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Sanity Test Failure
Sunday, 7 Jan 2024
16:18 Diane Bruce (db) search for other commits by this committer
audio/baudline: upstream has removed distribution

baudline has gone to a subscription model and has released 1.09
which is only available via this model. The 1.08 version has
been removed but it is possible this is only temporary. I'm
going to mark the port for removal since we have alternatives.
commit hash: 316bd4fa26281f121f78e2f5baed03892fb83766 commit hash: 316bd4fa26281f121f78e2f5baed03892fb83766 commit hash: 316bd4fa26281f121f78e2f5baed03892fb83766 commit hash: 316bd4fa26281f121f78e2f5baed03892fb83766 

Sanity Test Results


 EXPIRATION_DATE contains '20240201', which is not a valid date.