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Sanity Test Failure
Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015
09:54 matthew search for other commits by this committer
This module sends syslog messages over a network socket. It works like
Sys::Syslog in setlogsock's 'udp', 'tcp', or 'unix' modes, but without
the significant CPU overhead of that module when used for high-volume
logging. Use of this specialized module is only recommended if 1) you
must use network syslog as a messaging transport but 2) need to
minimize the time spent in the logger.

Original commitRevision:397532 

Sanity Test Results


NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the BUILD_DEPENDS of sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Fast does
not exist: 'p5-IO-Socket-IP>=0.19:net/p5-IO-Socket-IP' on branch 'head'.

NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the BUILD_DEPENDS of sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Fast does
not exist: 'p5-Log-Syslog-Constants>-1.01:sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Constants'
on branch 'head'.

NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Fast does not
exist: 'p5-IO-Socket-IP>=0.19:net/p5-IO-Socket-IP' on branch 'head'.

NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Fast does not
exist: 'p5-Log-Syslog-Constants>-1.01:sysutils/p5-Log-Syslog-Constants' on
branch 'head'.