Sanity Test Failure |
Sunday, 3 Feb 2013
20:10 makc 
- accessibility/jovie 4.9.5
KDE text-to-speech system
- accessibility/kaccessible 4.9.5
Accessibility services for KDE
- accessibility/kdeaccessibility4 4.9.5
Accessibility applications for KDE 4
- accessibility/kmag 4.9.5
KDE Screen magnifier
- accessibility/kmousetool 4.9.5
Automatic mouse click tool for KDE
- accessibility/kmouth 4.9.5
Speech synthesizer frontend for KDE
- arabic/kde4-l10n 4.9.5
Arabic messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
- archivers/ark 4.9.5
Archiving tool for KDE
- astro/kstars 4.9.5
KDE desktop planetarium
- astro/marble 4.9.5
Virtual globe and world atlas for KDE
(Only the first 10 of 204 items in this commit are shown above. )
KDE/FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.9.5 ports!
- kdebindings ports have been renamed to match upstream.
- kdemultimedia and kdenetwork have been split.
- New port games/pairs added.
- Trim Makefile header
- Convert to new option framework
- New USE_KDE4 components: libkcddb, libkcompactdisc
- Update:
databases/akonadi to 1.9.0
devel/grantlee to 0.3.0
textproc/rasqal to 0.9.30
textproc/redland-bindings to
textproc/soprano to 2.9.0
x11-toolkits/attica to 0.4.1
The area51 repository features commits by Schaich Alonso, avilla, dbn,
jhale, makc and rakuco.
- Oleg Sidorkin
- Tobias Berner
- Kurt Jaeger

Sanity Test Results
NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the LIB_DEPENDS of deskutils/kdepim4-runtime does not
exist: 'devel/libkgapi'
NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the LIB_DEPENDS of deskutils/kdepim4-runtime does not
exist: 'devel/libkolab'
NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of x11/kde4-workspace does not exist:
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