qnmeapositioninfosource.h
  64. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qnmeasatelliteinfosource.h
  65. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qpositioningglobal.h
  66. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qtpositioning-config.h
  67. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qtpositioningexports.h
  68. include/qt6/QtPositioning/qtpositioningversion.h
  69. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/locationsingleton_p.h
  70. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativegeoaddress_p.h
  71. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativegeolocation_p.h
  72. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativepluginparameter_p.h
  73. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativeposition_p.h
  74. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativepositionsource_p.h
  75. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativesatellitesource_p.h
  76. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qpositioningquickglobal_p.h
  77. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qpositioningquickmodule_p.h
  78. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qquickgeocoordinateanimation_p.h
  79. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/6.8.2/QtPositioningQuick/private/qquickgeocoordinateanimation_p_p.h
  80. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/QtPositioningQuick
  81. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/QtPositioningQuickDepends
  82. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/QtPositioningQuickVersion
  83. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/qpositioningquickglobal.h
  84. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/qtpositioningquickexports.h
  85. include/qt6/QtPositioningQuick/qtpositioningquickversion.h
  86. lib/cmake/Qt6/FindGconf.cmake
  87. lib/cmake/Qt6/FindGypsy.cmake
  88. lib/cmake/Qt6BuildInternals/StandaloneTests/QtPositioningTestsConfig.cmake
  89. lib/cmake/Qt6Bundled_Clip2Tri/Qt6Bundled_Clip2TriDependencies.cmake
  90. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  91. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningConfig.cmake
  92. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningConfigVersion.cmake
  93. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  94. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningDependencies.cmake
  95. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningPlugins.cmake
  96. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningTargets-release.cmake
  97. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningTargets.cmake
  98. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningVersionlessAliasTargets.cmake
  99. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6PositioningVersionlessTargets.cmake
  100. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  101. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginConfig.cmake
  102. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginConfigVersion.cmake
  103. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  104. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginTargets-release.cmake
  105. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2PluginTargets.cmake
  106. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  107. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginConfig.cmake
  108. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginConfigVersion.cmake
  109. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  110. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginTargets-release.cmake
  111. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryNmeaPluginTargets.cmake
  112. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  113. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginConfig.cmake
  114. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginConfigVersion.cmake
  115. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  116. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginTargets-release.cmake
  117. lib/cmake/Qt6Positioning/Qt6QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryPollPluginTargets.cmake
  118. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  119. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickConfig.cmake
  120. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickConfigVersion.cmake
  121. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  122. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickDependencies.cmake
  123. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickTargets-release.cmake
  124. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickTargets.cmake
  125. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickVersionlessAliasTargets.cmake
  126. lib/cmake/Qt6PositioningQuick/Qt6PositioningQuickVersionlessTargets.cmake
  127. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginAdditionalTargetInfo.cmake
  128. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginConfig.cmake
  129. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginConfigVersion.cmake
  130. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginConfigVersionImpl.cmake
  131. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginTargets-release.cmake
  132. lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins/Qt6positioningquickpluginTargets.cmake
  133. lib/qt6/libQt6Positioning.prl
  134. lib/qt6/
  135. lib/qt6/
  136. lib/qt6/
  137. lib/qt6/libQt6PositioningQuick.prl
  138. lib/qt6/
  139. lib/qt6/
  140. lib/qt6/
  141. lib/qt6/metatypes/qt6positioning_release_metatypes.json
  142. lib/qt6/metatypes/qt6positioningquick_release_metatypes.json
  143. lib/qt6/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_positioning.pri
  144. lib/qt6/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_positioning_private.pri
  145. lib/qt6/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_positioningquick.pri
  146. lib/qt6/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_positioningquick_private.pri
  147. lib/qt6/plugins/position/
  148. lib/qt6/plugins/position/
  149. lib/qt6/plugins/position/
  150. lib/qt6/qml/QtPositioning/
  151. lib/qt6/qml/QtPositioning/plugins.qmltypes
  152. lib/qt6/qml/QtPositioning/qmldir
  153. lib/qt6/sbom/qtpositioning-6.8.2.spdx
  154. libdata/pkgconfig/Qt6Positioning.pc
  155. libdata/pkgconfig/Qt6PositioningQuick.pc
  156. share/qt6/modules/Positioning.json
  157. share/qt6/modules/PositioningQuick.json
  158. @owner
  159. @group
  160. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • qt6-positioning>0:devel/qt6-positioning
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/qt6-positioning/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/qt6-positioning
  • pkg install qt6-positioning
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: qt6-positioning
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1738340234 SHA256 (KDE/Qt/6.8.2/qtpositioning-everywhere-src-6.8.2.tar.xz) = df30664f4e936466a7e1157ff26abc61efb5e94c9eb8750e1bcdffeec95db8e5 SIZE (KDE/Qt/6.8.2/qtpositioning-everywhere-src-6.8.2.tar.xz) = 661464

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. vulkan-headers>0 : graphics/vulkan-headers
  2. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  3. ninja : devel/ninja
  4. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
Library dependencies:
  1. : x11/libxkbcommon
  2. : graphics/libglvnd
  3. : devel/qt6-base
  4. : x11-toolkits/qt6-declarative
  5. : comms/qt6-serialport
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. astro/marble
  2. audio/jacktrip
  3. deskutils/itinerary
  4. deskutils/kweathercore
  5. deskutils/nextcloudclient
  6. devel/gammaray
  7. devel/py-qt6-pyqt
Expand this list (24 items / 17 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. devel/pyside6
  3. devel/qt6-location
  4. devel/qtcreator
  5. devel/zeal
  6. editors/calligra
  7. graphics/digikam
  8. math/rkward
  9. misc/tellico
  10. net-im/kaidan
  11. sysutils/plasma6-libksysguard
  12. textproc/goldendict-ng
  13. textproc/pageedit
  14. textproc/sigil
  15. www/dooble
  16. www/py-qt6-webengine
  17. www/qt6-webengine
  18. www/qt6-webview
  19. Collapse this list.
for Run
  1. devel/qt6
  2. net-im/neochat

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake compiler:c++17-lang gl pkgconfig qt-dist:6
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (6 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 22

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
04 Mar 2025 18:09:07
commit hash: 90f6363f0185fdf217afe8a9a4b4b9b78b4e896fcommit hash: 90f6363f0185fdf217afe8a9a4b4b9b78b4e896fcommit hash: 90f6363f0185fdf217afe8a9a4b4b9b78b4e896fcommit hash: 90f6363f0185fdf217afe8a9a4b4b9b78b4e896f files touched by this commit
Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
Qt 6 distribution ports: Add USE_LDCONFIG where appropriate
02 Feb 2025 08:32:18
commit hash: 8a35ffe0dbe55b3c27d3ec722aa7444bce1dcab0commit hash: 8a35ffe0dbe55b3c27d3ec722aa7444bce1dcab0commit hash: 8a35ffe0dbe55b3c27d3ec722aa7444bce1dcab0commit hash: 8a35ffe0dbe55b3c27d3ec722aa7444bce1dcab0 files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.8.2

January 31, 2025

We have released Qt 6.8.2 today. As a patch release, Qt 6.8.2 does not
introduce new features but contains more than 450 bug fixes, security
updates, and other improvements on top of Qt 6.8.1 release. See more
information about the most important changes and bug fixes from the
Qt 6.8.2 release note.


Release note:

MFH:		2025Q1
Security:	72b8729e-e134-11ef-9e76-4ccc6adda413
05 Jan 2025 06:28:11
commit hash: 7e3e6797d2cd75c8fe46a8d46bbe2d8b2499c1adcommit hash: 7e3e6797d2cd75c8fe46a8d46bbe2d8b2499c1adcommit hash: 7e3e6797d2cd75c8fe46a8d46bbe2d8b2499c1adcommit hash: 7e3e6797d2cd75c8fe46a8d46bbe2d8b2499c1ad files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.8.1

December 02, 2024

We (Qt upstream) have released Qt 6.8.1 today. As a patch release,
Qt 6.8.1 does not introduce new features but contains more than 550 bug
fixes, security updates, and other improvements on top of Qt 6.8.0
release. See more information about the most important changes and bug
fixes from the Qt 6.8.1 release note.

Release note:

We (kde@) skipped shipping Qt 6.8.0 due to waiting for a compatible
version of PyQt to be released, but here are the announcements and
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
29 Sep 2024 07:05:40
commit hash: 76fda7351ade36f56e0f3dc2d09ad79ae51f4135commit hash: 76fda7351ade36f56e0f3dc2d09ad79ae51f4135commit hash: 76fda7351ade36f56e0f3dc2d09ad79ae51f4135commit hash: 76fda7351ade36f56e0f3dc2d09ad79ae51f4135 files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.7.3

As a patch release, Qt 6.7.3 does not introduce new features but
contains more than 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other
improvements to the top of the Qt 6.7.2 release. See more information
about the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.7.3 release

PySide6: Update to 6.7.3

New port: devel/qt6-grpc

Qt GRPC is the client-side implementation that, together with the Qt
Protobuf module, allows the definition of messages and services in
.proto files, which then use the provided code generators to generate
client code that allows the access for fields and gRPC services in the
Qt framework. The code generated by Qt GRPC enables the client-side to
communicate with a gRPC server (regardless of whether the server uses
Qt) by sending calls or streaming messages.

Release note:
20 Jun 2024 22:44:32
commit hash: 5435b47d7da84c666299388c4eee90db0a557097commit hash: 5435b47d7da84c666299388c4eee90db0a557097commit hash: 5435b47d7da84c666299388c4eee90db0a557097commit hash: 5435b47d7da84c666299388c4eee90db0a557097 files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.7.2

June 19, 2024

We have released Qt 6.7.2. As a patch release, Qt 6.7.2 does not
introduce new features but contains more than 200 bug fixes, security
updates, and other improvements on the top of the Qt 6.7.1 release.
See more information about the most important changes and bug fixes
from the Qt 6.7.2 release note.

Release note:

MFH:		2024Q2
Security:	c5415838-2f52-11ef-9cab-4ccc6adda413
25 May 2024 01:55:22
commit hash: 359c8eed1862a08dbe0a9a67a62bb209c9471da9commit hash: 359c8eed1862a08dbe0a9a67a62bb209c9471da9commit hash: 359c8eed1862a08dbe0a9a67a62bb209c9471da9commit hash: 359c8eed1862a08dbe0a9a67a62bb209c9471da9 files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.7.1

As a patch release, Qt 6.7.1 does not introduce any new features but
contains more than 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other
improvements to the top of the Qt 6.7.0 release. See more information
about the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.7.1 release

Enable building of databases/qt6-base_sqldriver@mysql with MariaDB. [1]

Fix build of www/qt6-webengine with the SNDIO option enabled. [2]

Release note:

PR:		277922 [1], 279180 [2]
Reported by:	vvd [1], Benjamin Takacs <> [2]
MFH:		2024Q2
Security:	f5fa174d-19de-11ef-83d8-4ccc6adda413
15 May 2024 17:55:48
commit hash: bef8e408ff183386912e86b7c9aee21923d37a6fcommit hash: bef8e408ff183386912e86b7c9aee21923d37a6fcommit hash: bef8e408ff183386912e86b7c9aee21923d37a6fcommit hash: bef8e408ff183386912e86b7c9aee21923d37a6f files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.7.0

Qt 6.7 is out with lots of large and small improvements for all of us
who like to have fun when building modern applications and user
experiences, focusing on the expansion of supported platforms and
industry standards. This makes code written with Qt more sustainable
and brings more value in Qt as a long-term investment.

www/qt6-webengine is now based on Chromium version 118.0.5993.220.

Release note:

PySide6: Update to 6.7.0
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
30 Mar 2024 02:17:58
commit hash: 72d93f38b3af7a53f8e737c3e49a5eb97eae1b0ccommit hash: 72d93f38b3af7a53f8e737c3e49a5eb97eae1b0ccommit hash: 72d93f38b3af7a53f8e737c3e49a5eb97eae1b0ccommit hash: 72d93f38b3af7a53f8e737c3e49a5eb97eae1b0c files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.6.3

As a patch release, Qt 6.6.3 does not introduce new features but contains
more than 300 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements on top
of Qt 6.6.2 release. See more information about the most important
changes and bug fixes in the Qt 6.6.3 release note.

Release note:
16 Feb 2024 21:09:44
commit hash: d0f54524687fbacb4ab4c2854f4f3856c3512bdecommit hash: d0f54524687fbacb4ab4c2854f4f3856c3512bdecommit hash: d0f54524687fbacb4ab4c2854f4f3856c3512bdecommit hash: d0f54524687fbacb4ab4c2854f4f3856c3512bde files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.6.2

As a patch release, Qt 6.6.2 does not introduce any new features but
contains more than 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other
improvements on top of Qt 6.6.1 release. See more information about the
most important changes and bug fixes from the Qt 6.6.2 release note.

Release note:

MFH:		2024Q1
01 Dec 2023 18:16:47
commit hash: 8adbabc798f51c5d8bc6433d30b7c6c5c5c96ebacommit hash: 8adbabc798f51c5d8bc6433d30b7c6c5c5c96ebacommit hash: 8adbabc798f51c5d8bc6433d30b7c6c5c5c96ebacommit hash: 8adbabc798f51c5d8bc6433d30b7c6c5c5c96eba files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.6.1

As a patch release, Qt 6.6.1 does not introduce any new features but
contains more than 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other
improvements to the top of the Qt 6.6.0 release. See more information
about the most important changes and bug fixes from the Qt 6.6.1 release

To allow building www/qt6-webengine without CUPS, a CUPS option has been
added and the Pdf module has been split out to a new port: print/qt6-pdf.
This also allows building devel/py-qt6-pyqt without pulling in the unused
WebEngine module. Fixes [1].

Remove a lot of unused dependencies. Fixes [2]. Also remove inconsistent
WWW lines from the individual Makefiles as WWW is alreay defined in
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
23 Nov 2023 17:43:42
commit hash: 1d76bdf62dffad91834699701f41d3374dfb6a3acommit hash: 1d76bdf62dffad91834699701f41d3374dfb6a3acommit hash: 1d76bdf62dffad91834699701f41d3374dfb6a3acommit hash: 1d76bdf62dffad91834699701f41d3374dfb6a3a files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.6.0

Qt 6.6.0 is a feature release with focus on improving UX capabilities
including responsive UI technology and the Qt Graph module.

The Qt Coap module has been added as net/qt6-coap. [1]

PySide6 and PyQt6 have also been updated to 6.6.0.

Rel note:

PR:		275068, 274911 [1]
MFH:		2023Q4
Exp-run by:	antoine
04 Oct 2023 00:08:27
commit hash: b27916d94c81493a8d9c5d3fba955bf56967a753commit hash: b27916d94c81493a8d9c5d3fba955bf56967a753commit hash: b27916d94c81493a8d9c5d3fba955bf56967a753commit hash: b27916d94c81493a8d9c5d3fba955bf56967a753 files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.5.3

As a patch release, Qt 6.5.3 does not introduce any new features but
contains more than 500 bug fixes, security updates, and other
improvements on top of Qt 6.5.2 release. See more information about
the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.5.3 release note.

27 Jul 2023 22:10:42
commit hash: 66b0e0515e2a1a737daf42f4a218d9ad715734eacommit hash: 66b0e0515e2a1a737daf42f4a218d9ad715734eacommit hash: 66b0e0515e2a1a737daf42f4a218d9ad715734eacommit hash: 66b0e0515e2a1a737daf42f4a218d9ad715734ea files touched by this commit
Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
Qt: Update Qt6 to 6.5.2

As a patch release, Qt 6.5.2 does not introduce any new features but
contains about 290 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements
to the top of the Qt 6.5.1 release. See more information about the most
important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.5.2 release note.

26 Jul 2023 04:28:56
commit hash: 0222c44e03e178bf17380fdeaa9c85c52b334afccommit hash: 0222c44e03e178bf17380fdeaa9c85c52b334afccommit hash: 0222c44e03e178bf17380fdeaa9c85c52b334afccommit hash: 0222c44e03e178bf17380fdeaa9c85c52b334afc files touched by this commit
Loïc Bartoletti (lbartoletti) search for other commits by this committer
Qt6: Update to 6.5.1


PR:	272422
Exp-run by:	antoine
26 Jul 2023 04:28:55
commit hash: 230148d80ee0fcc15579204a25c019c2b86a3efbcommit hash: 230148d80ee0fcc15579204a25c019c2b86a3efbcommit hash: 230148d80ee0fcc15579204a25c019c2b86a3efbcommit hash: 230148d80ee0fcc15579204a25c019c2b86a3efb files touched by this commit
Loïc Bartoletti (lbartoletti) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Tobias C. Berner
Qt: Update Qt6 to 6.5.0

PR:	272422
Exp-run by:	antoine
05 Jan 2023 17:28:10
commit hash: a306a2fd957d2cd9009f44f4d7692f02965b4f5ecommit hash: a306a2fd957d2cd9009f44f4d7692f02965b4f5ecommit hash: a306a2fd957d2cd9009f44f4d7692f02965b4f5ecommit hash: a306a2fd957d2cd9009f44f4d7692f02965b4f5e files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
Qt: Update Qt 6 to 6.4.2

As a patch release, Qt 6.4.2 does not introduce any new features but
contains ~ 150 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements to
the top of the Qt 6.4.1 release. See more information about the most
important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.4.2 release note.

16 Nov 2022 07:01:03
commit hash: b6a2e481e3662257ca3ed5deaf11812fba055512commit hash: b6a2e481e3662257ca3ed5deaf11812fba055512commit hash: b6a2e481e3662257ca3ed5deaf11812fba055512commit hash: b6a2e481e3662257ca3ed5deaf11812fba055512 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
Qt: Update Qt6 to 6.4.1

Qt 6.4.1 release is a patch release made on the top of Qt 6.4.0.  As a
patch release, Qt 6.4.1 does not add any new functionality but provides
bug fixes and other improvements and maintains both forward and backward
compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 6.4.0.

For detailed information about Qt 6.4, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available

01 Oct 2022 13:55:15
commit hash: b1db946f50b434fd1792f75ee6dc491a87065e35commit hash: b1db946f50b434fd1792f75ee6dc491a87065e35commit hash: b1db946f50b434fd1792f75ee6dc491a87065e35commit hash: b1db946f50b434fd1792f75ee6dc491a87065e35 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
Qt: Update Qt6 to 6.4.0

Relase Notes:
09 Sep 2022 16:39:24
commit hash: 35adab4dcc63850560c0ade272fe071369e71460commit hash: 35adab4dcc63850560c0ade272fe071369e71460commit hash: 35adab4dcc63850560c0ade272fe071369e71460commit hash: 35adab4dcc63850560c0ade272fe071369e71460 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
QT: Update Qt 6 to 6.3.2
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
29 Aug 2022 18:20:03
commit hash: 2b2ae540cae83e5c4fc3f5f39190e3336c1e8b52commit hash: 2b2ae540cae83e5c4fc3f5f39190e3336c1e8b52commit hash: 2b2ae540cae83e5c4fc3f5f39190e3336c1e8b52commit hash: 2b2ae540cae83e5c4fc3f5f39190e3336c1e8b52 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/qt6-positioning: new port - provides positioning information via QML and

Number of commits found: 22