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Port details
bind910 BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
9.10.7_2 dns Deleted on this many watch lists=12 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 9.10.7_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: Going out of support, please migrate to dns/bind911
Expired This port expired on: 2018-06-30
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2014-04-10 16:01:46
Last Update: 2018-07-04 12:57:28
SVN Revision: 473882
People watching this port, also watch:: pkg, python27, openssl, apache24, nginx
Also Listed In: ipv6 net
License: ISCL
BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are: DNS Security: DNSSEC (signed zones), TSIG (signed DNS requests) IP version 6: Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets, IPv6 resource records (AAAA) Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library DNS Protocol Enhancements: IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0 Improved standards conformance Views: One server process can provide multiple "views" of the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain clients, and an "outside" view to others. Multiprocessor Support See the CHANGES file for more information on new features. WWW:
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Manual pages:
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (430 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/bind910-9.10.7_2/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/bind910-9.10.7_2/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/bind910-9.10.7_2/ISCL
  4. bin/arpaname
  5. bin/bind9-config
  6. bin/delv
  7. bin/dig
  8. bin/host
  9. bin/
  10. bin/named-rrchecker
  11. bin/nslookup
  12. bin/nsupdate
  13. @sample etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist.sample
  14. @sample etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.local.dist.sample
  15. etc/namedb/bind.keys
  16. etc/namedb/master/empty.db
  17. etc/namedb/master/localhost-forward.db
  18. etc/namedb/master/localhost-reverse.db
  19. @sample etc/namedb/named.conf.sample
  20. etc/namedb/named.root
  21. etc/namedb/rndc.conf.sample
  22. include/bind9/check.h
  23. include/bind9/getaddresses.h
  24. include/bind9/version.h
  25. include/dns/acache.h
  26. include/dns/acl.h
  27. include/dns/adb.h
  28. include/dns/bit.h
  29. include/dns/byaddr.h
  30. include/dns/cache.h
  31. include/dns/callbacks.h
  32. include/dns/cert.h
  33. include/dns/client.h
  34. include/dns/clientinfo.h
  35. include/dns/compress.h
  36. include/dns/db.h
  37. include/dns/dbiterator.h
  38. include/dns/dbtable.h
  39. include/dns/diff.h
  40. include/dns/dispatch.h
  41. include/dns/dlz.h
  42. include/dns/dlz_dlopen.h
  43. include/dns/dns64.h
  44. include/dns/dnssec.h
  45. include/dns/ds.h
  46. include/dns/dsdigest.h
  47. include/dns/ecdb.h
  48. include/dns/enumclass.h
  49. include/dns/enumtype.h
  50. include/dns/events.h
  51. include/dns/fixedname.h
  52. include/dns/forward.h
  53. include/dns/geoip.h
  54. include/dns/iptable.h
  55. include/dns/journal.h
  56. include/dns/keydata.h
  57. include/dns/keyflags.h
  58. include/dns/keytable.h
  59. include/dns/keyvalues.h
  60. include/dns/lib.h
  61. include/dns/log.h
  62. include/dns/lookup.h
  63. include/dns/master.h
  64. include/dns/masterdump.h
  65. include/dns/message.h
  66. include/dns/name.h
  67. include/dns/ncache.h
  68. include/dns/nsec.h
  69. include/dns/nsec3.h
  70. include/dns/opcode.h
  71. include/dns/order.h
  72. include/dns/peer.h
  73. include/dns/portlist.h
  74. include/dns/private.h
  75. include/dns/rbt.h
  76. include/dns/rcode.h
  77. include/dns/rdata.h
  78. include/dns/rdataclass.h
  79. include/dns/rdatalist.h
  80. include/dns/rdataset.h
  81. include/dns/rdatasetiter.h
  82. include/dns/rdataslab.h
  83. include/dns/rdatastruct.h
  84. include/dns/rdatatype.h
  85. include/dns/request.h
  86. include/dns/resolver.h
  87. include/dns/result.h
  88. include/dns/rootns.h
  89. include/dns/rpz.h
  90. include/dns/rriterator.h
  91. include/dns/rrl.h
  92. include/dns/sdb.h
  93. include/dns/sdlz.h
  94. include/dns/secalg.h
  95. include/dns/secproto.h
  96. include/dns/soa.h
  97. include/dns/ssu.h
  98. include/dns/stats.h
  99. include/dns/tcpmsg.h
  100. include/dns/time.h
  101. include/dns/timer.h
  102. include/dns/tkey.h
  103. include/dns/tsec.h
  104. include/dns/tsig.h
  105. include/dns/ttl.h
  106. include/dns/types.h
  107. include/dns/update.h
  108. include/dns/validator.h
  109. include/dns/version.h
  110. include/dns/view.h
  111. include/dns/xfrin.h
  112. include/dns/zone.h
  113. include/dns/zonekey.h
  114. include/dns/zt.h
  115. include/dst/dst.h
  116. include/dst/gssapi.h
  117. include/dst/lib.h
  118. include/dst/result.h
  119. include/irs/context.h
  120. include/irs/dnsconf.h
  121. include/irs/netdb.h
  122. include/irs/platform.h
  123. include/irs/resconf.h
  124. include/irs/types.h
  125. include/irs/version.h
  126. include/isc/aes.h
  127. include/isc/app.h
  128. include/isc/assertions.h
  129. include/isc/atomic.h
  130. include/isc/backtrace.h
  131. include/isc/base32.h
  132. include/isc/base64.h
  133. include/isc/bind9.h
  134. include/isc/boolean.h
  135. include/isc/buffer.h
  136. include/isc/bufferlist.h
  137. include/isc/commandline.h
  138. include/isc/condition.h
  139. include/isc/counter.h
  140. include/isc/crc64.h
  141. include/isc/dir.h
  142. include/isc/entropy.h
  143. include/isc/errno.h
  144. include/isc/error.h
  145. include/isc/event.h
  146. include/isc/eventclass.h
  147. include/isc/file.h
  148. include/isc/formatcheck.h
  149. include/isc/fsaccess.h
  150. include/isc/hash.h
  151. include/isc/heap.h
  152. include/isc/hex.h
  153. include/isc/hmacmd5.h
  154. include/isc/hmacsha.h
  155. include/isc/httpd.h
  156. include/isc/int.h
  157. include/isc/interfaceiter.h
  158. include/isc/iterated_hash.h
  159. include/isc/json.h
  160. include/isc/keyboard.h
  161. include/isc/lang.h
  162. include/isc/lex.h
  163. include/isc/lfsr.h
  164. include/isc/lib.h
  165. include/isc/likely.h
  166. include/isc/list.h
  167. include/isc/log.h
  168. include/isc/magic.h
  169. include/isc/md5.h
  170. include/isc/mem.h
  171. include/isc/msgcat.h
  172. include/isc/msgs.h
  173. include/isc/mutex.h
  174. include/isc/mutexblock.h
  175. include/isc/net.h
  176. include/isc/netaddr.h
  177. include/isc/netdb.h
  178. include/isc/netscope.h
  179. include/isc/offset.h
  180. include/isc/once.h
  181. include/isc/ondestroy.h
  182. include/isc/os.h
  183. include/isc/parseint.h
  184. include/isc/platform.h
  185. include/isc/pool.h
  186. include/isc/portset.h
  187. include/isc/print.h
  188. include/isc/queue.h
  189. include/isc/quota.h
  190. include/isc/radix.h
  191. include/isc/random.h
  192. include/isc/ratelimiter.h
  193. include/isc/refcount.h
  194. include/isc/regex.h
  195. include/isc/region.h
  196. include/isc/resource.h
  197. include/isc/result.h
  198. include/isc/resultclass.h
  199. include/isc/rwlock.h
  200. include/isc/safe.h
  201. include/isc/serial.h
  202. include/isc/sha1.h
  203. include/isc/sha2.h
  204. include/isc/sockaddr.h
  205. include/isc/socket.h
  206. include/isc/stat.h
  207. include/isc/stats.h
  208. include/isc/stdio.h
  209. include/isc/stdlib.h
  210. include/isc/stdtime.h
  211. include/isc/strerror.h
  212. include/isc/string.h
  213. include/isc/symtab.h
  214. include/isc/syslog.h
  215. include/isc/task.h
  216. include/isc/taskpool.h
  217. include/isc/thread.h
  218. include/isc/time.h
  219. include/isc/timer.h
  220. include/isc/tm.h
  221. include/isc/types.h
  222. include/isc/util.h
  223. include/isc/version.h
  224. include/isc/xml.h
  225. include/isccc/alist.h
  226. include/isccc/base64.h
  227. include/isccc/cc.h
  228. include/isccc/ccmsg.h
  229. include/isccc/events.h
  230. include/isccc/lib.h
  231. include/isccc/result.h
  232. include/isccc/sexpr.h
  233. include/isccc/symtab.h
  234. include/isccc/symtype.h
  235. include/isccc/types.h
  236. include/isccc/util.h
  237. include/isccc/version.h
  238. include/isccfg/aclconf.h
  239. include/isccfg/cfg.h
  240. include/isccfg/dnsconf.h
  241. include/isccfg/grammar.h
  242. include/isccfg/log.h
  243. include/isccfg/namedconf.h
  244. include/isccfg/version.h
  245. include/lwres/context.h
  246. include/lwres/int.h
  247. include/lwres/ipv6.h
  248. include/lwres/lang.h
  249. include/lwres/list.h
  250. include/lwres/lwbuffer.h
  251. include/lwres/lwpacket.h
  252. include/lwres/lwres.h
  253. include/lwres/net.h
  254. include/lwres/netdb.h
  255. include/lwres/platform.h
  256. include/lwres/result.h
  257. include/lwres/stdlib.h
  258. include/lwres/string.h
  259. include/lwres/version.h
  260. include/pk11/constants.h
  261. include/pk11/internal.h
  262. include/pk11/pk11.h
  263. include/pk11/result.h
  264. include/pk11/site.h
  265. include/pkcs11/cryptoki.h
  266. include/pkcs11/eddsa.h
  267. include/pkcs11/pkcs11.h
  268. include/pkcs11/pkcs11f.h
  269. include/pkcs11/pkcs11t.h
  270. lib/libbind9.a
  271. lib/libdns.a
  272. lib/libirs.a
  273. lib/libisc.a
  274. lib/libisccc.a
  275. lib/libisccfg.a
  276. lib/liblwres.a
  277. man/man1/arpaname.1.gz
  278. man/man1/bind9-config.1.gz
  279. man/man1/delv.1.gz
  280. man/man1/dig.1.gz
  281. man/man1/host.1.gz
  282. man/man1/
  283. man/man1/named-rrchecker.1.gz
  284. man/man1/nslookup.1.gz
  285. man/man1/nsupdate.1.gz
  286. man/man3/lwres.3.gz
  287. man/man3/lwres_addr_parse.3.gz
  288. man/man3/lwres_buffer.3.gz
  289. man/man3/lwres_buffer_add.3.gz
  290. man/man3/lwres_buffer_back.3.gz
  291. man/man3/lwres_buffer_clear.3.gz
  292. man/man3/lwres_buffer_first.3.gz
  293. man/man3/lwres_buffer_forward.3.gz
  294. man/man3/lwres_buffer_getmem.3.gz
  295. man/man3/lwres_buffer_getuint16.3.gz
  296. man/man3/lwres_buffer_getuint32.3.gz
  297. man/man3/lwres_buffer_getuint8.3.gz
  298. man/man3/lwres_buffer_init.3.gz
  299. man/man3/lwres_buffer_invalidate.3.gz
  300. man/man3/lwres_buffer_putmem.3.gz
  301. man/man3/lwres_buffer_putuint16.3.gz
  302. man/man3/lwres_buffer_putuint32.3.gz
  303. man/man3/lwres_buffer_putuint8.3.gz
  304. man/man3/lwres_buffer_subtract.3.gz
  305. man/man3/lwres_conf_clear.3.gz
  306. man/man3/lwres_conf_get.3.gz
  307. man/man3/lwres_conf_init.3.gz
  308. man/man3/lwres_conf_parse.3.gz
  309. man/man3/lwres_conf_print.3.gz
  310. man/man3/lwres_config.3.gz
  311. man/man3/lwres_context.3.gz
  312. man/man3/lwres_context_allocmem.3.gz
  313. man/man3/lwres_context_create.3.gz
  314. man/man3/lwres_context_destroy.3.gz
  315. man/man3/lwres_context_freemem.3.gz
  316. man/man3/lwres_context_initserial.3.gz
  317. man/man3/lwres_context_nextserial.3.gz
  318. man/man3/lwres_context_sendrecv.3.gz
  319. man/man3/lwres_endhostent.3.gz
  320. man/man3/lwres_endhostent_r.3.gz
  321. man/man3/lwres_freeaddrinfo.3.gz
  322. man/man3/lwres_freehostent.3.gz
  323. man/man3/lwres_gabn.3.gz
  324. man/man3/lwres_gabnrequest_free.3.gz
  325. man/man3/lwres_gabnrequest_parse.3.gz
  326. man/man3/lwres_gabnrequest_render.3.gz
  327. man/man3/lwres_gabnresponse_free.3.gz
  328. man/man3/lwres_gabnresponse_parse.3.gz
  329. man/man3/lwres_gabnresponse_render.3.gz
  330. man/man3/lwres_gai_strerror.3.gz
  331. man/man3/lwres_getaddrinfo.3.gz
  332. man/man3/lwres_getaddrsbyname.3.gz
  333. man/man3/lwres_gethostbyaddr.3.gz
  334. man/man3/lwres_gethostbyaddr_r.3.gz
  335. man/man3/lwres_gethostbyname.3.gz
  336. man/man3/lwres_gethostbyname2.3.gz
  337. man/man3/lwres_gethostbyname_r.3.gz
  338. man/man3/lwres_gethostent.3.gz
  339. man/man3/lwres_gethostent_r.3.gz
  340. man/man3/lwres_getipnode.3.gz
  341. man/man3/lwres_getipnodebyaddr.3.gz
  342. man/man3/lwres_getipnodebyname.3.gz
  343. man/man3/lwres_getnamebyaddr.3.gz
  344. man/man3/lwres_getnameinfo.3.gz
  345. man/man3/lwres_getrrsetbyname.3.gz
  346. man/man3/lwres_gnba.3.gz
  347. man/man3/lwres_gnbarequest_free.3.gz
  348. man/man3/lwres_gnbarequest_parse.3.gz
  349. man/man3/lwres_gnbarequest_render.3.gz
  350. man/man3/lwres_gnbaresponse_free.3.gz
  351. man/man3/lwres_gnbaresponse_parse.3.gz
  352. man/man3/lwres_gnbaresponse_render.3.gz
  353. man/man3/lwres_herror.3.gz
  354. man/man3/lwres_hstrerror.3.gz
  355. man/man3/lwres_inetntop.3.gz
  356. man/man3/lwres_lwpacket_parseheader.3.gz
  357. man/man3/lwres_lwpacket_renderheader.3.gz
  358. man/man3/lwres_net_ntop.3.gz
  359. man/man3/lwres_noop.3.gz
  360. man/man3/lwres_nooprequest_free.3.gz
  361. man/man3/lwres_nooprequest_parse.3.gz
  362. man/man3/lwres_nooprequest_render.3.gz
  363. man/man3/lwres_noopresponse_free.3.gz
  364. man/man3/lwres_noopresponse_parse.3.gz
  365. man/man3/lwres_noopresponse_render.3.gz
  366. man/man3/lwres_packet.3.gz
  367. man/man3/lwres_resutil.3.gz
  368. man/man3/lwres_sethostent.3.gz
  369. man/man3/lwres_sethostent_r.3.gz
  370. man/man3/lwres_string_parse.3.gz
  371. man/man5/named.conf.5.gz
  372. man/man5/rndc.conf.5.gz
  373. man/man8/ddns-confgen.8.gz
  374. man/man8/dnssec-checkds.8.gz
  375. man/man8/dnssec-coverage.8.gz
  376. man/man8/dnssec-dsfromkey.8.gz
  377. man/man8/dnssec-importkey.8.gz
  378. man/man8/dnssec-keyfromlabel.8.gz
  379. man/man8/dnssec-keygen.8.gz
  380. man/man8/dnssec-revoke.8.gz
  381. man/man8/dnssec-settime.8.gz
  382. man/man8/dnssec-signzone.8.gz
  383. man/man8/dnssec-verify.8.gz
  384. man/man8/genrandom.8.gz
  385. man/man8/isc-hmac-fixup.8.gz
  386. man/man8/lwresd.8.gz
  387. man/man8/named-checkconf.8.gz
  388. man/man8/named-checkzone.8.gz
  389. man/man8/named-compilezone.8.gz
  390. man/man8/named-journalprint.8.gz
  391. man/man8/named.8.gz
  392. man/man8/nsec3hash.8.gz
  393. @comment man/man8/pkcs11-destroy.8.gz
  394. @comment man/man8/pkcs11-keygen.8.gz
  395. @comment man/man8/pkcs11-list.8.gz
  396. @comment man/man8/pkcs11-tokens.8.gz
  397. man/man8/rndc-confgen.8.gz
  398. man/man8/rndc.8.gz
  399. man/man8/tsig-keygen.8.gz
  400. sbin/ddns-confgen
  401. sbin/dnssec-checkds
  402. sbin/dnssec-coverage
  403. sbin/dnssec-dsfromkey
  404. sbin/dnssec-importkey
  405. sbin/dnssec-keyfromlabel
  406. sbin/dnssec-keygen
  407. sbin/dnssec-revoke
  408. sbin/dnssec-settime
  409. sbin/dnssec-signzone
  410. sbin/dnssec-verify
  411. sbin/genrandom
  412. sbin/isc-hmac-fixup
  413. sbin/lwresd
  414. sbin/named
  415. sbin/named-checkconf
  416. sbin/named-checkzone
  417. sbin/named-compilezone
  418. sbin/named-journalprint
  419. sbin/nsec3hash
  420. @comment sbin/pkcs11-destroy
  421. @comment sbin/pkcs11-keygen
  422. @comment sbin/pkcs11-list
  423. @comment sbin/pkcs11-tokens
  424. sbin/rndc
  425. sbin/rndc-confgen
  426. sbin/tsig-keygen
  427. @dir(bind,bind,) etc/namedb/dynamic
  428. @dir etc/namedb/master
  429. @dir(bind,bind,) etc/namedb/slave
  430. @dir(bind,bind,) etc/namedb/working
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • bind910>0:dns/bind910
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: bind910
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1521455507 SHA256 (bind-9.10.7.tar.gz) = e15e70982d966cd4b194ff483f5cc636c0017b054ae2e332ca3f28fe53f11660 SIZE (bind-9.10.7.tar.gz) = 9171441

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. python2.7 : lang/python27
Runtime dependencies:
  1. python2.7 : lang/python27
Library dependencies:
  1. : textproc/libxml2
  2. : dns/idnkit
  3. : devel/json-c
  4. : devel/libedit
  5. : converters/libiconv
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for bind910-9.10.7_2: DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation FETCHLIMIT=off: Enable the query quotas for resolvers FILTER_AAAA=on: Enable filtering of AAAA records FIXED_RRSET=off: Enable fixed rrset ordering GEOIP=off: Allow geographically based ACL. IDN=on: International Domain Names support IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support JSON=on: JSON file/format/parser support LARGE_FILE=off: 64-bit file support MINCACHE=off: Use the mincachettl patch PORTREVISION=off: Show PORTREVISION in the version string PYTHON=on: Build with Python utilities QUERYTRACE=off: Enable the very verbose query tracelogging RPZ_NSDNAME=on: Enable RPZ NSDNAME policy records RPZ_NSIP=on: Enable RPZ NSIP trigger rules SIGCHASE=on: dig/host/nslookup will do DNSSEC validation START_LATE=off: Start BIND late in the boot process (see help) THREADS=on: Threading support TUNING_LARGE=off: Tune named for large systems (**READ HELP**) ====> Dynamically Loadable Zones DLZ_POSTGRESQL=off: DLZ Postgres driver DLZ_MYSQL=off: DLZ MySQL driver (no threading) DLZ_BDB=off: DLZ BDB driver DLZ_LDAP=off: DLZ LDAP driver DLZ_FILESYSTEM=on: DLZ filesystem driver DLZ_STUB=off: DLZ stub driver ====> GSSAPI Security API support: you have to select exactly one of them GSSAPI_BASE=off: Using Heimdal in base GSSAPI_HEIMDAL=off: Using security/heimdal GSSAPI_MIT=off: Using security/krb5 GSSAPI_NONE=on: Disable ====> Choose which crypto engine to use: you can only select none or one of them SSL=on: Build with OpenSSL (Required for DNSSEC) NATIVE_PKCS11=off: Use PKCS#11 native API (**READ HELP**) ====> Enable GOST ciphers, needs SSL: you can only select none or one of them GOST=off: GOST raw keys (new default) GOST_ASN1=off: GOST using ASN.1 ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
cpe libedit iconv python ssl
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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Number of commits found: 106 (showing only 6 on this page)

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Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
28 Apr 2014 15:42:06
Revision:352512Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
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Update to 9.10.0.rc2

- Remove REPLACE_BASE option, I should have done so when adding 9.10.0.rc1
- Clean the Makefile a bit

Sponsored by:	Absolight
17 Apr 2014 16:43:49
Revision:351487Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
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Fix the rc script reload command.

Noticed by:	David Samms
Sponsored by:	Absolight
16 Apr 2014 19:03:11
Revision:351412Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Bump portrevision for shlib change in libxml2

Approved by:	portmgr (bdrewery, implicit)
12 Apr 2014 19:23:10
Revision:351124Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
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Use @sample for my port, cleanup an etc/PORTNAME into ETCDIR.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
10 Apr 2014 20:43:50
Revision:350848Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
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Two changes to the RC script
- Add a dependency on ldconfig
- Allow people to change the pidfile

PR:		188439
Submitted by:	Oliver Lehmann
Sponsored by:	Absolight
10 Apr 2014 16:01:28
Revision:350819Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
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Introduce BIND 9.10.0rc1

BIND 9.10 includes a number of changes from earlier releases, including:
- DNS Response-rate limiting (DNS RRL)
- A new "prefetch" option can improve recursive resolver performance
- ACLs can now be specified based on geographic location using the
  MaxMind GeoIP databases.
- A new compile-time option, NATIVE_PKCS11 allows the BIND 9
  cryptography functions to use the PKCS#11 API natively.

          This is a release candidate, it may contain bugs.

Sponsored by:	Absolight

Number of commits found: 106 (showing only 6 on this page)

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