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Sanity Test Failure
Monday, 13 Feb 2017
10:48 Kirill Ponomarev (krion) search for other commits by this committer
MFH: r433819

Update mail/postfixadmin to 3.0.2 (security fix)

SECURITY FIX: don't allow to delete protected aliases
(CVE-2017-5930, PR#23).

Following non-security bugs were fixed:

- Fix VacationHandler for PostgreSQL
- AliasHandler: restrict mailbox subquery to allowed and specified domains to
improve performance on setups with
+lots of mailboxes
- Allow switching between dovecot: password schemes while still accepting
passwords hashed using the previous dov
+ecot: scheme
- FetchmailHandler: use a valid date as default for 'date'
- Fix date formatting in non-english languages when using PostgreSQL

PR:		216932
Submitted by:
Approved by:	maintainer, mat (mentor)
Differential Revision:

Approved by:	ports-secteam
commit hash: 5baf799330a7cd17c30c5727a3f2794461f54478 commit hash: 5baf799330a7cd17c30c5727a3f2794461f54478 commit hash: 5baf799330a7cd17c30c5727a3f2794461f54478 commit hash: 5baf799330a7cd17c30c5727a3f2794461f54478 

Sanity Test Results


I did not find a Makefile for this port, and none was mentioned in the
commit.  If a repocopy has been done, please ignore this message. This
command (FreshPorts code 1):

/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/jexec freshports / /usr/ports

produced this error:

Error message is: cd: /usr/ports/mail/postfixadmin-lite: No such file or
make: cannot open /usr/ports/mail/postfixadmin-lite/Makefile.
Make results are : 
make: stopped in /