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Port details
php82 PHP Scripting Language (8.2.X branch)
8.2.28 lang on this many watch lists=20 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 8.2.28Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2022-06-11 21:06:06
Last Update: 2025-03-23 06:50:09
Commit Hash: dafc75c
People watching this port, also watch:: apache24, curl, php83, rsync, mysql80-server
Also Listed In: devel www
License: PHP301
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (321 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/php82-8.2.28/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/php82-8.2.28/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/php82-8.2.28/PHP301
  4. bin/php
  5. bin/php-cgi
  6. bin/php-config
  7. @comment bin/phpdbg
  8. bin/phpize
  9. sbin/php-fpm
  10. etc/php.conf
  11. etc/php.ini-development
  12. etc/php.ini-production
  13. @sample etc/php-fpm.conf.default etc/php-fpm.conf
  14. @sample etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
  15. include/php/TSRM/TSRM.h
  16. include/php/TSRM/tsrm_win32.h
  17. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_call_graph.h
  18. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_cfg.h
  19. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_dfg.h
  20. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_dump.h
  21. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_func_info.h
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  23. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_optimizer.h
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  99. include/php/Zend/zend_smart_string_public.h
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  108. include/php/Zend/zend_types.h
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  139. include/php/ext/hash/php_hash_xxhash.h
  140. include/php/ext/json/php_json.h
  141. include/php/ext/json/php_json_parser.h
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  170. include/php/ext/mysqlnd/php_mysqlnd.h
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  173. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_internal.h
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  176. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_jit_simd_inc.h
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  178. include/php/ext/pcre/php_pcre.h
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  192. include/php/ext/standard/basic_functions.h
  193. include/php/ext/standard/basic_functions_arginfo.h
  194. include/php/ext/standard/crc32.h
  195. include/php/ext/standard/crc32_x86.h
  196. include/php/ext/standard/credits.h
  197. include/php/ext/standard/credits_ext.h
  198. include/php/ext/standard/credits_sapi.h
  199. include/php/ext/standard/crypt_blowfish.h
  200. include/php/ext/standard/crypt_freesec.h
  201. include/php/ext/standard/css.h
  202. include/php/ext/standard/datetime.h
  203. include/php/ext/standard/dir_arginfo.h
  204. include/php/ext/standard/dl.h
  205. include/php/ext/standard/dl_arginfo.h
  206. include/php/ext/standard/exec.h
  207. include/php/ext/standard/file.h
  208. include/php/ext/standard/file_arginfo.h
  209. include/php/ext/standard/flock_compat.h
  210. include/php/ext/standard/fsock.h
  211. include/php/ext/standard/head.h
  212. include/php/ext/standard/hrtime.h
  213. include/php/ext/standard/html.h
  214. include/php/ext/standard/html_tables.h
  215. include/php/ext/standard/info.h
  216. include/php/ext/standard/md5.h
  217. include/php/ext/standard/pack.h
  218. include/php/ext/standard/pageinfo.h
  219. include/php/ext/standard/php_array.h
  220. include/php/ext/standard/php_assert.h
  221. include/php/ext/standard/php_browscap.h
  222. include/php/ext/standard/php_crypt.h
  223. include/php/ext/standard/php_crypt_r.h
  224. include/php/ext/standard/php_dir.h
  225. include/php/ext/standard/php_dns.h
  226. include/php/ext/standard/php_ext_syslog.h
  227. include/php/ext/standard/php_filestat.h
  228. include/php/ext/standard/php_fopen_wrappers.h
  229. include/php/ext/standard/php_http.h
  230. include/php/ext/standard/php_image.h
  231. include/php/ext/standard/php_incomplete_class.h
  232. include/php/ext/standard/php_lcg.h
  233. include/php/ext/standard/php_mail.h
  234. include/php/ext/standard/php_math.h
  235. include/php/ext/standard/php_mt_rand.h
  236. include/php/ext/standard/php_net.h
  237. include/php/ext/standard/php_password.h
  238. include/php/ext/standard/php_rand.h
  239. include/php/ext/standard/php_random.h
  240. include/php/ext/standard/php_smart_string.h
  241. include/php/ext/standard/php_smart_string_public.h
  242. include/php/ext/standard/php_standard.h
  243. include/php/ext/standard/php_string.h
  244. include/php/ext/standard/php_uuencode.h
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  246. include/php/ext/standard/php_versioning.h
  247. include/php/ext/standard/proc_open.h
  248. include/php/ext/standard/quot_print.h
  249. include/php/ext/standard/scanf.h
  250. include/php/ext/standard/sha1.h
  251. include/php/ext/standard/streamsfuncs.h
  252. include/php/ext/standard/url.h
  253. include/php/ext/standard/url_scanner_ex.h
  254. include/php/ext/standard/user_filters_arginfo.h
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  256. @touch include/php/ext/php_config.h
  257. @rmempty include/php/ext/php_config.h
  258. include/php/main/SAPI.h
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  260. include/php/main/fastcgi.h
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  263. include/php/main/php.h
  264. include/php/main/php_compat.h
  265. include/php/main/php_config.h
  266. include/php/main/php_content_types.h
  267. include/php/main/php_getopt.h
  268. include/php/main/php_globals.h
  269. include/php/main/php_ini.h
  270. include/php/main/php_ini_builder.h
  271. include/php/main/php_main.h
  272. include/php/main/php_memory_streams.h
  273. include/php/main/php_network.h
  274. include/php/main/php_odbc_utils.h
  275. include/php/main/php_open_temporary_file.h
  276. include/php/main/php_output.h
  277. include/php/main/php_reentrancy.h
  278. include/php/main/php_scandir.h
  279. include/php/main/php_streams.h
  280. include/php/main/php_syslog.h
  281. include/php/main/php_ticks.h
  282. include/php/main/php_variables.h
  283. include/php/main/php_version.h
  284. include/php/main/rfc1867.h
  285. include/php/main/snprintf.h
  286. include/php/main/spprintf.h
  287. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_context.h
  288. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_filter_api.h
  289. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_glob_wrapper.h
  290. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_mmap.h
  291. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_plain_wrapper.h
  292. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_transport.h
  293. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_userspace.h
  294. include/php/main/streams/php_streams_int.h
  295. include/php/sapi/cli/cli.h
  296. include/php/sapi/embed/php_embed.h
  297. lib/
  298. lib/php/build/
  299. lib/php/build/ax_check_compile_flag.m4
  300. lib/php/build/ax_gcc_func_attribute.m4
  301. lib/php/build/config.guess
  302. lib/php/build/config.sub
  303. lib/php/build/gen_stub.php
  304. lib/php/build/libtool.m4
  305. lib/php/build/
  306. lib/php/build/php.m4
  307. lib/php/build/php_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
  308. lib/php/build/phpize.m4
  309. lib/php/build/pkg.m4
  310. lib/php/build/run-tests.php
  311. lib/php/build/shtool
  312. share/man/man1/php-cgi.1.gz
  313. share/man/man1/php-config.1.gz
  314. share/man/man1/php.1.gz
  315. @comment share/man/man1/phpdbg.1.gz
  316. share/man/man1/phpize.1.gz
  317. share/man/man8/php-fpm.8.gz
  318. share/php/fpm/status.html
  319. @owner
  320. @group
  321. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • php82>0:lang/php82
  • php[0-9][0-9]
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/lang/php82/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install lang/php82
  • pkg install php82
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: php82
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1741934026 SHA256 (php-8.2.28.tar.xz) = af8c9153153a7f489153b7a74f2f29a5ee36f5cb2c6c6929c98411a577e89c91 SIZE (php-8.2.28.tar.xz) = 12147756

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Slave ports:
  1. archivers/php82-bz2
  2. archivers/php82-phar
  3. archivers/php82-zip
  4. archivers/php82-zlib
  5. converters/php82-iconv
  6. converters/php82-mbstring
  7. databases/php82-dba
  8. databases/php82-mysqli
  9. databases/php82-odbc
  10. databases/php82-pdo
  11. databases/php82-pdo_dblib
  12. databases/php82-pdo_firebird
  13. databases/php82-pdo_mysql
  14. databases/php82-pdo_odbc
  15. databases/php82-pdo_pgsql
  16. databases/php82-pdo_sqlite
  17. databases/php82-pgsql
  18. databases/php82-sqlite3
  19. devel/php82-ffi
  20. devel/php82-gettext
  21. devel/php82-intl
  22. devel/php82-pcntl
  23. devel/php82-readline
  24. devel/php82-shmop
  25. devel/php82-sysvmsg
  26. devel/php82-sysvsem
  27. devel/php82-sysvshm
  28. devel/php82-tokenizer
  29. ftp/php82-curl
  30. ftp/php82-ftp
  31. graphics/php82-exif
  32. graphics/php82-gd
  33. mail/php82-imap
  34. math/php82-bcmath
  35. math/php82-gmp
  36. misc/php82-calendar
  37. net/php82-ldap
  38. net/php82-soap
  39. net/php82-sockets
  40. net-mgmt/php82-snmp
  41. security/php82-filter
  42. security/php82-sodium
  43. sysutils/php82-fileinfo
  44. sysutils/php82-posix
  45. textproc/php82-ctype
  46. textproc/php82-dom
  47. textproc/php82-enchant
  48. textproc/php82-pspell
  49. textproc/php82-simplexml
  50. textproc/php82-xml
  51. textproc/php82-xmlreader
  52. textproc/php82-xmlwriter
  53. textproc/php82-xsl
  54. www/mod_php82
  55. www/php82-opcache
  56. www/php82-session
  57. www/php82-tidy
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. re2c>0 : devel/re2c
  2. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  3. autoconf>=2.72 : devel/autoconf
  4. automake>=1.17 : devel/automake
Library dependencies:
  1. : security/libargon2
  2. : devel/pcre2
  3. : textproc/libxml2
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/pecl-lzf
  2. archivers/pecl-rar
  3. archivers/pecl-zstd
  4. archivers/php-snappy
  5. archivers/php82-bz2
  6. archivers/php82-phar
  7. archivers/php82-zip
Expand this list (111 items / 104 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. archivers/php82-zlib
  3. benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite
  4. converters/pecl-igbinary
  5. converters/php82-iconv
  6. converters/php82-mbstring
  7. databases/pecl-couchbase
  8. databases/pecl-leveldb
  9. databases/pecl-memcache
  10. databases/pecl-memcached
  11. databases/pecl-rrd
  12. databases/php-tarantool
  13. databases/php-xapian
  14. databases/php82-dba
  15. databases/php82-mysqli
  16. databases/php82-odbc
  17. databases/php82-pdo
  18. databases/php82-pdo_dblib
  19. databases/php82-pdo_firebird
  20. databases/php82-pdo_mysql
  21. databases/php82-pdo_odbc
  22. databases/php82-pdo_pgsql
  23. databases/php82-pdo_sqlite
  24. databases/php82-pgsql
  25. databases/php82-sqlite3
  26. devel/pecl-APCu
  27. devel/pecl-ast
  28. devel/pecl-dio
  29. devel/pecl-ds
  30. devel/pecl-ev
  31. devel/pecl-event
  32. devel/pecl-excimer
  33. devel/pecl-expect
  34. devel/pecl-inotify
  35. devel/pecl-msgpack
  36. devel/pecl-pcov
  37. devel/pecl-psr
  38. devel/pecl-runkit7
  39. devel/pecl-uploadprogress
  40. devel/pecl-vld
  41. devel/pecl-xdebug
  42. devel/pecl-yac
  43. devel/pecl-yaconf
  44. devel/php-ice37
  45. devel/php82-ffi
  46. devel/php82-gettext
  47. devel/php82-intl
  48. devel/php82-pcntl
  49. devel/php82-readline
  50. devel/php82-shmop
  51. devel/php82-sysvmsg
  52. devel/php82-sysvsem
  53. devel/php82-sysvshm
  54. devel/php82-tokenizer
  55. ftp/php82-curl
  56. ftp/php82-ftp
  57. graphics/pecl-geospatial
  58. graphics/pecl-imagick
  59. graphics/php-geos
  60. graphics/php82-exif
  61. graphics/php82-gd
  62. mail/pecl-mailparse
  63. mail/php82-imap
  64. math/php82-bcmath
  65. math/php82-gmp
  66. misc/php82-calendar
  67. net/pecl-oauth2
  68. net/pecl-radius
  69. net/php82-ldap
  70. net/php82-soap
  71. net/php82-sockets
  72. net-mgmt/php82-snmp
  73. security/pecl-crypto
  74. security/pecl-gnupg
  75. security/pecl-libsodium
  76. security/pecl-mcrypt
  77. security/pecl-pam
  78. security/pecl-pkcs11
  79. security/pecl-xxtea
  80. security/php82-filter
  81. security/php82-sodium
  82. security/snuffleupagus
  83. sysutils/php82-fileinfo
  84. sysutils/php82-posix
  85. textproc/pecl-xlswriter
  86. textproc/php82-ctype
  87. textproc/php82-dom
  88. textproc/php82-enchant
  89. textproc/php82-pspell
  90. textproc/php82-simplexml
  91. textproc/php82-xml
  92. textproc/php82-xmlreader
  93. textproc/php82-xmlwriter
  94. textproc/php82-xsl
  95. www/bareos-webui
  96. www/bareos22-webui
  97. www/bareos23-webui
  98. www/pecl-solr
  99. www/pecl-yaf
  100. www/pecl-yar
  101. www/php82-opcache
  102. www/php82-session
  103. www/php82-tidy
  104. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 2 deleted ports
  1. www/bareos20-webui*
  2. www/bareos21-webui*
  3. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. archivers/pecl-lzf
  2. archivers/pecl-rar
  3. archivers/pecl-zstd
  4. archivers/php-snappy
  5. archivers/php82-bz2
  6. archivers/php82-phar
  7. archivers/php82-zip
Expand this list (300 items / 293 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. archivers/php82-zlib
  3. audio/ampache
  4. benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite
  5. chinese/wordpress-zh_CN
  6. chinese/wordpress-zh_TW
  7. comms/atslog
  8. converters/pecl-igbinary
  9. converters/php82-iconv
  10. converters/php82-mbstring
  11. databases/adminer
  12. databases/adminerevo
  13. databases/dalmp
  14. databases/mantis
  15. databases/pear-DB
  16. databases/pecl-couchbase
  17. databases/pecl-leveldb
  18. databases/pecl-memcache
  19. databases/pecl-memcached
  20. databases/pecl-rrd
  21. databases/php-tarantool
  22. databases/php-xapian
  23. databases/php82-dba
  24. databases/php82-mysqli
  25. databases/php82-odbc
  26. databases/php82-pdo
  27. databases/php82-pdo_dblib
  28. databases/php82-pdo_firebird
  29. databases/php82-pdo_mysql
  30. databases/php82-pdo_odbc
  31. databases/php82-pdo_pgsql
  32. databases/php82-pdo_sqlite
  33. databases/php82-pgsql
  34. databases/php82-sqlite3
  35. databases/phppgadmin
  36. databases/xapian-bindings
  37. devel/aphpunit
  38. devel/arcanist
  39. devel/arcanist-lib
  40. devel/pear-HTML_QuickForm
  41. devel/pear-HTML_QuickForm2
  42. devel/pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter
  43. devel/pear-HTML_Template_IT
  44. devel/pear-PHPUnit_MockObject
  45. devel/pear-PHP_TokenStream
  46. devel/pear-SebastianBergmann_FinderFacade
  47. devel/pear-SebastianBergmann_Git
  48. devel/pear-SebastianBergmann_PHPCPD
  49. devel/pear-SebastianBergmann_PHPLOC
  50. devel/pear-Symfony_Component_Console
  51. devel/pear-Symfony_Component_Finder
  52. devel/pear-channel-ezc
  53. devel/pear-channel-geshi
  54. devel/pear-channel-symfony
  55. devel/pear-channel-symfony2
  56. devel/pear-ezc_Base
  57. devel/pear-ezc_ConsoleTools
  58. devel/pear-geshi
  59. devel/pecl-APCu
  60. devel/pecl-ast
  61. devel/pecl-dio
  62. devel/pecl-ds
  63. devel/pecl-ev
  64. devel/pecl-event
  65. devel/pecl-excimer
  66. devel/pecl-expect
  67. devel/pecl-inotify
  68. devel/pecl-msgpack
  69. devel/pecl-pcov
  70. devel/pecl-psr
  71. devel/pecl-runkit7
  72. devel/pecl-uploadprogress
  73. devel/pecl-vld
  74. devel/pecl-xdebug
  75. devel/pecl-yac
  76. devel/pecl-yaconf
  77. devel/phabricator
  78. devel/php-ice37
  79. devel/php82-ffi
  80. devel/php82-gettext
  81. devel/php82-intl
  82. devel/php82-pcntl
  83. devel/php82-readline
  84. devel/php82-shmop
  85. devel/php82-sysvmsg
  86. devel/php82-sysvsem
  87. devel/php82-sysvshm
  88. devel/php82-tokenizer
  89. devel/phpunit8
  90. devel/phpunit9
  91. devel/websvn
  92. dns/dns-ui
  93. dns/pear-Net_DNS2
  94. filesystems/pear-Horde_Vfs
  95. finance/frontaccounting
  96. finance/prestashop
  97. french/wordpress
  98. ftp/net2ftp
  99. ftp/php82-curl
  100. ftp/php82-ftp
  101. german/wordpress
  102. graphics/pear-Image_Color
  103. graphics/pecl-geospatial
  104. graphics/pecl-imagick
  105. graphics/php-geos
  106. graphics/php82-exif
  107. graphics/php82-gd
  108. japanese/wordpress
  109. lang/php82-extensions
  110. mail/nocc
  111. mail/pear-Horde_Imap_Client
  112. mail/pear-Horde_Kolab_Storage
  113. mail/pear-Horde_Mail_Autoconfig
  114. mail/pear-Mail
  115. mail/pear-Mail_Mime
  116. mail/pear-Net_IMAP
  117. mail/pecl-mailparse
  118. mail/php82-imap
  119. mail/phpmailer6
  120. mail/policyd2
  121. mail/postfixadmin
  122. mail/postfixadmin-lite
  123. mail/roundcube-automatic_addressbook
  124. mail/roundcube-calendar-kolab
  125. mail/roundcube-carddav
  126. mail/roundcube-classic
  127. mail/roundcube-contextmenu
  128. mail/roundcube-gravatar
  129. mail/roundcube-html5_notifier
  130. mail/roundcube-larry
  131. mail/roundcube-login_info
  132. mail/roundcube-sauserprefs
  133. mail/roundcube-thunderbird_labels
  134. mail/roundcube-tls_icon
  135. mail/roundcube-twofactor_gauthenticator
  136. mail/roundcube-veximaccountadmin
  137. mail/roundcube-yubikey_auth
  138. mail/snappymail
  139. mail/squirrelmail
  140. mail/squirrelmail-translations
  141. math/php82-bcmath
  142. math/php82-gmp
  143. misc/php82-calendar
  144. multimedia/zoneminder
  145. net/pear-Auth_RADIUS
  146. net/pear-Net_IPv6
  147. net/pear-Net_NNTP
  148. net/pear-Net_SMTP
  149. net/pear-Net_Sieve
  150. net/pecl-oauth2
  151. net/pecl-radius
  152. net/php82-ldap
  153. net/php82-soap
  154. net/php82-sockets
  155. net/phpldapadmin
  156. net-mgmt/icinga-ipl-i18n
  157. net-mgmt/icinga-php-library
  158. net-mgmt/icinga-php-thirdparty
  159. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-businessprocess
  160. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-cube
  161. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-elasticsearch
  162. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-fileshipper
  163. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-generictts
  164. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-graphite
  165. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-icingadb
  166. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-idoreports
  167. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-incubator
  168. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-jira
  169. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-map
  170. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-pdfexport
  171. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-reactbundle
  172. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-reporting
  173. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-vsphere
  174. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-vspheredb
  175. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-x509
  176. net-mgmt/nagios4
  177. net-mgmt/ocsinventory-ocsreports
  178. net-mgmt/php82-snmp
  179. net-mgmt/phpipam
  180. net-mgmt/pnp
  181. net-mgmt/pnp-icinga2
  182. print/fpdf
  183. russian/wordpress
  184. security/nextcloud-passman
  185. security/pear-Auth_SASL
  186. security/pear-Auth_SASL2
  187. security/pear-Crypt_CHAP
  188. security/pear-Crypt_GPG
  189. security/pear-File_SMBPasswd
  190. security/pear-Text_Password
  191. security/pecl-crypto
  192. security/pecl-gnupg
  193. security/pecl-libsodium
  194. security/pecl-mcrypt
  195. security/pecl-pam
  196. security/pecl-pkcs11
  197. security/pecl-xxtea
  198. security/php82-filter
  199. security/php82-sodium
  200. security/snuffleupagus
  201. security/webfwlog
  202. sysutils/froxlor
  203. sysutils/php82-fileinfo
  204. sysutils/php82-posix
  205. textproc/pear-YAML
  206. textproc/pecl-xlswriter
  207. textproc/php82-ctype
  208. textproc/php82-dom
  209. textproc/php82-enchant
  210. textproc/php82-pspell
  211. textproc/php82-simplexml
  212. textproc/php82-xml
  213. textproc/php82-xmlreader
  214. textproc/php82-xmlwriter
  215. textproc/php82-xsl
  216. www/UniversalFeedCreator
  217. www/baikal
  218. www/bareos-webui
  219. www/bareos22-webui
  220. www/bareos23-webui
  221. www/caldavzap
  222. www/codeigniter
  223. www/coppermine
  224. www/dmarcts-report-viewer
  225. www/dokuwiki
  226. www/dolibarr
  227. www/dolibarr17
  228. www/dolibarr18
  229. www/dolibarr19
  230. www/drupal7
  231. www/e107
  232. www/fusionpbx
  233. www/glpi
  234. www/hotcrp
  235. www/joomla4
  236. www/joomla5
  237. www/kanboard
  238. www/limesurvey
  239. www/mediawiki139
  240. www/mediawiki142
  241. www/mediawiki143
  242. www/mythplugin-mythweb
  243. www/nextcloud-notes
  244. www/nextcloud-tasks
  245. www/openemr
  246. www/orangehrm
  247. www/osticket
  248. www/pecl-solr
  249. www/pecl-yaf
  250. www/pecl-yar
  251. www/php-google-api-php-client
  252. www/php82-opcache
  253. www/php82-session
  254. www/php82-tidy
  255. www/phpmyfaq
  256. www/phpsysinfo
  257. www/repos-style
  258. www/sabredav
  259. www/serendipity
  260. www/smarty3
  261. www/smarty4
  262. www/suitecrm
  263. www/thirtybees
  264. www/typo3-11
  265. www/webtrees21
  266. www/wordpress
  267. www/yourls
  268. www/zenphoto
  269. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 26 deleted ports
  1. chinese/phpbb-tw*
  2. devel/cdash*
  3. devel/rth*
  4. finance/frontaccounting24*
  5. net-mgmt/phpweathermap*
  6. net-mgmt/zabbix64-frontend*
  7. security/nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification*
  8. www/Stikked*
  9. www/bareos20-webui*
  10. www/bareos21-webui*
  11. www/bolt*
  12. www/chems*
  13. www/itop*
  14. www/kohana*
  15. www/mediawiki135*
  16. www/mediawiki140*
  17. www/mediawiki141*
  18. www/moodle42*
  19. www/nibbleblog*
  20. www/pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty*
  21. www/phpbb*
  22. www/smarty2*
  23. www/template_*
  24. www/thundercache*
  25. www/webtrees20*
  26. www/zend-framework*
  27. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for php82-8.2.28: CGI=on: Build CGI version CLI=on: Build CLI version DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support DTRACE=on: Build with DTrace probes EMBED=on: Build embedded library FPM=on: Build FPM version IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support LINKTHR=on: Link thread lib (for threaded extensions) MYSQLND=on: Build with MySQL Native Driver PCRE=on: Use system pcre instead of bundled one PHPDBG=off: Interactive PHP debugger ZTS=off: Force Zend Thread Safety (ZTS) build ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 cpe gnome localbase pkgconfig tar:xz autoreconf:build ssl
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (2 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Notes from UPDATING
These upgrade notes are taken from /usr/ports/UPDATING
  • 2024-07-27
    Affects: lang/php8[123]
      The start scripts of php-fpm have been renamed to php_fpm for improved
      compatibility with other parts of the system. The automatic start at boot
      (rc.conf variable settings) is not affected, but if you have some other
      automatism you may want to change
        ".../etc/rc.d/php-fpm" to ".../etc/rc.d/php_fpm"
        "service php-fpm ..." to "service php_fpm ..."
      If you have custom start scripts which depend upon php-fpm, you need to
      change the REQUIRE lines in them from "php-fpm" to "php_fpm".

Number of commits found: 56

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
23 Mar 2025 06:50:09
commit hash: dafc75cb9a37dc03b2d1cbdb8effe2855a48229bcommit hash: dafc75cb9a37dc03b2d1cbdb8effe2855a48229bcommit hash: dafc75cb9a37dc03b2d1cbdb8effe2855a48229bcommit hash: dafc75cb9a37dc03b2d1cbdb8effe2855a48229b files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Cosmetic changes in rc

- Fix comments in rc
14 Mar 2025 07:55:46
commit hash: f875a9c4193848464baccd82c71ce75ac9d27330commit hash: f875a9c4193848464baccd82c71ce75ac9d27330commit hash: f875a9c4193848464baccd82c71ce75ac9d27330commit hash: f875a9c4193848464baccd82c71ce75ac9d27330 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.27=>8.2.28

- Make rc script prefix safe for profiles [1]


PR:             284468 [1]
Co-authored-by: Andrew Fyfe <>
14 Feb 2025 23:12:32
commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump consumers of devel/icu avoid library mismatches
21 Dec 2024 01:08:22
commit hash: b67fef5b04ea6d540d6777b861acd29e252fb274commit hash: b67fef5b04ea6d540d6777b861acd29e252fb274commit hash: b67fef5b04ea6d540d6777b861acd29e252fb274commit hash: b67fef5b04ea6d540d6777b861acd29e252fb274 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.26=>8.2.27

23 Nov 2024 14:26:54
commit hash: 09025283a0fd754048b6650f6460ff88230888a2commit hash: 09025283a0fd754048b6650f6460ff88230888a2commit hash: 09025283a0fd754048b6650f6460ff88230888a2commit hash: 09025283a0fd754048b6650f6460ff88230888a2 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.25=>8.2.26

25 Oct 2024 15:54:49
commit hash: e4e6445f6876b730378a740b6e76b1727756ca01commit hash: e4e6445f6876b730378a740b6e76b1727756ca01commit hash: e4e6445f6876b730378a740b6e76b1727756ca01commit hash: e4e6445f6876b730378a740b6e76b1727756ca01 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.24=>8.2.25

28 Sep 2024 21:32:27
commit hash: a022eb187ca01963eacba5f85751c06d3848cf70commit hash: a022eb187ca01963eacba5f85751c06d3848cf70commit hash: a022eb187ca01963eacba5f85751c06d3848cf70commit hash: a022eb187ca01963eacba5f85751c06d3848cf70 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.23=>8.2.24

30 Aug 2024 08:18:53
commit hash: 442de7e4088a04a775d6948eac90d968775d748acommit hash: 442de7e4088a04a775d6948eac90d968775d748acommit hash: 442de7e4088a04a775d6948eac90d968775d748acommit hash: 442de7e4088a04a775d6948eac90d968775d748a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.22=>8.2.23

- Rename rc script to comply to the rc scripting recommendations [1]


PR: 280134 [1]
Co-authored-by: Alexander Leidinger <>
01 Aug 2024 19:21:38
commit hash: 8f9afcc6cb9aee411b5d956658c66262831a1c3ecommit hash: 8f9afcc6cb9aee411b5d956658c66262831a1c3ecommit hash: 8f9afcc6cb9aee411b5d956658c66262831a1c3ecommit hash: 8f9afcc6cb9aee411b5d956658c66262831a1c3e files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.21=>8.2.22

28 Jul 2024 13:15:17
commit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aaca files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php84*: Sunrise

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

For upgrade notes please visit:

28 Jul 2024 13:15:16
commit hash: d6c16b39eaba13b0c240747534b8707056abb32bcommit hash: d6c16b39eaba13b0c240747534b8707056abb32bcommit hash: d6c16b39eaba13b0c240747534b8707056abb32bcommit hash: d6c16b39eaba13b0c240747534b8707056abb32b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.20=>8.2.21

- Add profile support in php-fpm rc script for running multiple php
  master process
- Make the rc script jail ready [1]

Reported by:	netchild [1]
07 Jun 2024 15:16:30
commit hash: f9259dd0be5455a3506df900966d8410a43effcbcommit hash: f9259dd0be5455a3506df900966d8410a43effcbcommit hash: f9259dd0be5455a3506df900966d8410a43effcbcommit hash: f9259dd0be5455a3506df900966d8410a43effcb files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/php82: Update version 8.2.19=>8.2.20

11 May 2024 23:06:47
commit hash: e792b33abed93888717b7b7f8ba42a6396578a8acommit hash: e792b33abed93888717b7b7f8ba42a6396578a8acommit hash: e792b33abed93888717b7b7f8ba42a6396578a8acommit hash: e792b33abed93888717b7b7f8ba42a6396578a8a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.18=>8.2.19

02 May 2024 22:29:01
commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php8*: Remove stale NOOP codes

json module is by default built into php and these module configs were
12 Apr 2024 15:43:47
commit hash: 328d77a603590387186765f354e3fca48f30b6cecommit hash: 328d77a603590387186765f354e3fca48f30b6cecommit hash: 328d77a603590387186765f354e3fca48f30b6cecommit hash: 328d77a603590387186765f354e3fca48f30b6ce files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.17=>8.2.18

24 Mar 2024 18:23:25
commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/php: Switch dependency of tidy

As tidy-lib has been deprecated switch the dependencies of php8*-tidy
to www/tidy-html5.
15 Mar 2024 19:09:22
commit hash: 3ed9cc39985b909e8d5860f9e6eb793f6540f33acommit hash: 3ed9cc39985b909e8d5860f9e6eb793f6540f33acommit hash: 3ed9cc39985b909e8d5860f9e6eb793f6540f33acommit hash: 3ed9cc39985b909e8d5860f9e6eb793f6540f33a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.16=>8.2.17

16 Feb 2024 15:55:58
commit hash: b82cc94b5efe0fef5d92aa6323c3e96eb5d6639acommit hash: b82cc94b5efe0fef5d92aa6323c3e96eb5d6639acommit hash: b82cc94b5efe0fef5d92aa6323c3e96eb5d6639acommit hash: b82cc94b5efe0fef5d92aa6323c3e96eb5d6639a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.15=>8.2.16

21 Jan 2024 19:25:26
commit hash: 11124ff535d0522ceb76d90dfe9581be0c9dd313commit hash: 11124ff535d0522ceb76d90dfe9581be0c9dd313commit hash: 11124ff535d0522ceb76d90dfe9581be0c9dd313commit hash: 11124ff535d0522ceb76d90dfe9581be0c9dd313 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Sanitize MANPREFIX

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
18 Jan 2024 19:40:17
commit hash: 53cd0b886f04eaa4155190efc04dd651befb233ecommit hash: 53cd0b886f04eaa4155190efc04dd651befb233ecommit hash: 53cd0b886f04eaa4155190efc04dd651befb233ecommit hash: 53cd0b886f04eaa4155190efc04dd651befb233e files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Fix build

PR:		fluffy
18 Jan 2024 18:29:10
commit hash: 147a6723542d29626979348f2814a58ae276391bcommit hash: 147a6723542d29626979348f2814a58ae276391bcommit hash: 147a6723542d29626979348f2814a58ae276391bcommit hash: 147a6723542d29626979348f2814a58ae276391b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.14=>8.2.15

31 Dec 2023 00:37:05
commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Sunset 12.4-RELEASE/12-STABLE from ports tree

- Remove all references to defunct ARCH arm
- Remove all references to defunct ARCH sparc64
- Remove x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb which requires defunct sparc64
- Remove sysutils/afbinit requires defunct sparc64 ARCH
- Remove all references to bktr driver
- Remove all references to defunct FreeBSD_12
- Remove all references to OSVERSION/OSREL corresponding to 12
- Remove conditionals in Mk/Uses/
- Remove sparc reference from Mk/Uses/
- Remove BROKEN_sparc64/NOT_FOR_ARCH=sparc64
- Remove BROKEN_FreeBSD_12* from:
- Remove OpenSSL patches from:
- Remove conditional flags for OSVERSION >= 1300000 to fixed flags.
  Also move conditional flags for non sparc64/arm ARCH to fixed flags.

Reviewed by:	brooks, jbeich, rene, salvadore
Differential Revision:
31 Dec 2023 00:06:40
commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php80: Sunset
22 Dec 2023 01:24:36
commit hash: e216badd22213c1654b46954576b85887a0a92b7commit hash: e216badd22213c1654b46954576b85887a0a92b7commit hash: e216badd22213c1654b46954576b85887a0a92b7commit hash: e216badd22213c1654b46954576b85887a0a92b7 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.13=>8.2.14

- php modules while build with system pcre fails to run when using
  apache httpd and mod_php. So OPTIONIZE and add as a non-DEFAULT
  option. However to my knowledge and experience I haven't faced this
  with nginx and php-fpm yet. [1]
- There is another corner case with apache httpd and mod_php when run
  on 13.2-RELEASE or newer specially on versions where ASLR is by default
  turned on. All modules specialy opcache crashes httpd. So add a
  warning message to advise users to move into php-fpm. [2]
- Remove unnecesary patches from devel/php82-readline [3]


PR: 275522 [1], 268318 [2], 275795 [3]
Reported by: [1],
[2], [3]
23 Nov 2023 22:02:57
commit hash: cea1194ae5f2bfa34526d25e6908fcd9d1698c0ccommit hash: cea1194ae5f2bfa34526d25e6908fcd9d1698c0ccommit hash: cea1194ae5f2bfa34526d25e6908fcd9d1698c0ccommit hash: cea1194ae5f2bfa34526d25e6908fcd9d1698c0c files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.12=>8.2.13

- Switch to system pcre
- Switch to libenchant-2 for enchant extension
- Remove OPTIONS for using the deprecated cclient library for imap
- mysqli no longer supports building with external mysql libraries so
  remove the options for MYSQLND
- Switch to libedit for readline extension

27 Oct 2023 16:34:59
commit hash: 1c1b54128ede116c610a8e275b3f300d291c1999commit hash: 1c1b54128ede116c610a8e275b3f300d291c1999commit hash: 1c1b54128ede116c610a8e275b3f300d291c1999commit hash: 1c1b54128ede116c610a8e275b3f300d291c1999 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.11=>8.2.12

29 Sep 2023 06:09:00
commit hash: d6ab9d01fe59bf2ea49cdb847dcfe92cb4863a10commit hash: d6ab9d01fe59bf2ea49cdb847dcfe92cb4863a10commit hash: d6ab9d01fe59bf2ea49cdb847dcfe92cb4863a10commit hash: d6ab9d01fe59bf2ea49cdb847dcfe92cb4863a10 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.10=>8.2.11

01 Sep 2023 17:16:15
commit hash: 9f8da7cc292a6b1bb317555d15300080046cf99acommit hash: 9f8da7cc292a6b1bb317555d15300080046cf99acommit hash: 9f8da7cc292a6b1bb317555d15300080046cf99acommit hash: 9f8da7cc292a6b1bb317555d15300080046cf99a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.9=>8.2.10


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
17 Aug 2023 18:34:18
commit hash: b8fcb872d7c7c312620ec267aa3d4b2b5eba4d39commit hash: b8fcb872d7c7c312620ec267aa3d4b2b5eba4d39commit hash: b8fcb872d7c7c312620ec267aa3d4b2b5eba4d39commit hash: b8fcb872d7c7c312620ec267aa3d4b2b5eba4d39 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.8=>8.2.9


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
28 Jul 2023 17:13:17
commit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3f files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump jpeg-turbo users treewide

New major version 3.0.0
07 Jul 2023 22:39:37
commit hash: 871dd10e04fede2e110911cb608b92447a5cd855commit hash: 871dd10e04fede2e110911cb608b92447a5cd855commit hash: 871dd10e04fede2e110911cb608b92447a5cd855commit hash: 871dd10e04fede2e110911cb608b92447a5cd855 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.7=>8.2.8

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
10 Jun 2023 14:57:35
commit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8f files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php83*: Sunrise

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

For upgrade notes please visit:

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
09 Jun 2023 17:18:47
commit hash: 1003b640f78453dd24563fc940289387a103c3facommit hash: 1003b640f78453dd24563fc940289387a103c3facommit hash: 1003b640f78453dd24563fc940289387a103c3facommit hash: 1003b640f78453dd24563fc940289387a103c3fa files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.6=>8.2.7

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
13 May 2023 19:45:14
commit hash: 737e6ba8ce0e1a06b8c86a77404726c4985393fdcommit hash: 737e6ba8ce0e1a06b8c86a77404726c4985393fdcommit hash: 737e6ba8ce0e1a06b8c86a77404726c4985393fdcommit hash: 737e6ba8ce0e1a06b8c86a77404726c4985393fd files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.5=>8.2.6


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
14 Apr 2023 17:33:42
commit hash: 57a55442fc76036987443f3a33fe6490d3e0b818commit hash: 57a55442fc76036987443f3a33fe6490d3e0b818commit hash: 57a55442fc76036987443f3a33fe6490d3e0b818commit hash: 57a55442fc76036987443f3a33fe6490d3e0b818 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.4=>8.2.5


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
12 Apr 2023 12:53:27
commit hash: 318b1cc930e6d576fb053ff4acf677ebf7e5ac99commit hash: 318b1cc930e6d576fb053ff4acf677ebf7e5ac99commit hash: 318b1cc930e6d576fb053ff4acf677ebf7e5ac99commit hash: 318b1cc930e6d576fb053ff4acf677ebf7e5ac99 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php8[12]: Fix bulk build

PR:		266175
Reported by:	fluffy
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
12 Apr 2023 05:39:13
commit hash: c89b6f2799891129e89d1b4fedf8e25865241060commit hash: c89b6f2799891129e89d1b4fedf8e25865241060commit hash: c89b6f2799891129e89d1b4fedf8e25865241060commit hash: c89b6f2799891129e89d1b4fedf8e25865241060 files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Dima Panov
lang/php8[12]: Fix build on aarch64 with ZTS

- Refresh patches

PR:		266175
Reported by:
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
19 Mar 2023 22:06:37
commit hash: 28a496b2df18ff0ef0ac5a71420e8a0053aec2d3commit hash: 28a496b2df18ff0ef0ac5a71420e8a0053aec2d3commit hash: 28a496b2df18ff0ef0ac5a71420e8a0053aec2d3commit hash: 28a496b2df18ff0ef0ac5a71420e8a0053aec2d3 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.3=>8.2.4


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
15 Feb 2023 17:30:47
commit hash: 1fed85da575e038c0c435adb7908eba5aeece383commit hash: 1fed85da575e038c0c435adb7908eba5aeece383commit hash: 1fed85da575e038c0c435adb7908eba5aeece383commit hash: 1fed85da575e038c0c435adb7908eba5aeece383 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.2=>8.2.3

MFH:		2023Q1
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
08 Feb 2023 10:53:56
commit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628da files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/** Convert USE_LDAP to USES=ldap

Convert the USE_LDAP=yes to USES=ldap and adds the following features:

- Adds the argument USES=ldap:server to add openldap2{4|5|6}-server as
- Adds the argument USES=ldap<version> and replaces WANT_OPENLDAP_VER
- Adds OPENLDAP versions in
- Changes consumers to use the features

Reviewed by:	delphij
Approved by:	portmgr
Differential Revision:
07 Feb 2023 23:07:50
commit hash: 1d36b1adfd70fe78c03efd1b1f9d63ea1a9b641acommit hash: 1d36b1adfd70fe78c03efd1b1f9d63ea1a9b641acommit hash: 1d36b1adfd70fe78c03efd1b1f9d63ea1a9b641acommit hash: 1d36b1adfd70fe78c03efd1b1f9d63ea1a9b641a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.1=>8.2.2

MFH:		2023Q1
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
25 Jan 2023 21:13:29
commit hash: 8ea662c5f71699443c369821319d211bd91f5901commit hash: 8ea662c5f71699443c369821319d211bd91f5901commit hash: 8ea662c5f71699443c369821319d211bd91f5901commit hash: 8ea662c5f71699443c369821319d211bd91f5901 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
www/mod_php8*: Fix build

USES=apache must be called before however this was
overridden using an include clause. During my previous commit on
refactoring these include blocks were deleted which causes
failure to the build of these port as USES=apache in is never
called. This commit changes and refactors the code.

Fixes: 40843b1 Mk/Uses/ Refactor after removal of older versions
25 Jan 2023 17:54:07
commit hash: 40843b1ccb8f70cca82dd115a71a46ae2a97a450commit hash: 40843b1ccb8f70cca82dd115a71a46ae2a97a450commit hash: 40843b1ccb8f70cca82dd115a71a46ae2a97a450commit hash: 40843b1ccb8f70cca82dd115a71a46ae2a97a450 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/Uses/ Refactor after removal of older versions

apache22 and apache25 had been removed a long time ago however the file has never been refactored and is out of sync from the
file Mk/ These changes refactors the removals of
the older versions. In addition:

- Remove apache versions from ports Makefiles as currently there is only
  one available version in the tree. However the version checks are
  still valid and should work flawlessly whenever a new version is
  added. For example USES=apache:2.2+ are simply replaced with
  USES=apache. As currently there are no other versions available for
  test this could not be checked on it's own ground.
- Update FOO_USE=APACHE=yes to FOO_USES=apache
- Remove trailing whitespaces

Approved by:    portmgr
Differential Revision:
10 Jan 2023 00:07:50
commit hash: e7c17ed52d570c7888051c599fa895a32002a2e0commit hash: e7c17ed52d570c7888051c599fa895a32002a2e0commit hash: e7c17ed52d570c7888051c599fa895a32002a2e0commit hash: e7c17ed52d570c7888051c599fa895a32002a2e0 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0=>8.2.1

MFH:            2023Q1
Sponsored by:   Bounce Experts
25 Dec 2022 19:45:09
commit hash: 0b811a20f7cd4cce60386ef8676593f9133f3a11commit hash: 0b811a20f7cd4cce60386ef8676593f9133f3a11commit hash: 0b811a20f7cd4cce60386ef8676593f9133f3a11commit hash: 0b811a20f7cd4cce60386ef8676593f9133f3a11 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php*: Final cleanup for php74

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
08 Dec 2022 16:55:12
commit hash: 5ee11f4522728e16e7c50c8ec99a53cb4f8b744fcommit hash: 5ee11f4522728e16e7c50c8ec99a53cb4f8b744fcommit hash: 5ee11f4522728e16e7c50c8ec99a53cb4f8b744fcommit hash: 5ee11f4522728e16e7c50c8ec99a53cb4f8b744f files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0RC7=>8.2.0

This is the first production release of 8.2.X lineup and is safe to use
in production contrary to the previous commits which were development

Check the Relnotes for the Changesets of this production release.

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
25 Nov 2022 23:47:44
commit hash: 2747d4a41de14ad20acae0322f362ada239cf5b0commit hash: 2747d4a41de14ad20acae0322f362ada239cf5b0commit hash: 2747d4a41de14ad20acae0322f362ada239cf5b0commit hash: 2747d4a41de14ad20acae0322f362ada239cf5b0 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0RC6=>8.2.0RC7

- Core:
  . Move observer_declared_function_notify until after pass_two(). (Bob)
  . Do not report MINIT stage internal class aliases in extensions.

- Opcache:
  . Fix opcache preload with observers enabled. (Bob)

- Standard:
  . Fix crash reading module_entry after DL_UNLOAD() when module already
    loaded. (Bob)

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
09 Nov 2022 20:02:54
commit hash: 19ac83426ae294afbcbf07fe9b8a297f5287fd1acommit hash: 19ac83426ae294afbcbf07fe9b8a297f5287fd1acommit hash: 19ac83426ae294afbcbf07fe9b8a297f5287fd1acommit hash: 19ac83426ae294afbcbf07fe9b8a297f5287fd1a files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0RC4=>8.2.0RC6

* Core:
  - Fixed bug GH-9823 (Don’t reset func in
    zend_closure_internal_handler). (Florian Sowade)
  - Fixed potential NULL pointer dereference Windows shm*()
    functions. (cmb)
  - Fix target validation for internal attributes with constructor
    property promotion. (kooldev)
  - Fixed bug GH-9750 (Generator memory leak when interrupted during
    argument evaluation. (Arnaud)

* FPM:
  - Fixed bug GH-9754 (SaltStack (using Python subprocess) hangs when
    running php-fpm 8.1.11). (Jakub Zelenka)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
13 Oct 2022 13:34:08
commit hash: 37e259336e382a15c1ce2d38f3e05824f5d6b993commit hash: 37e259336e382a15c1ce2d38f3e05824f5d6b993commit hash: 37e259336e382a15c1ce2d38f3e05824f5d6b993commit hash: 37e259336e382a15c1ce2d38f3e05824f5d6b993 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0RC2=>8.2.0RC4

- Core:
  * Fixed bug GH-9655 (Pure intersection types cannot be implicitly
    nullable) (Girgias)
  * Fixed bug GH-9589 (dl() segfaults when module is already loaded).
    (cmb, Arnaud)

- Streams:
  * Fixed bug GH-9590 (stream_select does not abort upon exception or
    empty valid fd set). (Arnaud)

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
16 Sep 2022 08:49:42
commit hash: 0f83560b42de3cf05ed366538783ffdb5ec40badcommit hash: 0f83560b42de3cf05ed366538783ffdb5ec40badcommit hash: 0f83560b42de3cf05ed366538783ffdb5ec40badcommit hash: 0f83560b42de3cf05ed366538783ffdb5ec40bad files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0beta2=>8.2.0RC2

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-9500 (Using dnf type with parentheses after readonly
  keyword results in a parse error). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-9516 ((A&B)|D as a param should allow AB or D.  Not
  just A).  (Girgias)

  . Fixed bug GH-9308 (GMP throws the wrong error when a GMP object is
  passed to gmp_init()). (Girgias)

- Intl
  . Fixed bug GH-9421 (Incorrect argument number for ValueError in
  NumberFormatter).  (Girgias)
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
04 Aug 2022 19:43:34
commit hash: 5da33bb9b44197233147df3ac9ffdc943ac3662bcommit hash: 5da33bb9b44197233147df3ac9ffdc943ac3662bcommit hash: 5da33bb9b44197233147df3ac9ffdc943ac3662bcommit hash: 5da33bb9b44197233147df3ac9ffdc943ac3662b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0a3=>8.2.0b2

- Fix building with some DEFAULT OPTIONS off [1]
PR:		265500 [1]
Reported by: [1]
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
07 Jul 2022 05:06:13
commit hash: f99a80bb94cd290b42b4866f5bdf6bbc2a460eb9commit hash: f99a80bb94cd290b42b4866f5bdf6bbc2a460eb9commit hash: f99a80bb94cd290b42b4866f5bdf6bbc2a460eb9commit hash: f99a80bb94cd290b42b4866f5bdf6bbc2a460eb9 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: Update version 8.2.0.a1=>8.2.0.a3

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
14 Jun 2022 23:05:17
commit hash: 62c09d7c530824e9febe13a084138888b537f39dcommit hash: 62c09d7c530824e9febe13a084138888b537f39dcommit hash: 62c09d7c530824e9febe13a084138888b537f39dcommit hash: 62c09d7c530824e9febe13a084138888b537f39d files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php82: correct COMMENT
11 Jun 2022 21:02:49
commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39commit hash: 665b149d2692ff6926a092568304091995e07d39 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php82*: Welcome php 8.2.0 Alpha 1

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

port-committers@ please DO NOT mark your ports IGNORE_WITH_PHP=82. A
build is running to check all php ports with php82 and will be
committed in batch tomorrow.

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts

Number of commits found: 56