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Sanity Test Failure
Sunday, 3 Jan 2021
19:57 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Add py-giddy 2.3.3

GeospatIal Distribution DYnamics (GIDDY)

Giddy is an open-source python library for the analysis of dynamics of
longitudinal spatial data. Originating from the spatial dynamics module in PySAL
(Python Spatial Analysis Library), it is under active development for the
inclusion of many newly proposed analytics that consider the role of space in
the evolution of distributions over time and has several new features including
inter- and intra-regional decomposition of mobility association and local
measures of exchange mobility in addition to space-time LISA and spatial markov

Original commitRevision:560041 

Sanity Test Results


NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of graphics/py-giddy does not exist:
'science/py-esda' on branch 'head'.

NOTE: this particular sanity test is very experimental
A port specified in the RUN_DEPENDS of graphics/py-giddy does not exist:
'science/py-libpysal' on branch 'head'.