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Sanity Test Failure
Monday, 24 Jun 2024
18:38 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
  • ftp/curl Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs Refresh
ftp/curl: Add sponsorship information
commit hash: 4a9021c266f4a52b876bd15d3d0d27a72dbeb278 commit hash: 4a9021c266f4a52b876bd15d3d0d27a72dbeb278 commit hash: 4a9021c266f4a52b876bd15d3d0d27a72dbeb278 commit hash: 4a9021c266f4a52b876bd15d3d0d27a72dbeb278 

Sanity Test Results


This command (FreshPorts code 1):

/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/jexec freshports / /usr/ports
ftp/curl 2>/tmp/FreshPorts.ftp.curl.make-error.2024.

produced this error:

Error message is: make: "/usr/ports/Mk/" line 59: Missing
Make results are : 
make: stopped in /usr/ports/ftp/curl