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Port details
xcrysden Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
1.6.2_4 science on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.6.2_4Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2018-07-19 19:19:55
Last Update: 2023-04-30 11:10:42
Commit Hash: a6bb2f8
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py311-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
License: GPLv2
XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program aiming at display of isosurfaces and contours, which can be superimposed on crystalline structures and interactively rotated and manipulated.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (289 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/xcrysden-1.6.2_4/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/xcrysden-1.6.2_4/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/xcrysden-1.6.2_4/GPLv2
  4. bin/ptable
  5. bin/pwi2xsf
  6. bin/pwo2xsf
  7. bin/unitconv
  8. bin/xcrysden
  9. lib/xcrysden/atomlab
  10. lib/xcrysden/calplane
  11. lib/xcrysden/cube2xsf
  12. lib/xcrysden/fhi_coord2xcr
  13. lib/xcrysden/fhi_inpini2ftn34
  14. lib/xcrysden/fracCoor
  15. lib/xcrysden/fsReadBXSF
  16. lib/xcrysden/ftnunit
  17. lib/xcrysden/gengeom
  18. lib/xcrysden/kPath
  19. lib/xcrysden/multislab
  20. lib/xcrysden/nn
  21. lib/xcrysden/pwKPath
  22. lib/xcrysden/pwi2xsf
  23. lib/xcrysden/pwi2xsf_old
  24. lib/xcrysden/pwo_xsf2xsf
  25. lib/xcrysden/recvec
  26. lib/xcrysden/savestruct
  27. lib/xcrysden/str2xcr
  28. lib/xcrysden/wn_readbakgen
  29. lib/xcrysden/wn_readbands
  30. lib/xcrysden/xcrys
  31. lib/xcrysden/xctclsh
  32. lib/xcrysden/xsf2cube
  33. lib/xcrysden/xsf2xsf
  34. share/man/man1/ptable.1.gz
  35. share/man/man1/pwi2xsf.1.gz
  36. share/man/man1/pwo2xsf.1.gz
  37. share/man/man1/unitconv.1.gz
  38. share/man/man1/xcrysden.1.gz
  39. share/xcrysden/Awk/getOV.awk
  40. share/xcrysden/Awk/ginp.awk
  41. share/xcrysden/Awk/in1.awk
  42. share/xcrysden/Awk/pwo_coortype.awk
  43. share/xcrysden/Tcl/Grapher.tcl
  44. share/xcrysden/Tcl/Makefile
  45. share/xcrysden/Tcl/Viewer.tcl
  46. share/xcrysden/Tcl/Xcrysden_resources
  47. share/xcrysden/Tcl/addOption.tcl
  48. share/xcrysden/Tcl/advGeom.tcl
  49. share/xcrysden/Tcl/advGeom2.tcl
  50. share/xcrysden/Tcl/atomLabels.tcl
  51. share/xcrysden/Tcl/auxil.tcl
  52. share/xcrysden/Tcl/band.tcl
  53. share/xcrysden/Tcl/bar.tcl
  54. share/xcrysden/Tcl/bwid.tcl
  55. share/xcrysden/Tcl/bxsfOpen.tcl
  56. share/xcrysden/Tcl/bz.tcl
  57. share/xcrysden/Tcl/check_package.tcl
  58. share/xcrysden/Tcl/colormenu.tcl
  59. share/xcrysden/Tcl/colors.tcl
  60. share/xcrysden/Tcl/configGrapher.tcl
  61. share/xcrysden/Tcl/custom-definitions
  62. share/xcrysden/Tcl/cxxAdvGeom.tcl
  63. share/xcrysden/Tcl/cygwin.tcl
  64. share/xcrysden/Tcl/difIsoSurf.tcl
  65. share/xcrysden/Tcl/dispModes.tcl
  66. share/xcrysden/Tcl/dos.tcl
  67. share/xcrysden/Tcl/dumpWindow.tcl
  68. share/xcrysden/Tcl/edit.tcl
  69. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fhiPreset.tcl
  70. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fileselect.tcl
  71. share/xcrysden/Tcl/find_package.tcl
  72. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fontWidget.tcl
  73. share/xcrysden/Tcl/forces.tcl
  74. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/FS_Main.tcl
  75. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/FS_Multi.tcl
  76. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/Makefile
  77. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/bandselect.tcl
  78. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/bandwidths.tcl
  79. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/genFSInit.tcl
  80. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/header.tcl
  81. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/interpolate.tcl
  82. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/tclIndex
  83. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/toolbox.tcl
  84. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/wnFS.tcl
  85. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/wnFSInit.tcl
  86. share/xcrysden/Tcl/fs/wnReadStruct.tcl
  87. share/xcrysden/Tcl/g98.tcl
  88. share/xcrysden/Tcl/genWidget.tcl
  89. share/xcrysden/Tcl/gengeom.tcl
  90. share/xcrysden/Tcl/gifAnim.tcl
  91. share/xcrysden/Tcl/glLight.tcl
  92. share/xcrysden/Tcl/glModParam.tcl
  93. share/xcrysden/Tcl/go2crys.tcl
  94. share/xcrysden/Tcl/grid.tcl
  95. share/xcrysden/Tcl/groupSel.tcl
  96. share/xcrysden/Tcl/groups.tcl
  97. share/xcrysden/Tcl/gzmat.tcl
  98. share/xcrysden/Tcl/hbonds.tcl
  99. share/xcrysden/Tcl/header.tcl
  100. share/xcrysden/Tcl/isoControl.tcl
  101. share/xcrysden/Tcl/isoRender.tcl
  102. share/xcrysden/Tcl/isoStuff.tcl
  103. share/xcrysden/Tcl/kLabels.tcl
  104. share/xcrysden/Tcl/kPath.tcl
  105. share/xcrysden/Tcl/loadAttributes.tcl
  106. share/xcrysden/Tcl/menu.tcl
  107. share/xcrysden/Tcl/modAtomAtrib.tcl
  108. share/xcrysden/Tcl/modify.tcl
  109. share/xcrysden/Tcl/movieEncoders.tcl
  110. share/xcrysden/Tcl/movieMaker.tcl
  111. share/xcrysden/Tcl/mpegParam.tcl
  112. share/xcrysden/Tcl/multiWid.tcl
  113. share/xcrysden/Tcl/newInput.tcl
  114. share/xcrysden/Tcl/number.tcl
  115. share/xcrysden/Tcl/openExtStruct.tcl
  116. share/xcrysden/Tcl/openGLpar.tcl
  117. share/xcrysden/Tcl/openInput.tcl
  118. share/xcrysden/Tcl/parseComLinArg.tcl
  119. share/xcrysden/Tcl/parseDataGrid.tcl
  120. share/xcrysden/Tcl/pdb.tcl
  121. share/xcrysden/Tcl/planeselect.tcl
  122. share/xcrysden/Tcl/popupMenu.tcl
  123. share/xcrysden/Tcl/print.tcl
  124. share/xcrysden/Tcl/printCanvas.tcl
  125. share/xcrysden/Tcl/propC95.tcl
  126. share/xcrysden/Tcl/propInit.tcl
  127. share/xcrysden/Tcl/propertyPlane.tcl
  128. share/xcrysden/Tcl/pseudoDen.tcl
  129. share/xcrysden/Tcl/ptable.tcl
  130. share/xcrysden/Tcl/pwPreset.tcl
  131. share/xcrysden/Tcl/read25.tcl
  132. share/xcrysden/Tcl/readParam.tcl
  133. share/xcrysden/Tcl/reload.tcl
  134. share/xcrysden/Tcl/runC95.tcl
  135. share/xcrysden/Tcl/sInfo.tcl
  136. share/xcrysden/Tcl/saveState.tcl
  137. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scripting.tcl
  138. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scriptingAtomicLabels.tcl
  139. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scriptingFilter.tcl
  140. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scriptingMakeMovie.tcl
  141. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scriptingScalarField2D.tcl
  142. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scriptingScalarField3D.tcl
  143. share/xcrysden/Tcl/scroll.tcl
  144. share/xcrysden/Tcl/selection.tcl
  145. share/xcrysden/Tcl/setIsosurfArray.tcl
  146. share/xcrysden/Tcl/sizes.tcl
  147. share/xcrysden/Tcl/state.tcl
  148. share/xcrysden/Tcl/stereo.tcl
  149. share/xcrysden/Tcl/tclIndex
  150. share/xcrysden/Tcl/test.tcl
  151. share/xcrysden/Tcl/thermometer.tcl
  152. share/xcrysden/Tcl/toglOpt.tcl
  153. share/xcrysden/Tcl/toglZoom.tcl
  154. share/xcrysden/Tcl/undoAdvGeom.tcl
  155. share/xcrysden/Tcl/unmapWin.tcl
  156. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wigner.tcl
  157. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnDensity.tcl
  158. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnDetComOpt.tcl
  159. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnKPath.tcl
  160. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnMultiSlab.tcl
  161. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnOpen.tcl
  162. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnRunWIEN.tcl
  163. share/xcrysden/Tcl/wnSaveSFile.tcl
  164. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xcAbout.tcl
  165. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xcInit.tcl
  166. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xcInitLib.tcl
  167. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xctr.tcl
  168. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xlfd.tcl
  169. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xsf2Open.tcl
  170. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xsfAnim.tcl
  171. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xsfOpen.tcl
  172. share/xcrysden/Tcl/xyz.tcl
  173. share/xcrysden/images/ak.gif
  174. share/xcrysden/images/backward.gif
  175. share/xcrysden/images/ballsticks1_2d.gif
  176. share/xcrysden/images/ballsticks2_2d.gif
  177. share/xcrysden/images/ballsticks_3d.gif
  178. share/xcrysden/images/bold.xbm
  179. share/xcrysden/images/bz.gif
  180. share/xcrysden/images/camera-photo.gif
  181. share/xcrysden/images/cell.gif
  182. share/xcrysden/images/center1.gif
  183. share/xcrysden/images/center_nice.gif
  184. share/xcrysden/images/datagrid.gif
  185. share/xcrysden/images/dm_anaglyph.gif
  186. share/xcrysden/images/dm_flat.gif
  187. share/xcrysden/images/dm_smooth.gif
  188. share/xcrysden/images/dm_solid.gif
  189. share/xcrysden/images/dm_stereo.gif
  190. share/xcrysden/images/dm_wire.gif
  191. share/xcrysden/images/dot1x3H.bmp
  192. share/xcrysden/images/dot1x3V.bmp
  193. share/xcrysden/images/dotH.bmp
  194. share/xcrysden/images/dotV.bmp
  195. share/xcrysden/images/down.gif
  196. share/xcrysden/images/down1.gif
  197. share/xcrysden/images/first.gif
  198. share/xcrysden/images/forward.gif
  199. share/xcrysden/images/italic.xbm
  200. share/xcrysden/images/jpaint.gif
  201. share/xcrysden/images/last.gif
  202. share/xcrysden/images/left1.gif
  203. share/xcrysden/images/mini-colors.gif
  204. share/xcrysden/images/next.gif
  205. share/xcrysden/images/nocell.gif
  206. share/xcrysden/images/nocrop.gif
  207. share/xcrysden/images/overstrike.xbm
  208. share/xcrysden/images/pause.gif
  209. share/xcrysden/images/pipeballs_2d.gif
  210. share/xcrysden/images/pipeballs_3d.gif
  211. share/xcrysden/images/pointlines_2d.gif
  212. share/xcrysden/images/previous.gif
  213. share/xcrysden/images/printer.gif
  214. share/xcrysden/images/rep_asym.gif
  215. share/xcrysden/images/rep_unit.gif
  216. share/xcrysden/images/right.gif
  217. share/xcrysden/images/right1.gif
  218. share/xcrysden/images/rotAB.gif
  219. share/xcrysden/images/rotAC.gif
  220. share/xcrysden/images/rotBC.gif
  221. share/xcrysden/images/rotXY1.gif
  222. share/xcrysden/images/rotXZ1.gif
  223. share/xcrysden/images/rotXmin.gif
  224. share/xcrysden/images/rotXplus.gif
  225. share/xcrysden/images/rotYZ1.gif
  226. share/xcrysden/images/rotYmin.gif
  227. share/xcrysden/images/rotYplus.gif
  228. share/xcrysden/images/rotZmin.gif
  229. share/xcrysden/images/rotZplus.gif
  230. share/xcrysden/images/solidcell.gif
  231. share/xcrysden/images/solidwirecell.gif
  232. share/xcrysden/images/spacefills_2d.gif
  233. share/xcrysden/images/spacefills_3d.gif
  234. share/xcrysden/images/sticks_3d.gif
  235. share/xcrysden/images/stop.gif
  236. share/xcrysden/images/underline.xbm
  237. share/xcrysden/images/unmap-C95output.gif
  238. share/xcrysden/images/unmap-empty.gif
  239. share/xcrysden/images/unmap-isosurface.gif
  240. share/xcrysden/images/unmap.gif
  241. share/xcrysden/images/up.gif
  242. share/xcrysden/images/up1.gif
  243. share/xcrysden/images/wait.xbm
  244. share/xcrysden/images/wirecell.gif
  245. share/xcrysden/images/wireframes_2d.gif
  246. share/xcrysden/images/xcAbout.gif
  247. share/xcrysden/images/xcMenuEntry_down.xbm
  248. share/xcrysden/images/xcMenuEntry_up.xbm
  249. share/xcrysden/images/xcPrintCanvas_left.xbm
  250. share/xcrysden/images/xcPrintCanvas_right.xbm
  251. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden-welcome.gif
  252. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden.gif
  253. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden.png
  254. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden.xbm
  255. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden.xpm
  256. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden_big.gif
  257. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden_kpath.gif
  258. share/xcrysden/images/xcrysden_mask.xbm
  259. share/xcrysden/images/zoomdown.gif
  260. share/xcrysden/images/zoomup.gif
  261. share/xcrysden/images/zoomup.xbm
  262. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  263. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  264. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  265. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  266. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  267. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  268. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  269. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  270. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  271. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  272. share/xcrysden/scripts/pwo2xsf_anim.awk
  273. share/xcrysden/scripts/pwo2xsf_neb.awk
  274. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  275. share/xcrysden/scripts/pwo2xsf_opt.awk
  276. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  277. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  278. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  279. share/xcrysden/scripts/
  280. share/xcrysden/scripts/xc_cleanscratch
  281. share/xcrysden/usage
  282. share/xcrysden/util/ptable
  283. share/xcrysden/util/tcl_index
  284. share/xcrysden/util/unitconv
  285. share/xcrysden/version
  286. share/xcrysden/xcrysden
  287. @owner
  288. @group
  289. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • xcrysden>0:science/xcrysden
  • cgnslib-4.1.2,1
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/science/xcrysden/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install science/xcrysden
  • pkg install xcrysden
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: xcrysden
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1578860695 SHA256 (xcrysden-1.6.2.tar.gz) = 811736ee598bec1a5b427fd10e4e063a30dd7cadae96a43a50b36ce90a4f503f SIZE (xcrysden-1.6.2.tar.gz) = 2460277

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gfortran12 : lang/gcc12
  2. gmake>=4.3 : devel/gmake
  3. as : devel/binutils
  4. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  5. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  6. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  7. xmu.pc : x11-toolkits/libXmu
Runtime dependencies:
  1. bwidget>0 : x11-toolkits/bwidget
  2. obabel : science/openbabel
  3. ppmtompeg : graphics/netpbm
  4. xwd : x11/xwd
  5. gfortran12 : lang/gcc12
  6. ImageMagick7>=7 : graphics/ImageMagick7
  7. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  8. xmu.pc : x11-toolkits/libXmu
Library dependencies:
  1. : math/fftw3
  2. : print/gl2ps
  3. : graphics/togl
  4. : graphics/libglvnd
  5. : graphics/libGLU
  6. : x11-toolkits/tk86
  7. : lang/tcl86
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. science/v_sim
for Run
  1. science/v_sim

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for xcrysden-1.6.2_4: EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
fortran gl gmake localbase:ldflags magick:run tcl tk xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 23

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
30 Apr 2023 11:10:42
commit hash: a6bb2f8c5e3051b7d2de9a37cecb40f1cdb662b5commit hash: a6bb2f8c5e3051b7d2de9a37cecb40f1cdb662b5commit hash: a6bb2f8c5e3051b7d2de9a37cecb40f1cdb662b5commit hash: a6bb2f8c5e3051b7d2de9a37cecb40f1cdb662b5 files touched by this commit
Felix Palmen (zirias) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/Uses/ Bump all consumers

Bump all consumers of ImageMagick ports after flavorizing them.

Approved by:	tcberner (mentor, implicit)
23 Apr 2023 09:09:58
commit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5b files touched by this commit
Gerald Pfeifer (gerald) search for other commits by this committer
*: Bump PORTREVISIONs for math/mpc update to 1.3.1
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
11 Dec 2021 13:50:53
commit hash: 45526ecbeec33dbb87f0b678d4c04988aab9b657commit hash: 45526ecbeec33dbb87f0b678d4c04988aab9b657commit hash: 45526ecbeec33dbb87f0b678d4c04988aab9b657commit hash: 45526ecbeec33dbb87f0b678d4c04988aab9b657 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
framework: Add new USES 'magick' for graphics/ImageMagick*

A new USES has been added to depend on ImageMagick.


adds a LIB_DEPENDS on graphics/ImageMagick${IMAGEMAGICK_DEFAULT}.

If a specific version is required, use for example

	USES=magick:6        resp.     USES=magick:7

If only a build, run or test is required, use for example

	USES=magick:build    resp.     USES=magick:6,build,test
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
22 Jun 2021 18:53:08
commit hash: da3162c7c9f01912ba1940e188b253f2b5c7ba77commit hash: da3162c7c9f01912ba1940e188b253f2b5c7ba77commit hash: da3162c7c9f01912ba1940e188b253f2b5c7ba77commit hash: da3162c7c9f01912ba1940e188b253f2b5c7ba77 files touched by this commit
Kevin Bowling (kbowling) search for other commits by this committer
graphics/mesa-libs: Bump reverse deps for libglvnd

Per discussion with bapt on helping pkg handle the changing of these
deps and avoiding impossible upgrade senarios.

PR:		246767
Reviewed by:	manu, bapt
Approved by:	x11
Differential Revision:
12 May 2021 19:49:23
commit hash: 10697ee607a5b3ae0d209c5abf06b19b21982529commit hash: 10697ee607a5b3ae0d209c5abf06b19b21982529commit hash: 10697ee607a5b3ae0d209c5abf06b19b21982529commit hash: 10697ee607a5b3ae0d209c5abf06b19b21982529 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: use default ImageMagick (7)

PR:		255821
Reported by:	thierry
Approved by:	yuri (maintainer)
07 Apr 2021 08:09:01
commit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455c files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
One more small cleanup, forgotten yesterday.
Reported by:	lwhsu
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
26 Dec 2020 11:48:36
Revision:559285Original commit files touched by this commit
thierry search for other commits by this committer
science/cgnslib: rename unitconv to, thus avoiding the conflict with
25 Dec 2020 21:58:43
Revision:559259Original commit files touched by this commit
thierry search for other commits by this committer
Register a conflict.
21 Sep 2020 00:45:08
Revision:549409Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: Fix build on 13 by adding -fcommon

Reported by:	fallout
MFH:		2020Q3
16 May 2020 20:16:48
Revision:535499Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: Update 1.5.60 -> 1.6.2

Reported by:	portscout
07 Nov 2019 17:17:54
Revision:516988Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Add USES=xorg USES=gl, ports categories s

Add USES=xorg and USES=gl to ports in categories starting with 's'
While here, try to sprinkle other USES (mostly gnome and sdl) as needed.
26 Jul 2019 20:46:57
Revision:507372Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
as defined in Mk/ which has moved from GCC 8.3
to GCC 9.1 under most circumstances now after revision 507371.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, everything INDEX-11 shows with a dependency on lang/gcc9 now.

PR:		238330
22 Apr 2019 13:16:34
Revision:499638Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Related to revision 499061 bump ports with USES=fortran to have them
benefit from the improved situation where libgcc_s is only used when
absolutely necessary.

Suggested by:	tijl
12 Dec 2018 01:35:36
Revision:487272Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
defined via Mk/ which has moved from GCC 7.4 t
GCC 8.2 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, as a double check, everything INDEX-11 showed depending on lang/gcc7.

PR:		231590
10 Nov 2018 19:57:08
Revision:484640Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Update ImageMagick to [1]

* Add PKGNAMESUFFIX and rename the directory. This was done to show
  that IM6 is not the "main" version. But still fully supported by upstream.
* Convert a number of options to optionhelpers.
* Add option for ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF suport
* Add comment to pkg-descr explaining IM6's "legacy" tag.
* Add comment to the patch-config_policy.xml file why it still needed.

Please note that IM7 is not a drop in replacement due to library API and
command arguments changes. And as a result ports need to decide for themself
which version to use.

Chase these changes in all the ports that using IM6.

PR:		225102 (based on, only the version update) [1]
Submitted by:	Pascal Christen <>
04 Nov 2018 17:56:18
Revision:484116Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: Fix GCC 8 build failure (update patch)

Change the patch to the one from the crysden ML:

PR:		232960
Submitted by:	Nick Papior nickpapior at (to xcrysden ML)
Suggested by:	tobik
04 Nov 2018 17:46:23
Revision:484113Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: Fix GCC 8 build failure

Add custom patch expanding arrays passed as function argument in question.

Also add USES=gl.

PR:		232960
Reported by:	gerald
29 Jul 2018 22:18:46
Revision:475857Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
in the ports tree (via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which
has now moved from GCC 6 to GCC 7 by default.

This includes ports
 - featuring USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - featuring USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and those
 - with USES=compiler specifying one of openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x,
   c++11-lib, c++11-lang, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		222542
27 Jul 2018 08:50:42
Revision:475418Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
science/xcrysden: Add missing runtime dependencies
19 Jul 2018 19:19:38
Revision:474971Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
New port: science/xcrysden: Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation

Number of commits found: 23