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Port details
jpeg2pdf Converts a directory of JPEG (JPG) files to a PDF file
0.12 graphics Deleted on this many watch lists=3 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.12Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: No more public distfiles
Expired This port expired on: 2012-11-26
There is no maintainer for this port.
Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2005-01-23 18:44:38
Last Update: 2012-11-28 15:08:00
SVN Revision: 307908
People watching this port, also watch:: qemu-devel, texmacs, qemu, desktop-installer, units
Also Listed In: converters
License: not specified in port
jpeg2pdf has the following features: * jpeg2pdf is fast. Unlike ImageMagick or other general image conversion tools, jpeg2pdf is specialized for its task an does this very efficiently. * jpeg2pdf generates compact PDF files. Unlike general image conversion tools, jpeg2pdf doesn't do any processing/rescaling of the images, nor does it generate thumbnails of the pages in the PDF file. * jpeg2pdf is a command-line program. So it can very easily be integrated in a shell script or a web server process to automate a conversion task. Author: Koen Vervloesem <> WWW:
Homepage    cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • jpeg2pdf>0:graphics/jpeg2pdf
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: jpeg2pdf
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
There is no distinfo for this port.

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. ruby18 : lang/ruby18
Runtime dependencies:
  1. ruby18 : lang/ruby18
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 7

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
28 Nov 2012 15:08:00
Revision:307908Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
2012-11-26 emulators/gcube: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 games/stepbill: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 deskutils/ktagebuch: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 games/jetpack: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 games/tremor: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 graphics/jpeg2pdf: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 java/westhawksnmp: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 japanese/tcl76: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 math/stepulator: No more public distfiles
2012-11-26 editors/jedit-devel: Stable version is more recent than devel
2012-11-26 www/trac-wikirename: Functionality of this plugin is included in the
Trac core since 0.12

Feature safe:	yes
26 Oct 2012 14:57:51
Revision:306447Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Deprecate a bunch of ports that are either abandonware and/or for which no more
public distfiles are available, or for which are -devel version with a more
recent stable version for long

Feature safe:	yes
14 Aug 2012 18:19:35
Original commit files touched by this commit
tabthorpe search for other commits by this committer
- Reassign ports to the heap due to a mail bounce

With hat:	portmgr
22 Oct 2011 17:44:41
Original commit files touched by this commit
swills search for other commits by this committer
- Mark broken with Ruby 1.9 (builds OK, doesn't run)

PR:             ports/160184
Submitted by:   Oliver Heesakkers <>
Approved by:    maintainer timeout (>9 weeks)
03 Jul 2011 14:12:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
ohauer search for other commits by this committer
-remove MD5
22 Jan 2006 12:35:18
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer

Approved by: krion@
23 Jan 2005 18:44:09
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
jpeg2pdf: converts a directory of JPEG (JPG) files to a PDF file

* jpeg2pdf is fast. Unlike ImageMagick or other general image conversion
  tools, jpeg2pdf is specialized for its task an does this very efficiently.
* jpeg2pdf generates compact PDF files. Unlike general image conversion
  tools, jpeg2pdf doesn't do any processing/rescaling of the images, nor does
  it generate thumbnails of the pages in the PDF file.
* jpeg2pdf is a command-line program. So it can very easily be integrated in a
  shell script or a web server process to automate a conversion task.

PR:             ports/76562
Submitted by:   <>

Number of commits found: 7