Port details |
- isc-dhcp43-relay The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay
- 4.3.6P1_1 net
=1 4.3.6P1_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. DEPRECATED: Please upgrade to isc-dhcp44
This port expired on: 2018-07-30
- Maintainer: zi@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2014-02-05 04:03:45
- Last Update: 2018-07-31 09:09:35
- SVN Revision: 475987
- People watching this port, also watch:: openjdk8, screen
- License: ISCL
- WWW:
- https://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/
- Description:
- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:
* A DHCP server
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent (this port)
Details on versioning/release information may be obtained here:
WWW: https://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- isc-dhcp43-relay>0:net/isc-dhcp43-relay
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: isc-dhcp43-relay
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1520005351
SHA256 (dhcp-4.3.6-P1.tar.gz) = 2fd177bef02856f05fe17713ced9bfcc7d94f14c933c15f2f2fbedc9cc57a3c3
SIZE (dhcp-4.3.6-P1.tar.gz) = 10189202
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Master port: net/isc-dhcp43-server
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- gmake : devel/gmake
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for isc-dhcp43-relay-4.3.6P1_1:
IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- N/A
- gmake
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 5
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
This is a slave port. You may also want to view the commits to the master port: net/isc-dhcp43-server | Commit | Credits | Log message |
4.3.6P1_1 31 Jul 2018 09:09:35
rene  |
Remove expired ports:
2018-07-30 net/isc-dhcp43-relay: Please upgrade to isc-dhcp44
2018-07-30 net/isc-dhcp43-server: Please upgrade to isc-dhcp44 |
4.3.6P1_1 27 Jun 2018 13:55:57
mat  |
Do not force stop services when a package is deinstalled.
Starting or stopping services is the role of pkg(8).
Sponsored by: Absolight |
4.3.6 10 Jan 2018 14:09:52
zi  |
- Note URL on ISC's site where you can find info on version differences
Reported by: danfe@ |
4.3.0 26 Mar 2014 17:27:24
garga  |
Support STAGE |
4.3.0 05 Feb 2014 03:38:57
zi  |
- Copy net/isc-dhcp42-* to net/isc-dhcp43-*
- Update to 4.3.0 |
Number of commits found: 5