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Port details
php83 PHP Scripting Language (8.3.X branch)
8.3.17_1 lang on this many watch lists=13 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 8.3.15Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2023-06-10 15:00:08
Last Update: 2025-02-14 23:12:32
Commit Hash: ff33dd4
People watching this port, also watch:: postfix, php82, mariadb1011-server, ImageMagick7, apache24
Also Listed In: devel www
License: PHP301
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (324 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/php83-8.3.17_1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/php83-8.3.17_1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/php83-8.3.17_1/PHP301
  4. bin/php
  5. bin/php-cgi
  6. bin/php-config
  7. @comment bin/phpdbg
  8. bin/phpize
  9. sbin/php-fpm
  10. etc/php.conf
  11. etc/php.ini-development
  12. etc/php.ini-production
  13. @sample etc/php-fpm.conf.default etc/php-fpm.conf
  14. @sample etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
  15. include/php/TSRM/TSRM.h
  16. include/php/TSRM/tsrm_win32.h
  17. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_call_graph.h
  18. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_cfg.h
  19. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_dfg.h
  20. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_dump.h
  21. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_func_info.h
  22. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_inference.h
  23. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_optimizer.h
  24. include/php/Zend/Optimizer/zend_ssa.h
  25. include/php/Zend/zend.h
  26. include/php/Zend/zend_API.h
  27. include/php/Zend/zend_alloc.h
  28. include/php/Zend/zend_alloc_sizes.h
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  99. include/php/Zend/zend_smart_str_public.h
  100. include/php/Zend/zend_smart_string.h
  101. include/php/Zend/zend_smart_string_public.h
  102. include/php/Zend/zend_sort.h
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  104. include/php/Zend/zend_stream.h
  105. include/php/Zend/zend_string.h
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  107. include/php/Zend/zend_strtod_int.h
  108. include/php/Zend/zend_system_id.h
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  110. include/php/Zend/zend_types.h
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  137. include/php/ext/hash/php_hash_sha3.h
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  142. include/php/ext/json/php_json.h
  143. include/php/ext/json/php_json_parser.h
  144. include/php/ext/json/php_json_scanner.h
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  172. include/php/ext/mysqlnd/php_mysqlnd.h
  173. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/config.h
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  175. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_internal.h
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  178. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_jit_simd_inc.h
  179. @comment include/php/ext/pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_ucp.h
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  182. include/php/ext/spl/php_spl.h
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  192. include/php/ext/spl/spl_observer.h
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  194. include/php/ext/standard/basic_functions.h
  195. include/php/ext/standard/basic_functions_arginfo.h
  196. include/php/ext/standard/crc32.h
  197. include/php/ext/standard/crc32_x86.h
  198. include/php/ext/standard/credits.h
  199. include/php/ext/standard/credits_ext.h
  200. include/php/ext/standard/credits_sapi.h
  201. include/php/ext/standard/crypt_blowfish.h
  202. include/php/ext/standard/crypt_freesec.h
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  204. include/php/ext/standard/datetime.h
  205. include/php/ext/standard/dir_arginfo.h
  206. include/php/ext/standard/dl.h
  207. include/php/ext/standard/dl_arginfo.h
  208. include/php/ext/standard/exec.h
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  210. include/php/ext/standard/file_arginfo.h
  211. include/php/ext/standard/flock_compat.h
  212. include/php/ext/standard/fsock.h
  213. include/php/ext/standard/head.h
  214. include/php/ext/standard/html.h
  215. include/php/ext/standard/html_tables.h
  216. include/php/ext/standard/info.h
  217. include/php/ext/standard/md5.h
  218. include/php/ext/standard/pack.h
  219. include/php/ext/standard/pageinfo.h
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  221. include/php/ext/standard/php_assert.h
  222. include/php/ext/standard/php_browscap.h
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  224. include/php/ext/standard/php_crypt_r.h
  225. include/php/ext/standard/php_dir.h
  226. include/php/ext/standard/php_dns.h
  227. include/php/ext/standard/php_ext_syslog.h
  228. include/php/ext/standard/php_filestat.h
  229. include/php/ext/standard/php_fopen_wrappers.h
  230. include/php/ext/standard/php_http.h
  231. include/php/ext/standard/php_image.h
  232. include/php/ext/standard/php_incomplete_class.h
  233. include/php/ext/standard/php_lcg.h
  234. include/php/ext/standard/php_mail.h
  235. include/php/ext/standard/php_math.h
  236. include/php/ext/standard/php_mt_rand.h
  237. include/php/ext/standard/php_net.h
  238. include/php/ext/standard/php_password.h
  239. include/php/ext/standard/php_rand.h
  240. include/php/ext/standard/php_random.h
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  243. include/php/ext/standard/php_standard.h
  244. include/php/ext/standard/php_string.h
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  246. include/php/ext/standard/php_var.h
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  252. include/php/ext/standard/streamsfuncs.h
  253. include/php/ext/standard/url.h
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  255. include/php/ext/standard/user_filters_arginfo.h
  256. include/php/ext/standard/winver.h
  257. @touch include/php/ext/php_config.h
  258. @rmempty include/php/ext/php_config.h
  259. include/php/main/SAPI.h
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  261. include/php/main/fastcgi.h
  262. include/php/main/fopen_wrappers.h
  263. include/php/main/http_status_codes.h
  264. include/php/main/main_arginfo.h
  265. include/php/main/php.h
  266. include/php/main/php_compat.h
  267. include/php/main/php_config.h
  268. include/php/main/php_content_types.h
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  272. include/php/main/php_ini_builder.h
  273. include/php/main/php_main.h
  274. include/php/main/php_memory_streams.h
  275. include/php/main/php_network.h
  276. include/php/main/php_odbc_utils.h
  277. include/php/main/php_open_temporary_file.h
  278. include/php/main/php_output.h
  279. include/php/main/php_reentrancy.h
  280. include/php/main/php_scandir.h
  281. include/php/main/php_streams.h
  282. include/php/main/php_syslog.h
  283. include/php/main/php_ticks.h
  284. include/php/main/php_variables.h
  285. include/php/main/php_version.h
  286. include/php/main/rfc1867.h
  287. include/php/main/snprintf.h
  288. include/php/main/spprintf.h
  289. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_context.h
  290. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_filter_api.h
  291. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_glob_wrapper.h
  292. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_mmap.h
  293. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_plain_wrapper.h
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  295. include/php/main/streams/php_stream_userspace.h
  296. include/php/main/streams/php_streams_int.h
  297. include/php/main/streams/userspace_arginfo.h
  298. include/php/sapi/cli/cli.h
  299. include/php/sapi/embed/php_embed.h
  300. lib/
  301. lib/php/build/
  302. lib/php/build/ax_check_compile_flag.m4
  303. lib/php/build/ax_gcc_func_attribute.m4
  304. lib/php/build/config.guess
  305. lib/php/build/config.sub
  306. lib/php/build/gen_stub.php
  307. lib/php/build/libtool.m4
  308. lib/php/build/
  309. lib/php/build/php.m4
  310. lib/php/build/php_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
  311. lib/php/build/phpize.m4
  312. lib/php/build/pkg.m4
  313. lib/php/build/run-tests.php
  314. lib/php/build/shtool
  315. share/man/man1/php-cgi.1.gz
  316. share/man/man1/php-config.1.gz
  317. share/man/man1/php.1.gz
  318. @comment share/man/man1/phpdbg.1.gz
  319. share/man/man1/phpize.1.gz
  320. share/man/man8/php-fpm.8.gz
  321. share/php/fpm/status.html
  322. @owner
  323. @group
  324. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • php83>0:lang/php83
  • php[0-9][0-9]
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/lang/php83/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install lang/php83
  • pkg install php83
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: php83
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1739516523 SHA256 (php-8.3.17.tar.xz) = 6158ee678e698395da13d72c7679a406d2b7554323432f14d37b60ed87d8ccfb SIZE (php-8.3.17.tar.xz) = 12541560

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
Slave ports:
  1. archivers/php83-bz2
  2. archivers/php83-phar
  3. archivers/php83-zip
  4. archivers/php83-zlib
  5. converters/php83-iconv
  6. converters/php83-mbstring
  7. databases/php83-dba
  8. databases/php83-mysqli
  9. databases/php83-odbc
  10. databases/php83-pdo
  11. databases/php83-pdo_dblib
  12. databases/php83-pdo_firebird
  13. databases/php83-pdo_mysql
  14. databases/php83-pdo_odbc
  15. databases/php83-pdo_pgsql
  16. databases/php83-pdo_sqlite
  17. databases/php83-pgsql
  18. databases/php83-sqlite3
  19. devel/php83-ffi
  20. devel/php83-gettext
  21. devel/php83-intl
  22. devel/php83-pcntl
  23. devel/php83-readline
  24. devel/php83-shmop
  25. devel/php83-sysvmsg
  26. devel/php83-sysvsem
  27. devel/php83-sysvshm
  28. devel/php83-tokenizer
  29. ftp/php83-curl
  30. ftp/php83-ftp
  31. graphics/php83-exif
  32. graphics/php83-gd
  33. mail/php83-imap
  34. math/php83-bcmath
  35. math/php83-gmp
  36. misc/php83-calendar
  37. net/php83-ldap
  38. net/php83-soap
  39. net/php83-sockets
  40. net-mgmt/php83-snmp
  41. security/php83-filter
  42. security/php83-sodium
  43. sysutils/php83-fileinfo
  44. sysutils/php83-posix
  45. textproc/php83-ctype
  46. textproc/php83-dom
  47. textproc/php83-enchant
  48. textproc/php83-pspell
  49. textproc/php83-simplexml
  50. textproc/php83-xml
  51. textproc/php83-xmlreader
  52. textproc/php83-xmlwriter
  53. textproc/php83-xsl
  54. www/mod_php83
  55. www/php83-opcache
  56. www/php83-session
  57. www/php83-tidy
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. re2c>0 : devel/re2c
  2. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  3. autoconf>=2.72 : devel/autoconf
  4. automake>=1.17 : devel/automake
Library dependencies:
  1. : security/libargon2
  2. : devel/pcre2
  3. : textproc/libxml2
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/php83-bz2
  2. archivers/php83-phar
  3. archivers/php83-zip
  4. archivers/php83-zlib
  5. converters/php83-iconv
  6. converters/php83-mbstring
  7. databases/php83-dba
Expand this list (67 items / 60 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. databases/php83-mysqli
  3. databases/php83-odbc
  4. databases/php83-pdo
  5. databases/php83-pdo_dblib
  6. databases/php83-pdo_firebird
  7. databases/php83-pdo_mysql
  8. databases/php83-pdo_odbc
  9. databases/php83-pdo_pgsql
  10. databases/php83-pdo_sqlite
  11. databases/php83-pgsql
  12. databases/php83-sqlite3
  13. devel/pecl-grpc
  14. devel/pecl-opentelemetry
  15. devel/pecl-protobuf
  16. devel/pecl-swoole
  17. devel/pecl-zookeeper
  18. devel/php83-ffi
  19. devel/php83-gettext
  20. devel/php83-intl
  21. devel/php83-pcntl
  22. devel/php83-readline
  23. devel/php83-shmop
  24. devel/php83-sysvmsg
  25. devel/php83-sysvsem
  26. devel/php83-sysvshm
  27. devel/php83-tokenizer
  28. ftp/php83-curl
  29. ftp/php83-ftp
  30. graphics/php83-exif
  31. graphics/php83-gd
  32. mail/php83-imap
  33. math/php83-bcmath
  34. math/php83-gmp
  35. misc/pecl-timezonedb
  36. misc/php83-calendar
  37. net/pecl-smbclient
  38. net/php83-ldap
  39. net/php83-soap
  40. net/php83-sockets
  41. net-mgmt/icingaweb2
  42. net-mgmt/php83-snmp
  43. security/php83-filter
  44. security/php83-sodium
  45. sysutils/php83-fileinfo
  46. sysutils/php83-posix
  47. textproc/pecl-yaml
  48. textproc/php83-ctype
  49. textproc/php83-dom
  50. textproc/php83-enchant
  51. textproc/php83-pspell
  52. textproc/php83-simplexml
  53. textproc/php83-xml
  54. textproc/php83-xmlreader
  55. textproc/php83-xmlwriter
  56. textproc/php83-xsl
  57. www/pecl-http
  58. www/php83-opcache
  59. www/php83-session
  60. www/php83-tidy
  61. www/unit-php
  62. Collapse this list.
for Run
  1. archivers/php83-bz2
  2. archivers/php83-phar
  3. archivers/php83-zip
  4. archivers/php83-zlib
  5. converters/php83-iconv
  6. converters/php83-mbstring
  7. databases/pgfouine
Expand this list (132 items / 125 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. databases/php83-dba
  3. databases/php83-mysqli
  4. databases/php83-odbc
  5. databases/php83-pdo
  6. databases/php83-pdo_dblib
  7. databases/php83-pdo_firebird
  8. databases/php83-pdo_mysql
  9. databases/php83-pdo_odbc
  10. databases/php83-pdo_pgsql
  11. databases/php83-pdo_sqlite
  12. databases/php83-pgsql
  13. databases/php83-sqlite3
  14. devel/pear-File_Iterator
  15. devel/pear-PHP_CodeCoverage
  16. devel/pear-PHP_Timer
  17. devel/pear-SebastianBergmann_Version
  18. devel/pecl-grpc
  19. devel/pecl-opentelemetry
  20. devel/pecl-protobuf
  21. devel/pecl-swoole
  22. devel/pecl-zookeeper
  23. devel/phorgeit-arcanist
  24. devel/phorgeit-arcanist-lib
  25. devel/phorgeit-phorge
  26. devel/php-composer
  27. devel/php83-ffi
  28. devel/php83-gettext
  29. devel/php83-intl
  30. devel/php83-pcntl
  31. devel/php83-readline
  32. devel/php83-shmop
  33. devel/php83-sysvmsg
  34. devel/php83-sysvsem
  35. devel/php83-sysvshm
  36. devel/php83-tokenizer
  37. devel/phpunit10
  38. devel/phpunit11
  39. finance/nextcloud-cospend
  40. ftp/php83-curl
  41. ftp/php83-ftp
  42. graphics/php83-exif
  43. graphics/php83-gd
  44. lang/php83-extensions
  45. mail/nextcloud-mail
  46. mail/php83-imap
  47. mail/phplist
  48. mail/postfixadmin33
  49. mail/postfixadmin33-lite
  50. mail/roundcube
  51. math/php83-bcmath
  52. math/php83-gmp
  53. math/rkward
  54. misc/pecl-timezonedb
  55. misc/php83-calendar
  56. net/pecl-smbclient
  57. net/php83-ldap
  58. net/php83-soap
  59. net/php83-sockets
  60. net/self-service-password
  61. net-im/nextcloud-talk
  62. net-mgmt/cacti
  63. net-mgmt/icingaweb2
  64. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-director
  65. net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-grafana
  66. net-mgmt/librenms
  67. net-mgmt/nagios
  68. net-mgmt/nagiosql
  69. net-mgmt/php83-snmp
  70. net-mgmt/zabbix6-frontend
  71. net-mgmt/zabbix7-frontend
  72. net-mgmt/zabbix72-frontend
  73. security/mailzu
  74. security/nextcloud-end_to_end_encryption
  75. security/nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn
  76. security/php83-filter
  77. security/php83-sodium
  78. sysutils/php83-fileinfo
  79. sysutils/php83-posix
  80. textproc/pear-Text_Template
  81. textproc/pecl-yaml
  82. textproc/php83-ctype
  83. textproc/php83-dom
  84. textproc/php83-enchant
  85. textproc/php83-pspell
  86. textproc/php83-simplexml
  87. textproc/php83-xml
  88. textproc/php83-xmlreader
  89. textproc/php83-xmlwriter
  90. textproc/php83-xsl
  91. www/bacula-web
  92. www/drupal10
  93. www/drupal11
  94. www/elgg
  95. www/ilias
  96. www/librespeed
  97. www/matomo
  98. www/moodle44
  99. www/moodle45
  100. www/nextcloud
  101. www/nextcloud-appointments
  102. www/nextcloud-calendar
  103. www/nextcloud-contacts
  104. www/nextcloud-deck
  105. www/nextcloud-forms
  106. www/nextcloud-groupfolders
  107. www/nextcloud-news
  108. www/opencart
  109. www/pecl-http
  110. www/php83-opcache
  111. www/php83-session
  112. www/php83-tidy
  113. www/phpbb3
  114. www/phpvirtualbox
  115. www/phpvirtualbox-legacy
  116. www/piwigo
  117. www/pmwiki
  118. www/privatebin
  119. www/rss-bridge
  120. www/samdruckerserver
  121. www/smarty
  122. www/tcexam
  123. www/tt-rss
  124. www/typo3-12
  125. www/typo3-13
  126. www/unit-php
  127. Collapse this list.

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for php83-8.3.17_1: CGI=on: Build CGI version CLI=on: Build CLI version DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support DTRACE=on: Build with DTrace probes EMBED=on: Build embedded library FPM=on: Build FPM version IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support LINKTHR=on: Link thread lib (for threaded extensions) MYSQLND=on: Build with MySQL Native Driver NOASLR=off: Disable ASLR support PCRE=on: Use system pcre instead of bundled one PHPDBG=off: Interactive PHP debugger ZTS=off: Force Zend Thread Safety (ZTS) build ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 cpe gnome localbase pkgconfig tar:xz autoreconf:build ssl
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (2 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Notes from UPDATING
These upgrade notes are taken from /usr/ports/UPDATING
  • 2024-07-27
    Affects: lang/php8[123]
      The start scripts of php-fpm have been renamed to php_fpm for improved
      compatibility with other parts of the system. The automatic start at boot
      (rc.conf variable settings) is not affected, but if you have some other
      automatism you may want to change
        ".../etc/rc.d/php-fpm" to ".../etc/rc.d/php_fpm"
        "service php-fpm ..." to "service php_fpm ..."
      If you have custom start scripts which depend upon php-fpm, you need to
      change the REQUIRE lines in them from "php-fpm" to "php_fpm".

Number of commits found: 39

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
14 Feb 2025 23:12:32
commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653commit hash: ff33dd4700e81bd57df259a0fe29ed5fdddf2653 files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump consumers of devel/icu avoid library mismatches
14 Feb 2025 14:14:24
commit hash: d7bfeac02d7b84fb08c33e8a68869665664f4caccommit hash: d7bfeac02d7b84fb08c33e8a68869665664f4caccommit hash: d7bfeac02d7b84fb08c33e8a68869665664f4caccommit hash: d7bfeac02d7b84fb08c33e8a68869665664f4cac files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.16=>8.3.17

- Make rc script prefix safe for profiles [1]


PR:		284468 [1]
Reported by: [1]
21 Jan 2025 01:22:16
commit hash: edc80232d2aa22a43e49295a8f55fe63dcea016acommit hash: edc80232d2aa22a43e49295a8f55fe63dcea016acommit hash: edc80232d2aa22a43e49295a8f55fe63dcea016acommit hash: edc80232d2aa22a43e49295a8f55fe63dcea016a files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.15=>8.3.16

21 Dec 2024 01:08:23
commit hash: f104e349d4cdbc80644713fcf88e36ff960bdeb2commit hash: f104e349d4cdbc80644713fcf88e36ff960bdeb2commit hash: f104e349d4cdbc80644713fcf88e36ff960bdeb2commit hash: f104e349d4cdbc80644713fcf88e36ff960bdeb2 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.14=>8.3.15

23 Nov 2024 14:26:55
commit hash: 99c21bda431130924d20a229a9f9e7aa86a545a0commit hash: 99c21bda431130924d20a229a9f9e7aa86a545a0commit hash: 99c21bda431130924d20a229a9f9e7aa86a545a0commit hash: 99c21bda431130924d20a229a9f9e7aa86a545a0 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.13=>8.3.14

25 Oct 2024 15:54:50
commit hash: e0299e353222f3e55d95ac9c61d31f72d00bfee9commit hash: e0299e353222f3e55d95ac9c61d31f72d00bfee9commit hash: e0299e353222f3e55d95ac9c61d31f72d00bfee9commit hash: e0299e353222f3e55d95ac9c61d31f72d00bfee9 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.12=>8.3.13

28 Sep 2024 21:32:28
commit hash: 204522bb0b36e333e23ca0177beabe3ee0a56bbacommit hash: 204522bb0b36e333e23ca0177beabe3ee0a56bbacommit hash: 204522bb0b36e333e23ca0177beabe3ee0a56bbacommit hash: 204522bb0b36e333e23ca0177beabe3ee0a56bba files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.11=>8.3.12

30 Aug 2024 08:15:48
commit hash: 05d08399b5616885614a68d56d8ba54da80f9477commit hash: 05d08399b5616885614a68d56d8ba54da80f9477commit hash: 05d08399b5616885614a68d56d8ba54da80f9477commit hash: 05d08399b5616885614a68d56d8ba54da80f9477 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.10=>8.3.11

01 Aug 2024 19:21:37
commit hash: dffb9a8c7fe958d0b3caa623e3b366e59da11c58commit hash: dffb9a8c7fe958d0b3caa623e3b366e59da11c58commit hash: dffb9a8c7fe958d0b3caa623e3b366e59da11c58commit hash: dffb9a8c7fe958d0b3caa623e3b366e59da11c58 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.9=>8.3.10

28 Jul 2024 13:15:17
commit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aacacommit hash: 42db2c39e566955903a9176e0a4c4c7589d5aaca files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php84*: Sunrise

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

For upgrade notes please visit:

28 Jul 2024 13:15:15
commit hash: 55272c38747e54876219ffcb73050514bfd21d0dcommit hash: 55272c38747e54876219ffcb73050514bfd21d0dcommit hash: 55272c38747e54876219ffcb73050514bfd21d0dcommit hash: 55272c38747e54876219ffcb73050514bfd21d0d files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.8=>8.3.9

- Rename rc script to comply to the rc scripting recommendations [1]


PR: 280134 [1]
Co-authored-by: Alexander Leidinger <>
07 Jun 2024 15:17:44
commit hash: 8d3544f838b596991208b7ae7e4342748c85ae85commit hash: 8d3544f838b596991208b7ae7e4342748c85ae85commit hash: 8d3544f838b596991208b7ae7e4342748c85ae85commit hash: 8d3544f838b596991208b7ae7e4342748c85ae85 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/php83: Update version 8.3.7=>8.3.8

- Fix comment in rc file
- Make rc script jail ready [1]

Reported by:	netchild [1]
11 May 2024 23:07:58
commit hash: 9dee7b4d70990df394f20efda5bf1c675abecc3ecommit hash: 9dee7b4d70990df394f20efda5bf1c675abecc3ecommit hash: 9dee7b4d70990df394f20efda5bf1c675abecc3ecommit hash: 9dee7b4d70990df394f20efda5bf1c675abecc3e files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.6=>8.3.7

02 May 2024 22:29:01
commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255commit hash: 1d1273b22cfd4f5f044f93faa3be4d2982d0d255 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php8*: Remove stale NOOP codes

json module is by default built into php and these module configs were
12 Apr 2024 15:44:29
commit hash: 1cb46eafbbfa5c1ba47063e08aff53a58cb5a092commit hash: 1cb46eafbbfa5c1ba47063e08aff53a58cb5a092commit hash: 1cb46eafbbfa5c1ba47063e08aff53a58cb5a092commit hash: 1cb46eafbbfa5c1ba47063e08aff53a58cb5a092 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.4=>8.3.6

24 Mar 2024 18:23:25
commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97commit hash: 747f0ed37d67d247825e861df9581ddf5ebb2e97 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/php: Switch dependency of tidy

As tidy-lib has been deprecated switch the dependencies of php8*-tidy
to www/tidy-html5.
15 Mar 2024 19:09:24
commit hash: e1e28f26295f2c6a137e7a0eb800792e63ccb915commit hash: e1e28f26295f2c6a137e7a0eb800792e63ccb915commit hash: e1e28f26295f2c6a137e7a0eb800792e63ccb915commit hash: e1e28f26295f2c6a137e7a0eb800792e63ccb915 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.3=>8.3.4

16 Feb 2024 15:56:00
commit hash: 3a48ec58d6dd23546a572c3f39c7a87242e27d80commit hash: 3a48ec58d6dd23546a572c3f39c7a87242e27d80commit hash: 3a48ec58d6dd23546a572c3f39c7a87242e27d80commit hash: 3a48ec58d6dd23546a572c3f39c7a87242e27d80 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.2=>8.3.3

22 Jan 2024 01:32:48
commit hash: dd5d5f6937ac19a94e972c433fd3b7a7d5d6b727commit hash: dd5d5f6937ac19a94e972c433fd3b7a7d5d6b727commit hash: dd5d5f6937ac19a94e972c433fd3b7a7d5d6b727commit hash: dd5d5f6937ac19a94e972c433fd3b7a7d5d6b727 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Sanitize MANPREFIX

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
18 Jan 2024 18:29:10
commit hash: f7c6b6335d77de48a1fd4986c69066a5c8d5bd87commit hash: f7c6b6335d77de48a1fd4986c69066a5c8d5bd87commit hash: f7c6b6335d77de48a1fd4986c69066a5c8d5bd87commit hash: f7c6b6335d77de48a1fd4986c69066a5c8d5bd87 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Johan Hendriks
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.1=>8.3.2

- Add profile support in php-fpm rc script for running multiple php
  master process

31 Dec 2023 00:37:05
commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Sunset 12.4-RELEASE/12-STABLE from ports tree

- Remove all references to defunct ARCH arm
- Remove all references to defunct ARCH sparc64
- Remove x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb which requires defunct sparc64
- Remove sysutils/afbinit requires defunct sparc64 ARCH
- Remove all references to bktr driver
- Remove all references to defunct FreeBSD_12
- Remove all references to OSVERSION/OSREL corresponding to 12
- Remove conditionals in Mk/Uses/
- Remove sparc reference from Mk/Uses/
- Remove BROKEN_sparc64/NOT_FOR_ARCH=sparc64
- Remove BROKEN_FreeBSD_12* from:
- Remove OpenSSL patches from:
- Remove conditional flags for OSVERSION >= 1300000 to fixed flags.
  Also move conditional flags for non sparc64/arm ARCH to fixed flags.

Reviewed by:	brooks, jbeich, rene, salvadore
Differential Revision:
31 Dec 2023 00:06:40
commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php80: Sunset
22 Dec 2023 01:24:35
commit hash: 58de78405733ce66390af3d1db0e40e35a0d4355commit hash: 58de78405733ce66390af3d1db0e40e35a0d4355commit hash: 58de78405733ce66390af3d1db0e40e35a0d4355commit hash: 58de78405733ce66390af3d1db0e40e35a0d4355 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0=>8.3.1

- php modules while build with system pcre fails to run when using
  apache httpd and mod_php. So OPTIONIZE and add as a non-DEFAULT
  option. However to my knowledge and experience I haven't faced this
  with nginx and php-fpm yet. [1]
- There is another corner case with apache httpd and mod_php when run
  on 13.2-RELEASE or newer specially on versions where ASLR is by default
  turned on. All modules specialy opcache crashes httpd. So add a
  warning message to advise users to move into php-fpm. [2]

Thanks to brnrd@ for the patch. [2]


PR:		275522 [1], 268318 [2]
Reported by: [1],
23 Nov 2023 22:02:57
commit hash: 8667a82724a9c7d2560c438d98f23990d08a08ebcommit hash: 8667a82724a9c7d2560c438d98f23990d08a08ebcommit hash: 8667a82724a9c7d2560c438d98f23990d08a08ebcommit hash: 8667a82724a9c7d2560c438d98f23990d08a08eb files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC6=>8.3.0

- Switch to system pcre
- Switch to libenchant-2 for enchant extension
- Switch to panda-cclient for imap extension and remove cclient OPTION
  as this has been marked DEPRECATED
- Remove option for mysqli as mysqli no longer supports external mysql
- Switch to libedit for readline extension

11 Nov 2023 21:34:54
commit hash: 94b06380c1ba8209409c030b9a346479a2df37eacommit hash: 94b06380c1ba8209409c030b9a346479a2df37eacommit hash: 94b06380c1ba8209409c030b9a346479a2df37eacommit hash: 94b06380c1ba8209409c030b9a346479a2df37ea files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC5=>8.3.0RC6

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

26 Oct 2023 12:22:05
commit hash: 9926bf4aabce6c88dc3f1a40ef395283fd93c773commit hash: 9926bf4aabce6c88dc3f1a40ef395283fd93c773commit hash: 9926bf4aabce6c88dc3f1a40ef395283fd93c773commit hash: 9926bf4aabce6c88dc3f1a40ef395283fd93c773 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC4=>8.3.0RC5

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

15 Oct 2023 09:51:26
commit hash: 9f982e3dfe7a718ed37590c9bfc1c5c20ad13440commit hash: 9f982e3dfe7a718ed37590c9bfc1c5c20ad13440commit hash: 9f982e3dfe7a718ed37590c9bfc1c5c20ad13440commit hash: 9f982e3dfe7a718ed37590c9bfc1c5c20ad13440 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC3=>8.3.0RC4

07 Oct 2023 11:00:34
commit hash: 28374e2250ce52ea7f88bef2e62c6e56181f573bcommit hash: 28374e2250ce52ea7f88bef2e62c6e56181f573bcommit hash: 28374e2250ce52ea7f88bef2e62c6e56181f573bcommit hash: 28374e2250ce52ea7f88bef2e62c6e56181f573b files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Add non-default NOASLR option

In certain corner cases php-fpm is creating zombie processes specially
from 13.2-RELEASE onwards. The exact reason has not been pin-pointed but
it looks like disabling ASLR solves the problem. So add a non-default
option NOASLR to allow the user build without ASLR.

This patch will not go into lang/php80 but will go in lang/php81 and
lang/php82 after some more extensive tests.

PR:		274135
Reported by:
27 Sep 2023 08:55:58
commit hash: 6f9d7d82f98609abc21fd2d9b38e0c0a32daf608commit hash: 6f9d7d82f98609abc21fd2d9b38e0c0a32daf608commit hash: 6f9d7d82f98609abc21fd2d9b38e0c0a32daf608commit hash: 6f9d7d82f98609abc21fd2d9b38e0c0a32daf608 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC2=>8.3.0RC3

23 Sep 2023 11:15:05
commit hash: 13b9ae91576775f52d9ea7ebc026b690f0a743cacommit hash: 13b9ae91576775f52d9ea7ebc026b690f0a743cacommit hash: 13b9ae91576775f52d9ea7ebc026b690f0a743cacommit hash: 13b9ae91576775f52d9ea7ebc026b690f0a743ca files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Thomas Hurst
lang/php83: Reintroduce ifunc support

SIMD functions were disabled prior to 12 and it was never chased
upstream. However now it supports ifunc or it has improved. So let's
test and see how well it works.

There is an upstream PR:

PR:		274011
20 Sep 2023 12:10:10
commit hash: 0ad810a41817b3958a6e0d663d551ce30972cd8ccommit hash: 0ad810a41817b3958a6e0d663d551ce30972cd8ccommit hash: 0ad810a41817b3958a6e0d663d551ce30972cd8ccommit hash: 0ad810a41817b3958a6e0d663d551ce30972cd8c files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0RC1=>8.3.0RC2

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

30 Aug 2023 16:51:57
commit hash: 495ac465a6ee203cdce102693b63f4eb04f22cf1commit hash: 495ac465a6ee203cdce102693b63f4eb04f22cf1commit hash: 495ac465a6ee203cdce102693b63f4eb04f22cf1commit hash: 495ac465a6ee203cdce102693b63f4eb04f22cf1 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0beta3=>8.3.0RC1

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
23 Aug 2023 05:39:07
commit hash: e10675683d42bbe826008e20353f6583fe5fde62commit hash: e10675683d42bbe826008e20353f6583fe5fde62commit hash: e10675683d42bbe826008e20353f6583fe5fde62commit hash: e10675683d42bbe826008e20353f6583fe5fde62 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0beta2=>8.3.0beta3

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
02 Aug 2023 12:27:28
commit hash: 550adbe37507a322db79ca3b952c543cc5ea3f12commit hash: 550adbe37507a322db79ca3b952c543cc5ea3f12commit hash: 550adbe37507a322db79ca3b952c543cc5ea3f12commit hash: 550adbe37507a322db79ca3b952c543cc5ea3f12 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0beta1=>8.3.0beta2

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
28 Jul 2023 17:13:17
commit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3fcommit hash: 664a2fa1e56e670a356f54c94389bdb47d868f3f files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump jpeg-turbo users treewide

New major version 3.0.0
20 Jul 2023 18:14:14
commit hash: 4842c8394605383142ee49e410fdde2f56072ab4commit hash: 4842c8394605383142ee49e410fdde2f56072ab4commit hash: 4842c8394605383142ee49e410fdde2f56072ab4commit hash: 4842c8394605383142ee49e410fdde2f56072ab4 files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0alpha3=>8.3.0beta1


Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
07 Jul 2023 22:40:25
commit hash: 22baf133fa7b08478459ef185145b545e114dabbcommit hash: 22baf133fa7b08478459ef185145b545e114dabbcommit hash: 22baf133fa7b08478459ef185145b545e114dabbcommit hash: 22baf133fa7b08478459ef185145b545e114dabb files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0alpha2=>8.3.0alpha3

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
23 Jun 2023 01:09:56
commit hash: 428676b7f7d423c397ea18331faf3c00d2502cbacommit hash: 428676b7f7d423c397ea18331faf3c00d2502cbacommit hash: 428676b7f7d423c397ea18331faf3c00d2502cbacommit hash: 428676b7f7d423c397ea18331faf3c00d2502cba files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php83: Update version 8.3.0alpha1=>8.3.0alpha2

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early
test version.

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
10 Jun 2023 14:57:35
commit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8fcommit hash: 95967c2077762985235e47db1fe9949bed5cbe8f files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php83*: Sunrise

Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test

For upgrade notes please visit:

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts

Number of commits found: 39