Port details |
- ghostscript8-base Ghostscript 8.x PostScript interpreter, base part
- 8.71_24 print
=0 8.71_24Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. FORBIDDEN: CVE-2023-28879
DEPRECATED: Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider using a more recent version
This port expired on: 2023-06-30
IGNORE: is forbidden: CVE-2023-28879
- There is no maintainer for this port.
- Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via ports@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2015-08-22 17:49:01
- Last Update: 2023-06-30 21:56:50
- Commit Hash: e8db976
- License: GPLv3
- WWW:
- https://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/GPL/index.htm
- Description:
- Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which is available for
all common and most esoteric platforms and supports many different printers
and some displays.
This is distributed with the GNU General Public License, which allows
free use, and free copying and redistribution under certain conditions
(including, in some cases, commercial distribution).
This port includes add-on packages (not part of the official gs release)
o HP8XX driver for HP DeskJet 880C/882C/895C
- http://www.gelhaus.net/hp880c/
o PCL3 driver for HP DeskJet series
- http://home.vrweb.de/martin.lottermoser/pcl3.html
o DJ970 driver for HP DeskJet 970CXi
- http://www.harsch.net/Ghostscript/ghostscript.html
o Special drivers for verious printer models
- Alps, Canon, Epson, NEC, Lexmark, Ricoh,...
o Additional contributed uniprint driver profiles for
- Epson Stylus Color 740 and Epson LQ-1170
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- ghostscript8-base>0:print/ghostscript8-base
- Conflicts:
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: ghostscript8-base
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- SHA256 (ghostscript/ghostscript-8.71.tar.xz) = f48f7370a00f24fce174b147074aca3f6bede82154dd2bf93d24430a62e4de73
SIZE (ghostscript/ghostscript-8.71.tar.xz) = 15698644
SHA256 (ghostscript/epag-3.09.tar.gz) = ad10eca44c781a5851d5a8993dcd95b2e2b99392cbf2c8372a5a658f3b991b3b
SIZE (ghostscript/epag-3.09.tar.gz) = 12858
Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- gmake>=4.3 : devel/gmake
- pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
- autoconf>=2.71 : devel/autoconf
- automake>=1.16.5 : devel/automake
- Runtime dependencies:
- a010013l.pfb : print/gsfonts
- Library dependencies:
- libexpat.so : textproc/expat2
- libfreetype.so : print/freetype2
- libjasper.so : graphics/jasper
- libjbig2dec.so : graphics/jbig2dec
- libpaper.so : print/libpaper
- libpng.so : graphics/png
- libtiff.so : graphics/tiff
- libfontconfig.so : x11-fonts/fontconfig
- libcupsimage.so : print/cups
- libvga.so : graphics/svgalib
- libcairo.so : graphics/cairo
- NOTE: dependencies for deleted ports are notoriously suspect
- This port is required by:
- for Build
Deleted ports which required this port:
- for Run
Deleted ports which required this port:
- * - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for ghostscript8-base-8.71_24:
DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation
CAIRO=on: Cairo graphics library support
CUPS=on: CUPS printing system support
FONTCONFIG=on: Enable fontconfig support
ICONV=on: Encoding conversion support via iconv
GS_cairo=on: D: cairo driver for PDF, SVG, EPS or PNG files
GS_cups=on: D: CUPS driver
GS_display=on: D: display device for GS shared library
GS_omni=on: D: Omni driver
GS_md2k=on: D: ALPS MD-2000/2010/4000/1300/1500/5000
GS_md5k=on: D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
GS_md50Mono=on: D: ALPS MD-5000 Monochrome
GS_md50Eco=on: D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
GS_md1xMono=on: D: ALPS MD-1x00 Monochrome
GS_appledmp=on: D: Apple Dot Matrix Printer/Imagewriter
GS_iwhi=on: D: Apple Imagewriter, high-resolution mode
GS_iwlo=on: D: Apple Imagewriter, low-resolution mode
GS_iwlq=on: D: Apple Imagewriter LQ in 320x216dpi mode
GS_hl7x0=on: D: Brother HL-720/730/760(=PCL), MFC6550MC
GS_hl1240=on: D: Brother HL-1030/1240
GS_hl1250=on: D: Brother HL-1050/1070/1250/1270N
GS_bj10e=on: D: Canon BJ-10e
GS_bj10v=on: D: Canon BJ-10v
GS_bj10vh=on: D: Canon BJ-10v, high-mergin
GS_bj200=on: D: Canon BJ-200/BJC-240(mono)
GS_bjc600=on: D: Canon BJC-600/4xxx/70, StyleWriter 2x00
GS_bjc800=on: D: Canon BJC-240/800
GS_bjccmyk=on: D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000
GS_bjccolor=on: D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 truecolor
GS_bjcgray=on: D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 grayscale
GS_bjcmono=on: D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 monochrome
GS_lbp8=on: D: Canon LBP-8II
GS_lbp310=on: D: Canon LBP-310
GS_lbp320=on: D: Canon LBP-320 Pro/LBP-350
GS_lips2p=on: D: Canon LIPS II+
GS_lips3=on: D: Canon LIPS III
GS_lips4=on: D: Canon LIPS IV
GS_bjc880j=on: D: Canon LIPS IVc, BJC-680J/880J
GS_lips4v=on: D: Canon LIPS IV, vector output mode
GS_m8510=on: D: C.Itoh M8510 printer
GS_coslw2p=on: D: CoStar LabelWriter II II/Plus
GS_coslwxl=on: D: CoStar LabelWriter XL
GS_uniprint=on: D: Configurable ESC/P,ESC/P2,HP-RTL/PCL,P2X
GS_dmprt=on: D: Configurable dot matrix printer driver
GS_dl2100=on: D: DEC DL2100
GS_la50=on: D: DEC LA50
GS_la70=on: D: DEC LA70
GS_la75=on: D: DEC LA75
GS_la75plus=on: D: DEC LA75+
GS_ln03=on: D: DEC LN03
GS_lj250=on: D: DEC LJ250 Companion color printer
GS_declj250=on: D: DEC LJ250 driver (alternate)
GS_ap3250=on: D: Epson ActionPrinter 3250
GS_epson=on: D: Epson dot matrix, 9/24-pin
GS_eps9mid=on: D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, medium res
GS_eps9high=on: D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, triple res
GS_lp8000=on: D: Epson LP-8000 line printer
GS_epag=on: D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
GS_escpage=on: D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
GS_lp2000=on: D: Epson LP-2000/3000/7000/7000G laser printer
GS_alc8600=on: D: Epson AL-C8600 color laser printer
GS_alc8500=on: D: Epson AL-C8500 color laser printer
GS_alc2000=on: D: Epson AL-C2000 color laser printer
GS_alc4000=on: D: Epson AL-C4000 color laser printer
GS_alc1900=on: D: Epson AL-C1900 color laser printer
GS_alc4100=on: D: Epson AL-C4100 color laser printer
GS_lp9800c=on: D: Epson LP-9800C color laser printer
GS_lp9000c=on: D: Epson LP-9000C color laser printer
GS_lp9500c=on: D: Epson LP-9500C color laser printer
GS_lp8800c=on: D: Epson LP-8800C color laser printer
GS_lp8300c=on: D: Epson LP-8300C color laser printer
GS_lp8500c=on: D: Epson LP-8500C color laser printer
GS_lp3000c=on: D: Epson LP-3000C color laser printer
GS_lp8200c=on: D: Epson LP-8200C color laser printer
GS_lp8000c=on: D: Epson LP-8000C color laser printer
GS_eplmono=on: D: Epson Esc/Page Generic driver, mono
GS_eplcolor=on: D: Epson Esc/Page Generic driver, color
GS_epl6100=on: D: Epson EPL-6100 laser printer
GS_epl5900=on: D: Epson EPL-5900 laser printer
GS_epl5800=on: D: Epson EPL-5800 laser printer
GS_epl2050=on: D: Epson EPL-N2050 laser printer
GS_epl2050p=on: D: Epson EPL-N2050+ laser printer
GS_epl2120=on: D: Epson EPL-N2120 laser printer
GS_epl2500=on: D: Epson EPL-N2500 laser printer
GS_epl2750=on: D: Epson EPL-N2750 laser printer
GS_lp9000b=on: D: Epson LP-9000B laser printer
GS_lp2500=on: D: Epson LP-2500 laser printer
GS_lp9100=on: D: Epson LP-9100(R) laser printer
GS_lp7900=on: D: Epson LP-7900(R) laser printer
GS_lp7500=on: D: Epson LP-7500(R) laser printer
GS_lp2400=on: D: Epson LP-2400 laser printer
GS_lp2200=on: D: Epson LP-2200 laser printer
GS_lp9400=on: D: Epson LP-9400(R) laser printer
GS_lp8900=on: D: Epson LP-8900(R) laser printer
GS_lp8700=on: D: Epson LP-8700(R) laser printer
GS_lp8100=on: D: Epson LP-8100(R) laser printer
GS_lp7700=on: D: Epson LP-7700(R) laser printer
GS_lp8600f=on: D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
GS_lp8400f=on: D: Epson LP-8400FX(N) laser printer
GS_lp8300f=on: D: Epson LP-8300F laser printer
GS_lp1900=on: D: Epson LP-1900(N) laser printer
GS_lp9600s=on: D: Epson LP-9600S laser printer
GS_lp9300=on: D: Epson LP-9300 laser printer
GS_lp9600=on: D: Epson LP-9600 laser printer
GS_lp8600=on: D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
GS_lp1800=on: D: Epson LP-1800 laser printer
GS_lq850=on: D: Epson LQ-850 (360x360, emul on Canon BJ300)
GS_epsonc=on: D: Epson LQ-2550, Fujitsu 3400/2400/1200 color
GS_mj700v2c=on: D: Epson MachJet series, CMYK
GS_mj500c=on: D: Epson MachJet MJ-500C 360dpi, CMY/mono
GS_mj6000c=on: D: Epson MachJet MJ-830C/930C/6000C
GS_mj8000c=on: D: Epson MachJet MJ-8000C
GS_st800=on: D: Epson Stylus 800 printer
GS_stcolor=on: D: Epson Stylus Color and II/IIs/1500
GS_photoex=on: D: Epson Stylus Color Photo/Photo EX/Photo 700
GS_fmlbp=on: D: Fujitsu contrib2xx Page Printer
GS_fmpr=on: D: Fujitsu contrib
GS_lp2563=on: D: HP 2563B line printer
GS_cdnj500=on: D: HP DesignJet 500
GS_dnj650c=on: D: HP DesignJet 650C
GS_deskjet=on: D: HP DeskJet and DeskJet Plus
GS_djet500=on: D: HP DeskJet 500 (for DeskJet 600 use -r600)
GS_cdeskjet=on: D: HP DeskJet 500C (1b/px)
GS_djet500c=on: D: HP DeskJet 500C (alternative)
GS_cdjcolor=on: D: HP DeskJet 500C/540C (24b/px)
GS_cdjmono=on: D: HP DeskJet 500/510/520/540C (mono)
GS_cdj500=on: D: HP DeskJet 500/540C (same as cdjcolor)
GS_cdj550=on: D: HP DeskJet 550C/560C/660C/660Cse
GS_dj505j=on: D: HP DeskJet 505J
GS_cdj670=on: D: HP DeskJet 670/690
GS_cdj850=on: D: HP DeskJet 850/855/870/1100
GS_cdj880=on: D: HP DeskJet 880
GS_cdj890=on: D: HP DeskJet 890
GS_cdj1600=on: D: HP DeskJet 1600
GS_chp2200=on: D: HP Business Inkjet 2200
GS_cdj970=on: D: HP DeskJet 970CXi
GS_laserjet=on: D: HP LaserJet
GS_ljetplus=on: D: HP LaserJet Plus
GS_ljet2p=on: D: HP LaserJet IId/IIp/III* (TIFF compression)
GS_ljet3=on: D: HP LaserJet III* (Delta Row compression)
GS_ljet3d=on: D: HP LaserJet IIID (duplex capability)
GS_ljet4=on: D: HP LaserJet 4/5L/5P (not real LJ5), 600dpi
GS_ljet4d=on: D: HP LaserJet 4 (duplex + 600dpi)
GS_lj4dith=on: D: HP LaserJet 4 (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
GS_ljet4pjl=on: D: HP LaserJet 4V/4LJ Pro
GS_lj4dithp=on: D: HP LaserJet 4V/4LJ Pro (dithering)
GS_cljet5=on: D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color (new)
GS_cljet5c=on: D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color Simple
GS_cljet5pr=on: D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color (old)
GS_lj5mono=on: D: HP LaserJet 5/6 (PCL5/PCL XL), bitmap
GS_lj5gray=on: D: HP LaserJet 5/6 gray-scale bitmap
GS_pj=on: D: HP PaintJet XL driver
GS_pjetxl=on: D: HP PaintJet XL driver (alternate)
GS_pjxl=on: D: HP PaintJet XL color printer
GS_paintjet=on: D: HP PaintJet color printer (alternate)
GS_pjxl300=on: D: HP PaintJet XL300, DeskJet 1200C, CopyJet
GS_pxlmono=on: D: HP PCL XL mono (LaserJet 5/6 family)
GS_pxlcolor=on: D: HP PCL XL color (Color LaserJet 4500/5000)
GS_pcl3=on: D: HP PCL 3+ (generic)
GS_ijs=on: D: HP Inkjet and other raster devices
GS_ibmpro=on: D: IBM 9-pin Proprinter
GS_jetp3852=on: D: IBM Jetprinter ink-jet color (Model #3852)
GS_imagen=on: D: Imagen ImPress printers
GS_fs600=on: D: Kyocera FS-600 (600 dpi)
GS_lxm5700m=on: D: Lexmark 5700 monotone
GS_lxm3200=on: D: Lexmark 3200/Z12/Z22/Z31/Z32
GS_lx5000=on: D: Lexmark 5000/Z51/Z82
GS_lex2050=on: D: Lexmark 2050
GS_lex3200=on: D: Lexmark 3200
GS_lex5700=on: D: Lexmark 5700
GS_lex7000=on: D: Lexmark 7000
GS_cp50=on: D: Mitsubishi CP50 color
GS_pr1000=on: D: NEC PC-PR 1000
GS_pr1000_4=on: D: NEC PC-PR 1000/4
GS_pr150=on: D: NEC PC-PR 150
GS_pr201=on: D: NEC PC-PR 201
GS_picty180=on: D: NEC PICTY 180 (PC-PR101J/180)
GS_necp6=on: D: NEC PinWriter P6/P6+/P60 (360x360)
GS_npdl=on: D: NEC Printer Description Language
GS_oce9050=on: D: OCE 9050 printer
GS_oki182=on: D: Okidata MicroLine 182
GS_okiibm=on: D: Okidata MicroLine IBM-compatible printers
GS_ml600=on: D: Okidata Microline 600CL/620CL
GS_oki4w=on: D: Okidata OkiPage 4w+
GS_atx23=on: D: Practical Automation ATX-23
GS_atx24=on: D: Practical Automation ATX-24
GS_atx38=on: D: Practical Automation ATX-38
GS_r4081=on: D: Ricoh 4081 laser printer
GS_rpdl=on: D: Ricoh Printer Description Language
GS_gdi=on: D: Samsung SmartGDI laser printer
GS_jj100=on: D: Star JJ-100
GS_sj48=on: D: StarJet 48 inkjet printer
GS_t4693d2=on: D: Tektronix 4693d color, 2b/RGB
GS_t4693d4=on: D: Tektronix 4693d color, 4b/RGB
GS_t4693d8=on: D: Tektronix 4693d color, 8b/RGB
GS_tek4696=on: D: Tektronix 4695/4696 inkjet plotter
GS_xes=on: D: Xerox XES (2700, 3700, 4045, etc.)
GS_bmpmono=on: D: BMP Monochrome
GS_bmpgray=on: D: BMP 8-bit gray
GS_bmp16=on: D: BMP 4-bit EGA/VGA
GS_bmp256=on: D: BMP 8-bit 256-color
GS_bmp16m=on: D: BMP 24-bit
GS_bmp32b=on: D: BMP 32-bit pseudo-.BMP
GS_bmpsep1=on: D: BMP Separated 1-bit CMYK
GS_bmpsep8=on: D: BMP Separated 8-bit CMYK
GS_ccr=on: D: CalComp Raster format
GS_cgmmono=on: D: CGM Monochrome -- LOW LEVEL OUTPUT ONLY
GS_cgm8=on: D: CGM 8-bit 256-color -- DITTO
GS_cgm24=on: D: CGM 24-bit color -- DITTO
GS_cif=on: D: CIF file format for VLSI
GS_dfaxhigh=on: D: DigiBoard, DigiFAX (high res)
GS_dfaxlow=on: D: DigiFAX (normal res)
GS_xcf=on: D: Gimp XCF, RGB
GS_xcfcmyk=on: D: Gimp XCF, CMYK
GS_faxg3=on: D: Group 3 FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
GS_faxg32d=on: D: Group 3 2-D FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
GS_faxg4=on: D: Group 4 FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
GS_miff24=on: D: ImageMagick MIFF, 24-bit direct color, RLE
GS_inferno=on: D: Inferno bitmaps
GS_jpeg=on: D: JPEG format, RGB output
GS_jpeggray=on: D: JPEG format, gray output
GS_mag16=on: D: MAG format, 16-color
GS_mag256=on: D: MAG format, 256-color
GS_mgrmono=on: D: MGR devices 1-bit monochrome
GS_mgrgray2=on: D: MGR devices 2-bit gray scale
GS_mgrgray4=on: D: MGR devices 4-bit gray scale
GS_mgrgray8=on: D: MGR devices 8-bit gray scale
GS_mgr4=on: D: MGR devices 4-bit (VGA) color
GS_mgr8=on: D: MGR devices 8-bit color
GS_pcxmono=on: D: PCX, 1-bit monochrome
GS_pcxgray=on: D: PCX, 8-bit gray scale
GS_pcx16=on: D: PCX, 4-bit planar EGA/VGA color
GS_pcx256=on: D: PCX, 8-bit chunky color
GS_pcx24b=on: D: PCX, 24-bit color 3x8-bit planes
GS_pcxcmyk=on: D: PCX, 4-bit chunky CMYK color
GS_pdfwrite=on: D: Portable Document Format
GS_psdrgb=on: D: PhotoShop PSD, RGB
GS_psdcmyk=on: D: PhotoShop PSD, CMYK
GS_bit=on: D: Plain bits, monochrome
GS_bitrgb=on: D: Plain bits, RGB
GS_bitcmyk=on: D: Plain bits, CMYK
GS_plan9bm=on: D: Plan 9 bitmap format
GS_pam=on: D: Portable Arbitrary Map file
GS_pbm=on: D: Portable Bitmap, plain
GS_pbmraw=on: D: Portable Bitmap, raw
GS_pgm=on: D: Portable Graymap, plain
GS_pgmraw=on: D: Portable Graymap, raw
GS_pgnm=on: D: Portable Graymap, plain (PBM opt)
GS_pgnmraw=on: D: Portable Graymap, raw (PBM opt)
GS_pnm=on: D: Portable Pixmap, plain RGB (PGM/PBM opt)
GS_pnmraw=on: D: Portable Pixmap, raw RGB (PGM/PBM opt)
GS_ppm=on: D: Portable Pixmap, plain RGB
GS_ppmraw=on: D: Portable Pixmap, raw RGB
GS_pkm=on: D: Portable inKmap, plain (4b CMYK=>RGB)
GS_pkmraw=on: D: Portable inKmap, raw (4b CMYK=>RGB)
GS_pksm=on: D: Portable Separated map, plain (4b CMYK=>4p)
GS_pksmraw=on: D: Portable Separated map, raw (4b CMYK=>4p)
GS_pngmono=on: D: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Mono
GS_pnggray=on: D: PNG 8-bit Gray
GS_png16=on: D: PNG 4-bit Color
GS_png256=on: D: PNG 8-bit Color
GS_png16m=on: D: PNG 24-bit Color
GS_pngalpha=on: D: PNG 32-bit RGBA Color
GS_png48=on: D: PNG 48-bit Color
GS_psmono=on: D: PostScript (Level 1) monochrome image
GS_psgray=on: D: PostScript (Level 1) 8-bit gray image
GS_psrgb=on: D: PostScript (Level 2) 24-bit color image
GS_pswrite=on: D: PostScript (like PostScript Distiller)
GS_ps2write=on: D: PostScript (Level 2) output
GS_epswrite=on: D: Encapsulated PostScript
GS_cfax=on: D: SFF format for CAPI FAX interface
GS_sgirgb=on: D: SGI RGB pixmap format
GS_sunhmono=on: D: Harlequin variant of 1-bit Sun raster file
GS_svgwrite=on: D: SVG driver
GS_tiffcrle=on: D: TIFF CCITT RLE 1 dim (G3 FAX with no EOL)
GS_tiffg3=on: D: TIFF Group 3 FAX (with EOL)
GS_tiffg32d=on: D: TIFF Group 3 2-D FAX
GS_tiffg4=on: D: TIFF Group 4 FAX
GS_tiffgray=on: D: TIFF 8-bit gray, no compress
GS_tiff12nc=on: D: TIFF 12-bit RGB, no compress
GS_tiff24nc=on: D: TIFF 24-bit RGB, no compress, NeXT format
GS_tiff32nc=on: D: TIFF 32-bit CMYK
GS_tiffsep=on: D: TIFF gray + CMYK composite
GS_tifflzw=on: D: TIFF LZW, tag = 5, mono
GS_tiffpack=on: D: TIFF PackBits, tag = 32773, mono
GS_bbox=on: D: Bounding box output
GS_devicen=on: D: DeviceN process color model device
GS_perm=on: D: DeviceN which permutes color components
GS_spotcmyk=on: D: DeviceN with CMYK and spot color support
GS_imdi=on: D: IMDI color converting device
GS_wtsimdi=on: D: WTS halftoning device
GS_wtscmyk=on: D: WTS halftoning CMYK device
====> SVGA graphics support
GS_lvga256=on: D: SVGAlib, 256-color VGA modes
GS_vgalib=on: D: SVGAlib, 16-color VGA modes
====> Encoding conversion support via iconv
GS_oprp=on: D: OpenPrinting Raster driver interface
GS_opvp=on: D: OpenPrinting Vecter driver interface
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- print_ghostscript8-base
- autoreconf cpe gmake pkgconfig shebangfix tar:xz iconv
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
- There is no master site for this port.
Port Moves |
- port deleted on 2023-06-30
REASON: Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider using a more recent version
Number of commits found: 26
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message |
8.71_24 30 Jun 2023 21:56:50
Rene Ladan (rene)  |
cleanup: Remove expired GhostScript 8 ports:
2023-06-30 print/ghostscript8-base: Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider
using a more recent version
2023-06-30 print/ghostscript8-x11: Obsolete and unsupported upstream |
8.71_24 02 May 2023 16:17:43
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)  |
graphics/jasper: Update to 4.0.0
- Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change
Changes: https://github.com/jasper-software/jasper/releases
Security: CVE-2022-2963, CVE-2022-40755 |
8.71_23 13 Apr 2023 19:34:03
Matthias Andree (mandree)  |
print/ghostscript[78]: mark FORBIDDEN
Let's forbid these DEPRECATED ports.
Security: CVE-2023-28879
Security: 25872b25-da2d-11ed-b715-a1e76793953b |
8.71_23 18 Mar 2023 19:04:46
Daniel Engberg (diizzy)  |
print/ghostscript8*: Deprecate and set expiration date to 2023-06-30
8.71 is more than 12 years old by now and have been unsupported
for many years so it's about time to let go of these ports
PR: 269356, 269357
Reported by: Michael Osipov <michael.osipov@siemens.com> |
8.71_23 08 Sep 2022 15:46:38
Stefan Eßer (se)  |
Remove WWW lines that have been moved into Makefiles
Approved by: portmgr (implicit) |
8.71_23 08 Sep 2022 15:43:21
Stefan Eßer (se)  |
Move more WWW entries from pkg-descr files into Makefiles
The WWW: lines in the pkg-descr files of these ports where not at the
end of those files and have been missed in prior conversion runs.
Approved by: portmgr (implicit) |
8.71_23 20 Jul 2022 14:22:48
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner)  |
print: remove 'Created by' lines
A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:
* Akinori MUSHA aka knu <knu@idaemons.org>
* Alan Eldridge <alane@geeksrus.net>
* Alex Dupre <ale@FreeBSD.org>
* Alex Dupre <sysadmin@alexdupre.com>
* Alexander Vereeken <Alexander88207@protonmail.com>
* Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>
* Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acm@FreeBSD.org>
* Andreas Klemm <andreas@FreeBSD.org>
* Andreas Klemm <andreas@klemm.gtn.com>
* Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
* Anish Mistry <amistry@am-productions.biz> (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) |
8.71_23 16 Apr 2022 20:55:37
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)  |
graphics/jasper: Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change after
cdcedd316da6d7c8509c394474160c683489a3ae |
8.71_22 10 Jan 2022 15:15:39
Stefan Eßer (se)  |
Fix CONFLICTS entries of multiple ports
There have been lots of missing CONFLICTS_INSTALL entries, either
because conflicting ports were added without updating existing ports,
due to name changes of generated packages, due to mis-understanding
the format and semantics of the conflicts entries, or just due to
typoes in package names.
This patch is the result of a comparison of all files contained in
the official packages with each other. This comparison was based on
packages built with default options and may therefore have missed
further conflicts with optionally installed files.
Where possible, version numbers in conflicts entries have been
generalized, some times taking advantage of the fact that a port (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) |
8.71_22 08 Jan 2022 18:26:25
Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)  |
print/ghostscript*: Return Ghostscript ports to the pool
Approved by: doceng (with hat) |
8.71_22 23 Nov 2021 22:11:40
Stefan Eßer (se)  |
*/*: Remove redundant '-[0-9]*' from CONFLICTS_INSTALL
The conflict checks compare the patterns first against the package
names without version (as reported by "pkg query "%n"), then - if
there was no match - agsinst the full package names including the
version (as reported by "pkg query "%n-%v").
Approved by: portmgr (blanket) |
8.71_22 30 Sep 2021 15:14:06
Bernhard Froehlich (decke)  |
print/ghostscript8-base: Add CPE information
Approved by: portmgr (blanket) |
8.71_22 06 Apr 2021 14:31:13
Mathieu Arnold (mat)  |
all: Remove all other $FreeBSD keywords. |
8.71_22 06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
Mathieu Arnold (mat)  |
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles. |
8.71_22 27 Dec 2019 13:43:00
bapt  |
Update jasper to 2.0.16
This is needed to be able to update gegl to latest version.
Bump revision of all consumer as the ABI is not 100% backward compatible.
Provide a patch for graphics/devil to properly build with latest jasper.
While here add a missing USES=xorg to graphics/devil |
8.71_21 14 Aug 2019 12:14:43
mat  |
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories [p-r]) |
8.71_21 05 May 2018 14:47:12
danfe  |
For ports under `print' category: remove redundant PKGMESSAGE assignment,
which is set appropriately by the b.p.m when `pkg-message' appears on the
SUB_FILES list. |
8.71_21 21 Oct 2016 12:51:41
mat  |
${RM} already has -f.
PR: 213570
Submitted by: mat
Exp-run by: antoine
Sponsored by: Absolight |
8.71_21 17 Jun 2016 23:28:05
mat  |
Rename all files containing a : in their filename.
While there, run make makepatch on affected ports, and rename patches
Sponsored by: Absolight |
8.71_21 23 May 2016 20:35:01
amdmi3  |
Remove NLS, DOCS, EXAMPLES and IPV6 from OPTIONS_DEFAULT, they are enabled by
default anyway and don't need to be listed
Approved by: portmgr blanket |
8.71_21 19 May 2016 10:53:06
amdmi3  |
- Fix trailing whitespace in pkg-descrs, categories [p-x]*
Approved by: portmgr blanket |
8.71_21 01 Apr 2016 14:16:20
mat  |
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories m, n, o, and p.
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight |
8.71_21 27 Mar 2016 14:58:00
tijl  |
- Update security/gnutls to 3.4.10.
- Rename the LIBDANE option DANE because that's the name of the protocol
supported by libgnutls-dane and gnutls-cli. Also clarify the option
- Add an IDN option.
- libgnutls-openssl has been removed in 3.4. Some ports used this library
in their LIB_DEPENDS but no port actually required it.
- Some old API functions have been removed. Ports that used these have been
updated or patched to use the new API.
- Add a patch to print/cups to prevent overlinking of libgnutls.so.
- Bump PORTREVISION on dependent ports.
net-im/jabber: This port used the old API to give users fine grained
control over which crypto algorithms were used via a configuration file.
It's not immediately obvious how to port this to the new API so the port
always uses the defaults now.
www/hydra: Mark BROKEN. This uses more removed calls than the other ports,
is said to be alpha quality and not fully functional and has been abandoned
10 years ago.
PR: 207768
Exp-run by: antoine
Approved by: portmgr (antoine) |
8.71_20 11 Mar 2016 11:53:42
tijl  |
Combine print/cups-base, print/cups-client and print/cups-image into
print/cups and update it to 2.1.3. Also remove print/cups-pstoraster,
improve print/cups-filters, print/foomatic-* and update print/hplip to
Long description:
First some background. When you hand a file to cups it sets up a chain of
filter programs that converts the file to something a printer understands.
Each filter has a cost associated with it and cups tries to find the
cheapest chain. Costs used to be configured in such a way that files were
first converted to PostScript. This could then be manipulated further (e.g.
putting multiple pages on one sheet) before finally being sent to a
PostScript printer or another filter like pstoraster which produces a raster
format understood by non-PostScript printer drivers. Nowadays most filters (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) |
8.71_19 17 Dec 2015 01:57:55
hrs  |
Fix a build error which occurred with jbig2dec=>0.12. |
8.71_19 22 Aug 2015 17:48:36
hrs  |
- Split ghostscript into X11-independent and -dependent parts:
* print/ghostscript{7,8,9,9-agpl}-base
Installs Ghostscript binary, libgs, and related files.
These ports do not depend on X11 libraries (i.e. x11* devices
are not available). USES=ghostscript will set dependency on
one of them depending on GHOSTSCRIPT_DEFAULT.
The default device is set to "display" or "bbox".
* print/ghostscript{7,8,9,9-agpl}-x11
Installs a shared library which provides X11 support to
the installed Ghostscript binaries. x11* devices will be (Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above ) |
Number of commits found: 26