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Sanity Test Failure
Friday, 24 Apr 2020
17:59 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Add p5-Data-Object-Role-Proxyable 2.03

Data::Object::Role::Proxyable provides a wrapper around the AUTOLOAD routine
which processes calls to routines which don't exist. Adding a build_proxy method
to the consuming class acts as a hook into routine dispatching, which processes
calls to routines which don't exist. The build_proxy routine is called as a
method and receives $self, $package, $method, and any arguments passed to the
method as a list of arguments, e.g. @args. The build_proxy method must return a
routine (i.e. a callback) or the undefined value which results in a "method
missing" error.

Original commitRevision:532800 

Sanity Test Results


NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the BUILD_DEPENDS of
devel/p5-Data-Object-Role-Proxyable does not exist: 'devel/p5-routines' on
branch 'head'.

NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of devel/p5-Data-Object-Role-Proxyable
does not exist: 'devel/p5-routines' on branch 'head'.