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Sanity Test Failure
Sunday, 8 Sep 2024
02:50 Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
sysutils/bhyvemgr: New port: Bhyve management GUI written in Freepascal/Lazarus

Bhyvemgr is a bhyve management GUI written in Freepascal/Lazarus ofor FreeBSD.
It needs a bunch of tools mostly installed on base system and some installed
from ports/packages. Currently it supports only amd64. The main goal is to be a
desktop user application to easily and quickly setup and run virtual machines
on the FreeBSD host.
commit hash: e8dfd717d86de3fb97978631073621bcb0da5663 commit hash: e8dfd717d86de3fb97978631073621bcb0da5663 commit hash: e8dfd717d86de3fb97978631073621bcb0da5663 commit hash: e8dfd717d86de3fb97978631073621bcb0da5663 

Sanity Test Results


The CATEGORIES value ('editors') does not contain the primary category