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Sanity Test Failure
Monday, 6 Oct 2014
22:58 marino search for other commits by this committer
Add new port emulators/hyperv-is (FreeBSD 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0)

PR:		182209
Submitted by:	kylie (bsdic @ microsoft)

The hyperv-is provision a collection of kernel mode drivers as well as
user-space daemons to facilitate integration with Hyper-v to provide a
feature rich and high performance FreeBSD guest experience.

The FreeBSD Integration Service on Hyper-v includes a collection of kernel
mode drivers as well as user-space daemons to interact with the drivers
that are required to run Hyper-V-specific devices known as FreeBSD
Integration Services (BIS). It is to facilitate integration with Hyper-v
to provide a feature rich and high performance FreeBSD guest experience.
See the man page for a list of binaries and their functions.

FreeBSD support for hyperv-is was first added by Microsoft BSD Integration
Services Team <>.
Original commitRevision:370242 

Sanity Test Results


The CATEGORIES value ('kld') does not contain the primary category