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Port details
hdf5-110 Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA) 1.10.x
1.10.11 science on this many watch lists=3 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.10.11Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2022-07-18 12:54:05
Last Update: 2024-06-18 19:52:57
Commit Hash: ffca62c
People watching this port, also watch:: xrdp, telegram-desktop, osv-scanner, memcached, R
Also Listed In: archivers graphics
HDF5 is a completely new Hierarchical Data Format product consisting of a data format specification and a supporting library implementation. HDF5 is designed to address some of the limitations of the older HDF product and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems and applications. HDF5 includes the following improvements: - A new file format designed to address some of the deficiencies of HDF4.x, particularly the need to store larger files and more objects per file. - A simpler, more comprehensive data model that includes only two basic structures: a multidimensional array of record structures, and a grouping structure. - A simpler, better-engineered library and API, with improved support for parallel I/O, threads, and other requirements imposed by modern systems and applications. Note: this is a legacy version, the latest is available as science/hdf5.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (275 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/hdf5-110-1.10.11/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/hdf5-110-1.10.11/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/hdf5-110-1.10.11/BSD4CLAUSE
  5. bin/h5c++-110
  6. @comment bin/h5cc-110
  7. bin/h5clear-110
  8. bin/h5copy-110
  9. bin/h5debug-110
  10. bin/h5diff-110
  11. bin/h5dump-110
  12. bin/h5fc-110
  13. bin/h5format_convert-110
  14. bin/h5import-110
  15. bin/h5jam-110
  16. bin/h5ls-110
  17. bin/h5mkgrp-110
  18. @comment bin/h5pcc-110
  19. @comment bin/h5perf-110
  20. @comment bin/h5pfc-110
  21. bin/h5perf_serial-110
  22. bin/h5redeploy-110
  23. bin/h5repack-110
  24. bin/h5repart-110
  25. bin/h5stat-110
  26. bin/h5unjam-110
  27. bin/h5watch-110
  28. @comment bin/ph5diff-110
  29. include/hdf5-110/H5ACpublic.h
  30. include/hdf5-110/H5AbstractDs.h
  31. include/hdf5-110/H5Apublic.h
  32. include/hdf5-110/H5ArrayType.h
  33. include/hdf5-110/H5AtomType.h
  34. include/hdf5-110/H5Attribute.h
  35. include/hdf5-110/H5Classes.h
  36. include/hdf5-110/H5CommonFG.h
  37. include/hdf5-110/H5CompType.h
  38. include/hdf5-110/H5Cpp.h
  39. include/hdf5-110/H5CppDoc.h
  40. include/hdf5-110/H5Cpublic.h
  41. include/hdf5-110/H5DOpublic.h
  42. include/hdf5-110/H5DSpublic.h
  43. include/hdf5-110/H5DaccProp.h
  44. include/hdf5-110/H5DataSet.h
  45. include/hdf5-110/H5DataSpace.h
  46. include/hdf5-110/H5DataType.h
  47. include/hdf5-110/H5DcreatProp.h
  48. include/hdf5-110/H5Dpublic.h
  49. include/hdf5-110/H5DxferProp.h
  50. include/hdf5-110/H5EnumType.h
  51. include/hdf5-110/H5Epubgen.h
  52. include/hdf5-110/H5Epublic.h
  53. include/hdf5-110/H5Exception.h
  54. include/hdf5-110/H5FDcore.h
  55. include/hdf5-110/H5FDdirect.h
  56. include/hdf5-110/H5FDfamily.h
  57. include/hdf5-110/H5FDhdfs.h
  58. include/hdf5-110/H5FDlog.h
  59. include/hdf5-110/H5FDmirror.h
  60. include/hdf5-110/H5FDmpi.h
  61. include/hdf5-110/H5FDmpio.h
  62. include/hdf5-110/H5FDmulti.h
  63. include/hdf5-110/H5FDpublic.h
  64. include/hdf5-110/H5FDros3.h
  65. include/hdf5-110/H5FDsec2.h
  66. include/hdf5-110/H5FDsplitter.h
  67. include/hdf5-110/H5FDstdio.h
  68. include/hdf5-110/H5FDwindows.h
  69. include/hdf5-110/H5FaccProp.h
  70. include/hdf5-110/H5FcreatProp.h
  71. include/hdf5-110/H5File.h
  72. include/hdf5-110/H5FloatType.h
  73. include/hdf5-110/H5Fpublic.h
  74. include/hdf5-110/H5Gpublic.h
  75. include/hdf5-110/H5Group.h
  76. include/hdf5-110/H5IMpublic.h
  77. include/hdf5-110/H5IdComponent.h
  78. include/hdf5-110/H5Include.h
  79. include/hdf5-110/H5IntType.h
  80. include/hdf5-110/H5Ipublic.h
  81. include/hdf5-110/H5LDpublic.h
  82. include/hdf5-110/H5LTpublic.h
  83. include/hdf5-110/H5LaccProp.h
  84. include/hdf5-110/H5LcreatProp.h
  85. include/hdf5-110/H5Library.h
  86. include/hdf5-110/H5Location.h
  87. include/hdf5-110/H5Lpublic.h
  88. include/hdf5-110/H5MMpublic.h
  89. include/hdf5-110/H5Object.h
  90. include/hdf5-110/H5OcreatProp.h
  91. include/hdf5-110/H5Opublic.h
  92. include/hdf5-110/H5PLextern.h
  93. include/hdf5-110/H5PLpublic.h
  94. include/hdf5-110/H5PTpublic.h
  95. include/hdf5-110/H5PacketTable.h
  96. include/hdf5-110/H5Ppublic.h
  97. include/hdf5-110/H5PredType.h
  98. include/hdf5-110/H5PropList.h
  99. include/hdf5-110/H5Rpublic.h
  100. include/hdf5-110/H5Spublic.h
  101. include/hdf5-110/H5StrType.h
  102. include/hdf5-110/H5TBpublic.h
  103. include/hdf5-110/H5Tpublic.h
  104. include/hdf5-110/H5VarLenType.h
  105. include/hdf5-110/H5Zpublic.h
  106. include/hdf5-110/H5api_adpt.h
  107. include/hdf5-110/H5f90i.h
  108. include/hdf5-110/H5f90i_gen.h
  109. include/hdf5-110/H5overflow.h
  110. include/hdf5-110/H5pubconf.h
  111. include/hdf5-110/H5public.h
  112. include/hdf5-110/H5version.h
  113. include/hdf5-110/h5_gen.mod
  114. include/hdf5-110/h5a.mod
  115. include/hdf5-110/h5d.mod
  116. include/hdf5-110/h5ds.mod
  117. include/hdf5-110/h5e.mod
  118. include/hdf5-110/h5f.mod
  119. include/hdf5-110/h5fortkit.mod
  120. include/hdf5-110/h5fortran_types.mod
  121. include/hdf5-110/h5g.mod
  122. include/hdf5-110/h5global.mod
  123. include/hdf5-110/h5i.mod
  124. include/hdf5-110/h5im.mod
  125. include/hdf5-110/h5l.mod
  126. include/hdf5-110/h5lib.mod
  127. include/hdf5-110/h5lt.mod
  128. include/hdf5-110/h5lt_const.mod
  129. include/hdf5-110/h5o.mod
  130. include/hdf5-110/h5p.mod
  131. include/hdf5-110/h5r.mod
  132. include/hdf5-110/h5s.mod
  133. include/hdf5-110/h5t.mod
  134. include/hdf5-110/h5tb.mod
  135. include/hdf5-110/h5tb_const.mod
  136. include/hdf5-110/h5z.mod
  137. include/hdf5-110/hdf5.h
  138. include/hdf5-110/hdf5.mod
  139. include/hdf5-110/hdf5_hl.h
  140. lib/libhdf5-110.a
  141. lib/libhdf5-110.settings
  142. lib/
  143. lib/
  144. lib/
  145. lib/libhdf5-110_cpp.a
  146. lib/
  147. lib/
  148. lib/
  149. lib/libhdf5-110_fortran.a
  150. lib/
  151. lib/
  152. lib/
  153. lib/libhdf5-110_hl.a
  154. lib/
  155. lib/
  156. lib/
  157. lib/libhdf5-110_hl_cpp.a
  158. lib/
  159. lib/
  160. lib/
  161. lib/libhdf5-110_hl_fortran.a
  162. lib/
  163. lib/libhdf5-110hl_fortran.a
  164. lib/
  165. lib/
  166. lib/
  167. share/examples/hdf5-110/README
  168. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/chunks.cpp
  169. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/compound.cpp
  170. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/create.cpp
  171. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/extend_ds.cpp
  172. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5group.cpp
  173. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_cmprss.cpp
  174. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_crtatt.cpp
  175. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_crtdat.cpp
  176. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_crtgrp.cpp
  177. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_crtgrpar.cpp
  178. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_crtgrpd.cpp
  179. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_extend.cpp
  180. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_rdwt.cpp
  181. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/h5tutr_subset.cpp
  182. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/readdata.cpp
  183. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/
  184. share/examples/hdf5-110/c++/writedata.cpp
  185. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_attribute.c
  186. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_chunk_read.c
  187. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_cmprss.c
  188. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_compound.c
  189. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_crtatt.c
  190. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_crtdat.c
  191. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_crtgrp.c
  192. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_crtgrpar.c
  193. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_crtgrpd.c
  194. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_debug_trace.c
  195. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_drivers.c
  196. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_elink_unix2win.c
  197. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_extend_write.c
  198. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_extend.c
  199. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_extlink.c
  200. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_group.c
  201. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_mount.c
  202. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_rdwt.c
  203. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_read.c
  204. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_ref2reg.c
  205. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_reference.c
  206. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_select.c
  207. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_shared_mesg.c
  208. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_subset.c
  209. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-eiger.c
  210. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-exc.c
  211. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-exclim.c
  212. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-percival-unlim-maxmin.c
  213. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-percival-unlim.c
  214. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-percival.c
  215. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds-simpleIO.c
  216. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_vds.c
  217. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/h5_write.c
  218. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/ph5_filtered_writes.c
  219. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/ph5_filtered_writes_no_sel.c
  220. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/ph5example.c
  221. share/examples/hdf5-110/c/
  222. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/compound.f90
  223. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/compound_complex_fortran2003.f90
  224. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/compound_fortran2003.f90
  225. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_cmprss.f90
  226. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_crtatt.f90
  227. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_crtdat.f90
  228. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_crtgrp.f90
  229. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_crtgrpar.f90
  230. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_crtgrpd.f90
  231. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_extend.f90
  232. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_rdwt.f90
  233. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/h5_subset.f90
  234. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/hyperslab.f90
  235. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/mountexample.f90
  236. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/nested_derived_type.f90
  237. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/ph5example.f90
  238. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/refobjexample.f90
  239. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/refregexample.f90
  240. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/
  241. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/rwdset_fortran2003.f90
  242. share/examples/hdf5-110/fortran/selectele.f90
  243. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c++/ptExampleFL.cpp
  244. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c++/
  245. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_ds1.c
  246. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_image1.c
  247. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_image2.c
  248. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_lite1.c
  249. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_lite2.c
  250. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_lite3.c
  251. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_01.c
  252. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_02.c
  253. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_03.c
  254. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_04.c
  255. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_05.c
  256. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_06.c
  257. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_07.c
  258. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_08.c
  259. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_09.c
  260. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_10.c
  261. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_11.c
  262. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ex_table_12.c
  263. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/image24pixel.txt
  264. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/image8.txt
  265. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/pal_rgb.h
  266. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/ptExampleFL.c
  267. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/c/
  268. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/fortran/ex_ds1.f90
  269. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/fortran/exlite.f90
  270. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/fortran/
  271. share/examples/hdf5-110/hl/
  272. share/examples/hdf5-110/
  273. @owner
  274. @group
  275. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • hdf5-110>0:science/hdf5-110
  • hdf
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/science/hdf5-110/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install science/hdf5-110
  • pkg install hdf5-110
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: hdf5-110
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1718736638 SHA256 (hdf5-1.10.11.tar.bz2) = 0afc77da5c46217709475bbefbca91c0cb6f1ea628ccd8c36196cf6c5a4de304 SIZE (hdf5-1.10.11.tar.bz2) = 15286914

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
  2. as : devel/binutils
Runtime dependencies:
  1. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
Library dependencies:
  1. : science/libaec
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. french/aster
  2. french/med

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for hdf5-110-1.10.11: DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples FORTRAN=on: Fortran language support SZIP=on: Szip compression support ====> Options available for the radio SUPPORT: you can only select none or one of them CXX=on: C++ language support PARALLEL=off: Parallel support ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 cpe libtool localbase tar:bzip2 fortran
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (5 items)
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Number of commits found: 6

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
18 Jun 2024 19:52:57
commit hash: ffca62c76019b4eb4f65f9d0c5b7a6e8d331cce5commit hash: ffca62c76019b4eb4f65f9d0c5b7a6e8d331cce5commit hash: ffca62c76019b4eb4f65f9d0c5b7a6e8d331cce5commit hash: ffca62c76019b4eb4f65f9d0c5b7a6e8d331cce5 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
science/hdf5-110: Update to 1.10.11

- Simplify Makefile
- Fix PLIST: fix conditional entries

PR:		279183
07 May 2023 16:03:16
commit hash: 9f76fc7c279337c70785676a5b50dc9749d28a95commit hash: 9f76fc7c279337c70785676a5b50dc9749d28a95commit hash: 9f76fc7c279337c70785676a5b50dc9749d28a95commit hash: 9f76fc7c279337c70785676a5b50dc9749d28a95 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
science/hdf5-110: Update to 1.10.10

07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:22:51
commit hash: 46196047a4df0f85aaee442799209fdaacf03361commit hash: 46196047a4df0f85aaee442799209fdaacf03361commit hash: 46196047a4df0f85aaee442799209fdaacf03361commit hash: 46196047a4df0f85aaee442799209fdaacf03361 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
science: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  Andreas Fehlner <>
  *  Brad Huntting <>
  *  Chao Shin <>
  *  Cheng-Lung Sung <>
  *  Chia-Hsing Yu <>
  *  Chris Rees <>
  *  David Naylor <>
  *  Dmitry Sivachenko <>
  *  Ed Schouten <>
  *  Eric Freeman <>
  *  Erik B Knudsen
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
18 Jul 2022 12:50:15
commit hash: 1bc7803607e7e0a8cac9c011a3684859d3ab2953commit hash: 1bc7803607e7e0a8cac9c011a3684859d3ab2953commit hash: 1bc7803607e7e0a8cac9c011a3684859d3ab2953commit hash: 1bc7803607e7e0a8cac9c011a3684859d3ab2953 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
science/hdf5-110: Add hd5-110 1.10.9 (copied from hdf5)

- Install files with suffix:
  - Install binary executables with -110 suffix
  - Install include files to hdf5-110 sub-directory
  - Install examples to EXAMPLESDIR with -110 suffix

PR:		265152
Exp-run by:	antoine

Number of commits found: 6