Port details |
- calligra-l10n-sl Slovenian messages and documentation for Calligra
- 2.7.5_3 editors
=0 2.7.5_3Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: kde@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2013-03-29 23:52:04
- Last Update: 2015-12-21 18:10:32
- SVN Revision: 404140
- Also Listed In: kde
- License: not specified in port
- WWW:
- http://calligra.org
- Description:
- Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.
WWW: http://calligra.org
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- sl-calligra-l10n>0:editors/calligra-l10n-sl
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: sl-calligra-l10n
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- There is no distinfo for this port.
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- cmake : devel/cmake
- msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
- libQtCore.so : devel/qt4-corelib
- moc-qt4 : devel/qt4-moc
- qmake-qt4 : devel/qmake4
- rcc : devel/qt4-rcc
- uic-qt4 : devel/qt4-uic
- libQtXml.so : textproc/qt4-xml
- automoc4 : devel/automoc4
- libkdecore.so : x11/kdelibs4
- Runtime dependencies:
- libQtCore.so : devel/qt4-corelib
- libQtXml.so : textproc/qt4-xml
- libkdecore.so : x11/kdelibs4
- Library dependencies:
- libintl.so : devel/gettext-runtime
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- No options to configure
- Options name:
- N/A
- cmake gettext tar:xz qmake:_env
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 7
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message |
2.7.5_3 21 Dec 2015 18:10:32
rakuco  |
Update Calligra to 2.9.10.
This is the latest Calligra release, and the 2.9 series will be the last
KDE4-based release series.
As usual, huge thanks to Tobias Berner <tcberner@gmail.com> for working on this
in kde@'s area51 experimental repository (including previous Calligra releases
between 2.7.5 and 2.9.10).
Notable changes from a packaging perspective:
- Several dependencies have been updated to use more recent ports versions.
- Old translations not shipped by the current Calligra release have been
- The dependency on sysutils/nepomuk-core has been dropped, following what
upstream has done. (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) |
2.7.5_3 10 Sep 2014 20:50:37
gerald  |
Update the default version of GCC in the Ports Collection from GCC 4.7.4
to GCC 4.8.3.
PR: 192025
Tested by: antoine (-exp runs)
Approved by: portmgr (implicit) |
2.7.5_2 15 Aug 2014 20:37:33
mandree  |
Upgrade OpenEXR and ilmbase to 2.2.0.
GCC 4.2 in FreeBSD 8.X/9.X base is now too old to compile OpenEXR, so
GCC-based systems will upgrade to the default ports compiler (GCC 4.7
Add two patches to OpenEXR to permit building it in a live system with
the older OpenEXR version installed. Bug report filed to upstream Github
at https://github.com/openexr/openexr/issues/130
Couple OpenEXR more tightly to ilmbase and require its exact .so
Add UPDATING note, and bump PORTREVISION of all dependent ports.
Proto-STAGE hugin-devel, and mark it IGNORE because hugin is newer.
Approved by: portmgr (implicit for bumping PORTREVISION on unstaged ports) |
2.7.5_1 18 Feb 2014 14:31:33
makc  |
- Bump PORTREVISION after KDE4_PREFIX change |
2.7.5 16 Dec 2013 22:59:42
avilla  |
- Update Calligra Suite to 2.7.5.
- Require a new compiler to build Calligra.
- Make GTL really an option in Calligra.
- STAGEify.
- Use OPTIONS helpers.
- Set NO_ARCH for translation ports.
- Add translation port for Intelingua.
Calligra 2.7 release notes:
http://www.calligra.org/news/calligra-2-7-released |
2.6.2 20 Sep 2013 16:36:24
bapt  |
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
editors) |
2.6.2 29 Mar 2013 23:51:40
avilla  |
- Update Calligra and l10n ports to 2.6.2:
* Japanese translation is stuck at 2.5.5;
* Southern Catalan translation is now up to date;
* Bosnian, Slovenian and Turkish translations were added.
This update brings several new features and the new Calligra Author;
for a full list, please read 2.6 release notes:
http://www.calligra.org/news/calligra-2-6-released |
Number of commits found: 7