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Port details
bind8 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain, an implementation of DNS
8.3.6 net Deleted on this many watch lists=42 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 8.3.6Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: unknown
Last Update: 2003-09-05 07:41:36
People watching this port, also watch:: nmap
License: not specified in port
BIND 8 Features -> DNS Dynamic Updates (RFC 2136) -> DNS Change Notification (RFC 1996) -> Completely new configuration syntax -> Flexible, categorized logging system -> IP-address-based access control for queries, zone transfers, and updates that may be specified on a zone-by-zone basis -> More efficient zone transfers -> Improved performance for servers with thousands of zones -> The server no longer forks for outbound zone transfers -> Many bug fixes WWW:
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Dependency lines:
  • >0:net/bind8
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Number of commits found: 38

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
05 Sep 2003 07:41:36
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Massive repo-copies request: net->dns (partly devel->dns)

        The category "dns" has been added, now is the time to move
        the dns-related ports to the new world. Is there anyone who
        is brave enough to complete this difficult job? ;)

PR:             ports/56020
Submitted by:   Kimura Fuyuki <>
Approved by:    portmgr
09 Jun 2003 20:30:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to version 8.3.6, which is a maintenance release to fix a couple
of small bugs discovered in 8.3.5. See CHANGES for details.
07 Jun 2003 12:12:36
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Remove inaccurate repetition of COMMENT
07 Jun 2003 12:07:13
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
MAKE_ENV is defined in now
07 Jun 2003 11:28:51
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to version 8.3.5, the latest from ISC. Several bugfixes are
included, as well as a few minor enhancements. Check CHANGES for details.

Improve greatly the PORT_REPLACES_BASE option, which now truly replaces
everything, including re-positioning nslookup and nsupdate in sbin, and
writing over the includes, instead of installing them in include/bind.

Unconditionally install dnskeygen in bin, since that's where the base
puts it, and it's only confusing to users if they can't find it after
an installation.

Install isc/ctl.h by hand in the appropriate include directory, since
we install it in the base, and the distribution Makefile does not.
07 Jun 2003 11:18:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Remove patches which have been incorporated into the distribution
11 May 2003 03:56:57
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Fix a nibble calculation bug for IPv6 in nslookup.
This bug will be fixed in the next release of BIND.
07 Mar 2003 06:08:06
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Clear moonlight beckons.
Requiem mors pacem pkg-comment,
And be calm ports tree.

E Nomini Patri, E Fili, E Spiritu Sancti.
17 Nov 2002 09:40:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Fix an array subscript error related to nibble string calculation
for IPv6 reverse lookups. This bug will not affect the majority
of users. The bug has been confirmed by Nominum, and will be
fixed in a future release.

PR:             bin/41388
Submitted by:   TOGAWA Satoshi <>
17 Nov 2002 08:36:20
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to version 8.3.4, which simply cleans up and slightly
improves the security patches released for 8.3.3.
16 Nov 2002 20:18:42
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
* Add more complete PORTDOCS, namely the same files the base installs
* This fixes deinstall when PORT_REPLACES_BASE
14 Nov 2002 07:32:46
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
* Bump PORTREVISION to reflect the ISC security patches
* Switch to DOCSDIR for PORTDOCS, which in addition to being
more aesthetically pleasing also reduces a gratuitous
mismatch when PORT_REPLACES_BASE
14 Nov 2002 07:28:36
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
This is the patch provided by ISC, re-generated to work in our system.
03 Nov 2002 10:16:46
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Handle the fact that -current defines pselect() already.
01 Aug 2002 07:35:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
ijliao search for other commits by this committer
add MASTER_SITE_ISC (1) and apply them

PR:             41218
Submitted by:   Kimura Fuyuki <> (1)
12 Jul 2002 09:32:28
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Forced commit to indicate that my attention was drawn to the manpage
path problem by this PR. My solution was different, but similar.

PR:             ports/40027
Submitted by:   Igor Roshchin <>
12 Jul 2002 09:25:47
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
* Further improve the lot of those who use this port to replace the
base BIND by correcting the path to named.conf in the man pages, and
adding -base as a PKGNAMESUFFIX to make things really obvious.
* Remove man page install from under NOPORTDOCS. Thanks to mi@
for this one.
* Finally beat the CFLAGS issue into submission in a manner that's
not terribly elegant, but does survive the "creative" sub-make
architecture that they use to build stuff. This method will
(hopefully) have the pleasant side effect of not forcing patch-aa
to be regenerated quite so often.
29 Jun 2002 00:05:17
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to 8.3.3, the latest from ISC. This release fixes the
libbind bug, and adds logging for people who attempt to exploit
it to named. Also improves logging for named-xfer, and adds
features to ndc to attempt to preserve command line arguments
that named was started with.

All users of BIND 8 are HIGHLY encouraged to upgrade to this version.
22 Jun 2002 21:45:27
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to 8.3.2, the lastest release from ISC. Numerous bug fixes
include better EDNS support, the ability to turn EDNS probing off
on a per-server basis, better TSIG support, better handling
of IPv6, and various improvements to the CLI utilities like dig,
host, etc. For other improvements see the CHANGES file.

All users of BIND 8 are heavily encouraged to upgrade.

Changes to the port:
1. My patch for gid_t handling in 5.x was included in the base.
2. Make use of the new and improved MANPREFIX handling in
3. If the user defines REPLACE_SYSTEM_BIND, we do just that.
28 Feb 2002 05:31:24
commit hash: fp1.25293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.25293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.25293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Small tuneups:    
14 Feb 2002 10:36:25
commit hash: fp1.24730@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24730@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24730@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Fix distinfo file for new distfile path    
13 Feb 2002 21:46:18
commit hash: fp1.24710@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24710@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24710@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Forced commit to indicate that the previous change, to put sources   in their
own version-named subdirectory because the filenames are   all the same came
from Valentin Nechayev <>.    
13 Feb 2002 21:43:50
commit hash: fp1.24709@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24709@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24709@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
03 Feb 2002 21:37:34
commit hash: fp1.24298@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24298@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24298@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to 8.3.1, an urgent bugfix release. To quote from the release   notes,
"If you have BIND 8.3.0 you need to upgrade." See  
/usr/local/share/doc/bind8/CHANGES for a complete list, but the most   important
change is:    
21 Jan 2002 11:05:59
commit hash: fp1.23638@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.23638@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.23638@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to version 8.3.0, which contains bug fixes too numerous to mention,  
and a few new features. Many of the bugs are related to memory allocation,   and
some of BIND's newer features like TSIG, IXFR, etc. Users particularly  
interested should take a look at the CHANGES file (see below).    
11 Dec 2001 10:28:43
commit hash: fp1.21863@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.21863@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.21863@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Allow category of net/bind8 to be overriden in slaves and adjust chinese/bind8  
10 Oct 2001 06:18:09
commit hash: fp1.19569@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.19569@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.19569@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
* Update to 8.2.5, which contains, "Minor bug fixes and portability changes."  
* Add a note explaining why I don't update this port immediately after a new  
release, and add some of ISC's mirrors.    
25 May 2001 09:23:16
commit hash: fp1.14131@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.14131@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.14131@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Update to 8.2.4-REL    
14 May 2001 00:42:08
commit hash: fp1.13699@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13699@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13699@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Avoid confusing pkg tools with wonky version numbers    
09 May 2001 08:11:21
commit hash: fp1.13582@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13582@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13582@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to version 8.2.4-T2B, aka RC1. Many bugfixes, but no new  
functionality. Those experiencing problems with 8.2.3, or those   with an
adventurous spirit should visit   to see if this is something
they should get involved in.    
02 Mar 2001 07:34:49
commit hash: fp1.10195@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.10195@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.10195@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Add more master sites.    
19 Feb 2001 07:15:32
commit hash: fp1.9725@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9725@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9725@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Reverting previous commit. Not only did I not approve, I sent several   messages
indicating that I did not want this action taken; one of   which consisted
entirely of the words, "Please do not commit this patch."    
16 Feb 2001 09:08:59
commit hash: fp1.9653@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9653@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9653@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sf search for other commits by this committer
print warning message after install.    
31 Jan 2001 07:21:27
commit hash: fp1.9091@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9091@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9091@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Take over maintainership of the BIND's. This is something I use every day,   so
I'm on top of the security advisories, etc.    
29 Jan 2001 22:28:44
commit hash: fp1.9033@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9033@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.9033@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
kris search for other commits by this committer
Update to BIND 8.2.3 and remove previous maintainer due to timeout.    
05 Jan 2001 14:03:21
commit hash: fp1.8093@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.8093@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.8093@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
jedgar search for other commits by this committer
Update port to 8.2.2p7    
01 Jan 2001 10:15:17
commit hash: fp1.7837@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.7837@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.7837@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
will search for other commits by this committer
Goodbye, YEAR2000.  Hello, 2001.    
08 Oct 2000 07:19:09
commit hash: fp1.4799@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4799@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4799@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
asami search for other commits by this committer
Convert category net to new layout.  

Number of commits found: 38